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    Thursday, June 4, 2020

    Company of Heroes Sowoviet shock troops

    Company of Heroes Sowoviet shock troops

    Sowoviet shock troops

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 02:10 PM PDT


    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 11:47 AM PDT

    Failed blob attempt

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 01:30 PM PDT

    A true Renaissance man

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 03:58 PM PDT

    Probably not the most effective way of taking down Tigers, but definitely my favourite.

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 03:51 PM PDT

    Any reason to use Tactical Support Company (US one)?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 09:47 PM PDT

    Infantry Company shares a lot of things with Tactical Support such as the M1919s and an artillery unit. So if I wanted to get M1919s and a mobile artillery unit, I would just go for Infantry Company because the Priest is like 5x better than the Calliope and I get more useful abilities on top of that.

    Strafing run is overpriced IMO, it costs 125 munitions and pins infantry in a small area, my problem with it is that most infantry just run away from it immediately and it doesn't cover much area nor damage. I'd much rather take Infantry Company's artillery barrage over the strafe even if it is more expensive.

    Riflemen field defences is also another reason I prefer to use Infantry Company, it's a very good ability that Tactical does not have.

    This is the only thing that Tactical has that beats one of Infantry Company's - its the M5 half-track which I'd take any day over the mortar half-track.

    submitted by /u/St0neyTec
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    Racist Troll Gets Smashed in a 2v2 and challenges me to a 1v1. This guy really made some Big Brain Moves. like 200 IQ tactician right here.

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 11:03 PM PDT

    Bren Guns

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 09:31 AM PDT

    Can someone explain to me why Brens are so cheap. I get that sections can't fire them on the move, but for 45 munis you can stick a section in cover and hold your ground against massed infantry, it's like sections basically become the terminator.

    Edit: I play brits, I was just curious, this was not meant to be taken as a complaint.

    Edit 2: can someone tell me what happens when you give brens to riflemen or rangers?

    submitted by /u/iheath99
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    Coh 2 modding and Coh1 meta

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 10:00 PM PDT

    Will the coh 2 community in the future be able to make mods like it could in coh1 or is that impossible? Also i am playing 1v1 tonight against my friend so can you please give me some kind of meta for factions [coh1] cuz i didnt play for like a year and forgot everything

    submitted by /u/madlad214
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    CoH 1 EF Mod 1vs1 Tounament

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 02:11 PM PDT

    Hello everyone!! I have decided to host a 1vs1 Tournament for EF mod starting June 8th. The only factions for this tournament are Ostheer and the Soviets! Each battle will be best of 3 on a EF 1vs1 map with 500VP. One person picks their starting faction and the other the map and then they switch! For the final battle( if each person has won 1 battle each) the person with the highest amount of VPs the previous two games picks the faction!

    The #1 player will receive a $10 steam gift card

    #2 and #3 will receive $5

    If interested please sign up below and tell all your friends!!


    submitted by /u/panthertank67
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    Goliaths are OP change my mind.

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 09:14 PM PDT

    Title says it all change my mind.

    submitted by /u/jimbo26875
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    OKW is way too overpowered

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 05:28 PM PDT

    When me and my friend were playing 1v1s where we were both playing OKW, he won every single time. There's nothing that my volksgrenadiers can do against his mainline infantry, and it's almost like OKW simply hard counters itself. Fix your fucking game Valve

    submitted by /u/Cocoaboat
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    Rigel anti tank mine

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 07:36 AM PDT

    I find this mine under utilised especially against heavier armour. If any tank hits it its basically stuck until repaired to full health which is super helpful against rushing / flanking /cocky tankers and also makes a good stuka bomb target if u don't happen to have anti tank options nearby. The drawbacks that I can see are 1) it's locked to 2 doctrines out of which jaeger armour is the viable doctrine to use in anything but 1v1 2) if u go jaeger armour chances are u will go with the 222 scout car and put a vision scope on it for that oh so sweet view range 3) can't one shot a AEC which the teller mine can 4) 251's usually end up as flame haftracks and die to allied light vehicles quite easily That being said if u have a 251 that did survive the mid game when light tanks rule the map the vehicle itself is not that bad. When vetted it can run around the map at quite a good pace and lays down mines pretty quickly and is a good option as a fast, flexible mine laying vehicle that also can either reinforce or heal soldiers or burn close range elite infantry like shock troops or rangers without bazookas.

