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    Tuesday, December 22, 2020

    Company of Heroes Preview Mod 4.0 - Winter Balance Update

    Company of Heroes Preview Mod 4.0 - Winter Balance Update

    Preview Mod 4.0 - Winter Balance Update

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 12:08 PM PST

    Here are the latest preview notes

    Here is the link to the steam mod

    We really encourage players to playtest these changes. Playtest feedback is the most useful for the team.

    The balance team will be actively assessing feedback here. Please note that the team will not be able to respond to all comments, but will be observing and surfacing feedback and trends for discussion.

    This will be the last update until the New Year. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone.

    submitted by /u/Andy_RE
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    Not what I pictured when you said "freshly mowed LZ" but I'll take it

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 01:32 PM PST

    My perspective on the upcoming changes as a UKF main

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 08:58 PM PST

    Hi guys, this is Kobal https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/755001703748599869/791146203135868959/playercard_kobal.PNG , I wanted to share my opinions and apprehension about the changes that are coming in the live version from the preview. I have played about 8-10 games on the preview as of yet and this is what I think on every change that affects the UKF faction directly or indirectly. Keep in mind that I am mainly looking at these from a 1vs1 and 2vs2 viewpoint.

    1.General Changes

    All Heavy Machine Gun Teams

    The following changes should address some of the issues HMGs have when dealing with massed infantry when there is no cover available. By having two members of the crew forward, they will draw fire away from the gunner, allowing the MG to operate when under fire. Manual Reload has also been added to the unit to allow player input on on reloads.

    Formation changes; when in the open, two of the crew members will now stand slightly ahead of the MG.

    Manual Reload added.

    All HMGs will now have an icon when using AP abilities

    -This is a change affecting all factions but the vickers will be helped greatly by this because of the lacking suppression that can sometimes happen, the extra men dying before the gunner will most likely allow it to suppress larger blobs.


    The following change will make trenches easier to siege with non-indirect fire weapons and give players an option to destroy them during combat.

    Target size from 2 to 17; target size no longer changes when garrisoned or ungarrisoned

    - This change is warranted and fair, nerfing trenches by increasing the cost or something else would have been extremely punishing along that quite significant nerf. Instead of building 10-15 trenches to withstand indirect fire or hordes of axis infantry, you will simply need 20-30 instead.


    We are increasing the time it takes to build sandbags for a select number of units. This will make it more of a strategic choice to build sandbags, because building them in the early game will hinder the pace at which the map can be captured. This should encourage players to build sandbags only in vital locations, rather than putting them everywhere their line infantry goes to capture points.

    Sandbag build time increased from 12 to 18 seconds for Infantry Sections, Riflemen and Volks

    -This change affects all factions except for grenadiers and ostruppens sandbags but it is especially brutal for tommies because they struggle to take back entrenched position. They need cover much more than any other unit outside ostruppens, so the fact they will pretty much never be able to complete these sandbags in the early game means you will almost never fight from green cover position anymore which can be extremely painful vs squads that are better out of cover like volks or grens at mid range, On such maps as crossroads you used to be able to capture your fuel and build a sandbag on the bottom right corner from south spawn before an enemy squad would come up but now you can't do that. So now you basically have to forget building sandbags in the back points in the early game unless you want to severely limit your capping power because of the removal of the capping speed to tommies as well. And buildings sandbags on frontline territory in the early game means you will almost always get caught off and lose the fight horribly.

    4.HQ/Bunker Medics

    The following change should relieve some of the issues when there are too many models in the base which blocks the path of medics.

    Now have a healing aura that heals 7.5% of an infantry models health per second in an area of 5; does not stack on itself.

    -That change is alright for the medics for ukf I guess but I still would never build them, because they cost 3 pop constantly and reduce your manpower income. It can be hard to even afford 3 pop in the late game as ukf. I would put them to 1 man 1 pop or attached to the hq costing 200 mp like soviets. The forward assembly could be reduced in manpower to 150 if the option of putting medics in hq is not possible. The fact you can't upgrade medics and retreat point at the same time is already bad enough.

