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    Wednesday, March 24, 2021

    Company of Heroes idk how but my Kubelwagen have destroyed a building

    Company of Heroes idk how but my Kubelwagen have destroyed a building

    idk how but my Kubelwagen have destroyed a building

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 03:59 PM PDT

    [Hotfix] Balance Patch! March 24th, 2021 - Re: leFH Counter Barrage

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 10:15 AM PDT

    As many know there's been heated discussions related to the leFH counter barrage ability in the last few weeks and it's caused us to look critically at the logic behind the patches we've released in the last several years.

    Thanks to an eye opening video from /u/Rifle_143, it's become clear that the approach we've taken to balance the Company of Heroes franchise has actually been a bit flawed from the start. We've taken a step back and learned from this valuable community member that if a unit does indeed have a hard counter available, the underlying unit itself could never fundamentally require a nerf.

    Going even farther back, we examined the original launch of Company of Heroes 2 and realized that the initial development team actually did include proper counters for every unit in the game. With that in mind, and we don't take this lightly, we've decided to temporarily rollback all balance patches to the original release date of June 25, 2013 to see how this impacts modern gameplay.

    If you notice any issues with this experimental rollback, please contact the balance team by submitting messages in the CoH2.org shoutbox so we can more efficiently ignore them.

    Happy hunting!

    submitted by /u/adrianthomp
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    The unspoken rule of COH part 2.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 02:34 AM PDT

    Here come the sequel shitpost nobody ask for,for the completeness sake.

    • When you see a Sniper and order your unit to shoot they will spin around before shooting to assert dominance.
    • UKF Infantry Section either snipe everyone across the map,or miss all shots point-blank.
    • Enemy commando glider can survive Ostwind,crush all the terrain and still have half of the HP left while your glider get snipe by a 222 and break on impact.
    • When you can kill the tank and it got out of control....it will crush your infantry and finish your tank off as a big "garden you" to your face.
    • Enemy AT weapon can shoot through wall while your AT hit a dead cow in the map.
    • When you equip Sturmpioneer with mine sweeper you found nothing,but when you switch it off a mine appear in front of you.
    • You spend 2-3 minutes to micro unit, but the moment you look away for 5 seconds they are all dead - team game in a nutshell.
    • The player that rekt you in team game have the iq of cucumber the moment they become your teammate.
    • The moment you plant a Teller Mine that place instantly become no traffic zone , but when your unit retreat they will run over it and get trigger by random explosive.
    • Zis barrage in the hand of other people can snipe your Pak with barrage in one shot.
    • M10 tank destroyer is not use to kill another tank,but to use it to crush infantry.
    • Enemy grenade is tactical nuke, While our grenade was made in china. - PalestinianLiberator
    • When you order your squad to move but 1 pleb in your squad want to stay behind to get the whole squad pinned. - Notazerg
    • After 10 lose in a row and you are about to get a win Relic will decide to give you a bugsplat at that moment.
    • Sometime you have to play Minecraft in the first match because the game just randomly reset your setting to lowest.
    • You watch another people play sniper with godlike micro and accuracy. Meanwhile your sniper just die from random mine/shitty tripwire.
    • When you want to use AT snare your infantry take 30 seconds to take their AT out from their butt while you just Attack Move your light vehicle and instantly got hit by a panzerfaust from random grenedier you run into. (hey at least you get to see heat seeking missile)
    • Your mate will park their tank on top of ice and complain when that tank get sunk by 1 AT shot.
    • