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    Friday, June 12, 2020

    Company of Heroes This from r/history, when allies meet irl

    Company of Heroes This from r/history, when allies meet irl

    This from r/history, when allies meet irl

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 01:09 PM PDT

    Conscript merge for airborne ppsh penals/guards still broken.

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 12:15 AM PDT

    Seems like a pretty big issue as it takes away one of the key strengths of playing Soviet. When conscripts merge with ppsh penals or guards they don't get new weapons and keep their mosins.

    Note that this isn't just a graphical bug, I've tested the dps for a merged squad and an unmerged squad and the merged squad is definitely not doing the expected damage (the 5 conscript models are doing mosin nagrant damage)

    submitted by /u/chwalistair
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    Tell me YOUR favorite unit and list their strength, weakness and add a bonus tip (gameplay-wise) on top!

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 04:09 PM PDT

    I'll start: Ostheer Stormtroopers!

    • Strength: Extremely versatiles
    • Weakness: Low in numbers
    • Gameplay-tip 1: Use their bonus attack ability (close combat upgrade necessary) right after exiting stealth for surprise wipes
    • Gameplay-tip 2: Elite Troops doctrine makes a good combination for a stun into fire grenade
    • Gameplay-tip 3: It takes two fire grenades to destroy an enemy cache
    • Gameplay-tip 4: Equipping those guys with G43-package makes them devastating at long range
    submitted by /u/VikingWarriorSkjald
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    Company of heroes 2 discord

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 02:40 PM PDT

    Hey all, as a huge fan of this game i decided to make a discord for it, so people can easily find games from 2v2's, up to 414s, i just created it today so its still a work in progress, if anyone wants to help me out ill be glad to let you be an admin, heres the link, join and hmu if you wanna help. https://discord.gg/8d2HQzS

    submitted by /u/Milkgod414
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    Why do people keep knocking the m10?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 11:53 AM PDT

    I've seen general consensus be that the m10 is bad, and most commanders who offer it are squarely disregarded, but I think that's thoroughly misplaced.

    It is basically a sturmgeshutz, but without forcing itself to have movement accuracy penalties 24/7 due to hull traverse based aiming.
    For the americans, it basically means that you have a stuart plus a TD at the cost that is barely higher than a single Sherman, and for the British, it lets you deal with stuff like the Puma or even PIV (if micro'd well) before you'd have something like a firefly ready.
    Just about the only thing I see that's genuinely bad about it is its absence of anti infantry, and mediocre penetration making it struggle at zoning out heavies and panthers.

    submitted by /u/_Jawwer_
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    How do you move the camera around?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 11:27 AM PDT

    Do you use arrow keys or with mouse wheel button?

    submitted by /u/Mittes02
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    Favorite allied heavy

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 03:32 PM PDT

    Tell me the ones i missed if i did.

    Edit: i know i missed KV-8 and AVRE there wasnt enough room to put them in there.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Tank_comander_308
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    What advantages do Soviets have?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 03:01 PM PDT

    I'm new to the game, and I've been wondering: What advantage (if any) do the Soviets have over axis? I seem to have worse machine guns, worse tanks, worse rocket artillery, and worse infantry AT. Can anyone tell me what advantages I should be exploiting to win?

    submitted by /u/okim006
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    Favorite Axis heavy?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 01:11 AM PDT

    if i missed one just comment what i missed.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Tank_comander_308
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    Can you force the game to run in 120Hz/144Hz?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 07:25 AM PDT

    I don't even have the option in the resolution dropdown menu, I can only select 60Hz although I am on a 144hz monitor and it's activated. Is there a way to force the refresh rate to 120Hz+?


    submitted by /u/arslaan
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    Should we make all German squads 3 man? They are insanely overpowered and tear allied infantry a new asshole also tiger needs a nerf again.

