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    Sunday, May 24, 2020

    Company of Heroes Fuck meta

    Company of Heroes Fuck meta

    Fuck meta

    Posted: 24 May 2020 05:04 PM PDT

    Every time I touch on the game with certain friends, they trash my pics for commanders, especially if I play as soviets, as I have partisans up there every time.

    To them, and everyone who yells "why are you using that, it's not meta" or answer to the question "why fo you think this commander is bad" with "it's not meta" or go the question "why is this unit bad in your oppinion" with "well, the late's patch nerfed the unit, it's now 2,969% slower/less accurate etc"...

    Fuck you.

    I do not give a fucked up flying fuck about your oppinion, I do not care what's meta and what's not, I care about what's fun

    Units and commanders in coh 2 have a purpose, at least to me, every type unit is a potential game changer if you know what the hell you are doing.

    Why even mention how bad partisans are now in direct combat, when their purpose is not, and has never in my mind been to be a soldier, but a partisan, hence the name. Lie in ambush, mine the roads, ambush lone guns or vulnerable units etc.

    Fuck you and your meta, let me have fun too, in my own way!

    submitted by /u/-krizu
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    What's the worst case of Allieboo/Wehraboo you've seen in this game?

    Posted: 24 May 2020 07:25 AM PDT

    I've had 2 Wehraboos, I've met one in 3 different games. He likes to assume somebody is hacking and is just an overall annoying prick, he constantly calls you out for using a cheat engine because you predicted his movements, "you have too many units", or you get something like a vehicle or upgrades when you are cut off from supply, "no resource i diot, play fair". Then when you start losing he'll start speaking broken German by using Google translate, instead of saying Dummkopf he says 'idioten', and of course he has an Iron Cross as his pfp.

    The second Wehraboo is even worse, this guy can't speak proper English and is very toxic as well as a high ego. I rammed his KT and try to precision bomb him, it failed and he started saying "hahaha you failed to try to kill the konigs" or something like that (but with very broken English), and yes he did add those 2 little dots on top of the o in Konigs because typing in German is cool and definitely helps fit yourself into the character of a German commander. I check his Steam profile, he's a weeaboo and Wehraboo, he keeps changing his name into edgy shit, his profile showcase is full of Itsumi Erika art as well as references to the Erika song, Iron Cross text art and last but not least a group called "Oberkommando der Wehrmacht" and he is the only one in it (lmaooo).

    Edit: just fixed formatting and grammar

    submitted by /u/St0neyTec
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    Updated DPS Graphs for Unit Stats and Weapon DPS [WIP]

    Posted: 24 May 2020 08:16 PM PDT

    Some balance chats I had with RepoRouge [Part 1]

    Posted: 24 May 2020 02:26 PM PDT

    Hey all, this is just some Q&A I had about balance with RepoRouge. Figured it might be interesting to some other people as well!

    Me: If the soviets are balanced around the T70, what are the USF based around? Riflemen? Also, do people research grenade tech often at high levels?

    RR: USF don't have quite the same dynamic going on where they have a single, super powerful mid game unit that prevents the faction from getting too much too early. Riflemen are definitely very good and do take up part of the power budget available to the faction. Soviets are constrained by the T-70 but also by the incredible synergy between units. Soviet team weapons are a bit on the clunky/weak side because of how well Conscripts support them through merge, sandbag building, and the sprint + snare combo. Since the synergy is great, individual unit power level is a bit constrained as a result. On the flip side, USF is allowed to have a bunch of the best units in the game: Riflemen, the .50Cal, M4A3, Jackson, 57mm AT gun, Paratroopers, WC-51, Pack Howitzer, etc. But what balances the faction are a combination of tech costs and mandatory pop-cap from officer, which make it so that its hard or impossible to have all of these units at once, and units being tied to doctrines. Like Riflemen out of Rifle Company are, in my opinion, hands down the best mainline infantry in the game. They have phenomenal utility, are strong early, and scale very well. But Riflemen out of doctrines without sandbags, while good, are just not on the same level (Rifle Company just provides some extra utility, the power level difference is mostly in the sandbags). And that scaling requires both side tech and a significant investment in munitions. On the flipside, if I want to use Paratroopers to their full potential, I'm going to be pouring munitions into them like crazy, which will limit the scaling of my already sandbag-less Riflemen.