    5.Forward Assembly and Glider

    The UKF Forward Assembly and Glider disappeared in the Fog of War after having been spotted, unlike other structures. This made it harder to remember their exact location, for example to target them with indirect fire. This has been brought in line with other structures.

    Forward Assembly and British gliders now correctly appear in the FOW when spotted, like other structures.

    -Very good change


    AEC and Bofors Tech

    AEC and Bofors tech will no longer be mutually exclusive. The resource cost needed for each already acted as a gate from the other being purchased, and given the AEC already being the prime choice due to its mobility, there is no reason to further punish the choice of Bofors.

    AEC and Bofors tech will no longer lock each other out from being purchased

    -This is a good meme and it will allow more 4vs4 newbies to use bofors along AEC.


    The AEC is seeing a build-time increase to push the unit back slightly to give other LVs more opportunities to roam before the unit appears. The sight is also being reduced to make it more difficult for the AEC to hunt for targets on its own.

    Build time from 45 to 60

    Sight from 50 to 42; veterancy 2 returns sight to 50

    -This change on its own is fine but combined with the removal of capping for the tommies means the aec is getting triple nerfed in one patch. It will be pretty hard to deal with the 222 with the big timing nerf the aec got with these 2 changes. Meaning the UC will have to pull out much faster reducing it's efficacity. 222 will also be able to bully around sections much longer ~1min30/2min especially on close quarters maps since sections don't have snares like other mainlines.

    8.Infantry Section

    Infantry Sections are having their capture bonus removed to reduce British early game map control.

    Capture bonus removal

    -This change is pretty significant when combined with the sandbags nerf, the reason why tommies have increased capping power is because they are so bad at dislodging entrenched positions so that cap bonus allowed them to cap faster and get into a favourable position faster. Don't forget tommies have a penalty of +5% increased received accuracy when out of cover for some reason. That meant they would be able to hold their ground better.

    9.Royal Engineers

    Royal Engineers are having their speed debuff from their Heavy Engineers upgrade removed as it prevented them from zoning out and punishing vehicles with their HEAT grenades.

    Heavy Engineer in-combat speed debuff removed

    - Good change in hopefully making anvil more attractive because as it stands now it's really bad when you upgrade your engis with that and you equip piats on them to prevent dives from panthers and the likes.

    10.UKF Medic squad

    Due to the buggy nature of the squad's automatic healing, it is being replaced.

    Automatic healing removed

    Replaced with ambulance-like AOE healing ability that locks squad into place and slowly heals units in proximity over time

    -Good change in making the medics a pseudo ambulance when combined with the fact they will get aoe healing. They are still pretty bad though outside when you go for lend lease. 3 pop is not something you can easily afford as ukf in the late game.

    11.Forward Assembly

    The Forward Assembly is seeing a reduction in its build-time to present itself as an option as both a reinforce point and base healing structure.

    Build time from 45 to 37.5

    -Honestly this change is pretty insignificant considering it still takes ~40 seconds to build healing, and its quite expensive too, 200 manpower and 60 ammo compared to 150 mp and 60 amm,o from wher for example. The huge size of it also does not help with base pathing. => Should reduce the cost to 150 manpower or include medics when built with the optino to upgrade to retreat point.

    12.Valentine Mk IX

    The Valentine must now be built from the HQ as a delay mechanism. Previously it could arrive too quickly for the amount of damage it could cause.

    Now needs to be built in HQ after being unlocked at 5CPs

    50 Second build time.

    -Really good change sorely needed, the state of the valentine now reminds us of the mobile defense days when you could call in pumas, only difference was that it was limited to 1 and dealt way more infantry dmg.

    13.Churchill Infantry Tank

    The Churchill is seeing the reversion of its population increase due to the British generally having higher than usual population. Furthermore, improvements to its main gun and the addition of a tank commander should make this tank - and Anvil - a better option.

