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    Sunday, January 24, 2021

    Company of Heroes Gardening Blobber

    Company of Heroes Gardening Blobber

    Gardening Blobber

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 09:32 AM PST

    Am I the only one who pretty much only plays the game to do things like this?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 12:36 PM PST

    This B-4 changed my life.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 07:47 AM PST

    2021 UKF Guide

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 03:40 PM PST

    UKF 2021 Guide Faction Overview

    Copying this over from the discord. In this guide I won't go in detail about every single unit that the UKF has at its disposal but will try to give general advice to how you approach using it and to improve your decision making. Upcoming balance changes may affect these but I doubt for the foreseeable future they will change things to a point that you need to completely relearn the faction. Advice I give is mainly oriented on 1v1 while there are some things that are transferable keep this in mind.

    UKF's Main Advantages: Infantry Sections are very powerful with the right upgrades Potentially very snowbally with cheap technology Great vision and healing options

    UKF's Main Drawbacks Potentially static playstyle counted by snipers and indirect fire Holes in stock army (Rocket Artillery, flamers and mobile mortar) No snares on mainline infantry

    Infantry sections are the core of the UKF roster, using them correctly will be crucial in getting a lot out of the UKF as a lot of their "power budget" is in them. Infantry sections take more damage and reload much slower out of cover. They also have compared with other mainline infantry poor moving accuracy. To help with this relative weakness on the attack, Infantry sections have AOE healing from an upgrade to help heal up after taking an entrenched position, the pyrotechnics upgrade can call in smoke or base mortars to help push a point.

    Early game the UKF tends to grab territory and place sandbags on key points, to enable this I recommend you work your way up to 3-4 Infantry Sections early and use the universal carrier as mobile support and to harass the enemy preventing them from contesting your capping. How you do this varies between the two factions but in general you will want to establish map presence early to make full use out of the UKF cover bonus.

    Early Build Orders

    Restricting this to Early orders as builds get more fuzzy the longer game goes on, I will offer a few for you to try out

    Standard Allround

    IS->IS->Tech-> UC (immediately upgrade with Vickars MG)-> IS/MG/RE This build lets you get good capping power and the Universal Carrier lets you push out of your core capping area supporting your infantry when attacking. Handled correctly the UC will heavily punish OKW's that recklessly push in the open and can do a lot of damage to the 4man grenadier squads. Build engineers if your UC took a lot of damage, I like MG on maps with good buildings. Follow up with bolster to transition to mid game.

    Aggressive UC

    IS->UC->IS->Tech->Vickars MG upgrade->RE Potential build against OKW, push first section up near their oil point, use the UC to push volks around out of cover and let sections pump rounds into them. Damage done to strumpios is a priority so take it every time you get a chance without taking too much damage. The fuel disruption should slow down the OKW tech and force them to respond or move to the other side of the map. Royal Engineers and 3rd IS can backcap while you dig in and prepare for a bolster push or a sniper.

    Lend Lease

    MG->AS->AS->MG/AS->Tech->Engineers or Sniper->AT I would not recommend this against against OST for two reasons, it weak against sniper starts which OST players tend to do against UKF and Assault Sections perform really badly against 5 man grens. If you want to try it I recommend subbing out an early unit for a mortar to drop smoke. The trick behind this is to use the power spikes of Assault sections and their upgrade to keep the other side reacting using machine guns aggressively to take map control. Use sight blockers like hedgerows to avoid damage and the 1 Target size on Assault Section can lead to heavy damage if you move directly at squads already in cover. Attacking areas in the open lead with the machine gun and use the sections for cover. When doing this build get medics or if you have the resources a forward assembly with medics in the HQ zone as your army will have a lot of units that can't heal themselves like sections. As you don't get any infantry upgrades with this start you should be able to get a cromwell or m10 out very fast.

