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    Thursday, March 12, 2020

    Company of Heroes Before you make a rant about something... PLAY BOTH SIDES

    Company of Heroes Before you make a rant about something... PLAY BOTH SIDES

    Before you make a rant about something... PLAY BOTH SIDES

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 04:50 AM PDT

    ffs there's a lot of times where people that only play axis only complain about how 'overpowered' allied units are: BUT MUH GRENS ARE TOO WEAK. T34 RAM IS OP. OMG PLZ NERF BOFORS. MASS ZIS 3 GUN BARRAGE OP. SHOCK TROOPS TOO STRONG THEY 1V1 MY WHOLE ARMY AND WIN.

    and there's the other side of the coin of allied players ranting about how overpowered axis units are: MUH T34 CANT WIN AGAINST PZ4. CONSCRIPT TOO WEAK. USF NO LATE GAME AT ALL. EVERY SINGLE UNIT IN OKW TOO STRONK. OBERS TOO STRONG THEY 1V1 MY WHOLE ARMY AND WIN.

    The one thing that gets me the most is people who spend their entire gaming experience in coh2 playing only 1 faction and not the others as much, many of which are either soviets or ostheer.

    When you play both sides you would actually come to realize that both sides are actually quite fun to play, with their respective positives and negatives.

    Yes the game might be a bit imperfect and lean towards axis or allies here and there, but unless you play both sides to a certain degree, I don't think you should rant for a change. However, as a player new to facing a funky strat or a unit you're unfamiliar with, you should ask about how to counter them instead instead of throwing a tantrum and saying that xxx should be nerfed.

    Edit: The reason of why I say this is because I used to be that kind of person when I started out. I never had to look at one's perspective and complained about the most minute things like OMG RIFLEMEN ARE OP EARLY GAME, and got massively downvoted for it.

    submitted by /u/YandereTeemo
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    Guess I have enough financial support now then.

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 06:48 AM PDT

    R.I.P Kpen Offensive "Grand Offensive"

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 07:35 PM PDT

    Current state of the game

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 12:21 AM PDT

    My New Favorite Commander

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 12:54 AM PDT

    Why do you play/continue to play?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 03:06 PM PDT

    I been playing on and off since mid 2014 and I've seen the game evolve forward and then backwards some and so on. But despite the sometimes toxic community. Questionable balances, staggering player numbers, rng Jesus and dlc galore I always come back.

    I've seen other people mention it but it really does feel masochist when you finish a game and feel like why the hell did I launch this game. Do we secretly enjoy being yelled at by our factions announcers telling a us to do something and that theirs 50 points left And calling us incompetent?

    submitted by /u/Gage_Actual
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    Is there any chance that AI intelligence will be improved on Hard and Expert difficulty?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 04:03 PM PDT

    Currently, who couldn't love the way the AI Whermacht builds defenses facing walls. Or how they never retreat, or retreat too early when they could win. Or how Strumpioneers, a close range unit, will fire at long range and lose an engagement. Don't forget suicidal walking Stukas that drive forward. Or tanks that overextend without reinforcements. Finally, the ai sacrificing all their elite units to crew a weapon.

    Obviously the appeal of this game is multiplayer. However, how can you practice if you already know the strategies of your friends and the AI is so brain dead to put up a challenge?

    I would play this game forever if the AI was more dynamic, or even showed a capacity to counter your strategies. That would be amazing and serve as a template for future Relic's AI.

    However maybe I'm just delusional preaching to no one, if you know of any mods that really do create an AI that lets you practice multiplayer games, please let me know. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Paradox-ical_Major
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    Who allowed the sovieboos to control the balance patches?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 09:17 AM PDT

    I mean, isn't it 300 times easier to play as soviets than to play as ostheer for example? Isn't it easier to capture a point with the 6 man conscript squads than with the grens? Isn't it easier to rush a couple of T-34/85s, get a a squad of shock troops with panzerschrecks and hold tanks with the best AT gun in the game than to do it with panzer ivs and teller mines? (wich I guess it's suposed to be the counterpart of the demo charge except it sucks). Isn't it easier to be able to build forward HQ, better sandbags and whatever emplacements while as german you only have the garbage LefH and mortar halftrack? Isn't it easier to have the best infantry in the game like shocks and airborne guards, best tanks in the game, best mortars, MG's and hell, even the engineers are better.

    To counter that as ostheer you really need to be better than your opponent or get him really early if you have the luck of not runing into the engineers with your pioneers, not get caught by an early molotov you couldnt predict or not get bleed to dead with the hella good penals. Bro, for real, I'm a bit salty rn but come on Lelic, why is it so easier to play when I use soviet and so way more intensive and skill-dependant to play as ostheer?

    submitted by /u/ecmrush
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    A mini-rant about recrewing weapons

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 08:33 PM PDT

    Why isn't there an option to recrew with the minimum amount a men, rather than 3? (I think itd be cool if there were two buttons to click, one for a 2 or 3 man recrew) Its not so much of a problem for most of the factions, but with the brits and wehr having 4 man squads for their core infantry, it really sucks. If you are down one man, you are gonna lose the whole squad by recrewing.

    submitted by /u/BlitztheDoggo
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    KV-1 vs T/34-85

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 01:58 PM PDT

    Actually this is rather a commander related question since I use advanced warfare and conscripts support most of the time, the difference for me is the tanks they get.

    KV-1s get overwhelmed by panzer IVs when I get to build one, T/34 moves faster and costs less, and the ram comes in handy some times.

