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    Monday, February 1, 2021

    Company of Heroes If a Company of Heroes were to take place in the modern era, how would it look overall?

    Company of Heroes If a Company of Heroes were to take place in the modern era, how would it look overall?

    If a Company of Heroes were to take place in the modern era, how would it look overall?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 01:45 PM PST

    CoH3 idea

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 06:28 PM PST

    Have squads, your 3-6 man teams. A sergeant is a 3-4 man team that can have 2 squads attached to him so it's like controlling one unit, but they find cover and have formations, like mg in middle or you can pick a side for it. Two smg teams and a mg would have the mg attack from the rear while the squads move forward, and you can still micro them around better paths if you want. But I also think exp should give AI buffs, like auto dodge grenade at 1 star and auto shoot and fall back when outnumbered at 5 star. Then lieutenants get 2 or 3 sergeants, and then make the maps and unit limit bigger. When your lieutenant is engaged, you can click sergeants to micro their team. But it allows a more seamless flow between micro and macro, squads and battlegroups

    submitted by /u/Korean_Kommando
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    OKW vs USF 1v1

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 09:22 PM PST

    Man...I microed so hard, had both of the fuels for a bit. Ok, yes, I lost some fuel. But it's pretty tough to keep both at the same time. Which is what I feel like you have to do to beat OKW.

    Anyway...vet 5 volks with mp44s...panzer IVs...it's just crazy. You have to micro sooo hard to win as USF

    I feel like I outplayed him most of the game and still lost.

    submitted by /u/ExtensionFeeling
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    How to detect soviet demolition charges and how to conceal them?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 02:15 AM PST

    Hello Everyone

    I am a mid-level player who likes vicious ways of wiping blobs and as you know, soviet demos are perfect for them. However, when I play against higher level players, they easily detect my demos and destroy them.

    How do they detect it (while most of them don't have a pioneer with mine sweepers)? and do you have any suggestions for where to place demos?

    submitted by /u/erwin_rommelian
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    Spearhead I - Stoklomolvi

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 10:17 AM PST

    Do intels have any effect or are they useless when using this mod and only affect the base game?

    submitted by /u/Mitfal
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    Active Discords?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 12:55 AM PST

    Hey all,

    I've recently been getting back into CoH2 and was curious if there were any active discords for people who play? I dislike playing with random people, and its more fun when meshing with a group you have played with multiple times.

    submitted by /u/RedRum2993
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    Panther tank

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 12:42 PM PST

    Can we just make this tank a full TD role

    Just increase the range to 60 same as other TD's(it makes sense since panther has very long barrel)

    Decrease the speed to same as iackson

    Remove the mg upgrade replace with tank commander(seriously what are those mg's for? Since its main gun can only dmg tanks ffs)

    Dont change pen reload speed and cost

    Done easy

    Not this weird heavy tank with only AT capabilities but the range is shorter and they put mg on top for what? Planes? What you build panther for planes? Then it has a speed of a kubel wagen with the armor slight higher than p4 but still get pen by AT guns easy.. it makes no sense

    Why not just make it a full TD role same Jackson or firefly with higher hp and cost and pop cap

    Edit:Bottom line is panther need some changes for its cost right now 490manpower 185fuel with 18pop cap for short range TD thats too much thats why players stuck with p4's and AT guns until late game since panther cost makes no sense

    either they make more of a TD or make it some Anti infantry/tanks like comet

    submitted by /u/Iceicebabyy312
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