• Breaking News

    Saturday, May 23, 2020

    Company of Heroes Announcing: Master League: M.L.N.Z. a HUGE 32 player double elimination event in late June + music video!

    Company of Heroes Announcing: Master League: M.L.N.Z. a HUGE 32 player double elimination event in late June + music video!

    Announcing: Master League: M.L.N.Z. a HUGE 32 player double elimination event in late June + music video!

    Posted: 23 May 2020 12:38 PM PDT

    Make sure they can see your cross!

    Posted: 23 May 2020 05:29 PM PDT

    Centaur AA, RAF Coastal Command Scheme, work in progress.

    Posted: 23 May 2020 03:14 AM PDT

    [Shitpost] If a player spends more than 30 Popcap on emplacements, their music should automatically change to this

    Posted: 23 May 2020 07:00 AM PDT

    380mm DOOMTIGER ROCKET | Company of Heroes 2 Wikinger Mod Update Preview

    Posted: 23 May 2020 01:55 PM PDT

    smh thesee blobbers

    Posted: 23 May 2020 04:27 PM PDT

    Multiplayer is awful for me (and my friends), please help!!!!

    Posted: 23 May 2020 03:43 PM PDT

    Hey guys, so i'd like for some advice if you're kind.

    Me and a bunch of friends bought coh2 and we've been playing 1v1 2v2 3v3 and even 4v4. I've played coh before, both 1 and 2. Finished the campaigns and the dlc ones for both because i liked the singleplayer. When i tried playing coh 1 multiplayer was a disaster and quit. With coh2 i did the same and just played the campaigns, tried mp, quit because of the matchmaking. I only started because some friends of mine bought the game and here we are.

    The ideea is that we always match up against better people and we always get owned. The micro could be better as we sometimes end up blobbing when we're getting angry and we have the tendency to stock lots of resources. We've mainly played the allies (i'm playing brits, others are usf and soviets) and we had a hard time dealing with everything and here's why:

    1. i know ostsheer can rush tanks, i read some posts about it and i know is advisable to get at about min 10 but still the enemy manages to outmatch us in both micro and units
    2. if we rush tanks then they get very entrenched and cannot pass the mg, arty, at combo with some panzerschrek units here and there
    3. if we try to do a combine arms tactic of som sorts, we get rushed, the enemy even throwing units and blobbing and it's super efective against us
    4. other players seem to have played the game nonstop for eons and it's like we're playing against godtier, always paying attention to every aspect of the game, every unit, every nade, everything. I, for one, find that impossible to do in practice
    5. if we play ostheer/okw we get bombarded to the shadow realm by allied mortar/arty and get rushed for fuel points
    6. if we rush fuel points against okw/ostheer, they rush us with sturmpioneers and stormtroops
    7. i'm having an aneurysm every time i play
    8. yes, we tried doing the opposite, everytime we get outplayed

    So what is it to do, i watch most replays and they simply outclass us in every aspect, no single game won. Is the matchmaking unable to find us similarly leveled people? are we the only beginners to the game? I'm a noob and i know it and if i complain too much i apologize but if you have some advice please, it's hard.

    submitted by /u/jens31
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    Tutorial Video Format Question

    Posted: 23 May 2020 05:55 PM PDT

    Hello folks,

    At this point, maybe some of you might have known me for working on the tutorial videos with Greyshot on Know Your Unit series. I personally have a Know Your Map series where I would like to explain more about map elements and probably dissect, analyze map tactics on different maps in the game.

    Currently, I'm working on a tutorial about garrison a.k.a ambient building, and its properties. I do have a lot of points to put out such as door, windows, sight, bonuses, etc. and I would like to know whether you guys find it easier to follow if I mention the tips and tricks of each feature when I discuss them OR you like to see tips and tricks as its own topic that I can put at the end after I discuss all of the features.

    Since I am still new with video creating, I would like to hear some feedback and suggestions either for this coming video or for my past videos so I can improve their quality one way or another. I look forward to reading your constructive feedback and I hope to provide everyone with some of my findings that may help you in your future match.

    Thank you very much for your time!

    submitted by /u/VictorStewartCA
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    Logical thinker or quitter?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 02:47 PM PDT

    I usually play 2v2 with a friend but recently due to his absence I am going with a random partner. Many times I find myself in situations that, on my understanding, are unrecoverable, with a partner refusing to surrender just to end up ranting 5-10min later through team chat.

    I am opening this thread since I really ask myself if I am really just a quitter or, as I personally, I am simply a guy who cares about math and game logistics.

    My understanding, in general, but specially playing axis as I last was, is that you can't survive through mid-game if you lost both fuels during early and are aggressively being pushed back into base while simcitys and artillery emplacements are built across key points. In an annihilation scenario you can probably do something, but when you are bleeding points per second and you know it's a matter of minutes until they get mid tier tanks while you are still trying to match their current menace it just feels like an agony you could skip with the press of a button.

    I just had a pretty disgusting game and seriously ask myself... am I a quitter or is there any logic on my way of thinking?

    It's not like I instant-surrender or anything after a bad early game, but when you are at the door of mid-game and you hold nothing and are being surrendered at your base it just feels like a pointless waste of time.

    submitted by /u/ThatBoredTechGuy
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    Enemy team wins by 1 VP

    Posted: 22 May 2020 11:17 PM PDT

    I think ALL units should have veterancy.

    Posted: 23 May 2020 03:31 PM PDT

    And I dont mean exp from killing oh no no, exp from doing whats it supposed to do. For engineers, building will give exp (more costful and advanced building more exp). For medics: gaining exp from healing allies and each veterancy increases heal speed and weaponary. For unarmed vehicles, driving around and doing whats it supposed to do (spotting enemies for Spotlight sdkfz 251). Maybe even goliats from driving around and making them more steerable with each veterancy. Crews and infantry also get exp from using abilities and moving around, of course not a lot because theyre just walking. Whats your opinion on this idea?

    submitted by /u/OOOOOOF4244
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    Question about unused British Models.

    Posted: 23 May 2020 12:18 PM PDT

    I was playing the advanced powers mod, and saw there were models for British Paras. Any reason why they weren't used in the base game?

    submitted by /u/iheath99
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    CoH is my favorite anime

    Posted: 23 May 2020 11:28 AM PDT

    AMERICAN AIRBORNE | Company of Heroes 2 Wikinger

    Posted: 23 May 2020 07:15 AM PDT

    Increasing number of AFKers?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 12:10 PM PDT

    As the title say; Has anybody noticed an increase in the number of players who go AFK when the match doesn't go as intended? Playing 3v3, and 4v4 mostly.

    It has always happened every now and then for me but the past days there has been one every other game. In many occasions they have stayed in the game taunting the rest of us for loosing.

    As I write this I have played with the same player 3 games in a row and he has gone AFK every time he has lost his sim city.

    submitted by /u/twigfingers
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    How do you guys deal with 4v4 solo queue ?

    Posted: 23 May 2020 03:47 AM PDT

    Every single time I will either get a person who is insistent on going middle after losing one fight at a fuel or you get someone from Asia who doesn't speak a lick of english so :shrug:

    submitted by /u/ImTheEnigma
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