• Breaking News

    Sunday, February 16, 2020

    Company of Heroes Jebaited. Apologies for most evil laugh.

    Company of Heroes Jebaited. Apologies for most evil laugh.

    Jebaited. Apologies for most evil laugh.

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 06:02 AM PST

    It's werf or nothing.

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 03:06 AM PST

    Today in, "Photos Taken Seconds Before Disaster!"

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 08:39 PM PST

    Suggestion: Anti tank guns and tank destroyers should have set prioritize vehicles as default.

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 09:58 PM PST

    I don't understand why AT guns or TDs would attack infantry, and giving their position when they fire. I know that you can just press h on every anti tank weapon out there, but in the one case where you didn't and the unit gives away its position firing at an infantryman, the enemy would know where your AT gun or TD is, if they're paying attention.

    What if you really want to do a 360 no scope with an anti tank gun for some reason? Then just press h.

    Furthermore, for m36 Jacksons and m10 Wolverines, their priority is set back to prioritizing infantry when crew exit their vehicle to repair and go back in it.

    submitted by /u/YandereTeemo
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    The Browning BAR full auto -- be afraid, Jerry

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 05:22 PM PST

    Why can we only call in one valentine tank?

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 03:32 PM PST

    i had a go with it's commander and i found the valentine extremely fun to use (even more with the mobility intel) with it zipping around the map really fast which surprised me that its faster than the AEC.

    submitted by /u/Ikazuchi00
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    OKW's light vehicles are far TOO cheap compared to Soviets. I did the math. Soviet vehicles should be cheaper.

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 04:30 PM PST

    In 4v4, if your opponent has bunkers or Mgs. Your often forced to build mortars, snipers or light tanks. (Clown cars aren't as effective as the initial game and charging an Mg head on can kill it easily as well as if they're other infantry nearby it). If they're forwarding infantry and mg's, a sniper can't work since for some reason the mg has the same range as the sniper. Making you micro your sniper back and forth. Which is probably worthless since your opponent sees what's going on. Mortars can be good, especially if you pick the 120 mm doctrine, but regular soviet mortars are horribly inaccurate and forces you to play with support weapons instead of tier 1. This leaves light tanks which come into play around 5-10 minutes.

    Soviet light tanks require Tankoviy Battalion Command which cost 240 manpower and 85 fuel. Additionally to build a T-70 or SU-76, it requires 260 manpower or 70 fuel for T-70. Or 280 manpower 75 fuel. This comes out to a minimum cost of 500 manpower and 155 fuel for a T-70.

    Assuming an OKW players wants to counter early game enemy infantry (which is the only units deployed). They would go for a supply truck, and then a Mechanized Regiment Headquarters, eventually planning on building a Battleground Headquarters second. This would cost: 70 manpower for the supply truck and 15 fuel. Then it would cost, 200 manpower and 45 fuel, for a total price of the building being: 270 manpower, 60 fuel.

    The vehicles such as the p2 or the puma are: 265 manpower and 60 fuel and 320 manpower and 70 fuel for a minimum cost of: 465 manpower and 120 fuel for a p2.

    Now, a T-70 can beat a Panzer 2 1v1, but it cannot beat a puma 1v1 requiring you to build an SU 76 with a cost on both sides of: 520 Manpower and 160 fuel vs a puma of 590 manpower and 130 fuel.

    Considering that manpower is the least valuable resource in the early game, I think that the solution isn't to increase the price on OKW, but reduce the price on the Soviets in terms of fuel for fielding these units early game. Otherwise it allows bunker/ mg spam to be a viable strategy.

    OKW were supposed to be strong early game, weak mid game and be very strong late game. I see nothing but strong throughout the whole game since counters are too expensive.

    Allies already almost never build light vehicles mid game due to cost and the preciousness of fuel. This should change.

    Edit: I think a reduction in the price of Tier 3 is the best option.

    submitted by /u/Paradox-ical_Major
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    Had a pretty good double Panzerwerfer strike tonight. They surrendered about 30 seconds later.