    Tank commander upgrade added

    Reload from 6.125/7 to 6.125

    Population from 19 to 18

    -This is a very good change for the churchill which is quite pathetic in the current version, this should allow it to engage tanks more easily and for it to not take as much pop in your composition. The regularization of its reload is also nice vs infantry.


    The Centaur is seeing increases in its mobility and speed. Previously, it was too slow making the unit difficult to use with its average survivability.

    Speed from 5.2 to 5.6

    Acceleration from 1.8 to 2.2

    Rotation rate from 28 to 32

    -Decent changes for a unit that is badly in need of help in the live version when compared with the ostwind. I still feel that it's too hard to use when at guns are present on the maps because it does not have blitz or some kind of escape, so you usally only want to build this when facing planes abuse and after you teched hammer so you can actually escape.


    The Firefly is having its turret rotation improved. Its current turret rotation speed makes it track slower than most case-mate tank destroyers. The unit's speed with veterancy is also being improved. These changes should make the unit feel more responsive.

    Veterancy 1 now grant a speed boost of +10%

    Turret horizontal and vertical traverse speed from 18 to 22

    Veterancy 2 Turret traverse speed bonus from 1.35 to 1.15

    -Good changes for a subpar tank destroyer, pretty much only usable reliably vs heavy tanks. I still feel that vanilla state is firing way too slow, maybe increase the reload by a little bit at vet 0 and scale back the reload at vet 2 so it keeps the final current fire rate. I feel that it should receive either a bit more reload at vet 0 or gain a small amount of penetration with vet. Nothing feels more awful than boucing with a firefly.


    The Comet is having its fuel cost increased to better reflect its current performance. The WP ready aimtime is also being increased as it activated too quickly previously.

    Fuel cost to 185

    WP ready aim-time from 1 to 2

    -Good nerf, anymore than this without really buffing the cromwell would be really bad for the ukf tank arsenal.

    17.Mortar Emplacement

    The Mortar Emplacement has received a number of changes to make it more usable by being cheaper to initially put down. By granting only one mortar to the player, the UKF player does not need to expand a large amount of resource to get access to basic indirect-fire. The addition of the heavy mortar barrage will give the British a long-range late game artillery unit in the core.

    Cost from 350 to 250

    Now starts with one mortar active.

    2nd Mortar can be activated by upgrading the Emplacement for 100 manpower. 20 second research.

    Can now fire a Heavy Mortar Barrage up to range 180 once Hammer or Anvil have been unlocked.

    Heavy Barrage fires a total of 8 rounds into the target area with a 120 second recharge; affected by veterancy.

    -This is a good change for the pit but I still feel it should be 240 mp initially considering it can't move. The reduction in range of the heavy barrage is good because it seemed very abusive in 1vs1 maps especially.

    18.Bug Fixes

    Hold the Line should now trigger on friendly sectors controlled by Allies

    Hold the Line now highlights sectors for all players when active

    Fixed an issue where the Land Mattress; veterancy 2 was not applying correctly.

    Fixed an issue where the Officer Recon Sweeps for the British were invulnerable and had no entity.

    Fixed an issue where the Vicker K LMG had an unreasonably long reload time at 8/9 seconds; value changed to 6.

    - Good that hold the line is fianlly fixed and that land matress now has a vet 2. Good fix on the officer recon and good thing that the vickers k which is one of the worst weapon in the game is getting slightly buffed. Still too expensive with the racks and half track requirements though.


    British HQ Structures

    To make it easier to utilize other healing options, infantry will now retreat directly towards the HQ, rather than to the Platoon or Company Command Post.

    Infantry will now rally towards the HQ Truck rather than to other base structures structures.

    -Good change in helping medics or forward assembly build work a bit better but it also increase the vulnerability of ukf to leFH18 and rocket artillery to a certain extent.

    20.Churchill Infantry Tank

    The Churchill is having its rear armor reduced to make it more vulnerable to being flanked by medium tanks, while still retaining higher than usual values due to the Churchill's damage sponge role. The unit is also receiving a pintle machine to increase its firepower against infantry.