    submitted by /u/banglamadarchod
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    Rear Echelon company

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 08:47 AM PDT

    Why? Because REs are the best fucking thing on the planet and you cannot change my mind. Hell, even my first gardening post was about Rear Echelons.

    RE Company

    The Americans have won countless victories on the Western Front, thinking that the Germans have fallen to one of their lowest points, they decide to test out some meme tactics against them using their combat engineers.

    0 CP - Assault Packages

    Rear Echelon troops can be upgraded with rifle grenade launchers or flamethrowers, each costs 60 munitions and locks out minesweepers.

    0 CP - M4A3E2 "Jumbo" Heavy Tank (Requires Major)

    since too op i make stats same as kv1 boom happy now?

    3 CP - Heavy Rear Echelons (Requires Major)

    Once you have upgraded your Rear Echelon troops with one of the Assault Packages, you can upgrade your Rear Echelon to become somewhat similar to British heavy engineers. The upgrade will grant you an M1919 (takes up weapon slot), gives you 1.25 armour at reduced movement speed and you can get minesweepers if you want, this upgrade costs 90 munitions.

    5 CP - M24 Chaffee tank (call-in)(Requires LT or CPT)

    Performs very similarly to the Valentine except it has less armour (100/70) and has different abilities. The Chaffee can switch between AP and HE shells, these do less damage and penetration than the Sherman's shells (120 damage and 110 penetration close range for AP), it can fire a smoke screen similar to the Sherman's, and it can be decrewed. You can call in as many as you like and it costs 80 fuel, 320 manpower and 7 pop cap.

    6 CP - Shake it up!

    Rear Echelons, LT, and CPT can now fire smoke on the move, all units in the area will sprint for a short time and their abilities will instantly recharge, instead of giving combat bonuses, it gives ability bonuses such as more splash for grenades, faster and more accurate mortar/howitzer barrage, Sherman smoke screen deploying faster, Sherman shell switching is faster, 50 cal AP rounds do more damage and penetration, etc. The ability lasts for 25 seconds and costs 110 munitions.

    submitted by /u/St0neyTec
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    Mechanized company strats 2v2 1v1

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 07:07 PM PDT

    Hit me with some, i usually go the Jeep then rush lt then Major then get the 76s up and running

    submitted by /u/ManioAmanio
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    2v2 - UKF & USF vs OST & OKW - Rails and Metal Gameplay

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 10:02 AM PDT

    Tips on closing out games as USF?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 07:30 AM PDT

    I manage to do pretty decently in the early game in the infantry fights, especially with mechanized company, and can reliably either control a sizable portion of the map or deny the opponent resources but not sure what to do after. I flip flop between going for a Stuart to crush their infantry even more and going for early Major to try and get a fast Sherman out.

    German players, if you're on the backfoot, what really screws your day up?

    submitted by /u/ChuChuChuChua
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    Ostheer Doctrine Suggestion: Storm Jäger Doctrine 2.0

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 08:53 AM PDT

    I've always thought that a joint operations doctrine between stormtroppers and Jägers could be a viable doctrine. But due to criticisms of double elites, I've decided to tweak it a bit.

    1 CP: Ambush Camoflague - units can sprint and get an upgrade that helps them hide in cover and deep snow.

    2 CP: Stormtrooper Infantry Upgrade - panzergrenadiers swap their stg44 rifles with mp40s and can throw sachels. Also they gain an extra man.

