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    Company of Heroes CoH2 Weapon Stats Explained (Chapter 1)

    Company of Heroes CoH2 Weapon Stats Explained (Chapter 1)

    CoH2 Weapon Stats Explained (Chapter 1)

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 07:26 AM PST

    CoH2 Weapon Stats Explained (Chapter 1)

    Hello, everyone. To celebrate this new year, I would like to bring you another guide that I think will help players of all levels in a big way! Allow me to introduce you to the Weapon Stats guide that will come in a few chapters.

    As you know, Company of Heroes 2 is riddled with RNG and numerous computations behind the scene. I got more involved with the game stats/tools recently and learned a hell lot about the game. I hope this guide will provide you with a much closer look into all the stats that contribute to the game's unique (and equally frustrating, sometimes) mechanics. This first chapter of the guide will just cover some of the most basic weapon stats that beginner players can wrap their heads around. Hopefully, this will help you better understand the game as well as the patch notes. Enjoy!

    Weapon Types

    In many games, units are often deployed with a specific weapon assigned to them, and their identity closely ties with the unit's stats. However, in CoH2, all weapons have their own files, interaction and classifications. The game weapons are divided into these few categories:

    • Ballistic Weapon: Anti-tank gun, Tank gun, Infantry Handheld AT Weapon


    • Explosive Weapons: Mine, Mortar, Light/Heavy Artillery, Grenade


    • Flame Throwers: Flame Grenade, Infantry Flamethrower, Vehicle Flamethrower


    • Small Arms: Submachine Gun, Light/Heavy Machine Gun, Rifle, Pistol


    Every weapon in the game has stats, and it is the difference in numbers and certain behaviours being enabled/disabled that makes their uniqueness in the game. Below will be the name of different types of stats and my explanation for their purpose in the weapon's performance.

    Weapon Stats


    This is one of the most important aspects of the weapon because it mostly dictates the squad's effective fighting range. At each distance type, the weapon's performance will change accordingly. We have three range categories:

    • Near [Typically 0 – 10]

    An interesting property of this range type is that the DPS is static across the entire range. Meaning, your weapon's stats are constant and do not drop down by the enemy's model distance from your squad (within this range). This explains the DPS graph being linear around the near range.

    Most machine guns have near-range value and show their superb power when your squad can close up to the enemy (such as submachine gun squads). Some rifles in the game are given the near range value, and, as a result, you can observe their effectiveness in the game like the example of the Riflemen's Garand Rifles.

    • Mid: [Typically between 10 – 28]
    • Far: [Typically from 28 – beyond]

    From the end of the near range value onward, many of the weapon's stats such as accuracy, burst duration, penetration, etc., tend to have a gradual decrease and thus weaken the squad's DPS. When a squad is considered effective at long range, it is either because the weapon's DPS actually increases at long range (like many light machine guns) OR because the weapon's DPS falloff at long range is minimal.

    To better visualize the concept of range, consider that a standard sandbag has a length of 5 range.

    Fallschirmjaeger's FG-42 Range

    Fallschirmjaeger's FG-42 Range

    Let's take a look at another example and comparison.

    With a near range value of 6, Riflemen can stand 6 range away and still inflict the same amount of damage as if they stand up close.

    With mid-range starts at 0, the Grenadier's Kar-98k DPS drop immediately as the enemy stands further away from them.

    Range is also important because a squad with a longer max range can fire at other squads/vehicles without fear of retaliation.

    Each weapon may have its range value assigned differently, so DO NOT use one weapon as the staple for all of its weapon type.

    As the weapon range counts separately for each weapon from each model in the game, it is possible that some models at the back will not be able to reach the opponent while the few front models can fight.

    The models at the back of the squad are outside of their weapon range, so only the models at the front fight the enemy.

    The concept of near/mid/far range will follow almost the entire guide across different stats, so it is important that we understand it first.


    It is a part of a formula that decides the rate at which the shot will be guaranteed to hit the opponent. In the game, this number will be displayed in decimal form, and thus, an accuracy value of 0.7 will represent 70%.

    Looking at this example of Fallschirmjaeger's FG-42 accuracy stats, we have the accuracy at near – mid – far at 60% - 54% - 48% (a minimal drop off which makes them effective at all range).