    Rear armour from 180 to 150

    Veterancy 1 now grants a Vickers K pintle; weapon follows the rotation of the turret

    Pintle DPS at 0/10/15/20/25/30/35: 8.07/5.90/4.99/4.15/3.38/2.71/2.14

    The Churchill is having its population change reverted. If the unit receives additional changes, it will be to make the unit more potent individually.

    Population reverted to 19

    -Honestly pretty good buffs to the churchill, the tank commander and the pintle provides noticeable increase in dmg to infantry even if it's low. Rear armour nerf is pretty sad on top of the revert to 19 pop. I don't think giving tank commander and a 2 dps pintle at long range is scary enough to remove the 1 pop buff it was going to get. It still has a vet 1 requirement for its grenade lol. Also the vickers pintle upgrade can't fire at planes for some reason.

    21.17 Pounder Emplacement

    The 17 Pounder Emplacement's world piercing rounds are being reduced in cost to better match their


    Piercing Rounds from 90 munitions to 60 munitions

    -Very good change, allowing the 17 pounder to roleplay as a pak 43 for 30 seconds for cheaper. 90 ammo was just too expensive

    22.Fixued an issue where the Land Mattress' reinforce value was set to 1 rather than 0.5

    -No longer will the land matress cost 45 manpower per model to reinforce, finally.

    23.Infantry Section

    The Raid package is being scrapped with focus being placed on other elements of the British arsenal to help take map control. Furthermore, their medical kits are being increased in price due to how efficient they are while Mill Bombs are having their fuse time increase to match other grenades.

    Raid Package removed

    Grenade fuse time from 1 to 1.25

    Medical Supplies upgrade from 30 to 45

    -Here is by far one of the biggest nerf for ukf. Removing the raid package is good and increasing the grenade fuse is also warranted. Increasing the ammo cost for the med supplies to 45 is just too brutal for ukf in the early game mainly vs wher. The first healing supplies arrive slightly later but the second and third supplies arrive much much later, making the ukf squads bleed A LOT, especially if you get pushed off temporarily in the early game. I would suggest reverting back the ammo increase for the med supplies completely when you consider all the other nerfs tommies are receiving already.

    24.Vickers HMG Team

    The passive bonus of the Vickers is being changed into a timed ability. This should allow the Vickers's veterancy 1 ability be more useful in the majority of situation.

    'Take Aim' replaces veterancy 1 garrison bonus. Improves range by 7, accuracy by +15%, penetration by +6. Cycle a reload before activating. Can be used in garrisons. 15 munitions.

    -After multiple testing I realize this is a good ability, it allows you to inflict more dmg and suppress a little bit more while also being to deal with lightly armored targets when setup. The removal of sight in garrisons is a shame but the increase in pen and accuracy makes it up for it. I am not sure if it's supposed to be like that but the vickers needs to reload before AND after using these rounds, making it quite vulnerable after the ability runs off.

    25.Royal Engineers

    Sappers and the Assault Officer are having their capture rate to help increase the UKF's map control in the later stages of the game.

    Capture rate from 1 to 1.25

    -This feels like nothing but a band-aid to try and give back some of the original capture rate to really bad units at that role. Royal engis have more tasks to do than try and cap on the sides of the map. And the ass officer cap rate increase is nice I guess.


    The Cromwell is receiving a new veterancy 1 ability to aid its role as a mobile tank that excels at hunting down injured or lightly armoured vehicles.

    Veterancy 1 smoke recharge replaced with the 'Hunt' ability; detects vehicles in the FOW up to range 60 and improves moving accuracy by 20% for 30 seconds. 25 munitions.

    -While this is a slight buff I would recommend putting the duration to 30 seconds because it is currently only 20 seconds which is incredibly short, and its quite expensive for this short ability. I still feel the cromwell aoe is so bad so it should at least that ability to last 30 seconds.