    Mid-> Late Game

    Midgame gets a bit harder for UKF as without bolster Axis infantry will perform better against the sections and your mainline infantry not having snares means Axis light vehicles tend to have more freedom of movement against UKF. Countering this requires a solid grasp of the way UKF AT works and good built positional play (later section.) As UKF struggles at this part of the game to retake territory, using your engineers to wire off easy cover, lay mines to stop flanks and replace destroyed sandbags is important. Use IS upgrades, shock units like the commandos or a Cromwell to bounce back from particularly hard retreats but try not get tunnel visioned when you could move into unoccupied parts of the map. UKF AT is mixed, unlike other factions with snares on their mainline infantry an unsupported AT gun can be circumvented by a panzer 2 as your Infantry sections helplessly fire into the side. Mirror Light Vehicles with your AT guns and engineers, get a second AT gun if you are significantly behind on oil and consider early PIATs on your engineers.

    Later in the game UKF tends to do well relying on comets or doctrinal heavy tank callins, UKF also has a large amount of powerful mapwide buffs and offmap commander abilities which combined with upgraded sections should give you a good chance if you have kept key units alive. Comet's WP round blocks AT guns and machine guns forcing them to reposition or take damage. Doctrinal churchills work best as an anchor for a push soaking up damage while at-guns and potentially a firefly push in.

    Army Composition

    Ideally you will have 3-4 squads of infantry in all games, this will let you have capping power, the ability to fight simultaneously on multiple parts of the map and screening for your tanks in pushes. At least one squad of engineers is needed for the midgame to place mines/wire, sweep mines, snare vehicles and repair. The UKF reliance on RE's for AT grenades pushes you to get more than 1 squad as otherwise later in the game you won't have any snare capabilities while you are repairing or mining. 2 AT guns can help a lot to support this as the 6 pounder is potentially the best AT gun in the game, pairing them with an AEC, sniper or engineers can slow enemy vehicles while the AT gun does work. Use the ability on them to rapidly move them out of incoming artillery or reposition to a tank flank. In terms of anti-infantry you can rely on your sections or get commandos/MG/sniper with spare popcap to enable attacks, cover flanks or inflict bleed. For commandos I strongly recommend giving them brens as they have a very damage model and can maintain their great dps at longer ranges. Finally in terms of tanks most players stall for a comet as it has well balanced anti-tank and anti-infantry in addition to being fast and well armoured for its price. Cromwell can be good especially if used with the UKF's oil efficient teching but it is slowed significantly if an AEC is bought and performs suboptimally against the Panzer 4 and is vulnerable to a well controlled Puma. The UKF is a pop-cap intensive faction with a lot of specialised units so keeping this balance can be hard if you don't have the right composition. Handling UKF Counters The UKF by their design has a number of units that are very good against them. I will give some mixed tips to handle them but if they were easily handled people wouldn't use them. The OST sniper is a very common build combined with osttruppen to fill their frontline with cheap units. It is effective as the moving accuracy of the sections is weak so it will rarely take damage if its walking backwards towards an supporting unit. Use good practice against snipers (such as using vision blockers to avoid snipes as much as possible) The universal carrier will do good damage to an exposed sniper so hold it near where you think the sniper is on the map, AEC also has the damage bonus. The UKF sniper comes out slightly later but can counter snipe if needed. Commandos can sneak up on and delete the sniper, especially with brens which can kill a sniper in a short volley at medium range. Finally the section bolster is a soft sniper counter as it gives you more time to fight allowing other elements to kill it. Ambush camo is another good OST doctrinal ability, use light vehicles and tanks to flush out ambush locations. Play conservatively with the universal carrier as explosive MG42 rounds from ambush will nearly instantly kill it.

    On the OKW side theres two main ones, battlegroup builds can be very good against UKF. ISG's provide good firepower and range, the efficient healing allows them to field healthy infantry. My advice against this is to try to flank and use your light vehicles as much as possible. Static cover to cover gameplay will end poorly especially in yellow cover. If they have ISG's they won't have the manpower for multiple rakkens or elite infantry. JLIs/Fallstrumjaegers are very strong against Infantry sections, if you see an OKW go for multiple squads of them get extra infantry upgrades to keep up. These units don't have snares so use vehicles as much as you can around them.

