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    Tuesday, March 2, 2021

    Company of Heroes HOTFIX: 2020/2021 Winter Balance Update

    Company of Heroes HOTFIX: 2020/2021 Winter Balance Update

    HOTFIX: 2020/2021 Winter Balance Update

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 05:08 PM PST

    Hi everyone,

    The hotfix is now live. Thanks again for your patience as we worked on this. :)

    Hotfix - March 2nd 2021

    •Resolved issue with missing Mod Tools .exe

    •Resolved incorrect map Loc strings.

    •Resolved issue with OKW Battlegroup HQ could not reinforce outside the base sector when upgraded with the Mechanized Battlegroup upgrade.

    •Resolved an issue where the OKW Panzer IV could be upgraded with a tank commander and pintle mount.

    •Resolved an issue where the MG-34 was not available when the Battlegroup was constructed.

    •Resolved a bug where British medic squad members could move when reinforced while their healing ability was active.

    •Resolved an issue where the M5 British Halftrack crew repair shared a hotkey with AA Mode, M5 Crew Repair changed to X.

    •Resolved an issue where the UI card of Obersoldaten upgraded with IR StG 44s overlapped with reinforced; item moved to unit portrait.

    •Resolved an issue where the upgrade for the OKW forward retreat upgraded shared a hotkey with the Mechanized Battlegroup upgrade; OKW Forward Retreat upgrade changed to E.

    •Resolved a UI issue where the British Platoon Command Post upgrade displayed the ability to produce Royal Engineers. Will now display medics.

    •Resolved an issue where the ISU-152 Concrete Piercing Rounds were incorrectly set to 70 munitions rather than 60.

    •Resolved an issue where the Panzerwerfer Low Angle Barrage used B as a hotkey; set to V.

    submitted by /u/JohnT_RE
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    Counter Barrage has no place in this game.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 07:24 AM PST

    An leFH on counter barrage is the only unit ability that's free, has no cool down, requires no micro, automatically targets and can kill enemy units in one shot, across the map. Example: https://youtu.be/1Ju8p5EG8Ok

    At the very least, the player should have to reactivate the ability after a cool down.

    In a game about managing units, one should have to actually manage their unit to get results. End of story.

    submitted by /u/adrianthomp
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    Thinking about buying CoH2

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 12:14 PM PST

    I'm looking at getting into CoH2, I played the first one and loved it. So i was wondering if CoH2 is worth getting now in 2021. How popular are Australian servers?

    submitted by /u/StealthyWaffle115
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    Why my AI will stop producing unit / producing shit unit mid game.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 03:32 PM PST

    Anyone experienced this ?

    I enjoy AI battles, but somehow there will be a chance all of my AI teammate will stop producing any unit even if we have 60% map control. Expert VS Expert

    Like its an equal game, we have all the fuel point, then the AI will stop producing tanks or produce nothing but Penal to fight the enemy limited tank. Once the penal dies, AI stop producing anything and I get overwhelmed as it basically become 4V1.

    Or when we are winning and got all the points, and somehow the enemy AI have like 2x of our unit out of nowhere. and push us back. Like they have no fuel points / built fuel cache. They can have like 5 tanks when we have only 2 with full fuel control.

    submitted by /u/royal_steed
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    Shock Motor Heavy & Mechanized Support have been overnerfed

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 11:50 PM PST

    So basically, there've been two changes to these doctrines:

    1. Nerf to ISU-152
    2. Replacement of bombing run with strafing run.

    Maybe the ISU-152 changes were warranted. ISU-152s were counterable with Elefants, Panthers, JPs, JTs, Pak 43s, or other heavy-hitting AT weapons, but whatever; let's see how it plays out.

    The issue, however, is the replacement of the bombing run with the strafing run has robbed Allied players of a reliable counter to Axis emplacement spam. The bombing run is the only off-map ability Soviets have that can reliably take down a LeFH. Nothing else in the Soviet arsenal can do the job. Indeed, nothing the Soviets have on-map can do it either (against a well-protected howitzer, of course). The Soviet howitzer is just not good, and will lose any arty battle to the LeFH because of counterbarrage. Moreover, the Soviets don't have a heavy mobile artillery piece like the Priest or Sexton. In contrast, of course, the Germans have the Stuka dive bomb, the frag bomb (which can usually kill an ML-20), the rocket barrage from Feursturm, zeroing artillery + flare combo, scavenge arty strike with lots of munitions... AND OF COURSE ANY LEFH WITH COUNTER BARRAGE.

    The stated reason from the mod team, of course, was that it's to protect the PAK-43 from the bombing run. I can somewhat understand this reasoning, but the PAK-43 has a lot of counters already (including the most effective one, remembering where it is...) and is quite vulnerable to Katyushas. Regardless, if they really wanted to protect the PAK-43, they could have tweaked something else, like have crewmen for PAK-43s take 10% of damage from bombing runs or whatever.

    The replacement strafe, by the way, absolutely blows. It was already nerfed very hard because everyone was going Advanced Warfare. Have you EVER seen in any high-level game or even a team game, any player EVER going Advanced Warfare? You haven't, because this strafe is just awful, a complete waste of munitions.

    Currently, there're 22 Soviet commanders. Only 4 of them had this bombing run, including the two commanders which were nerfed. The other two are okay, but not great. I'm sure we'll see Terror Tactics and Soviet Combined Arms a lot more in the future. The bombing run is just that important.

