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    Wednesday, March 17, 2021

    Company of Heroes Drawing attempt at Volksgrenadiers

    Company of Heroes Drawing attempt at Volksgrenadiers

    Drawing attempt at Volksgrenadiers

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 10:55 AM PDT

    A lesson on blobbing

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 08:41 PM PDT

    That looks like a panther

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 04:34 AM PDT

    "If I'm going down, I'm taking you down with me."

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 01:36 PM PDT

    does anybody have that video where 5-7 zis guns lost to a king tiger from 2014?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 12:29 PM PDT

    i just wanted to show my friend how busted okw was at launch

    submitted by /u/bloaph
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    Hi! I'm new and i've got a couple of questions.

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 05:42 PM PDT

    I've had the game for something like 3/4 years with all DLCs since i already knew about it and a steam sale was too enticing for me to refuse, after maybe a month in which i had, at most completed the soviet campaign, since i didn't have much time, my computer dies, i just got a new one (quite a long time, yes) and decided to get into the game. Been playing around with the various factions for a little while, mostly on vs AI since i really am not confident of playing against players as of now and the faction i'm liking the most is most definitely the brits, this brings me to the first question, is there any sort of guide for the faction and the doctrines, or do any of you have some tips? And the second is, is there any discord server i can find people i can play with?

    submitted by /u/zDreus
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    Is mainline infantry being able to build sandbags toxic for the game?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 11:17 AM PDT

    I've heard AE talk about this some and high level players but, should sandbags become an engineer only thing? Or just have a further increased build time? It just seems as though it stalls out games when most of your opponents Frontline infantry can build themselves heavy cover and sit in it. I think it really does stall out the comeback mechanic supposed to be in company of heroes. It further encourages artillery attrition battles where rocket artillery and indirect fire is an absolute necessity instead of being a circumstantially viable choice.

    Edit: or fortifications just can't be built on objectives/resource points?

    Another edit: maybe just a small mp cost? 5-15?

    submitted by /u/HelmutIV
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    Lag spikes/DDOS in decisive battles?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 04:08 PM PDT

    Just encountered something odd, I've never lagged like this ever before, I have great internet & the latest pc components money can buy.

    The server disconnected and reconnected literally non stop after each other again and again, conveniently at the end of the match where we would have won, a certain Russian player with VAC ban on his steam account seems fishy to me, is this even still possible to do? Lag spike matches or players to be able to take the win

    Basically this

    "one of them (enemies) drops and suddendly i get a heavy lag spike, orders took 4-5 seconds to be excecuted, yet the enemy seemed unnafected, had squads wiped, the lag persisted until i got a disconnection, my teamates were also unafected"

    submitted by /u/supraice
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    Ploiesti Outskirts indirect fire

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 09:26 AM PDT

    To get things clear, I don't think that indirect fire is op, but on this map it's a annoying excluding mortars below 120.

    Most indirect fire weapons like the 120, oak howie, and the LEIG can fire from inside their base hedge. The 120 has enough range for its auto fire to cover the vp and surrounding points. The issue here is that you get to free pressure without risking your own units.

    And I understand that I can get my own to barrage the team back, but ends up no where cause both teams are just gonna end up pulling 10 feet back to heal and reinforce. It's just not very engaging. There's no way to destroy the team weapons once decrewed.

    The map is great otherwise.

    submitted by /u/RookMain5342
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    Rakettenwerfer received accuracy unchanged?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 05:54 AM PDT

    The recent patch made AT guns more vulnerable to small arms fire, but did that effect the rakettenwerfer or not? After quite a few games and some testing in the cheat mod I do notice that Pak and Zis guns die a lot quicker to infantry (specially inf like obers and such that can shoot while chasing) but the raketten seems to be exactly as before.
    Does anyone know?

    submitted by /u/KAPTEN_KAFFE
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    Weapons distance and firing rate?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 12:04 PM PDT

    Is there a list of the different weapons from the game showing the distance or how far they can shoot and firing rate?

    submitted by /u/LyzaAppiah
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    Which faction needs a buff.

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 02:06 AM PDT

    Power Overwhelming! Clairvoyance Half-tracks

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 02:04 AM PDT

    Power Overwhelming! Clairvoyance Half-tracks

    Well, folks, while I would like to enjoy having this power to myself (or the few that already knew it), I would like to share with you this very powerful unit combination.

