• Breaking News

    Wednesday, November 25, 2020

    Company of Heroes News Regarding: Winter Balance Patch 2020/21, WC 2020 Recap, And 64 Bit Update

    Company of Heroes News Regarding: Winter Balance Patch 2020/21, WC 2020 Recap, And 64 Bit Update

    News Regarding: Winter Balance Patch 2020/21, WC 2020 Recap, And 64 Bit Update

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 11:59 AM PST

    The 2020 meta

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 02:03 PM PST

    Conscript squad misdirects anti-tank grenade

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 02:54 AM PST

    PPSH Penals hit just right.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 03:24 PM PST

    It's so memey, but when it works. It just Slaps the shit out of Ostheer and OKW in the early game. Combine that with 2 SVT cons and its just kind of it's own thing.


    submitted by /u/TimeKeeper04
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    Multiplayer Help

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 02:16 PM PST

    So my friend and I have decided to get into multiplayer after ~60 hours of fighting AI, and we usually do pretty well early game, we usually have good map control at the start and we hold most of the fuel points. Suddenly out of no where there are endless amounts of P4's and Panthers and equally as much AT infantry. We have tried spamming AT, matching their amount of tanks and other things but we always get over run and have no clue how to stop it. Can anyone provide some tips? Thanks.

    BTW we play 4v4's if that helps anything

    submitted by /u/GrooseWithAnOop
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    Should a noob jump straight into multiplayer?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 05:10 PM PST

    Hey, guys. I'm the noob, just picked up the game. I have about 15-20 games under my belt & Im at the point where I know how to build stuff & Im starting to get to know all the hotkeys. Im playing against CPU-Standard & usually have a pretty even match, then end up losing it late game.

    Im just wondering if I will find people at my level if I jump into pvp? I dont mind long queue times if I can play against somebody who is just as bad as me. If Im just getting soundly thrashed its not much fun for anyone, like I dont even know how to surrender yet. Am I likely to be matched up against a similarly unco like myself when I queue up?

    Cheers in advance.

    submitted by /u/PocketRadzys
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    Can someone explain to me why the original COD is unavailable for Mac but the second COD is?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 08:50 PM PST

    Conscript Molotov throwing animation

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 01:15 PM PST

    Is there any reason why it takes so long other than 'the animation looks cool lol'

    Countless times I've had cons get suppressed or killed in their middle of their long ass animation and it just goes to waste.

    The US Urban Assault incendiary grenade is the exact same thing but with a normal grenade throwing animation and it's just so much better.

    submitted by /u/insurgent_dude
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    Maps for company of heroes 1? (Mobile port )

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 07:08 PM PST

    Hey guys so I'm back making another post, and this time I'm asking about custom maps for company of heroes mobile,

    I like the Hochwald Gap (8 players.. or just me and 7 bots)

    But I find verrierres ridge awesome as it has the on map emplacements (like the panther turm and the mortar bunker which was probably part of the Maginot line

    Are there any community maps that combine the island based nature of Hochwald gap or Lyon? And have the bunkers and emplacements from the ridge?

    submitted by /u/Commrade-DOGE
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    Ostheer starting infantry

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 02:58 PM PST

    They seem pretty useless against...everything. Can pretty much just rush them with any unit and they get blasted

    submitted by /u/DevilTuna
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    Ranger raid... Germans are gonna wish the Japanese bomber Arizona

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 02:04 PM PST

    Easy fix for the recent tournament tedium

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 03:17 PM PST

    I think many CoH fans found the recent world championship to be quite tedious after a while due to the blandness of the meta. Same commanders and strats over and over. I don't think many people were surprised by this either with recent tournaments also showcasing repetitions of the ostruppen vs. WC51 truck dance.

    Super simple fix: make tournaments 2v2. The game is far more interesting as a 2v2, both playing and viewing. The interaction of teamwork opens up so many avenues for a wide variety of meta plays. Yes there would be some bugs to work out, like how do people get paired up, but it would breathe life into the competitive scene.

    submitted by /u/Collosis
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    Improving UKF emplacements

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 09:57 AM PST

    1. HMG should be able to enter the Mortar Pit and Bofors
    2. Infantry Sections should be able to use grenades/abilities out of emplacements The medkit Tommy still has to exit the emplacement to heal himself, and the pyrotechnic Tommy cannot throw a defensive smoke while inside or throw down artillery to fend off an attack. Currently, the sniper can only use their piercing shot ability while garrisoned. This does pair well with the Bofors because it gives the emplacement great vision along with the suppressive fire ability to disrupt team weapons. Stun enemy armor when their gun is facing away from the Bofors. Wait until the sniper is vet two though otherwise he's too weak to artillery.)
    3. Make the trench a dugout, not a building (I think the current vfx for a destroyed trench is suitable for this type of cover). It allows the AT gun to walk into cover, maybe even get a combat bonus while they are inside. Also, this allows players to build a line of trenches that they can play along. Tommies would really do well here. I suggest that the dugout simply slow vehicles rather than block them. Keep a Sapper in the trench and now they have a much more realistic shot at snaring enemy vehicles.
    4. Make all emplacements structures that you can simply walk into. This is already the case when repairing the 17-pounder. Brits get their cover combat bonus even when moving so to make all their emplacements buildings cuts their DPS to zero when trying to play around the structures their supposed to play around. Also utilizing the structures to their full capacity takes away half of your infantry's effectiveness as described in point #2. I think this is the worst aspect of UKF design.
    5. The Mortar Pit does not appear to fire any faster with a garrison inside so that could also be improved
    submitted by /u/Impossible_Zombie121
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