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    Thursday, March 25, 2021

    Company of Heroes Returning Soviet Player - Looking for tips to get back into the game

    Company of Heroes Returning Soviet Player - Looking for tips to get back into the game

    Returning Soviet Player - Looking for tips to get back into the game

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 11:09 AM PDT

    Hey guys, returned a couple of weeks ago after more than a year away from the front. I used to main Soviets and would love to get a bit better again. I see all sorts of things have changed, there's even some new upgrade in the main HQ building. What's currently hip and happening for the Red Army, are we still playing Penals? And how are conscripts doing these days? I'd be more than happy to see some build order tips as well. See you guys on the battlefield!

    submitted by /u/Kalamakoula
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    Aniketos' Blitz-Veterancy Strategy vs 12azor - Company of Heroes History Episode 16

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 11:30 AM PDT

    1v1 tips

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 06:29 PM PDT

    Hey guys and gal.

    I was wondering some tops for 1v1 mainly Americans but general tips are good too. I did my first 1v1 and my early game was spot on micro wise and what not, it wasn't until late game I started getting sloppy Bc I just got tired of how intense the micro was. Any tips for this? I am experienced with 2s 3s and 4s but wanna get better with 1s. Thanks

    submitted by /u/neauxno
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    How the balance team works?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 03:54 AM PDT

    Genuis question here, navigating on the different places of discussion around Coh2, there is little explaination on how works the team which was in charge of the last patches and the next one.

    For instance the building of the next commander patch, can we have some insight about how it is handled between the team of player and Relic.

    • Who's supervising the patch as "change Manager"?
    • Who does the change proposales?
    • Who's in charge of the change validation?
    • How are made the discussions between the proposal and validation?

    And around all of those questions, the ethic one

    • How are human biais handled during the validation process?

    Coh2 is a game generating a lot of biais even at top level, everyone has its top favorite faction which is normal so how those biais are detected, acknowledged and taken in acount during the process of discussion and validation.

    submitted by /u/Estalxile
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    Are custom models for mods supported yet?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 07:18 AM PDT

    I know that one of the biggest things holding back a lot of mods compared to CoH 1 was/is the lack of support for modders adding in their own models to mods, even though a lot of other things can be changed. I just wanted to ask if that was ever changed or if it might ever be changed.

    submitted by /u/Armistice_
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    Lienne Forest: "Focus town!" theory vs practice

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 04:11 AM PDT

    I've watched this play out so many times. There's this idea that we're suppose totally abandon the forest area, to take the town. No, that's terrible strategy. IMO there are few circumstances where ceding the majority of map control/fuel/munitions at the outset, is a good strategy.

    In theory, I think maybe it sounds good, makes sense. Occupy those buildings fast and that's good. But in practice it so often fails, I just call it a poker hand I'm gonna fold instead of try to play through.

    I've seen it play out so many times, to me when I hear "focus town!" I hear "We've decided to lose at the outset".

    Because then 3 out of 4 maybe go town, and they might take, BUT they lose ALL Of right, or almost all of the right half of the map, and no, we're now worse off. In fact the enemy entrenches right, mines it and all that, and now that's a MAJOR task to uproot. They can also flank us from multiple angles from forest that makes the rest of what we have difficult to hold and defend. Not to mention, for me the 1 poor sap who might go forest to try to defend it/hold what we can, i get divided and conquered and destroyed in detail.

    I think if you're gonna focus heavy the town, it needs to be coordinated, and that generally can't happen in a 4v4 random. I'm just outright quitting those matches shortly into them, I've seen it play out just as I described so many times, it is not worth wasting my time trying to salvage horrid strategy at the outset.

    submitted by /u/SuperJew113
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    Art and Game Files?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 03:15 PM PDT

    Has anyone here worked with the game files or done any specific CoH2 art?

    I'd like to connect with you and possibly do a small commission for my channel on twitch.

    Thanks for any recommendations you can send me toward.

    If you have worked with the game assets to do any art or ingame replays, etc, would like to connect as well. Please post, message, or connect in my discord.

    submitted by /u/nathanfreeze
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    SUPER INTENSE COH2 MATCH STREAMED! - vet 5 obers, vet 5 panther dives, 111 kills with obers 100K+ damage

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 06:55 PM PDT

    Changes to LeFH - All factions feel free to respond - not an "official" poll

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 11:36 AM PDT

    This is for my own curiosity to see what other Axis players think, but I also want to know the arguments of Allied players.

    If you haven't played with LeFH regularly (so you didn't just build it once or twice), or you don't have a ton of experience playing against it as allies, you need to shut up on this one.

    As it stands now, I understand that the strongest arguments against CB is that:

    1. Tracks artilleries movements using fog of war vision
    2. NO micro required to use CB

    There are also other arguments like:

    • X-Ray Fog of war vision
    • No munitions required to toggle
    • Easy to barrage juke once you know the pattern, making the LeFH a big dead weight

    Feel free to comment your reasoning below. It would also help to post your rank so people know your perspective.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/kidhero13
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    AT Gun survivability nerf

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 02:04 PM PDT

    Was the AT gun 10% received accuracy nerf warranted?

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    submitted by /u/SpoofTheFirst
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    SPEARHEAD SS (OKW) Doctrines

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 02:20 AM PDT

    Which SS (OKW) Doctrine do you enjoy playing most in the Spearhead mod, and why?

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    submitted by /u/Luke7O7
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    Amilly fields

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 12:10 PM PDT

    Am I stupid or is amilly fields map top left cutoff gives an unfair advantage to the top player by cutting off both sides while bottom right cutoff only cuts the bottom player off?

    submitted by /u/praespaser
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    SPEARHEAD USF Doctrines

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 10:44 AM PDT

    Which USF Doctrine do you enjoy or play the most in the Spearhead mod, and why?

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    submitted by /u/Luke7O7
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    Specific changes to lefh counterbarrage?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 09:09 AM PDT

    I've been looking online, but can't find any recent resources or patch notes. Could someone direct me to a link,

    submitted by /u/kidhero13
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    LeFH before patch, after patch

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 09:00 AM PDT

    Viability of LeFH compared to before and after

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    submitted by /u/kidhero13
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