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    Company of Heroes New Commander Idea

    Company of Heroes New Commander Idea

    New Commander Idea

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 08:56 AM PDT


    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 10:23 PM PDT

    My experience playing exclusively Allies 5 years straight and switching to Axis this week

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 03:34 PM PDT

    My mate and I have been playing only Allies about 5ish years, we just felt Axis became too cookie cutter and forgiving as the development patches were rolled out. We normally go SU/USF in 2v2, I would say we win 1 out of 4 games we play. Our greatest struggle is fighting against mass overlapping MG42 suppression mixed with MG bunkers. Sprinkle in a Ostheer sniper that is very hard to kill with high HP. This week, we went double Ostheer for 20 games.

    My mate suggested a good idea playing Axis to see what we could possibly be doing wrong, and we found out very quickly it was just the current state the game was in.

    We cloned our build orders to mimic how we ourselves were struggling:


    Gren + Gren + Gren





    Pak Gun





    To say the least, there was absolutely no stress whatsoever. Going from a Maxim to MG42, the MG42 did all of the work for you. It's ridiculously wide Arc and instant suppression when layered with other MG42 teams made it almost impossible for our opponents to counter, even with mortar smoke. They would crank out a sniper, our sniper would take theirs out with ease. We would layer in MG42 bunkers and reinforcement bunkers around our MG42 mass to keep reinforcing them.

    I think the part that really sickened me was how much little effort was needed, the only things we were really moving around were our laser gren's with LMG's, 222, and sniper play. It seemed everything else took care of itself. The real eye opener was the survivability of everything. I could not explain was how easy it was to clip off a retreating US riflemen or conscript squad, when my gren squads would seemingly survive 4-5 points of fire with 1% HP to the base. Our P4's, Panthers, Brummbars, would take hit after hit and just deflect. When things got serious, just insta smoke out of there. When we play Allies, our tanks don't deflect, at least our core non doctrinal tanks, they have paper HP and armor, whereas for a "slightly higher fuel cost and MP" , you get an all around better Axis tank, and in 2v2+ , those "better" tanks stack up pretty quickly against Allied paper.

    We had the pleasure of playing against some fantastic Allied players, who we gave praise to for doing such a great job and showing us some really valuable techniques.

    Out of the 20 games we played in 5 days, we won 18 of them, compared to about 1 out 4ish as Allies.

    My takeaways:

    1. MG42 "right out the gate" is a little absurd. It's wide arc and instant suppression allow you to completely dominate a given fuel or munition point with minimal effort. Having multiple MG42's overlapping is abuse.
    2. Brummbar. What can't this tank do? Compared to it's allied counterpart the dozer Sherman, these shells feel more like homing missiles. The shells would wreck blobs, fixed emplacements, and was a damn bargain for 150 fuel. What frustrated me was how survivable it was, deflect deflect deflect, when it's Allied counter part takes hits every single time. Hell, I was doing pretty significant damage to Shermans and Cromwells with it too.
    3. 222. A little too tanky for the fuel cost?
    4. Can someone please explain how my mate and my unit's were almost always able to retreat safely to base without squad wiping? Usually at a micro 1% HP? Allied units at this health threshold usually don't survive the retreat. Is there a hidden 1% HP coefficient with Axis units?

    Some things I've learned from excellent Allied players:

    1. Assault sections - phenomenal units! I never cared for the commander because it just looked lack luster, but these units more than make up for the commander. The Allied players were very good at micro'ing them where on retreating my grens they would wait to throw a smoke grenade in their retreat path and annihilate them as they were slowed.
    2. Commandos - A very very useful sniper killer. I've always had such a hard time killing ostheer snipers, but if you creep up with stealth on a sniper using a commando, it lasers them down pretty quickly. Again, intense amount of micro needed by Allies.
    3. Rear Echelon Squads with rifle grenades. AMAZING building clearing and fixed emplacement strategy, will certainly use this in the future.

    Unfortunately, for SU and USF players, they ran into the exact same obstacle we faced as Allies, they had a very hard time circumventing our MG42 wall. They tried mortar fire, smoke cover, snipers, gliders, all of which with the help of mixed in Grens and 222's took care of with ease. Once we got our 2 P4's up it was already GG.

    These are just my thoughts I wanted to share, this was not meant to come off as a rant post or Axis OP post, but for someone who has been playing this game for over 5 years, it's hard not to express the current state of the game as such. I feel the developers are continuously trending Axis in a favorable position in 2v2+ brackets, where their units simply stack up significantly better than Allied infantry and armor. I have come to the conclusion that Coh2 1v1 is a great place to be, and tournament streams reflect this, but 2v2+ will always be broken without significant change to Axis.

    submitted by /u/fatmonkey112
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    Anyone else love coh1's graphics design and aesthetic?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 07:02 AM PDT

    In my opinion the graphics, sound design, settings and explosions look and feel alot better than coh2 even though the latter is the latest.