    RR: USF is filed with these trade offs. While the M4A3 is far and away the best medium at killing infantry, its PIV match-ups are mediocre to bad depending on the PIV version its facing. Its a generalist, but with a specialist bent. The Jackson is the best AT unit in the game, but its expensive and a pure AT unit with not utility. I personally go single Officer 95% of the time. Not saying this is correct: some better players than me do the opposite. But I do it because I find the manpower/fuel cost and pop-cap cost of getting both officers to be too high. Which means I'm effectively choosing between the superb AT gun and the superb MG. I personally prefer the superb MG, since it helps me get ahead in the mid game and transition into USF's excellent vehicle AT (Jackson/EZ8). So USF is balanced around having to make tech and build trade-offs that really no other faction is required to make. I personally think that is what leads people to think the faction is weak: you can definitely screw yourself over by teching poorly or building the wrong units. But the individual units USF has are, across the board, really good. Some are arguably OP, like Para Thompsons and the Pack Howitzer/M8 Scott. As for grenades, almost no-one gets them at a high level. I never get grenade tech. USF grenades are slower and more expensive than Infantry Section grenades, making them by far the worst frag grenades in the game. Besides that, USF just always has better uses for munitions. If I'm playing a Riflemen focused doctrine, then I'm going to want double BARs on everybody. If I'm playing an elite infantry doctrine, then I'm going to want munitions for upgrades on them and to be throwing their grenades (which are almost identical but on a shorter timer, making them significantly harder to dodge).

    Me: Thats what I thought, though I didn't get them for far more noobish reasons. Another question: Is the sturmtiger supposed to be decrewed if its shot while reloading, or is that a bug?

    RR: The Sturmtiger getting decrewed while reloading is very much the intended functionality. That's why it has a manual reload: so that you can make sure you're safe when reloading.

    Me: So, at a low level, I have a lot of trouble dealing with panzer 4s as USF and Soviets, usually coming down to the fact I cant get them into a position where I can hit them with both my medium and my at gun. Is that a micro issue, or should I be using things like penals, zook rangers, or zook REs to deal with?

    RR: Either can work, but a medium and an AT gun is generally a better answer to a PIV than AT infantry. AT infantry is out ranged by mediums: 35 range to 40. Between that and the superior mobility of a tank, your AT infantry can be kited to death without doing anything. What this means is that AT infantry are more of a zoning tool than a means of killing or even confronting enemy armor. AT infantry can't be flanked, unlike an AT gun. Although if an enemy vehicle repeatedly runs into the squad, it can indefinitely interrupt the bazooka/schreck/AT rifle animation and prevent it from firing. Really more of a support unit overall. You position one near your AT gun or tank destroyer to prevent it from being dived on. Or early game, you use them to zone enemy light vehicles. To answer your question, you should generally be able to deal just fine with a PIV if you have a non-doc medium tank and an AT gun. Most doctrinal mediums are between favored and heavily favored vs. the PIV, so that's even better and you might be able to get away without supporting AT.

    Me: What is the point of panzergreniders if AT infantry aren't that good?

    RR: Panzergrenadiers are great semi-elite infantry with one of the most punishing grenades in the entire game (second only to the much slower Gammon bomb). Their main use killing enemy infantry. The deal solid damage at long range, and good damage and medium and close range while having good durability thanks to a low received accuracy state.

    PGrens are good at all ranges. They have STGs, which have a damage profile in-between bolt action rifles and SMGs. Much better up close, but they have the durability and DPS to sit behind cover against infantry that's not more specialized than them. BAR Rifles win at max range, as well as anything else with more max range damage. But in general, PGrens take a very generalist approach to combat: fight at whatever range your opponent is weak at and you'll usually win. Kinda like lower utility Rifles with worse scaling but a much better grenade and higher baseline performance.

    Me: What would happen if grenadiers could build sandbags instead of bunkers?

    RR: Grens would be a lot stronger, possibly even oppressive given their other capabilities.

    Me: Why are so many of OSTs commander abilities just letting them use OKW units? Like, who builds a puma at 5 cps?

    RR: Very few abilities that OST has fit that description. The only ones I can think of are the Puma (on exactly one commander) and the Panzer IVJ on Mechanized Reserves (or whatever the new Assault Grenadier commander is called). The Puma used to be very OP at 4 CPs and no tech requirement, leading into the Command Panzer IV with now tech requirement. This combo gave a strong anti-infantry medium tank while completely shutting down light vehicles with the Puma and being a serious threat to even medium armor. The commander got seriously nerfed, but we're buffing it again because the Command PIV is now tied to tech, so the Puma won't be super oppressive.

    Me: What differentiates the tiger ace from a regular tiger?

    RR: Tiger Ace has more health and has a self repair ability. Also costs more and requires one more CP to call in. Starts at vet 1 so it gets the blitz ability to start with. Has spearhead to increase sight range but locks the gun in a small arc. Same in every other way, as far as I can remember.