    27.Bug fixes

    Fixed an issue where the Churchill had less gun depression than other tanks

    -This is a very good change because the churchill could not use attack ground near itself because of the way it's current gun work at the moment. It would just sit there and do nothing.


    Royal Engineers

    Royal Engineers are being moved to the HQ to encourage different builds from the British, help provide map control over the more expensive Infantry Section, and provide a cheaper supporting unit. A number of their abilities and construction options are being pushed back to avoid having a significant impact in the early game.

    Now trained in the HQ rather than the Platoon Command Post

    Destroy Cover, Heat Grenade, and Forward Assembly require Platoon Command Post


    Given the changes to Royal Engineers and the timing of most healing options for other factions, Medics are being moved into the Platoon Command Post.

    Now trained at the Platoon Command Post rather than the HQ

    -This is a decent change, I feel like royal engis should be able to use destroy cover in the early game since it's so hard to build your own sandbags at that time. Making medics comes in the platoon is alright.

    29.Universal Carrier

    The Universal Carrier is receiving a slight nerf by adding a fuel cost to the unit. Its effectiveness in the early game warrants a slight delay to British teching.

    Fuel cost to 5

    -While that nerf is fair and justified it is another indirect nerf to the aec timing making your UC even more vulnerable to 222 and the likes. I would recommend keeping this fuel cost while removing the increase in build time for the aec. The fact the aec basically gets 3 timing nerf is way too much. Removal of capping bonus increase in build time and another indirect nerf with the 5 fuel cost of the UC which you usually need vs wher.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this everyone and have a nice one :)

    submitted by /u/Kobal22
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    Preview mod 3.0 Conscripts Are Now Ostruppen With Uraah.

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 04:22 AM PST

    So 7man size conscripts are just going to be onstruppen now ? They're "not mainline" infantry, but "support" infantry. Okay. So due to the their nerf, which I don't think even axis asked for, why hasn't their mainline infantry been adjusted?

    Did everyone forget ostruppen play during the be tournament? A unit that can beat cons with their lmg. I mean, at this rate, I wonder if the old conscripts, before all their changes (16 damage rifles and +30accuracy at vet 3) were better.

    If you're going to neft the standard unit of a faction without providing an effective alternative, you're doing something wrong.

    Thank you for letting them keep their sandbags.

    submitted by /u/Thattwinkboy
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    If the game gets patches, can we also maybe get a few new maps?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 04:05 PM PST

    I feel like its ages since we've gotten a new map or two

    submitted by /u/Zabbiemaster
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    Can you make Panzergrenadier Space Marine [4v4]?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 02:32 PM PST

    Can you make Panzergrenadier Space Marine [4v4]?


    This is just a random thought that I have never put to the test, but the basic seems sound. I do not have the updated number after the patch, but can someone please try this strat out in 4v4.

    1. Player 1: The Space marine - Blitzkrieg doctrine
      1. Panzergrenadier [Combined Arms]: +20% movement speed, -10% received acc. when near vehicle
      2. Blitzkrieg doctrine [Sprint]: Squad will sprint
      3. Command P4 [aura]: -10% received dmg.
    2. Player 2: Doctrine w/ artillery officer
      1. Artillery officer [Inspiring Aura]: +25% acc
    3. Player 3: OKW Special Operation
      1. Command Panther vet 5: +20% acc, +20% reload speed
    4. Player 4: Grand Operation
      1. Command Tiger[aura]: -25% wep cooldown, -20% received accuracy

    In total, the panzergrenadier space marine will...(Not sure if additive or multiplicative)

    • Mobility: Sprint and +20% speed
    • Durability: -30% received accuracy and -10% received damage
    • Offense: +45% accuracy and -25% weapon cooldown (less time between burst)

    Since slot 3 is a little hard to come by, here are some obscene but niche buff you can add to them.

