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    Thursday, November 26, 2020

    Company of Heroes Winter Balance Update: Preview Mod Notes and Feedback Thread

    Company of Heroes Winter Balance Update: Preview Mod Notes and Feedback Thread

    Winter Balance Update: Preview Mod Notes and Feedback Thread

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 12:46 PM PST

    Preview Mod 1.0 is live!

    Here are the preview notes

    Here is the link to the steam mod

    As mentioned in the announcement post, the focus of this patch is: Core Armies, Meta Problems, and Quality of Life Improvements.

    We really encourage players to playtest these changes. Playtest feedback is the most useful for the team.

    The balance team will be actively assessing feedback here. Please note that the team will not be able to respond to all comments, but will be observing and surfacing feedback and trends for discussion.

    submitted by /u/Andy_RE
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    based brit match stats

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 08:31 AM PST

    How to view match stats without needing to watch entire replay?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 11:30 PM PST

    I have a 50ish min long game that was fucking epic but right after the game presumably saved my replay it crashed, complete with bug report .exe

    So, is there a way to get the match stats for the complete match w/o needing to sit thru 8x speed of the replay?

    submitted by /u/balne
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    Managing a squad and armour

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 11:28 PM PST

    What's your take having too much squad on the battlefield? How can you manage them without wasting their efforts just to be killed in action?

    Mine would be group them in to a # group and those consist of (example USF)

    2 Riflemens 1 Lieutenant 1 Sherman Tank

    And the other group

    1 Sherman Bulldozer 2 Jacksons

    Fall back group

    1 Major 1 Ambulance 1 Riflemen 1 MG Squad

    submitted by /u/eddgar47
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    [1v1] OKW needs unit and commander diversity badly

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 11:43 AM PST

    Hello there!

    I'm interested in many different kinds of RTS, from SC2, WC3, Age of Empires and of course CoH2. I did play quite a lot of Coh2 1vs1 as OKW in the past, but had to quit since the game constantly crashed and I was simply not having fun with playing OKW due to how limited their playstyle was (back when Tiger meta was still the meta). Looking at the last 2 big 1vs1 tournaments, OKW has only gotten worse.

    I'm trying to write down my frustration with OKW. I had been looking forward to the last balance patch. However other than nerfs, OKW didn't gain anything interesting. For not one, but two 1vs1 tournaments, we have seen barely any play from OKW. Its even been called a "dead faction" by the casters already. Before this, OKW was played a lot, but with very few different commander choices.

    So the latest patch has nerfed a few parts of OKW but those were still heavy nerfs, so much so that its no longer to be considered viable in tournament play (unless you call yourself Asiamint probably). Let's get straight to the point: The patch was an utter failure for OKW.

    A new patch and a new hope. Please use this chance to make OKW a tournament viable faction again. But most imporantly, give us some unit variety. OKW needs more than 1 different Infantry type to build earlygame. The Kübelwagen could also use some buffs. A buff to its durability (and potentially higher cost) could go a long way of increasing the longevity and worth of this unit.

    In 1vs1, it should be possible to tech into something else other than Puma, Luchs into Heavy tanks. The Luchs has been hit by the nerf hammer so often, its bad and comes in late enough that you might aswell skip it and go for a Puma instead. The healing truck should be a real alternative. It would be interesting to have Obersoldaten available sooner and a lower cost. 40 manpower reinforcement is massive, and Soviets get a free kill with their reveal-mines so easily. Again, like it wrote above, OKW needs to have different unit choices and different infantry choices available.

    The trucks are way too vulnerable on the field. Any anti-tank cannon can kill your truck. The truck should be delivered for free if its destroyed, apparently that used to be a thing. OKW is supposed to be an aggressive faction, but thats not the case since their earlygame infantry is build for long-range engagements and the trucks are easy kills.

    Also the Königstiger is way too slow and clunky. Even after nerfs, its better to just call in the Tiger. This must not be the case. It needs to be stronger and have better maneuverability.

    Those are just a couple observations and some wishes from someone playing 1vs1. I don't care about 2vs2 or 4vs4. These game modes are not played in tournaments and will never be balanced. No big RTS is using more than 1vs1 as a base for balancing. Coordination is way more important than solving potential balance issues in teamgames anyway. So stop ignoring good 1vs1 balance and do something good for OKW. Hopefully the next tournament will not be as boring as this one then.

    submitted by /u/happymemories2010
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    Slaying with my favourite infantry unit...