    Me: What's the best heavy tank and why?

    RR: I don't really have an answer for what's the best heavy. All are good at this point.

    Me: What's the best AT gun and why?

    RR: M57 [American AT Gun] is probably the best AT gun. It has the worst pen, but the best rate of fire, widest arc, and fastest tracking. Can get good pen by spending munitions, at which point its the hardest to flank and highest DPS ATG.

    The 57mm arguably has some of the weaker scaling of any AT gun but has the best baseline performance, which is why its so good. You just gotta use HVAP against more heavily armored targets (PIVJs and vet 2 OST PIVs and up)

    Me: What role does the Sherman play in high level usf gameplay?

    RR: M4A3 is considered the best medium tank by a lot of top players. Unrivaled wiping power, solid utility, and reasonably cost effective vs. PIVs. Its a very common first build after you hit tier 4, with really only two reasons to build something else first: 1) you already have something like Paras + support weapons and don't need the extra anti-infantry and want to go Jackson first (still often good to go M4A3 in this situation), and 2) you're stalling for a Pershing so you get a Jackson as a stop-gap to fend off enemy armor. 3) You're playing Rifle and intend to spam EZ8s.

    The Dozer variant is extremely good, arguably too much so. It has a favorable OST PIV match-up, a pretty much even OKW PIV match-up, better utility and much better anti-infantry firepower than either.

    Me: Why can't OKW build cashes?

    RR: OKW can't build caches mostly as a holdover from an earlier era in their design where they got less resource income than other factions. Not sure why that's still the case, but it basically doesn't matter in 1v1s because caches are close to worthless. OKW arguably has the single best resource gain tool in the game now with the 221/223. It provides a nice, fast shock vehicle and then transition into a cache as its counters show up. Way better than a cache in 1v1s.

    Me: Are EZ8s any good? What about the Pershing?

    RR: EZ8 is great, if what you want is a generalist medium that A) will absolutely dominate either version of PIV, and B) has enough firepower and durability to scale into fighting heavies (with support). This comes at the cost of its slower relative timing, higher cost, and significantly weaker ant-infantry firepower than an M4A3. I personally like the tank a lot. Its the most durable medium tank with the best anti-tank performance while retaining solid anti-infantry performance and the utility of smoke launchers/a vehicle crew.Pershing is also good, even if I personally don't like using it that much. My main issue is the lack of a vehicle crew requiring double REs for repairs which, when combined with the pop-cap of the Pershing, significantly limits your late game army composition. That being said, its a great tank. Good performance against tanks, and great performance against infantry. Better than the Tiger/IS-2 in that regard. Plus better mobility.

    submitted by /u/OldSchooler22
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    What does the Heavy Engineer upgrade give to sappers? Are there any hidden bonuses?

    Posted: 24 May 2020 07:00 PM PDT

    EDIT: by Sappers, I mean Royal Engineers (COH 2).

    Tooltip says LMG+better repair speed+no extra damage taken while repairing.

    Some friend of mine said that they get a defense bonus too, though I'm not so sure about that.

    submitted by /u/Atomic_Gandhi
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    Holy cow, Brit infantry is powerful now

    Posted: 24 May 2020 09:56 AM PDT

    Disclaimer: I play almost entirely 2v2 and use all factions.

    I used to complain about OKW players blobbing, but I feel like the latest balance patch actually encourages Brit players to blob using their infantry sections & brens! Like jesus, you can walk around with them cutting down any infantry that enters your sight - even the MG34 doesn't really cut it, as it suppresses them slower than the crew gets killed.

    Anyone else think the same? I think the balance team should look at their out of cover statistics again because holy crap it feels unfair to use my infantry sections like a moving wall of death.

    submitted by /u/TehBrownSheep
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    It's just not gonna happen

    Posted: 24 May 2020 09:42 PM PDT

    2v2 needs more map veto

    Posted: 24 May 2020 02:02 PM PDT

    The 2v2 map pool really needs a rework because a lot of the 2v2 maps are trash.

    Very limited angles of approach, very tight, tons of medium cover, non-symmetrical. It sucks.

    submitted by /u/chr0n1c_1337
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    Comet and Churchill, RAF Coastal Command Skin, Work in Progress

    Posted: 24 May 2020 09:04 PM PDT

    Infantry question?