    Actually I'm out of experiences and I just want to ask which one is better in general

    submitted by /u/Agent_Nightfall
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    How much would the meta shift of there weren’t fixed parameters or Allies vs Axis?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 02:54 AM PDT

    Was just wondering what the COH2 meta would be like if they followed the SC2 format of teams being able to consist of any factor vs any faction (including mirror matches). Would the meta shift considerably? Been playing custom game with some friends and having an ISU and a Elefant with spotting scopes on a point is pretty strong.

    Has anyone seen any other strong combos that you wouldn't see in normal games? Or certain units that become significantly better/worse when matched against their own faction/allies?

    submitted by /u/chwalistair
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    Why are tanks so fast when reversing?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 12:32 AM PDT

    It's bizarre to me to see a Panther turn into Sonic the Hedgehog when using reverse gear. It's like they have the same gearing forwards and backwards.

    submitted by /u/Friend-Beast
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    Tanks should have a visual aiming radius

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 01:43 AM PDT

    I personally think that all tanks, especially ones with longer range guns, should have a visual max engagement range circle like snipers do. This would especially benefit allied TDs since there survivability depends on keeping there distance from axis tanks.

    submitted by /u/michalkol111
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    Field Artillery Rework

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 02:22 AM PDT

    Field artillery pieces are, for lack of a better word, decent? Passable? They used to cost 600 MP each, which was a lot, and in the current version, all three of them cost 400 MP and 50 fuel.

    B-4 was a menace with the Precision Shot and it gave the Soviets a true tank killer, to the degree that it was a bit imbalanced. Sure, getting Vet 1 was a crap shoot, but once you got there, you had a Stuka Dive Bomb for just 90 munitions that fired without much of a discernible warning. Many retreating Obersoldaten fell at the thunder of that thing. I can almost, almost sympathise with the outrage of Axis players that felt mangled by 120mm/152mm/203mm precision shots over the years. However, almost half a decade has gone since that was a thing, and now field artillery pieces, ML-20 and B-4 in particular, feel lacking in flavor if not in effectiveness. Let's go over my suggestions:


    This thing, for lack of a better word, is dull. It comes as the flagship in doctrines that it is a part of, meaning it's usually the thing with late game "oomph", if you get what I mean. However, with Precision Shot gone, all it has to show for Vet 1 is a slightly improved barrage. Barrages really don't mean anything against units, they do against fortrifications, which isn't exactly accurate to how field artillery was used in WW2. They could and did engage mobile units regularly and acted as fire support both offensively and defensively, they were accurate and fast firing enough to do so. Here are my suggestions:

    - Put the Vet 1 barrage improvement into the regular barrage.

    - Replace Vet 1 with Concrete Piercing Round (same as ISU-152), it's the same gun, and it's a bootleg emulation of Pak43, which pierces all the time. Still, it would make approaching an ML-20 a little more dangerous. The result of this is a return of the old Precision Shot, except it's weaker (shorter ranged and direct fire), which was never broken on the ML-20 considering that you gave up your barrage power and individual shells aren't all that great.

    B-4 203:

    This thing used to rule. But even in its glory days, it had the same problem it does now; regular barrage is way too inaccurate to hit anything. That was the only balancing factor of B-4; it had to get Vet 1 to be capable of doing anything and since it took luck, it took time, and once de-crewed, the Axis would find respite again for a few minutes before it started Stuka'ing the field again. Had that not been a veteran ability, I would have been in complete agreement that it is imbalanced. Precision shot is gone and not coming back, and that manner of using B-4 encouraged using it from long range when IRL as well as gameplay wise, it is meant to be use at relatively short range, given its vastly superior health compared to other pieces. So here's my idea for it:

    Make a reworked Direct Fire available starting at Vet 0. Instead of individual shots, add a toggle ability to place B-4 in an anti-tank overwatch mode where it will fire its current direct fire shots against tanks that wander into the cone of the cannon. It turns slowly and it has a narrow cone, so it would basically be a less mobile but equally damaging Pak43 for the Soviets. This gives Soviets some very powerful AT that can be circumvented with clever play, without turning it back into yet another long range artillery piece.

    You might have noticed that I am suggesting some form of direct fire for both Soviet guns. The reason is that direct fire was more of a Soviet thing, the Germans really did it mostly in desperation. But don't worry, I think that LeFH could change a little too.


    Okay so the LeFH is in not too bad a place. Vet 1 Counterbattery is a very useful ability, once it's up, enemy artillery can hardly stick in one place before getting mangled. It can suppress pack howitzers and mortars very well, and is generally great at counterbattery. It's fine and it should stay as it is.

    What should change is that OKW LeFH shouldn't have direct fire. It comes in a doctrine that already has Pak43 and its completely redundant and it does nothing that Pak43 doesn't already do. In return, however, I think that LeFH could use a rotation/pack up/lay dodwn buff; making it an even more nimble piece that's especially helpful for counterbattery.

    submitted by /u/ecmrush
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    Quick Rant

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 01:35 PM PDT

    It really sucks that my stats could be so much better, but aren't, because of the game randomly crashing, teammates going AFK and just generally things outside of player skill lol..

    submitted by /u/zacwegman
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    Thoughts on Light reconnaissance Company

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 07:14 AM PDT

    Before last week i usually didn't run this commander, recently while playing i decided to really mess around with some of his abilities, and found that hes actually pretty good. The fact that i can consistantly call down cheap artillery barrages, and drop butterfly mines is kind of awesome.

    Also i found out that if a tiger is unsupported. two vet 3 greyhounds can singlehandedly take it out.

    What are your guys thoughts opinions on this commander?

    submitted by /u/MutedIllustrator7
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    Lend Lease Brits and Thompson on Infantry Section good?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 02:49 AM PDT

    Would it be an effective killing machine? New kind of blobs?

    submitted by /u/AdorableKiwi16
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