    Commanders and Loadouts

    For bulletins pick the ones that boost your sections with accuracy and shot cooldown reduction. Grenade throw range is another good potential one. Going into a game it's a good idea to have a plan with what you want to use your commander pick for. Some like Lend Lease need to be picked minute one, others can be used to respond to developing situations (like needing a Flamethrower or Rocket Artillery.) I will post them in order of how often I pick them but its up to you.

    Artillery's main benefit is the Valentine tank. It is a very powerful pseudo-medium tank that doesn't get engine damage at full HP from a snare. Concentrated barrage can be useful in a pinch as well for indirect fire as airburst rounds stun tanks. Avoid the sexton unless you know what you are doing.

    Engineer's main use is access to the AVRE and flamethrowers. The AVRE combined with crew repairs and hammer warspeed can be a pretty good late game comet alternative though its lack of a main gun I would recommend you pair it with anti-tank gun support or another tank. The command vehicle can be put on your AEC to get cheap scout planes and give an area of effect buff that really helps your tanks and infantry at the cost of making the AEC much more vulnerable and slow to attack.

    Tactical support's main benefit is the ability to drop a mortar and AT gun for 100mp+75 munis. The recovery engineers have access to smoke nades even without smoke, giving them valuable options to support your sections and tanks on attack. FOP gives you access to a lot of offmap support options, and really can help later in the game. It can be hard to setup if most of the buildings have been destroyed though you can upgrade a forward assembly for the same effect. Flame crocodiles give a great lategame alternative to Comet spam though support it with AT.

    Vanguard operations is a very flexible doctrine, it has access to crew repairs, commandos and a flame crocodile callin. The raid/logistics glider gives you good map presence, cheap commandos and potentially a retreat point. Try and use sight blockers like buildings to hide the glider as well, Axis players can punish badly placed forward respawns with indirect fire and tanks. The plane callin has an anti-tank and an anti-infantry plane so its a very nice call in for an attack. Flame crocodiles give a great lategame alternative to Comet spam though support it with AT.

    Lend Lease I have covered above in the builds section but in addition to that the mobile mortar team and the Half Track are useful additions to give extra support to your pushes. Use vehicle crew repairs later in the game to keep aggressive cromwell use going. Avoid picking into OST.

    Mobile Assault is a pretty good all around doctrine giving access to engineer flamers, commandos and the land mattress rocket artillery. I find compared with the other rocket artilleries though the land mattress is pretty weak and vulnerable to being decrewed. This unit can be good if an OKW has multiple ISGs or it can split up a Pak wall during an attack. The flamethrowers and commandos make it a decent doctrine to have if you need them though.

    Commandos has a number of good offmap callins and mapwide buffs, I find it hard to save up to use them and make full use out of them and keep mining/upgrading your sections and commandos. Air supremacy operation can be extremely good to delete recklessly placed OKW trucks combined with some damage. Assault gives a good mapwide infantry buff along with scout planes.

    Special weapons I would only really pick with a Soviet buddy to drop them Vickers lmgs for their penals in a 2v2. Their vet abilities give them crazy damage to make up for them not having a AI upgrade so this can make them OP. Everything else in the regiment is pretty bad since engineers got a snare, AT sections that really do not have a niche (RE can repair, mine and do everything else.) Get your flame croc from a better doctrine.

    Advanced Emplacements has seen some use in high tier play but I would heavily recommend against playing Emplacements as they are extremely map dependent and both Axis factions get non-doctrinal counters. When you lose the map with multiple emplacements its pretty much GG.

    submitted by /u/Ikol01
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    PSA for Map-Makers - Stop Adding Vehicle Wrecks

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 02:30 PM PST

    For all the map-makers on the workshop that read this.

    Please stop using unique vehicle wrecks to decorate the map. While there are non-salvageable vehicles (The Ostheer Panzer IV and StuG), every other vehicle such as the ISU-152, Ostwind, Tiger, etc. can be salvaged.