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 01:43 PM PST

    CoH2: Mortar Pit doesn't shoot faster when garrisoned

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 08:19 AM PST

    So... I'm not sure what am I doing wrong here. Long story short: I've tested the Mortar pit with and without garrisoned unit, with attack ground and with barrage - and each time I get around 10 seconds between salvos. What am I missing here? Was this buff when garrisoned removed?

    submitted by /u/EugeneNkk
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    UKF Mechanized Ambush Regiment (fan-made commander proposal number 9352)

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 07:18 AM PST

    We all love our fantasy doctrines. Here's my idea for a british commander that brings many stealth tools to set up an elaborate trap with a big reward if successful.

    • 0 CP: T17E1 Staghound

    Costs 340 MP and 60 fuel, requires Platoon Command post. Call in a Staghound armoured car for reconnaissance and infantry support, armed with the 37mm M3. High explosive rounds are effective against enemy infantry and other soft targets. A smoke mortar can direct smoke shells onto enemy strong points. Vet 1 ability is a spotting mode that reduces movement speed by 90% and disables weapons while granting stealth and +10 vision range.

    • 2 CP: Field Camouflage

    At the cost of 60 munitions, a Forward Assembly can be upgraded with camouflage and spotting equipment (locking out other upgrades). This adds a toggle ability to the FA which, when active, cloaks both the FA and all out of combat infantry units within reinforcement radius, and causes the FA to reveal enemy units out to 60 range on the minimap. Additionally, Infantry Sections can be upgraded with camouflage kits (30 munitions, locking out other upgrades) that grant stealth while in cover, and also allows them to place stealth upon friendly units after a brief build time (which lasts until the allied unit moves).

    • 3 CP - Infiltration Commandos

    A three man Commando squad can be spawned from an ambient building.

    • 6 CP: Ambush!

    100 munitions: Signal the company to begin an ambush. For the next 30 seconds, squads currently in stealth gain 30% movement speed until they enter combat. Upon entering combat they gain an offensive buff that lasts 30 seconds:

    Infantry squads: 40% increased accuracy, -20% weapon cooldown

    Anti tank guns: 200% increased penetration on the first shot out of stealth, 15% faster reload

    • 10 CP: Creeping Rocket Barrage

    180 munitions: Friendly off-map Land Mattress battery saturates the target area with high explosive rockets. Four salvos of eight rockets each target advancing zones of denial.

    Spare thoughts: I thought maybe the Staghound should be exclusive with the AEC because together they could be a very oppressive early game combo. It could have a side tech in the same spot as the AEC/bofors, which should cost 20 fuel. Then reduce the Staghound's cost to 30-40ish fuel.

    I also wanted a booby trap to put on points but couldn't fit it in. Infiltration commandos should have that imo. But they do already have demo charge, good enough I guess.

    This would definitely deserve the categorization of "meme" commander like Partisans and Encirclement. It would take a lot of effort and micro to set yourself up to reap the full rewards of Ambush! and only rarely would it pay off perfectly.

    Oh, and the most important part, the commander portrait! I see him as having a big sapper's beard and goggles. He looks like a crazy bushman.

    Please let me know what you think. Would you want to play this commander?

    submitted by /u/Reason-and-rhyme
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    Potential for Rangers’ utility buff in the upcoming patch

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 03:33 PM PST

    Hey guys, as you all know a new patch will be coming to company of heroes and many people are expecting appropriate buffs and nerfs to the said units. I in particular have my eyes on rangers and was thinking of how they can be differentiated from US paratroopers and make them a spicy option to choose from other than the damage they deal. I say this because every other elite unit in the game brings more utility and versatility for their respective faction except for the rangers (Panzergrenadiers, Obersoldaten, shock troops, storm troops, you name them). It baffles me to see rangers costing around the same as other elites but bringing a lot less utility to the table. I was maybe thinking they could be given the option to tech up 3 zooks at a discounted rate (around 120 munis just like how other units are able to do the same) from their weapon upgrade section below the Thompson's without needing weapon racks just like paratroopers, or maybe get some form of demolition charge which USF doesn't seem to have unless they get assault engineers. What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/geomatz
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    Sometimes the StuG E just has to dance

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 07:14 PM PST

    CoH2: Is UKF's Assault Officer subpar?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 08:22 AM PST

    Really, the assault officer has a nice gammon bomb, and a recon plane ability is nice, but is it good close range really? If you don't take a commander with a commando doctrine - basically assault officer is the only close-range unit you're going to get, and in my opinion it's not that great. Do you have any really good experience using it? Or is these 8 pop better used elsewhere?

    submitted by /u/EugeneNkk
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