• Breaking News

    Saturday, June 13, 2020

    Company of Heroes The little AT Gun that could.

    Company of Heroes The little AT Gun that could.

    The little AT Gun that could.

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 07:24 PM PDT

    Does the soviet fear propaganda artillery have any historical background?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 08:25 AM PDT

    So, it seems that all call-ins in the game have at least some basis in reality, as contrived as the ability may be, but I couldn't find anything for the propaganda artillery. The closest thing I found was airborne propaganda, but that's not what happens in the game. Did it ever happen in WW2 or any other war? Is it possible?

    submitted by /u/Marcos_Bravo
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    Explain to me how Royal Artillery isn't OP for team games

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 09:23 PM PDT

    I suppose game is balanced for 1v1s but Britan's Royal artillery commander is kind of ridiculous considering the concentration barrage is just ridiculously op for 100 munition once you get both your tech buildings up

    submitted by /u/ImTheEnigma
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    M20 needs slight buff

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 02:03 PM PDT

    I don't know how to handle buffing it, but it needs to be made a bit stronger early game.

    submitted by /u/chr0n1c_1337
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    Crazy shot from the other side of the building

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 04:11 PM PDT

    Modding help please!

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 09:34 PM PDT

    I don't really know of a better place for this so I'm gonna ask here. I am brand new to modding COH 1 I have the tools and everything I was able to make a new unit but when I try to change the name I end can't see any locale so I go to make a new locale but I get this error: Error raised at .\src\CUcsFile.cpp line 68: Cannot open file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\common\Company of Heroes Relaunch\Engine\Locale\My_Mod.English.UCD' in more 'wb'

    I have no idea what this means I have tried reinstalling googling it running in admin mode I don't know what to do I'm completely stuck please help!

    submitted by /u/Coleblade
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    Settings help

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 07:44 PM PDT

    I have a 1070 and an I 7

    I get around 15 - 25 FPS anyone know any way to help me out with FPS . I can't seem to reasonably change the settings to not make it look like Minecraft . Let me know some suggestions .

    • thanks german marine
    submitted by /u/GermanMarineSS
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    why dont USF have snipers?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 01:35 PM PDT

    FPS drops and stuttering [COH1]

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 05:43 PM PDT

    Im running CoH on a laptop, and even on high settings it should run smooth, which it does most of the times. But I constantly experience FPS drops and stuttering. They last for around 10 seconds and then it goes back to normal. It repeats like that every 3-4 minutes. This is really annoying me, and makes the game unplayable.

    submitted by /u/Nemerex
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    Mobile Artillery Company

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 09:39 AM PDT

    The self-propelled guns are here! Use the support of this self-propelled gun batallion to bolster your forces with fragile but powerful offensive units.

    0 CP: M10 Tank Destroyer

    Cheap and effective tank hunter that is sure to synergize very well with the rest of the doctrine.

    0 CP: Smoke Shells

    M10s and M36s can fire smoke shells. The M36 shell costs a bit more but has much thicker smoke.

    M7B1 Priests can fire Smoke Barrages at no cost.

    3 CP: M5 Halftrack (I am not sure about the CP cost of M5 for USA so feel free to correct me if it wrong)

    M5 Halftrack with the provisions to upgrade to the M16 MGMC is made available and will serve in the self propelled anti aircraft role.

    9 CP: Forward Observers

    Liutenants and Captains gain the ability Victor Target, which will summon a single precise and very powerful shot from an available Priest. This ability has a high munitions cost and a global cooldown.

    9 CP: M7B1 Priest

    Clear out enemy positions with the big guns! Use Forward Observers to annihilate priority targets.

    submitted by /u/ecmrush
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    What's the Ost-Truppen accuracy buff behind cover

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 12:31 PM PDT

    Anyone got the numbers?

    submitted by /u/Gilga1
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    How to deal with axis MG spam as UKF

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 10:39 AM PDT

    These last few games has been quite bad for me. Its seems like axis players, especially ostheer tend to spam mg and mortars. I tried to use flamethrower uc but they just fausted to death whenever i got too close. I also tried to go around it but they usually have more than 1 mg or bunker to cover each others' flank. Do you guys have any tips or anything that could help me to clear this problem?

    submitted by /u/Scodust
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    for those who are interested (Iron harvest steam demo)

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 05:21 AM PDT

    Pack Howitzer is ridiculously stupidly overpowered and ruins the game

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 05:07 PM PDT

    It takes absolutely 0 skill to use and is overpowered.

    submitted by /u/qweqwruoiuewr
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    Loadout Resets after Playing in Steam Offline Mode

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 12:48 AM PDT

    Title describes my issue. Every time I quit and start another session, my loadouts reset across all factions. I have not been able to save loadouts for any faction since I have had this issue. Note that I still have all of my accumulated Intel Bulletins, Commanders, and Supply.

    I was starting Steam in Offline Mode and playing COH2 while offline from June 7-8. My Internet was restored on June 8, which allowed me to play online again. That is when this issue started happening.

    My Steam Cloud Sync has been enabled, and neither Steam nor COH2 have had issues connecting to the Internet or online games.

    Now, to be clear, I mostly play comp-stomps (since I've been getting home from work late a lot), and I was able to connect to a 4v4 on June 13. Despite playing an online game, it seems like my account and Relic/the Steam Cloud haven't been able to communicate.

    Any help would be appreciated. I have tried reading older threads about this issue, but none of the remedies have resolved this issue.

    Paging /u/RepoRogue to see if he can offer any helpful advice, as he/she usually does.

    submitted by /u/Thedude5able
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