    2 CP: Jäger Command Squad - same as the version from Jãger light infantry doctrine.

    7 CP: Offmap Heavy Mortar Barrage - same as the version from artillery officer, but it's offmap. 120 munitions.

    11CP: Elefant Tank Destroyer - same as Jäger armour.

    submitted by /u/YandereTeemo
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    novice UKF, needs your replays and advices for 1v1

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 08:10 AM PDT

    hey! hope u having a good day people, i'm extremely noob to this game, and i'm in search for any advice for this Faction, used to play the first one as brits, but UKF on COH2, it's another species....
    having a lot of trouble against OKW, more than OSW, but anything you can tell me, commanders, better maps for the faction, i'd be very thankful!

    submitted by /u/patofuqs
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    New player

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 12:22 AM PDT

    Dear CoH community I've been playing SC2 mainly this past year, it is the first RTS I dedicated myself to learn. at times I want some change, I've been trying many different strategy games but CoH and AoE seem to be the ones with the closest population to SC2 (all strategy games suffer population wise though, F...)

    I'm interested in learning this beast, I realize on surface level inspection just how nuanced and micro intensive this game is, I'm interested in learning 1 faction and learning it's matchups, I have the best time playing US and Soviets, are there any good in depth guides about them?

    also unlike SC2 which is very mechanical with it's control groups usage this game seems more fluid, Ive noticed some top level players just scroll around and micro away without much control group usage, that seems very VERY different to how I play SC or CnC games, can someone here send me the right way to start grasping this game? I would love to get into competitive 1v1 level.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/KingBetto
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    New Commander Proposal: OKW Defensive Tactics Doctrine

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 06:13 AM PDT

    I plan on making a full image of this, but for now I wanted to share the premise I had for the OKW, based on Operation Grief.

    Defensive Tactics Doctrine

    "Due to a continuous shortage of resources, you have resorted to using the enemy's weapons against them! Troops are trained to be more thorough in their salvage operations while infiltrating light infantry can disrupt enemy supplies and lay traps. Through your sheer resourcefulness, you can call in additional reinforcements equipped with varying Allied weaponry, as well as confiscated enemy tanks repurposed to serve our needs."

    Thorough Salvage

    Salvaging will take more time, but also yields munitions resource.

    Relief Infantry (Similar to Ostruppen call-in from Mobile Defense Doctrine)

    Call in two squads of Volksstrum Militia, equipped with allied weaponry. Both squads have a 33% chance of deploying with any of the Allied factions mainline weapons; SMLEs/Brens/Stens from UKF, M1 Gs/M1 Cs/M1A1s from USF, Mosins/SVTs/PPShs from USSR.

    Infiltration Tactics

    Infantry who are kept out of combat for long periods of time will gain the ability to surprise assault, allowing them to use a special grenade ability.


    Call in a modified Sherman Tank to fight alongside allied Panzers. Sherman gains WP shells at Vet 1.

    Artillery Barrage

    A barrage of 105mm artillery shells will be fired at the target location. Not as powerful as Sector Assault.

    submitted by /u/Call_me_ET
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    UKF doctrine idea: combined arms assault

    Posted: 04 Jun 2020 09:28 AM PDT

    Since others are doing this lol

    Utilize a combination of specialized tanks and infantry to attack the enemy. A Command tank will coordinate your forces, while specially equipped infantry can provide unique tactical support and flexibility. Finally, use the Churchill crocodile to spearhead your attack on the enemy

    0 CP - Flame throwers for Royal engineers

    2 CP - Tank hunter infantry sections

    2 CP - Assault Infantry sections. Since they aren't lend lease they'll only have their Sten guns and no Thompsons

    5 - Valentine command tank. This will act as the same as their axis counterpart, buffing nearby allied units.

    12 - Churchill crocodile

    nothing new or exciting aside from the command tank. Just adding things I liked from other doctrines and bringing them together. I like the assault infantry but hate the lend lease doctrine. I'm guessing the crocodile would probably make this doctrine too OP though

    submitted by /u/cool_anime_dad
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