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    Monday, December 16, 2019

    Company of Heroes How

    Company of Heroes How


    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 02:20 PM PST

    This may be my best calliope barrage ever.

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 12:50 PM PST

    Western Front Development Notes

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 02:14 AM PST

    COH2.ORG Discord Amateur Tournament December 2019

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 04:20 PM PST

    What we could do with another thousand Tigers?!

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 08:50 PM PST

    The "Osttruppen Wall from Hell" Strategy

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 11:05 AM PST

    Hi! I'm a long-time lurker, first time poster. I've been playing since release and this is my all-time favorite game (I'm still really sad COH Online didn't make it out of beta). I'd love to find a playgroup in Austin, TX if there's any Austinites on here :)

    Anyways, this is my first post about a strat, please be gentle.

    I'm aware that Osttruppen are ideal for manning weapons in the late game, but I recently won five 3v3/4v4 games out of six with a pretty novel yet highly effective strategy. I think this game is the most fun when you're laughing hysterically while winning, so here's the "Osttruppen Wall From Hell" strategy.

    ** This is a late game strat for balanced matches **

    We've all had 3v3s like this: pop cap is reached, armor is all over the place, points are evenly held with well guarded flanks, and both sides are chucking arty ever ten seconds. The middle of the map is full of abandoned guns and mortars and a single point of contention, but nobody is bothering to re-man the graveyard full of weapons.

    This requires the Ostruppen doctrine

    The call-in that drops an At-gun and an MG34 is essential. I'm not sure if the muni and fuel additions also go to your teammates, but if they do, that only helps accelerate the madness.

    This requires high APM

    Similar to an all-zergling strategy in Starcraft, you had better be able to fling around Ostruppen and rotate guns at a feverish pace.

    The strat

    1. Once you're at pop cap and the "point of contention" is apparent, do the equipment call in.
    2. Scrounge together any other MGs you can easily steal (or have left over from early game) and place the MGs in a line a few clicks behind at least one AT gun. Line up spare ostruppen squads behind the MGs. The MGs should provide coverage well in front of the AT guns.
    3. March the AT gun forward until contact is made. Let the guns fire on targets, even if they're infantry.
    4. Constantly march Ostruppen towards your line. Produce nothing else. Never retreat and reinforce a squad, just make new Struppbroskis.
    5. Send the call-in to the area just behind your MGs as soon as it's available. Send AT to the front of the pack.
    6. After any period of quiet, march the ATs, MGs, and remaining Osts forward until you hit contact. Steal anything you can.
    7. When a weapon is at risk of being decrewed, time it so that it's immediately re-manned by Ostruppen within two seconds. This is essential. It gives the effect of having immortal MGs and AT guns.
    8. Moving, re-manning and rotating MGs and ATs is all you should be doing, as fast as possible. If you have see handheld weapons, snag them, but be prepared to rearm weapons with that squad.

    What usually happens: the enemy sends arty or blobs to take out the AT guns. Blobs get stopped by MGs. Arty then fires on the MGs. The enemy feels a well of pride, at the high casualties and sends in tanks and blobs. There is one thing they did not count on: Osttruppen. Before the smoke has settled from their arty strikes, more struppen have remanned the guns. Armor gets hit, they retreat, your allies feel emboldened and assist, you keep moving forward.

    I have moved the "line" from just outside our shared base, down past the point of contention, all the way to the south of the map for five of these six games. It's like one gigantic curtain of chaos coming down the center with no regard for human life. In one case, I kept re-manning AT guns in range of a Bofors with roughly twelve brave souls dying in the process, firing on it through bracing and blobs trying to overwhelm the lone gun, and I took the Bofors down.

    The sight of a zerg-rush of Ostruppen, trailing town the map like a curtain, fanning out six or seven stolen MGs to protect three or four AT guns, backed up by Struppbroskis manned with random stolen bazookas, flamethrowers, brens...I have never laughed so hard in my life. It's also cathartic to not care about saving squads, reinforcement, or basically caring about human life in general. It's like that scene in Goodfellas: Gun down? More struppen. Mortar hit your MG? More struppen. Pershing driving at your rear? More struppen. Call-in, call-in, call-in, call-in, with the occasional railway gun strike since you have a ridiculous amount of munitions. It helps that the early and late game is open to creativity, and that this nuttery is the icing on the cake.