    While it might be cool to add a field of destroyed T-34s or have environmental story-telling that features destroyed vehicles... Said vehicles can be salvaged and used to gain free resources.

    Depending on the mod (Such as All Units (170)), players will be able to exploit and abuse these fuel and munition dumps to fast-track their teching as well as gain early weapon upgrades.

    A field that consisted of 8 wrecks will grant Oberkommando West 40 Fuel and 120 munitions. In the All Units (170) mod, the Soviets, Ostheer and USF armies can salvage these vehicles to even greater effect, totaling to approximately 105 fuel and 140 munitions.

    So unless you intend for the vehicle wrecks to become points of contest, you should either refrain from using vehicle wrecks or design territory points around them.

    Otherwise, you'll see me there...

    In the Discussion section...

    Waiting... Discussing...

    For you to update the map...

    Thank you for listening to this TED Talk.

    submitted by /u/LieutenantHanniquet
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    64 bit gives me hope CoH3 is on the horizon

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 08:45 AM PST

    This has consistently been one of the highest pop RTS since its release and despite failed attempts at Dawn of War (dead pop now) CoH keeps on chugging.

    Personally id love and updated CoH2 with fixes for bugs, a better report/ban functionality, player rep and 2 new factions with theater specific maps:

    Usmc, japan

    @admins this isnt news but theres no real discussion flair sooo

    submitted by /u/Devildog0491
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    Tank bobbing

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 12:20 PM PST

    Hey, relatively new player here, I encountered a bug or "feature" which i wanted to ask you if it is avoidable. Sometimes my tanks just drive at full speed and suddenly stop and get bounced backwards a few meters. It is like they are hitting an ivisible wall or something. Is there something i can do to prevent this from happening? Because right now its happening about twice every game on average.

    I really like this game, but sometimes it feels like a buggy unfinished mess despite being like 10 years old.

    submitted by /u/ne_kiste_bier
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    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 09:34 PM PST

    Its refreshing to see twice as many German factions played in this new balance patch.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 04:16 AM PST

    Before the last balance patch I was thinking of getting more invested into Coh2, played a couple long games but was put off by the random crashes in 1v1 ladder, aswell as the terrible Brit buff patch and removal of 50% of german factions as tournament-viable factions.

    Now I have watched the commander terminator tournament and its great so see a much bigger variety in factions, aswell as Brits apparently no longer being an auto-win faction like they were in the last iteration of balance changes.

    How is the 64bit update working for 1v1? Do you still have to remove all mods and restart the game constantly?

    submitted by /u/happymemories2010
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    [1v1] soviets countering germans?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 08:25 AM PST

    So I really like playing soviets, but it seems impossible for me to win, yes I am a noob.

    Ive literally only won 2 games online, one was 4v4, where I wasnt really responsible for the win, and one was another noob.

    I feel like whenever I play against Germany, (which is the only axis faction) I will be controlling 2 victory points with AT guns, Machine guns, all of that, and all they gotta do is sit back, until they get a panzer 4.

    once that tank is in the field, my tanks shoot rubber balls at it, and it runs through all defences.

    this doesnt even account for the fact, the germans appear to have engineers who are FULLY READY FOR COMBAT, with machine guns off the rip. while my engineers have some rusty bolt action rifles.

    Also the german scout car seems to be fully armored with reinforced titanium. I can counter it with penal squads usually with antitank rifles, but it usually blows through quite a few squads and dominates the battlefield almost immediately.

    Now its quite possible I just suck, I have never played as any faction except soviets, because i played the campaign and its the only faction i have experience with, even my T34s which historically were an ISSUE to deal with for german tanks, seem to shoot rubber balls, at regular German medium tanks, like the panzer. They almost seem invincible. unless you dedicate your entire army to destroying one, which by then, you lost.

    Ive played games where i got the enemy down to 100 victory points, and boom they throw a panzer on the field, and it wins the fucking game for them. 2 panzers easily destroy my entire army, and are at my base, and im unable to counter it.