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 06:52 PM PDT

    What are the top 3 USF commanders for solo and team games in y’all’s opinion? (After the most recent balance patch introduced)

    Posted: 11 Jun 2020 11:31 PM PDT

    Hello everyone! Hope everyone's doing good amidst this pandemic and has had enough free time to enjoy themselves with this game. I used to play COH 2 a few years ago and have recently started playing again (thanks to the lockdown and me discovering that my potato-top can actually run this game, woohoo!) So my question or should I say topic for discussion is what are the top three commanders for USF in both, 1v1's and team games with the recent patch that's introduced many changes? Yes, I do know that there are previous threads where people have had several discussions on this, however; I believe that such a list should have as many opinions as possible when a major patch has been introduced recently, potentially making the older lists outdated. I also believe that many new players might find this information helpful and informative for basing their strategies in their games (including me). So let's hear what everyone has to say!

    submitted by /u/geomatz
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    Help with the british

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 01:30 AM PDT

    Hi i need help with the brits i like them a ton and love playing them sometimes with friends but am also super confused while playing them i am very confused with the commanders in particular which ones are good? i have all of them and i want to get into the faction more but they are just kind of weird to me i can't find a good build order either like i try try try and i can't find one that i like. does anyone have a build order and commander tips for me if you do please please tell me.also tanks i like the Churchill but get called a noob for using it like ??? is it bad ? it seems good can 1v1 a panther with help and is very good Heavy along with the croc variant but im a "noob" for using it so also tips about tanks which are good and which suck would be nice to.

    When i say tips i mean anything from commander tips or commadners to use to how i should play the faction entirely i just will take ANY tip.

    submitted by /u/Tank_comander_308
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    Won't be playing until Company of Heroes 3 drops

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 09:08 AM PDT

    Tl:dr rant

    The reason is very simple. I spent hundreds of hours in this game (as well as coh1) and I just have to accept that at the very core the game is broken (like most people conclude).

    I have had my fair share of good times playing this game, for sure. Got to interact with a few top 10 players on the ladder (I'm not quite at that level), made some decent gamer friends as well. I don't hate the game at all really.

    Fall last year though I was starting to have serious negative opinions about the game. Overall it just stopped being enjoyable for me. I managed to squeak my way into rank 13 with USF, the only faction I really play, and was feeling pretty good. But even then I was kind of over it pretty quickly. I started school recently and had distanced myself from the game to focus on studies. This month I've had a little more free time so I thought I'd get back into it.

    OKW is just a poorly designed faction overall. Why does the sturmpioneers need to be so powerful? It doesn't make sense, if you want to have that powerful of a unit available at the beginning of the game to one faction, why not make it an option for all factions (ex. USF combat engineers, and not locked behind a single commander)

    Just so many questions overall: why is sandbags locked behind a doctrine to use as USF when every other faction gets them right off the bat? Automatically imbalanced.

    Why are bars and grenades locked behind a paywall while OKW gets them for free? And why is the bar so expensive? Why is the flakpanzer and stuka zu fuB built into the faction? Are you trying to convince me that the vehicles were so common in the average german company that it is built into the core units available for this game? While the frigging m8 greyhound is available for one commander only? What?

    Why does OKW get late game infantry? Why not just make rangers locked behind the major? What, are rangers too uncommon to be seen in the average company that they simply cannot be built into the core units available?

    Whey are the RE so damn weak? I think I remember reading that they used to be overpowered before I got into this game, but really it's just sad how they function within the faction. Bad mines, no sandbags, not much strategic value overall. Both german factions get core infantry that are good at long range, so you can't even get at a proper range to use the volley fire ability before getting picked off. Overall they just don't compliment the faction well.

    Smoke grenades are cool, but how are you going to afford them after blowing your budget of upgrading your infantry? Get a mortar of course, expect the things so damn clunky you'd be lucky to have it set up in time to get a proper volley off.

    If you want to make the argument that this is all a balanced approach to designing a game than so be it. I only play one faction so what am I to say what is balanced and what isn't.

    But when you build an Easy 8, that is supposed to have better aim while on the move, and charge it into the p4 that is right outside of your base, you have some pretty decent odds of knocking it out. It is especially true when the enemy has no anti tank guns on the field and is slow to react. Even more so, when you have the only two easy 8 bulletins that give +4% penetration and added speed and acceleration the odds are slim to none the p4 will survive, if you maneuver properly.

    Overall, five misses, two bounces and one penetration. Half of the shots were made at point blank range. Chased it right into his base, where theyre protected by a swarm of flak guns (also imbalanced) and the flakpanzer. That is simply unacceptable. That isn't a balance issue, the issue is built right into the core of the game.

    I quit. I will most likely buy the third game just to see what the dev's can come up with. But my predictions are that the game will come out a broken mess. Hopefully I am wrong.

    submitted by /u/bigcomfypillow
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