    The graininess and bleached colors gives me action war movie vibes like we are watching a cinematic. All the unit models are more detailed (my favorite being the british ones) and the tanks and vehicles felt like they were made of steel while in coh2 they are like toys.

    The gunshots were louder and felt more powerful as well as giving movie vibes. My favorite are the explosions, the sound the shells make when hitting the ground is like thunder and the explosions far more impressive than in coh2 where nearly every one in coh2 sounding lame and just throwing a pile of dirt in the air excluding the railway gun (If it's like that in coh2 imagine what it would look like if it was in coh1). My favorite artillery was the calliope's, watching the fiery comets rip across the sky to deliver cleansing fire to my enemies. I bet if the V1 was in coh2 it would have 1/3 of it's original explosion.

    The fire looked more cooler, and my most favorite thing to do when the enemy is at my mercy is to get a bunch of flamethrower pioneers/nebels/crocodiles and torch the poor sods base and the buildings had their own fire animations unlike in coh2 (rip).

    submitted by /u/CalzoneMan46774
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    Is there an active playerbase in coh2 online

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 09:31 AM PDT

    hey guys, i'm a fan of company heroes 1, i really love the gameplay and pretty much everything about the game, unfortunately there isnt exactly an active online multiplayer playerbase, i was just wondering if there was in company of heroes 2, is it possible to actually play online games with randoms or are there just no online lobbies anymore.

    submitted by /u/Doobalins
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    Heavy Cavalry Company beta (real)

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 11:18 AM PDT

    USF vs OKW early game.

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 02:36 PM PDT

    How do you get your fuel when okw can just send sturms directly to the fuel making it uncontestable by rears. Then when you have rifles (1 or 2) they have as many or more volks. Is going up against okw early game entirely a defensive play? You'll never have numerical advantage and won't have a firepower advantage for a while. It just feels like a totally different game than 1v1s because I'll just avoid them and cap around them until I have an advantage bit, in 2v2 my space is much more limited and they'll have both fuels covered by sturms and volks with kubels back capping or bleeding from a distance. I'm a 100-200 rank player normally so I have a firm grasp of the game but, what is the usf team game early game supposed to look like vs okw, especially double okw.

    submitted by /u/HelmutIV
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    Jagdpanzer Advice

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 04:29 PM PDT

    Looking for advice from experienced OKW players about how to play Jagdpanzers better.

    I don't often build them but it seems to me that they don't do that much more damage than a Panzer IV, though they do have much better range.

    Obviously, the fixed turret is a huge disadvantage and they can't do shit against infantry. So, I'm wondering: are they worth it? What's your best Jagdpanzer plays? How are you supposed to use their vet 1 ability? Any cool Jagdpanzer stories from the frontlines that might help me better understand their role?

    submitted by /u/DarkTowersWeTrust
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    A Desperate Plea for the new Update

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 01:54 PM PDT

    Please, I beg you on my knees. I will give you whatever I can, whatever you want from me.

    Please give some sort of leaver punishment in this game. Give them a cooldown of some sort. Put them in a seperate leaver queue. Mark them at least so we can ridicule their miniscule members.

    In my last 10 games, 9 time we had leavers on either one or both teams. This is insane. This does not make sense. This cannot be allowed to continue.

    Yes, some people may get banned on accident because they bugsplat. It happens, they will survive. In the end it will be better for all of us.

    Something must be done. This is an epidemic.

    Alternatively, remove bots from MP. Give the control to another player. Or randomly kick an enemy player too.

    submitted by /u/LeopoldStotch1
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    Unlock oberkommando west doctrine leaders?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 08:22 AM PDT

    So I was thinking of getting the achievement sitting ducks while enjoying my coffee kill 50 mortar and hmg teams with a leFH18

    However upon creating a custom game I only have 4 people to pick from Breakthrough, Grand offensive, Luftwaffe and Special operations.

    Nether of them have access to this artillery

    submitted by /u/wolfe1924
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    Ost meta

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 04:36 AM PDT

    Whats your build order for Ostheer in 4v4? I always play with 3 Grens but i have the feeling i should get 4

    submitted by /u/Mittes02
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    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 04:26 AM PDT

    So i was messing around with custom maps lately and found some pretty detailed recreations from other games. Not sure how many of you are familiar with sudden strike games, ss4 more precisely and if some of you may have played that game, what is your opinion on recreating maps from that game and how they would work with coh mechanics? I think that maps from falaise pocket or battle of berlin missions could actually work really well.

    submitted by /u/brizla18
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    New player here

    Posted: 20 Apr 2021 12:02 AM PDT

    I play with my 2 other friends and untill now we only have played the Allies side , i lose every fight early game to axis infantry and when i searched around it said i have to fight long range and in green cover but even like that fights are won by the axis side and when i try to counter by making light tanks or half-track early they seem to have rpg at min 1 and even if i manage to win early holy shit the lategame tanks dont take dmg any tips on what i should do? (I play soviet btw) Edit:is there a ranking system?

    submitted by /u/pooria09
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