    Fallschirmjaeger's FG-42 accuracy stats

    Chance to hit the opponent = (Accuracy x Modifier) x (Target size x Modifier)

    As many infantries in the game have the target size of 1. The weapon's accuracy value may reflect exactly the hit chance. However, when we consider other factors such as veterancy bonuses or covers, they affect your chance to hit the opponent.

    • If the shot's RNG is rolled in your favour, the bullet will chase the target and ensure the hit. (this explains some of the tank/AT gun curved shot in the game).
    • If the shot is a miss, it will become a scatter shot (this concept will be explained in the later chapter of the weapon stats guide).

    Let's take a look at an example:

    Puma's Aim Shot ability has the weapon accuracy value of 2 (200%). So naturally, if you fire at a sniper with the target size of 1.15 standing on the open ground, you will guarantee to hit.

    2 x 1.15 = 2.3 (230% chance to hit)

    However, when the sniper retreats + in cover, the target size multiplier will be taken into consideration. We have the 0.4 Retreat Received Accuracy (aka Target Size) Modifier, and the 0.5 Light Cover (aka Yellow Cover) Received Accuracy Modifier.

    2 x 1.15 x 0.4 x 0.5 = 0.46 (46% chance to hit)


    This concept only applies to machine gun weapon (fire multiple bullets in one volley).

    • Burst Duration: the time that the weapon takes to fire one volley. The longer the burst, the more bullets you get to fire.
    • Burst Duration Multiplier: The change in burst duration based on the target's distance from the gun (defined by the near/mid/far range).
    • Rate of Fire: the number of bullets fired per 1 second of burst.
    • Rate of Fire Multiplier: the change to the number of bullets fired per 1 second of burst based on the target's distance from the gun (defined by the near/mid/far range).

    Let's take this example from Obersoldaten's LMG34 against a target at FAR range.

    Obersoldaten's LMG34

    Let's assume for a moment that the burst duration is decided to be 1 second. At the rate of fire of 16 bullets/sec, we will have the gun fire 16 bullets. However, if we consider the multiplier against the target at FAR range. We have:

    Number of bullets fired = (Burst Duration x Burst Duration Multiplier) x (Rate of Fire x Rate of Fire Multiplier)

    The number of bullets fired = 1 (sec) x 1.5 x 16 (bullet/sec) x 1.25 = 30 bullets

    At a whopping 30 bullets for 1 burst, Obersoldaten can effectively kill even the toughest infantry target. This example explains why Obersoldaten, equipped with LMG, can be a deadly force at a distance.


    • Cooldown Duration: The period of rest after each shot or burst. DO NOT mistake this with RELOAD.
    • Cooldown Multiplier: The change to weapon's resting period based on the target's distance from the gun (defined by the near/mid/far range)

    Simply put, the gun will not fire indefinitely and will need a short break in between shots or bursts. The shorter this duration is, the faster you get to unload your damage.


    This concept is very self-explanatory.

    The amount of health damage the weapon will deal if the damage instance hits and penetrates the target. May be affected by Damage Reduction bonus (example: Grenadier vet 3 bonus which reduces the damage taken by 20%)

    Some weapons may have special effects when the damage instance is inflicted, such as bonus damage or critical effect.


    Hitting the target is one matter; penetrating through the target's armor is another matter. Every weapon has its penetration value, which will be calculated against the target's armor to decide whether or not the weapon damage will be applied.

    The penetration values are set based on the target's distance from the weapon (defined by near/mid/far range).

    Chance to penetrate the enemy = Penetration value (at range)/ Target's armor value x 100%


    When an M36 Jackson Tank fires at a King Tiger tank's frontal armour at close range.

    The chance for the Tiger to be penetrated by the shot is:

    260 (Jackson's close-range penetration value) / 375 (King Tiger's frontal armour) x 100% = approximately 70%

    When the penetration value is below 4%, it will round down to 0, making small arms virtually useless against armoured targets.


    • Reload Duration: time taken for the weapon to change magazine/reload shells
    • Reload Duration Multiplier: Changes to the reload duration based on the target's distance from the weapon (defined by near/mid/far range)
    • Reload Frequency: The number of cooldowns before a reload. Weapons go through a cycle of Fire – Cooldown – Fire […] - Reload. If you set the Reload Frequency to 1, you will fire 2 shots before needing to reload.