    • Luftwaffe supply [air-drop med]: When picked up, +15% acc, -13% received acc, heal to full in 1.5s out of combat (Mark of Nurgle)
    • Feuersturm [Opel truck aura]: -35% reload time, +75% ability recharge (bundle nade) (Mark of Khorne)
    • Breakthrough [Sturm offizier mark target]: +30% acc against that target
    submitted by /u/ITalkToSky1467
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    COH2 is so exhausting to play (in a good way)

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 06:42 PM PST

    I'm kind of new to COH2 with about 100 hours and once I'm in the mid game I'm so swamped with micro and build choices that I feel like I'm in over my head. It's kind of cool that theres this much to get in to. After a game I feel like I just woke up at 6 am and can roll back over. It's almost as if I didnt blink for the whole 30 or 40 minutes of the match.

    I've had this game since it was just Soviets and wehrmacht and have come and gone throughout the years. Ugh such a good game and I wish I was better at it.

    submitted by /u/triflingwisp
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    Updates on the RTS game inspired by COH, WIC and C&C. Been developing it along with a friend, please let me know what you think. More gameplay links in the comments

    Posted: 21 Dec 2020 10:38 PM PST

    Opel Blitz Truck (OKW)

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 12:22 PM PST

    Does anyone know what exactly it does? I'm new to the Feuersturm Doctrine and reading the description it says it "supplies troops with munitions". So does it just lessen weapon cool down and reload speed? Does it hasten abilities? What's it do besides be a very weak Ostheer half-track?

    submitted by /u/Utini5000
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    Campaign rewards question

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 03:58 PM PST

    Im playing through the AA campaign right now because I read that you get vehicle skins as a reward. My question is: do I have to get gold medals on every mission to get the rewards? Or just gold overall? Ive had a couple of missions where I only managed to get silver. If it needs to be all gold, can I go back & retry those individual missions? Also what are the reward skins? Im guessing they are for US faction only.

    submitted by /u/PocketRadzys
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    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 09:46 PM PST

    How can I keybind on the mac for coh2, karabiner didn't work.

    submitted by /u/criticallyme
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    Counter barrage ability

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 07:30 AM PST

    Has anyone tried to use the counter barrage ability on the German mortar ,artillery and panzer werfer . Is it worth using when the enemy has artillery of its own??

    submitted by /u/banglamadarchod
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    Crossplay between Steam and microsoft game store?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 12:38 PM PST

    Heyho dudes, i hope you are having a good time before Christmas!

    Is there any way to play together if i own the steam version and my friend owns the Microsoft store version?

    We tried this some weeks ago but found no solution, so if there is a workaround i would be very thankfull.

    Thank you dudes.

    submitted by /u/lolmaster78
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    Theoretical question: You vs a pro... who wins?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 06:47 PM PST

    This is more aimed at the average player, because we have hopes & dreams too.

    So what would it take for you to win against a top 20 player who was really trying? Would it take a 2v1, 3v1, 4v1? Could you get the W if you just got to choose the opponents faction & commander? Or had a 5, 10, 15 minute head start, or double the VPs?

    I have about 20 hrs gametime & am pretty evenly matched against standard AI difficulty (ikr, the dizzying heights of such brilliance) & I think it would have to be a 4v1 for me to have a chance. I think any 4 would have to be favourites vs the best in the world due to overwhelming force. Even if that force were all a bunch of bumbling idiots.

    This is more fantasy spitballing but also feel free to post your "my Civic can beat a Ferrari" stories about how you trounced player X that one time in automatch.

    submitted by /u/PocketRadzys
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    Snipers are stupid and need to be changed.

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 06:20 PM PST

    So I think everyone here agrees that snipers are stupid and absolute cancer to play against, and vs. even semi-competent players they' can be incredibly difficult to kill. In this I'm gonna focus on the impossible to kill part, for the only real reliable way in COH 2 to kill a sniper, is to counter-snipe it with another sniper. Not only is this dumb considering there's only 1 way to deal with snipers reliably by playing cat and mouse with snipers, but also because 2 factions lack a sniper.