    I dunno, felt like sharing. Try it sometime, let me know what you think.

    submitted by /u/tdouggy
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    Hmm, so twitch added channel points with custom rewards.

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 07:12 PM PST

    2 questions about the games controls

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 12:23 PM PST

    I have some hand problems and have to adjust how I play games to acommedate sometimes. Is there any way to adjust it so I can play the game without having to right click?

    Also is there any way to make awsd move the camera instead of the arrow keys? I'm not sure why strategy games are so obsessed with using the arrow keys for this.

    submitted by /u/coolbutclueless
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    Home-brew Soviet strategy (1v1)

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 02:01 PM PST

    In my quest to find the best way to fit snipers into my builds, this is the latest development. This is for 1v1 and seems to work better against Ostheer than OKW.

    Build is as follows: Conscript > Conscript > Sniper > Conscript > Muni cache > Conscript > Conscript > Conscript and so on.

    Now I know what you're thinking: this build is going to get totally rekt by the first light vehicle that comes out. The key to all of this is Tank Hunter doctrine. I go straight for the enemy's fuel cutoff as soon as the sniper comes out. Enemy is not yet expecting my cheese and usually i will encounter a lone MG which is quickly forced out by the sniper. As long as I can deny their first tech level by a few minutes, I will get to my 2 CP mark and upgrade 2 scripts with PTRS package straight away. These squads are astonishingly effective vs 222s, 221s, Luchs, half tracks, and Pumas. A kubel will effectively be one-shot (although it is a great pain prior to the 2CP point PTRS unlock). When the enemy sees sniper, this is almost always their play to counter it; 222 is the most popular choice for Ostheer by far and it simply can't fight tank hunter conscripts. 3 or so volleys will destroy it, and that's without the AT grenade assault.

    After I have >4 conscripts out it's time to consider teching up and getting a T70 (if I have more fuel) or M5 w/ Quad MG (if I have more muni). Either of these have enough AI power to stop infantry rushes against my sniper. Then I build a few more conscripts and spam the light AT mines. The advantages of spamming conscripts are numerous: to begin with they are really cheap both to build and reinforce (leaving some MP to build a couple muni caches). You can usually afford to have one squad way up in front of your sniper to make sure the enemy isn't putting their own sniper in a position to counter-snipe. They can spam sandbags to give themselves a ton more effective health. With the doctrine they can cover flanks with mines. Another cheeky thing the doctrine brings is that the PTRS squads camouflage in cover automatically.

    The one thing that I think does truly hard counter this build is the Stuka zu Fus. If they know where my sniper is and angle the barrage toward the retreat path, they're likely to take it out and with the sniper goes my ability to displace MGs when i need to advance my conscript teams. As I rank up I'm guessing more players will realize that indirect fire is the proper answer to this cheesy build. But the past handful of games I have won handily with 80% of my units being conscripts and it's really a lot of fun.

    Ok thanks again for listening to my TED talk and let me know what smarter players will attempt to counter this as so far i've only gotten rank 7 in the 1v1 ladder.

    submitted by /u/Reason-and-rhyme
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    Matchmaking weirdness. Everyone's ranks were pretty balanced, but I feeeel like MM thinks I'm a god of carrying

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 12:49 AM PST

    Question. How is CoH2 different and/or better than CoH1

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 01:11 AM PST

    Recently found my old Coh1 cd and i am playing it a lot! Should i buy Coh2?

    submitted by /u/massipanci
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    Wehr Sniper (1v1)

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 05:41 AM PST

    Wehr sniper viable in a 1v1?

    submitted by /u/lushmeadow_
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    A Sweeper sees a mine, what happens next might Surprise you

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 09:14 AM PST

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