    Behold! the IR Half-tracks (OKW stock unit) buffed by the aura of Commander Panther (OKW Call-in tank from Special Operation Doctrine). The duo can create a whopping 115-range, 120-degree vision cone that outranges almost any other vision tool in the game (except vet 2, scoped upgrade 222 half-tracks with Cmd Panther aura from an ally tank - at about 120 range and 360 degree)

    Each small increment is 5 range, each big increment (orange line) is 10 range

    Sight range jumped from 75 to approximately 115

    This is a sandbox environment so I have an unimpeded vision. In the game, there are other factors such as frontline risks or sightblocker so you may wonder: how long is this 115 range in a game?

    This clip below will give you a bit of sense of how far I can actually see the opponent. This is before I used my Cmd Panther to clear up the fences around the IR HT to give it even more vision cone.


    As my playstyle often involves scouting, intelligence gathering to build countermeasure against the enemy's game plan, this is a very powerful tool for OKW because I do NOT need another teammate to enable it, making me very self-sufficient in a team game.

    I will make some guides and tips/trick posts for vision tools later on. I hope you folks will enjoy it (especially those who have known me and my guides).


    submitted by /u/VictorStewartCA
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    Tips for Soviets

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 12:42 PM PDT

    Hello people/guys i don't know how to say but what ever.

    I`m new to this group and tomorrow i m going to battle with my friend and even that i now how to play Coh2 i`l need some advise from you cuz you are much more experience than me and i want some easy tips for Soviets to play better. Thank you and good night or good day.

    submitted by /u/Physical_Factor7313
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    ''Can't connect to Relic servers''

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 10:48 AM PDT

    Issue started a few days ago, unsure why. CoH2 is the only game I'm having an issue with.

    Basically I fire up the game and check the public games list as normal. I can view the public games, and even refresh them. But when I go to join a lobby, I get 'Can't connect to relic servers, check your connection'

    Can't even set up my own lobby, the issue seems to be exclusively with joining or creating a lobby. ToW and Campaign still work.

    Game has worked fine on this PC with this ISP so I'm unsure as to why this issue is happening all of a sudden.

    Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/MarioTheMartian96
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    Is it me, or are Volks a bit much?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 02:19 PM PDT

    So, I play all factions to some extent mainly being a Soviet and Wehrmacht main. I have about 1500 hours give or take.

    But I wanted to discuss something I've always thought was a bit out of whack, which are Volksgrenadiers.

    260 manpower gets you:

    • A unit that scales well into the late game, the five levels of veterancy are pretty good.
    • A snare that is for all effects "free" because you have to tech up through the course of the game.
    • A grenade that negates cover and gives DoT.
    • A unit that can build heavy cover.
    • A unit that can get three STG's 44's giving them pretty respectable DPS up close and at medium range.

    Compare this to Soviet conscripts, and it boggles my mind how anyone thought this was acceptable. Conscripts for just about twenty manpower less get you:

    • Doesn't scale well, in my opinion. Late game cons have damn near no anti-infantry use in the late game.
    • No weapon upgrades except through doctrines.
    • A snare whose upgrade has nothing to do with the tech tree.
    • A grenade with a long wind up that negates cover and does DoT.
    • A unit whose infantry DPS is negligible besides initial engagements at the beginning of the game.
    • Can build heavy cover.

    Now, I am all for the asymmetry of the game. I very much like the differences between the OKW and the Soviets.

    All the same, think of this. OKW will get a heavy infantry squad in Obers that can serve the purpose of mowing down infantry in the late game, Soviets get nothing of the sort. Again, doctrinally the only thing they have that is comparable is guards and given a fight between DP-upgraded guards behind green cover and an LMG-34 upgraded Ober squad the non-doctrinal Obers will take that fight every time.

    Penals aren't really comparable, given that Soviet starts are usually T2 or T1 into T3.

    Anyway, thoughts? I'm open to being wrong, but overall I've always thought Volks are a bit much for what they bring to the table for the OKW compared to even Grens.

    submitted by /u/ayy_howzit_braddah
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    Would this theoritical Soviet commander break the game?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 10:19 PM PDT

    What if there is a Soviet commander that has M-42 45MM AT, DSHK 38 MG, 120MM Mortar, Guards Rifleman, and IS2 Heavy Tank? Basically all call-ins. Would that break the game?

    submitted by /u/DamageAccomplished55
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    Guys hear me out, raketenwerfer counter barrage

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 08:23 AM PDT

    We all know that OKW is the worst faction in the game, and they also have the worst at gun of them all (I literally cant kill anything).

    Since you guys have been posting about how much you love the Wermacht counter barrage and I have been seing sugestions for counter sniper ability (sounds really cool), I think we should give the OKW at gun the ability to fire at any tank that fires at it with a 69mm ap shell that would one-shot any armored target in the game.

    I think this would be a good idea and bring much needed balance to the game.

    submitted by /u/Pastilhamas
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