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    Wednesday, March 3, 2021

    Company of Heroes How T-34s are Unloaded from Train Cars

    Company of Heroes How T-34s are Unloaded from Train Cars

    How T-34s are Unloaded from Train Cars

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 12:02 PM PST

    The good thing about covid 19 is being able to work and watch COH2 streamers all day.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 07:52 AM PST

    2v2 Soviet meta post patch

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 10:56 PM PST

    Hey, is penals vs conscripts war decided and what is The decision, what is meta. Or mby it is split.

    submitted by /u/Chevvyzation
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    A shame what they've done to Soviets

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 11:13 PM PST

    CoH2 Replays Crash Bug Reproduction Help

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 02:58 PM PST

    Hey everyone,

    We're aware of the current issue with crashing while attempting to review replays in-game, but this is proving a tough nut to crack. The bug relates to certain hardware configurations and a third party middleware provider which is no longer supported.

    We're asking for your help so we can obtain more data/reproduction to help us identify the root of the issue. If you could use this thread on COH2.org to submit replays in which you can reproduce the crash, that would be extremely helpful. Also please provide detailed instructions on how to reproduce the crash while viewing the replay.

    On COH2.org, you can upload your replay files under the "Replays" tab at the top and link them in your post. If you want to go the extra mile, submitting a video would also be helpful. (Videos should be uploaded to YouTube or Vimeo. They can be set to "unlisted" but please ensure they are not set to "private.")

    You can find your saved replays in your folder here: C:\Users\YOURNAME\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes 2\playback

    Finally, if you can, please provide your full DxDiag information. (Type dxdiag into your start bar to find this.)

    Thanks for your help as we work to solve this issue.

    submitted by /u/JohnT_RE
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    Celo setup - Game Path is invalid

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 10:53 PM PST

    I use COH2 through stream and have been trying to setup Celo to rebind the keys. Following this guide , I'm unable to setup the Game Path (shown at 0:41) as the path is not valid. Anyone else have this issue?


    submitted by /u/Moonatx
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    Locking the Riflemen's AT rifle grenade behind tech was an awful idea.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 08:02 PM PST

    It's not the biggest nerf of the patch, but it's one that is pretty much completely unnecessary and hurts USF far more than I expected it to after playing quite a few matches in the new patch. It's especially noticeable in team games where you're encountering axis LV very early and can no longer snare early in the game. Even something as simple as getting a Kubel caught out of place can be critical, and not having this snare is very punishing in those early game situations. It was simply better in its previous state. Riflemen aren't exactly hard to vet up, and while it wasn't ideal that it was locked into vet, that was really only in certain situations in which you lose one of your rifles late in the game and need to replace it with a fresh squad.

    There's a lot of changes to allies in general that I don't like about this patch, especially the changes to Soviets but out of all the changes to USF this is the one that I just cannot justify.

    Suggestion to change it would simply have it unlock once you get your LT / Captain out instead of locking it behind teching within the tree. It's just too delayed and there's too many situations where you can encounter a LV and have no way to punish it at all and it's really fucking frustrating, especially since Axis doesn't have anywhere near this kind of teching block on Fausts. Grenadiers don't need tech. Sure, Volks do need a Battlegroup / 25 fuel investment to get access to their faust, but they also have Raketenwerfers for AT from the HQ just in case there's an early LV rush. USF doesn't have any other options except the rifle nade until you get out Captain / AT gun or Lt. / HMG.

    What makes it worse is you don't want to immediately tech as USF, so it's even further delayed because not only can you not tech as soon as your Captain is out because of the 20 fuel cost, you often need to get an AT gun, or an HMG out first, making your crucial snare come out even later, sometimes as late as by the time you are facing a Luchs, or a Puma due to manpower bleed. I can somewhat justify just locking it behind a Lt. or Captain, since that's a 35 fuel investment and delays it slightly, but I can't justify further delaying it behind even more tech. you literally have to tech TWICE just to get a fucking AT grenade as USF.

    It's even worse in games in which you're playing from behind and your fuel income is decreased enough to slow teching. Because the snare is so importa

    tl;dr - 55 fuel investment just to unlock AT snare is fucking stupid.

    submitted by /u/FlyingSMonster
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    Repair XP Suggestion and Question on Intel Bulletin

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 10:52 AM PST

    Suggestion: how about giving troops XP for repairing vehicles and structures? I don't use pioneers or echlon troops for fighting much but was thinking it would be nice to be able to get vets through their repair abilities. Or do they get XP from built bunker kills?

    Question on Intel Bulletin: Do the bonuses for .50s, mg42s, etc. Apply to the vehicles and vehicle upgrades?

    I tried searching both of these but didn't find any previous suggestions or answers.


    submitted by /u/DaHawk44
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    The jaeger armor doctrine had a stuka bombing strike and not the stuka JU-87 anti tank strafe right?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 04:15 AM PST

    I don't really read the update log or whatever you call it, i literally remember this doctrine having the stula bombing strike and not the stuka AT strafe

    submitted by /u/pptangina
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    Any word on the hot fix? I kinda don’t wanna play 2v2 if my Ally can’t function.(OKW)

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 03:50 PM PST

    I'm done, this game is horribly balanced

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 09:03 PM PST

    Allies literally have to scratch and claw just to be able to even think about winning a match. Balance team has no clue what they're doing, probably cause they have a bunch of nazi memorabilia hanging behind them

    I have literally not won a game as allies since this piece of shit patch dropped. Every game, we have a strong start somehow holding off the hoardes and hoardes of germans. No matter how many squads we wipe they somehow have more squads like it's nothing.

    Then they reach tier 4 and its over. Rocket halftrucks, Panthers that are over performing, 4 fucking king tigers and elephants that can snipe from across the map.

    I'm done. This game is getting deleted and removed from my fucking steam library

    If and when relic decides to drop coh 3 or take back the balancing from a bunch of nerds then maybe I'll think about returning but until then I'm out of an RTS to play

    submitted by /u/crash18867
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    New hotfix broke my game

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 10:22 AM PST

    Unit bar that shows at top right of game is no longer showing up for me anymore

    submitted by /u/Dyzerio
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