    Posted: 24 May 2020 01:42 PM PDT

    is it a bad thing that most of my infantry besides mortars and AT guns are just guards rifle infantry with dp lmgs?

    submitted by /u/Pyrouge1
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    Low-end Gaming Performance Suffering

    Posted: 24 May 2020 05:14 PM PDT

    I've been out of PC gaming for about 5 years, but recently got my hands on a semi-decent laptop that I thought should be able to run CoH 2 on low settings. Unfortunately, even at minimum settings the game really seems to drag at around 20 FPS. Am I missing something? Any suggestions for optimizing the game for better performance? Laptop rundown is Ryzen 7 3700U, 12GB DDR4 RAM (dual-channel), w/ VEGA 10 graphics. Thanks all.

    submitted by /u/Gundaranger
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    Good Let's Play?

    Posted: 24 May 2020 02:23 PM PDT

    For the first game.

    Dusting this one off, remembering just how damn good it is.

    I love playing the game and when I'm not playing I like to watch how other people do it. I'm just looking for a quality lets play from someone who is skilled at this game. Not just blindly sending troops face first into MGs and the like. Hah

    If anyone could point me to one it'd be much appreciated.

    Also how satisfying is that ambush at the end of the second mission? God I love this game.

    submitted by /u/john_kennedy_toole
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    Soviet tips/advice

    Posted: 24 May 2020 03:03 AM PDT

    Hey guys, some of you may remember me from my post on USF a while back.

    I took some helpful advice from that and thanks to Repo am now not far from ' average tier' being at level 5 but I kinda want to give USF a rest for abit

    After spamming USF however playing Soviets is quite different and its one thing I'm struggling with. Conscript play is weird, I often find them underwhelming at the best of times, if its an even matchup with OKW early I find after 10 minutes my frontline can't hold at all. At what time of the game should I aim for the reinforcement to scale with Axis? And how do the SVT rifles do against their infantry with the airborne commander.

    I also find Conscripts melt charging into the enemy as you are outta cover and conscripts love cover to excel right?

    One thing that throws me off most of all is the bleed which is weird cause I never had this issue with USF

    Sorry for the ramble but would appreciate some tips on how to play them better :)

    Also my build is typically 3 cons - medic then a 4th and a second eng, tech to tier 2 and AT nades, MG or AT gun depending on my early game then soon after t3 with the t70

    submitted by /u/essteedeenz
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    Any point in infrared STGs on obers?

    Posted: 24 May 2020 07:12 AM PDT

    It just seems like a waste of a slot for a commander at this point I've never really seen it used effectively

    submitted by /u/ImTheEnigma
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    How to counter shocks as OKW?

    Posted: 24 May 2020 05:20 AM PDT

    I was using an ostwind and it worked pretty well but are there any other options? Obers with MG34 barely scratched them for the most part

    submitted by /u/ImTheEnigma
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    A question dump about unit specifics.

    Posted: 24 May 2020 05:50 AM PDT

    I once left a bunch of questions, and I got a great deal of great fedback, so I'm here yet again to ask for the wisdom of others about other units.

    • Are cavalry rifles just you snareless smg squad like AssGrens and Assault sections? If yes, how do they compare?
    • What makes Pfuciliers worse than Volks at base, and do they get better than them even if they don't get the g43 upgrade?
    • Do ostruppen get the same mg42 as the Gren squad, or do they get a worse one?
    • Is the american AT gun or the 6 pounder better?
    • Did they fix the lethargic medic autoheal AI? (haven't built them much after they were added, as their autoheal didn't do anything most of the time, and even when manually ordered to heal, sometimes they just wouldn't)
    • How do US pathfinders (either version) and Jaeger squads compare to mainline infantry in combat?
    • Which faction has the worst call-in heavy?
    • Do rack weapons like Brens and BARs have the same stats on whichever unit picks them up? (So do a BAR ranger and BAR rear echelon have the same offensive output)
    • Is there a spreadsheet that shows which squads have how many weapon slots?
    • Do british infantry sections get the same extra bonuses from green and yeallow cover? (the ones they get beyond the cover bonuses everyone else has)
    • Related to the prev. question, do other british infantry (exp. the assault section) get those same bonuses?
    • Do bulletins that boost british infantry sections benefit the assault sections too? (they used to be an upgrade, but now they aren't, and come as 5-mans, regardless of the squad size upgrade, so I'm not sure.
    • Is there any unit Ostruppen can engage with a decent chance of success?
    • How are Falchirmjagers in general?

    Thanks in advance to anyone who felt like answering some of these.

    submitted by /u/_Jawwer_
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    What happens if axis unit pickups svt 40 crate? Just curious.

    Posted: 24 May 2020 05:00 AM PDT

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