    Most tanks' main gun has the reload frequency set at 0, and thus, they will reload after every shot.

    Moving Multiplier

    On the move, many weapons have their performance worsened to reflect the difficulty of hitting the opponent in a dynamic fight.

    We will have:

    • Accuracy Multiplier: Typically set at 0.5, which effectively halves the weapon's chance at hitting the target.
    • Burst Multiplier: Affect the burst duration, often shorten it. This means fewer bullets are fired from automatic weapons.
    • Cooldown Multiplier: Affect the weapon cooldown. In many cases, it shortens the cooldown. You can use this trick to immediately move after each burst to shorten the cooldown duration and stand still when the squad fire again for the full burst duration (If you keep moving, you will suffer from the Moving Burst Multiplier). [Very micro intensive]

    Moving Multiplier also has one very unique category, which is: Disable Moving Firing

    • If set at True: the weapon cannot be fired while the squad is moving.
    • If set at False: the weapon can be fired while the squad.

    This unique category is significant because it can dictate how you micro your unit when engaging the opponent or chasing a retreating squad. Many elite infantry squads can get access to the elite version of a weapon and allow them to fire the weapon on the move while the normal infantries cannot. (I'll write another guide about infantry type)


    And here concludes the first part of the Weapon Stats Guide. As you can see, these are just some of the basic stats that everyone can understand and there are many more running behind every single bullet fired in the game. We can certainly appreciate the game's depth and the various ways the balance team can tweak the balance of a unit/weapon.

    I hope you find this guide helpful for you in understanding what the balance patch is about! Perhaps, you can also contribute to the balance patch in the future! If you have any questions or need any clarification, OR spot any mistakes in explaining the stats, please let me know!

    Thank you very much for reading and Happy New Year 2021!

    Credit: DPS Graph from https://coh2.serealia.ca/# maintained by Gabriel. Unit stats from Company of Heroes 2 Tools.

    submitted by /u/VictorStewartCA
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    I'm hosting a tournament for friends if you want to watch.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 11:30 AM PST

    My friends are all noobs and unranked, I'm hosting a tournament tomorrow and the day after at 10:00 AM CST. If you are interested in watching or if you'd like me to run a tournament in the future let me know at https://discord.gg/bkf3fvk3 or (2) AmericanHomie - Twitch. Its gonna be a very very OFF meta because some of these guys have never played anyone other than A.I.

    submitted by /u/Americanhomietv
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    Difference in DPS from every range for upgraded Volksgrenadiers vs G43 Panzerfusiliers

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 07:56 AM PST

    Is there an up to date stat sheet or website that shows the damage difference from every range for these 2 upgraded units? I've always looked at this one, but it doesn't have the stats for the G43 panzerfusiliers: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XlvWJn-DCj25EJwjYXseaBhpIqYpDJu8zAgVnAWJSQw/edit#gid=239841846

    In your experience, which is the better long range unit, 6-man g43 panzerfusiliers or volks with STG 44's? What about short and mid range? I'm asking unvetted here since fusiliers have a slight advantage in veterancy numbers

    submitted by /u/MichaelVORPdan
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    T34 Calliope | Company of heroes 2 Wikinger mod

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 09:38 AM PST

    Struggle for the Town Center | Company of Heroes 2 Wikinger Mod

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 11:58 AM PST

    I want to try 1v1 but I am scared. ;_;

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 02:28 AM PST

    I play regularly with my friends in 3v3, it's great but often I yearn to get away from the chaos of big battles and try 1v1. I exclusively play British and am definitely the weakest member of my group. I am a slower, methodical, more defensive player. I've been improving thanks to my friends tutelage but I am frightened I'd be decimated in 1v1 and never get to grips with it. Anyone here have any words of encouragement or advice?

    submitted by /u/Jacklessthanthree
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    Semoskiy Cinematic Battle | Company of heroes 2 Wikinger mod

    Posted: 01 Jan 2021 09:39 AM PST

    COH 2 What happened to Captain Jackson from Ardennes Assault?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 10:34 PM PST

    So in the tutorial during the evac Captain Jackson apparently died. However when I followed him I saw him just run off into the forest. I know he's officially listed as MIA but do we ever find out what happened?

    submitted by /u/ChairBro98
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    I can't sign-in in my relic account in the forums. Can someone help me with this?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2020 11:57 PM PST

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