    In the end, the mod team is working hard and working well. I really salute their efforts in keeping this game active. I just request that they at least try to stick the bombing run in more doctrines, and change the strafe to the one attached to armored assault/guard rifle combined arms.

    submitted by /u/essenceofreddit
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    Mechanized Battlegroup Support is not reinforcing troops [OKW] After new update I cannot reinforce my troops in OKW army outside of the base. Bug or am I doing something wrong?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 01:38 PM PST

    I managed to get vet5 kubel in random 2v2 against players

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 12:33 PM PST

    I managed to get vet5 kubel in random 2v2 against players


    im rank 7 in 2v2 as axis team.

    I just made kubel to cap, then I used it to drain models which made him vet 3 and then radar managed to vet him up, I really love how I managed to do this on accident, didn't really tryhard grinding kubel


    submitted by /u/Iljicc
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    I miss this game.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 09:05 AM PST

    I used to play COH 1, tales of Valor so much when I was a kid. I spent an entire summer on the edge of my bed hooked on this game.

    I couldn't get too much into coh2 because of such a difference in terms of leaderboards and not having the correct computer to run the game properly. Started using Reddit more and have been going through this sub Reddit so much it brings back a lot of memories, this is like a nostalgic post for myself more than anything.

    submitted by /u/IgnitionR
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    Can someone explain how the .50 gets nerfed but not the MG42?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 07:52 AM PST

    With it's insane arc and instant suppression?

    submitted by /u/Spartan706
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    Are Assault Infantry Sections affected by Infantry Section bulletins?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 12:52 PM PST

    Again, sorry for asking a question straight up like that, but just kinda confused if the Assault Inf Sections benefit from Inf Section bulletins (increased accuracy, 2% faster cooling down between shots and 2% faster reload)?

    Question answered, kudos to u/Paladongers

    submitted by /u/yerroslawsum
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    Why are the Devs not balancing the game for team play when these modes are 10+ times more popular than 1v1?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 06:38 AM PST

    If you look at the data from 2017 (http://coh2chart.com/) 4v4s, 3v3s, and 2v2s were 8x more popular than 1v1s on a weekly basis for players in the top 250. When you look at the numbers for players below the top 250 it's more like 20-30x. I realize this data is old but I'm guessing it's not much different today. That said, why is everyone so focused on balancing the game for competitive 1v1 play at the expense of the dedicated fan base who is actually playing the game on a regular basis ? In my opinion, it's myopic as hell and shows a misplaced priority on making COH2 a competitive tournament game 8 years after its release. I realize that interesting competitive play helps grow a player base, but at 8 years in let's please be honest with ourselves and focus on making the game more fun for those who are actually playing it.

    submitted by /u/TheRedDangler
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    playing wehr encourages MG spam. (also, british mortar emplacement is OP)

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 06:15 PM PST

    at least in 4v4s and 3v3s it does. i dont know if this is just because of the recent patch, but lately ive been curbstomping wehr players as brits. the UC is just so good against the grens and by the time they have a pak, you can have a mortar pit or commando or a sniper out to continue to punish mg spam or gren spam.

    i dont really play wehr that much, but early game the grens are pretty weak unless used defensively, compared to the sections. maybe they should get the buff that allows faser firing like the sections? playing against wehrs that go mgx2 then mortar x2 are really boring since the new mortar placement is just so good.

    speaking of the mortar placement, it does not need the HE barrage. for those of you that dont know, the HE barrage fires the 120mm shells that the soviet mortar does, at a pretty ridiculous range. the cooldown is quite lengthy, but it is just nasty on how good it is. completely outclasses ISG spam, mortar spam, mg spam, and so on.

    anyways, back to my original point, using a mortar pit easily counters mg spam. and there really is no counter to mortar pits with wehr, unless you use teamwork. which cant happen in 2v2s in 1v1s. maybe there should be different patches for the different gamemodes. idk, just kind of thinking out loud

    any wehrs that have to play against mortar emplacement? what are yall's thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Melon5676060
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    Unit Glitch (Not Attacking) [COH2] [Singleplayer]

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 05:16 PM PST

    I'm having some trouble with units not attacking on bridge defense in victory at Stalingrad DLC, machine gunners are deciding to not fire unless instructed to AT guns will do it too occasionally. Makes the level impossible since I have to tell any machinegun to respond to fire or they simply sit there and get shot regardless of whether the enemy is right in front of them or not.

    Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/T54MOD1
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    Still no shotgun units? Argh I have officially given up hope.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 10:33 AM PST

    Maybe when COH3 comes out there will be some trench guns in the Pacific Theater. Fingers crossed.

    submitted by /u/joosty22
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    240MM AOE

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 10:22 AM PST

    Did they decrease the AOE. It just seems like it's more effective now, and comes down within a smaller area. It's actually hitting targets. Have I Gone mad?

    submitted by /u/TimeKeeper04
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    Help, I want to enjoy playing this game

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 12:04 PM PST

    Where can I find good players so I can join them and play without fearing: sudden quitting, really ugly communications, team members won't play or even worse attack your base? Thanks

    submitted by /u/rerof
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    Gamebreaking bugs and gamechanging buffs! Company of Heroes History enters patch 1.3!

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 11:34 AM PST

    assist with noob question for CoH2

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 11:13 AM PST

    I completed the Andennas Assult expansion but am unable to use my rewards. what am i doing wrong?

    submitted by /u/stumps4331
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    Crashing during Replays

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 10:36 AM PST

    I basically never crash in game as long as I don't have game running too long.

    Does anyone have any idea how to prevent crashes watching replays.

    I've tried everything. It's random.

    Sometimes I can watch a replay, other times, it will crash at 10 mins, 20 mins, 40 mins. So frustrating.

    I've restart the computer, so annoying having to restart a replay 2-3 times each time you want to finish a replay.

    submitted by /u/skyfatherpuppet
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