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    Tuesday, October 8, 2019




    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 10:39 AM PDT

    why doesnt my panther G have a body?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 06:46 PM PDT

    Cons eats pain for breakfast.

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 06:44 AM PDT

    Tips for teamgame players looking to improve

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 04:29 AM PDT

    Welcome everyone to my TedTalk,

    So I'm mostly a 1v1 and 3v3 guy with some high lv ranks, but I do chillax playing 4v4 once in a while and I think a lot of people fall into bad habbits and then end up blaming game balance for their own errors. I wanted to make a post to productively help everyone and help set people's attitudes right.

    1) Please do not start screetching "fuel fuel fuel" right away. That includes pinging on the map. O get why you'd get frustrated if someone seems to go mid instead of fuel, but as the old saying goes "you attract bees with honey, not shit". Be civil and type on the teamchat something like "please do not leave me alone on the right, I'll definitely get double teamed" and you'll probably get a civil response back and if you don't you're the better person in this.

    2) Pay attention to your teammates. It's easy to just build up a force and charge in, then face 3 players and lose a lot of units and start screaming. Use the teamchat. Ask if they can help recon and assault some section of the map.

    3) Build AT guns. I don't care what habbits you've build up, I don't care what Jacksons or Panzergrenadiers or AT penals/conscripts you have, come late game you need at least 2 AT guns on the field to fight off any armour. Ideally you get your first at the beginning of the LV phase around 4.5 mins in and the 2nd one around 12 mins. Put a sticker next to your pc with units and the times you want them if you have trouble remembering.

    4) You need at the very least 4 infantry units at all times. 4 mainline units. 4 penals or 4 volks or 4 riflemen or mixed with elite infantry such as 3 penals 1 shock or 2 rifles 2 rangers, for anti infantry duties. AT infantry is separate.

    5) MGs in buildings have counters. Use mortars, use smoke, flank, flamethrowers which also have attack ground through sight blockers, rocket artillery, sniper etc.

    6) Build light vehicles. I've seen so many Ostheer players whose team wins the early game just sit back with Opel Blitz trucks and just wait. Yeah that's amazing that you have an +50 income but every time I've had a teammate do that the enemy isn't pressured enough and comes back to win. Use light vehicles, especially as Ostheer when you can rush the flame HT and a 222.

    7) Mines. Put a giant sticker next to your pc. Put mines in your backlines. When enemies try to dive your artillery or damaged vehicles, you'll get game deciding kills for free.

    8) Don't blob. Easy to say but I have a good tip. Ctrl + number makes a group which you can then select by pressing a number on your keyboard. When you start an attack group your units to 2-3 groups, then attack from a different direction with each group and use the numpad to guide them. You'll get way better results than blobbing everything.

    9) Don't flame in the chat. It's disappointing to lose but people just play to have fun. You don't need to start screaming at them just because a Pershing wiped your full health squad. I had a lv17 guy have a stroke mid game because I kept destroying him with my Pershing, the he dived with 2 panthers and lost them so he went on a rant about brokenop allies. Please be civil.

    These tip are meant to help people and make the game more enjoyable, I'm not trying to talk down to people or make them feel bad. If anyone else has tips, please post them on the comments.

    submitted by /u/Stormjager
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    Servers down?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 02:39 PM PDT

    Are rangers affected by any bulletins?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 06:27 PM PDT

    Been playing around with USF rangers and was wondering do they have bulletins? Does the rifleman bulletins work on them?

    submitted by /u/The_RussianGuy
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    Tommies right now?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 10:00 PM PDT

    Just something to why Tommies suddenly had a buff of reducing the MP cost of 280 to 270 and an increase of 25% acc as vet 3 instead of the previous 20%.
    If you remember the last september patch, Tommies had a 'readjustment' of:

    • Lee Enfield Accuracy from 0.598/0.564/0.529 to 0.676/0.637/0.598
    • Lee Enfield Damage from 16 to 14
    • Received Accuracy from 0.8 to 0.9 (which they get their original Received Accuracy in cover)

    Without much attention put into it, you can summarize it as they just streamlined their DPM and a minor nerf in being hit if not in cover. But post-patch, to those who play brits and against them, I hope you have noticed that compared to before the patch, they really need the brens nowadays compared to before. For quite a minor change, they definitely feel off and aren't as good as they should. So I'd like a small look into this change.

    Do correct me if I got this wrong, but the Received accuracy of 0.9 is the same as the current Assault Engineers to which they are without a doubt quite squishy infantry. So to anyone who wishes to use tommies, there is definitely more emphasis to do cover to cover movement to compensate. To be honest, it shouldn't be such a big impact since it is negated once they are in cover which most savvy players will do.

    The big thing however is the damage redistribution. At first glace it just streamlines how the Lee Enfield on them does more 'consistent' damage with less alpha damage spikes. But remember that the usual infantry model is 80 HP. So before when it only needs 5 shots to kill, now it needs 6. That's a 20% Effective Hit Point buff to any target exclusive to a Tommy squad. And the buff to accuracy is nowhere near 20%, and only really compensates for the reduction in alpha damage. It isn't an exaggeration to say that they perform ~11-13% worse against every other infantry in the game compared relatively to Tommies before the September patch. (Alright, I kinda pulled the number estimate out of my ass, but it is just an estimate. It'd be great if some numbers guy can give a better rundown.)

    Now is the change warranted? I would say yes. Before the patch, tommies would just blob up with 5 man and can consistently take on any Axis (non-Elite or Doctrinal) infantry fairly great without brens. The initial investment of 280 MP, needing to upgrade bolster and not having a snare was the downside but, I think most who played before the patch can attest to how strong a 5-man tommy squad was before, and how it isn't right now. However, it feels the change, while intended to be small turned to have quite an adverse effect. Tommies just don't feel as good for the lack of my vocabulary to express it. Now that they need brens to keep up, it also worsens any type of chance for a brit player to wipe retreating squads. Their only option for other elite infantry lay with the commandos, and even they feel bad in most things with the exceptions of ambushing.

    Now that they have a reduced MP, I personally think a very minor tweak is still needed. Even a 1-2 reduction in reinforce? A very small RoF change? Of course I'll be in the wait and see for now since the suggested parts are more my bias on this end. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/Hold_My_Teapot
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    Looking for the mod that added bouncing shells off tanks and new maps.

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 03:22 PM PDT

    I remember there being a pretty large mod many years back when i played Coh1 and I downloaded a mod that would have tanks bounce shells off theirs armor and not take damage and I remember there being a new map set in the desert.

    Anyone remember what that mod was called?

    submitted by /u/Jcpmax
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    2v2 tactics soviets

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 04:24 AM PDT

    What are the best tactics when playing wirhe the sovjets in a 2v2 game , and what is the best build order for units and buildings?

    submitted by /u/Aleeex21
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    How to beat USF using Wehrmacht?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 08:26 AM PDT

    ok What the fuck?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 10:44 AM PDT

    I was just about to win in a Ardennes assault Match and the game decides to say fuck you by bugsplatting me,What fucking bullshit is this?

    submitted by /u/OOOOOOF4244
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