    What do you guys think I should do?

    sorry for the rant. I am still a noob btw, mostly only played campaign on hard, although I do have a lot of experience (almost 200 hours) with iron harvest, which is like a baby COH, with less nuance.

    I really wanna play 1v1s mostly and get better at them, before trying to work with teams of people and just disappointing my team. But its hard when my army shoots rubber balls against the blitzkreig of the third reich.

    submitted by /u/Depressedbadger97
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    The greatest weapon of world war 2,the M1 Garbine!(to be honest its looks like an M14)

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 02:33 AM PST

    Flex SDK?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 11:31 AM PST

    Flex SDK is required to create icons for modded content, but since Flash is retired Adobe no longer keeps an archive of Flex downloads on their site -- would anyone happen to have an alternative download location?

    submitted by /u/RockinOneThreeTwo
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    Non-doctrinal front line healing for the Soviets

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 03:47 PM PST

    Is there a non-doctrinal way to heal your troops on the front line for the Soviets?

    submitted by /u/staingerous
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    Offline Mode

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 06:10 AM PST

    is the offline mode disabled? coz i cant seem to play offline anymore after the 64bit update. like when i tried to create a match it said "host bla bla not enough room to accommodate" no faceplate, no commanders, nothing in my loot inventory.

    submitted by /u/ThatNamelessDood
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    COH 2 in MAC... Does anyone play that anymore?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 11:54 AM PST

    Long Story Short, I had to compromise with the wife and spend 3k$ on a nice MacBook Pro 2019 i9 32gb ram etc.... SSD. I only want to play ONE game. And that is COH. Favorite Childhood game by far. Does anyone still play? Is it cross play between PC and MAC? I want to get back into the game, however only if people are still playing. LET ME KNOW PLEASE!

    I just want to play so bad against 4 other NAZI!

    submitted by /u/jewish008
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    CoH2 Launching problem with solution

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 10:29 AM PST

    Okay so this started off as a troubleshooting post but I've figured out how to run this game, look for solution at bottom.

    I'd like to post this anyway as this solution was something I did not find when searching about this issue. I could easily see people giving up if they didn't try absolutely everything after not finding a solution online especially for newer players like myself with 0 hours in either CoH1 or CoH2 before this.

    Here's a breakdown of what happens on launch:
    1. Game opens through steam successfully and shows Company of Heroes loading screen.

    1. Audio begins to play, "SEGA" and main menu music whilst loading screen stays as it was on launch.

    2. Alt tabbing, at any point after this loading screen making an alt tab even once will turn to a black screen that flickers on and off if I open it. Made it seem like a resolution issue.

    At this point 2 files are always needing to be verified if I verify game cache.

    Here is all the solutions I attempted before finding one that fixed the issue:

    - Compatability mode for all versions of windows

    - Disabling fullscreen optimisations

    - Launching through shortcut

    - Launching with steam launch options separately: -windowed -sw -fullwindow (-w 1920 -h 1080) (-w 1900 -h 1600)

    - Deleting the entire game, deleting it's my documents files, removing any CoH files prior to a fresh install

    - GPU Driver updates

    - GSync disabled

    - .NET & DirectX updates

    - even tried a -minvidmem 0 launch paramater for .exe from a youtube video

    - Disabling firewall + antivirus and each separately

    Solution: -refresh 60 launch option on steam.

    If you are having this black screen/posting issue in any way try setting refresh rate on steam to 60 esp if your using a higher hz monitor.

    Not a clue why this was a fix of all things.

    submitted by /u/DaisuRL
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    Is it just me or the game became very poorly optimized after the 64bit patch?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 04:32 AM PST

    Played with every setting on low except texture detail (on medium). Before the patch, memory leak only became noticeable after 1-2 long matches, which required a restart. Now it happens in the middle of the first match, forcing me to either win within 30-45 mins or quit halfway.

    submitted by /u/SquatingSlavKing
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