• Breaking News

    Saturday, September 28, 2019

    Company of Heroes I tweaked some FX settings to make a gif of a M8 Scott Firing

    Company of Heroes I tweaked some FX settings to make a gif of a M8 Scott Firing

    I tweaked some FX settings to make a gif of a M8 Scott Firing

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 07:05 PM PDT

    So, when do Soviets get interesting -yet useful units ?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 01:57 PM PDT

    As the game has become more standardized with basic units (like the mortar) the Soviets feel like they have lost their "speciality". Before the Soviet mortar actually had a nice ability to make up for it damage and reduce rof. The 120 mm was a monster, but now it's just any other mortar with longer range and slow cool down.

    KV8 is rather limited in it's role. NKVD officer is in a bit of a bad commander so but is an interesting unit.

    B-4 is just for memes.

    One could say that in itself, is their speciality. Cheap expendable units. However, that just doesn't work. Units might be cheap, but doesn't mean one ought to just throw away their t34, or cons.

    With that said, when we look at the other factions, they all have a speciality. Units that are all quite effective, and interesting. Now that's not to say that shocks or guards are bad. They're just not really cool compared to all the other factions. Storm troopers, all the commando type units, jager etc.

    And the units that have potential to be interesting are just trash. Remember partisan ? Remember when people said they were too effective for a 4 man squad with their limited range of fire ? Well they're still bad, even for their cost. Meanwhile I need not say what other counter parts are way better.

    Win rates and all aside, this is not a post about balance. It's about the lack of cool units that are actually effective for Soviets. And by cool I mean interesting in how you use them. I guess the clown car is the only one ?

    What units do you guys think should receive a look at. Personally I'd like to see commisar become a standard unit. Say limited to one, and deployable once tier 3 is set up kinda like USF.

    Or partisan reworked.

    submitted by /u/Thattwinkboy
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    New sdkfz 251

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 01:04 PM PDT

    Is it worth buying after update? Wdyt about the new Schu?

    submitted by /u/Blablah-Gellop
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    "Start Automatching - This will put you in queue with players of similar skill level."

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 03:21 AM PDT

    Tried my best still lost tho.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 05:41 AM PDT

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