    When a sniper hits the field vs. OKW/USF , the OKW/USF player is already at an immediate disadvantage. Here's a unit that will for as long as its alive (which unless the player uses the sniper misplays, it'll most likely be alive for the whole game) will continue to bleed your units for free. MP is highly critical for both USF/OKW and having that constant model drain will slow you down significantly. Now before people say "USF/OKW have 'options' to counter snipers", lets talk about those options starting with OKW:

    First and foremost: the Puma. The Puma is OKWs most reliable non-doc option vs. Snipers with its vet 1 'aimed shot' ability allows it to snipe a model, coupled with its speed make it a pretty good counter to snipers. The drawbacks: you are forced into going mechanized instead of getting the healing you get from battlegruppe and side teching can be a bit difficult to do in the early/mid game as OKW.

    The Luchs: While not as reliable, deals decent anti-infantry DPS and is decently fast enough to chase down retreating infantry. The drawbacks: any decent player using snipers will constantly 'hug' it with mainline infantry in front that will prevent the luchs from diving it, allowing the sniper to most of the time escape. This is also a factor for the puma, but the luchs doesn't have the luxury of having a 'snipe' ability so it can't dive in and then immediately dive out.

    JLIs: An elite scout unit with a G43 upgrade that ups their general DPS and gives them a reliable 'snipe' crit at models below 75% health and come in 2 decent docs. They have a sprint, decent on the move accuracy and enough DPS to get a target model below 75% health making them a soft counter to snipers on the field. The drawbacks: You have to pick a doc to counter a non-doc unit which is stupid. Also you still have to deal with the mainline infantry/mgs that will most likely be in your way to get to the sniper.

    Fallschirmjagers: Falls are elite paratrooper units that can be globally deployed, have decent Starting DPS and have ambush camo and bonus. The drawbacks: you have to sit your falls in camo (until vet 2) near a spot where you hope the sniper will come near and hopefully be able to burst it down before it retreats.

    Kubelwagon: This is the worst out these counters as the Kubel, while fast, does not have great starting accuracy/DPS especially on the move. Also, unlike the puma and luchs it is fragile and vulnerable to small arms fire, which it will most likely face, because like infantry, it also has to get past the mainline infantry guarding the sniper.

    As for USF your options are much more limited and worse.

    The M20: is a light vehicle that comes in with LT. Tech. Its relatively cheap , fast and deals decent anti-infantry damage (mostly when stationery). The Drawbacks: Yes its fast, but its on the move accuracy isn't very reliable and it's also very fragile. It also will come out by the time other light vehicle counters would already or be close to coming onto the field (puma, luchs, 222 etc.) let alone AT gun/s. The most you can hope for the M20 to achieve is to be traded for the sniper which is already a bad trade.

    Pathfinders: 290MP scout unit that comes in 2 doc, these units have very high sight (even higher with vet), camo (no ambush bonus though) and decent long range DPS and 2 'sniper' rifles (1 with I/R pathfinders) that deal a 'snipe crit' at units below 40% HP. The drawbacks: pathfinders lack the DPS on their own to reduce their target below 40% health and require double BARs to deal DPS on their own. On top of that their on the move accuracy is not great. with pathfinders you have to set up an ambush (after you get BARs) with them and hope the sniper comes close enough to them, to give them enough time to burst down the sniper (while praying to RNGesus) before it retreats.

    M8 greyhound: is a light scout vehicle that deals good anti-infantry DPS and comes out at 5CP on Recon Support doc and is fast like the M20, while being a bit more durable and a bit more expensive. The drawbacks: again you have to pick a doc to counter a non-doc unit, and the greyhound comes out significantly later than the M20 and will face more AT than its counterpart, it just comes out too late.

    Rifleman blobs: this is the last and worst option at USF's disposal, you blob a bunch of rifles and try to focus enough DPS on the sniper to kill it, while praying to RNGesus. The Drawbacks: the sniper with its sight range can easily spot the blob coming and kite the blob before being force to retreat (not to mention OST's sniper has the AOE incendiary shot which can stun and kill clumped up units). the blob also has to get past the mainline infantry guarding the sniper as well as most likely an MG which can easily shut down a blob.