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 09:58 PM PST

    If someone starts spamming MG teams, bunkers and mines, is two scout cars viable? 1 with flame thrower 1 with mine detector (that works through the vehicle)?

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 05:49 PM PST

    T-70 is all you need

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 11:05 PM PST

    The sheer amount of one-click “I win” abilities needs to be tone down or removed.

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 04:57 PM PST

    As the title says, there are too many abilities that give a substantial tactical boost with the click of a button – with the results either being the complete destruction of a unit (or units) in a very short time span, or the inability for a certain unit to engage in combat due to modifiers.

    This isn't a rant about faction imbalances, though it may contribute to them, but rather about the overall state of the tactical sense of the game.

    There are abilities like cluster mine call-in from USF that leaves little to no room for error if you just catch the flare going down. This is often just spammed on Ostheer MG's to displace them, but usually just ends up killing them most of the time even if the user reacted nearly instantly.

    There's also zeroing artillery that, along with all skill-planes, is just a "provide me vision and watch me deny this area with the click of a button, hehe!" ability. For that matter, the majority of artillery call-downs are pretty obnoxious from their hyper-lethality – which is often a rapid, near pin-point successive barrage (on certain maps this can be extremely lethal).

    There's Soviet marked target ability that provide a substantial damage bonus that annihilates German mediums and is an "I win" against heavy tanks. There's also the German officer's click one button and enemy infantry unit will get deleted skill.

    Emplacements that you can make on the maps like artillery, paks, etc, get instant-countered from call-in bombing runs or pin-point artillery flares unless they're in your base.

    This is a problem for both Axis and Allies. Some things I believe could be fixed pretty easily like skill-planes – Anti-air usually doesn't shoot until planes are already overhead from their position which, while providing counters for loitering units, doesn't do much in the way of planes that do a simple run. Sometimes though you do get that random RNG single burst from a 222 or meat chopper that just instant-gibs a plane, but that's not reliable.

    This tactical gameplay is not fun. The deciding factors of an engagement should almost never come from abilities that players have almost no way of interacting with.

    submitted by /u/Relicaa
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    Burnt out (rant)

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 10:50 AM PST

    Sorry for the incoming rant. The title kinda says it all. I'm a long time coh2 player and last year I started playing multiplayer. Right now I'm feeling kinda done with it. The last few week I only encounter one of two types of player. Type A blobs like there is no tomorrow. I used to have a lot of issues with blobbing, but by now I'm capable to deal with it (snipers, mortars, mgs ...). I just get so pissed off when I encouter these guys because there is no tactical effort whatsoever involved in these battles. Just destroy the blob, watch them mass retreat & rinse and repeat throughout the whole match. Sadly enough these are the only matches that can become somewhat tense and interesting. Type B is just plain incompetent. Wether you play with or against these guys, you're in for one hell of a braindead match. You either struggle, trying to keep your team in the game. Or you steamroll the enemy and win without any effort. I just feel like I don't get those kind of matches anymore that make you feel that Adrenalinerush. The match where the enemy is on your level and you're constantly outsmarting eachother. So there it is guys. My rant.

    submitted by /u/Pieter_Rogge
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    How to deal with german panzergrenadiers that instant kills your T-70?

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 09:54 AM PST

    I can't drift with my T-70 with all these grenadiers trying to be panzers, I know kiting but is there another way other than that

    Edit: Forgot the "Than" in the middle of other and that

    submitted by /u/Agent_Nightfall
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    What we like to see boys

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 10:21 PM PST

    Obligatory can't wait for patch post

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 11:43 PM PST

    I am so sick of seeing tigers and the heavy hold out meta with one after another. When I have to kill three tigers in one 45-minute game that's ridiculous.

    submitted by /u/HelmutIV
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    What is the current version of CoH2?

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 12:50 AM PST

    Whats the difference between CoH2 Master Collection and Platinum Edition?

    Posted: 16 Feb 2020 01:42 AM PST

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