    Conclusion: OKW/USF have limited options (with USF having even worse options) to deal with this unit that will essentially bleed MP for free as long as its on the field. I suggest that Snipers have their RA significantly increased to where even a single rifleman squad at long range can reliably kill it. Also remove incendiary shot from OST snipers.

    submitted by /u/PAX_AJAX
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    Trouble logging in

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 03:29 PM PST

    So I just bought the game, did all the tutorials and had fun. I wanna play with my friend now. I hadn't made a relic account yet, so I did. Put in my stuff, and I created it. Tried logging into the relic site, anddd it doesn't register. This wouldn't be a problem if I knew my account name but I don't think I have one yet. So I can't login on COH. Does anyone else have this problem and anyone have a fix? When I hit login it doesn't do anything. Help?

    submitted by /u/blakestermp4
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    Bugs and lags all day long

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 11:31 AM PST

    Hello. First I'd like to say I really enjoy the game. There is nothing like it and my friends and always come back to play it. But since two weeks I'm experiencing a lot of lagging. The game freezes for 5-10 seconds, the connection seems lost and it's disconnected and reconnecting, and then everything happens really fast. None of my friends are experiencing this bug and I don't know what to do. I've made no changes to my system and o don't know what to do. If anyone knows how to help, I'm happy to try it. I'm playing on pc under win10

    submitted by /u/masri88
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    Evolution of Essence Engine Games 2006-2017

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 03:44 AM PST

    Performance woes :'(

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 07:12 AM PST

    Some of you might remember me making a post here a few weeks ago about upgrading my PC due to shitty COH2 FPS. So I did, I now have a Ryzen 5 3600 with a GTX 1660 Super and 16GB RAM. I don't know what it is with this game but in most games that go on longer than 30 minutes, I start getting heavy stuttering/FPS drops, to the point where microing effectively becomes a nightmare and I end up loosing games because of it. The game starts off fine with 120 FPS which slowly degrades over the course of the game to around 30 or even lower. I tried monitoring my HW utilization and guess what, neither the GPU not the CPU are even hitting 50% utilization, even during FPS drops. How bad of an engine does this game have? BTW this has been experienced only while playing 2v2s. I don't play any 3v3/4v4. Found a tip somewhere that recommended clearing the my games > companyofheroes2 folder every now and then. So I tried that as well, literally clear it before each session, but that hasn't made any difference either.

    Does anyone have any tips? Managed to overcome similar problems? At this point I just feel like quitting for good because 30 FPS slugfests are a nightmare to play.

    FYI it doesn't matter what gfx settings I play on. Even low gfx settings have stuttering. For what it's worth I have vsync and AA off regardless.

    submitted by /u/Aam1rk
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    Looking for some tips on beating Hard/Expert AI in 2v2

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 03:24 AM PST

    New player-- Been playing 2v2's w/ my friend for the last couple days. We were getting stomped by 2x Hard AI. Specifically as Soviets vs. Wehrmacht.

    For what it's worth, I can stomp Hard AI in 1v1, and my friend is probably better than I am.

    Your finest cheese, please.

    submitted by /u/waynefiltered
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    X2 USF team game advice

    Posted: 22 Dec 2020 12:31 PM PST

    Does anyone have a lot of experience with this? A buddy of mine and I are trying to grind out the game plan for X2 USF and really struggling against stall out builds. We always have a very strong early game but start slowly getting picked apart past the 20 minute mark.

    Veteran 1v1 player but team games can be so crazy and looking for tips.

    We've been trying out a double Captain build and it seems the way to go but I see a lot of people do lieutenant 50s Stewart and I'm just not quite seeing how that's a better choice than captain.

    We often feel forced to go infantry, urban assault but maybe we need to try other commanders?

    What maps do you ban?

    Inb4: axis late game OP LOLOLOL playing USF I'm team games is climbing wiener mountain butt first.

    submitted by /u/HelmutIV
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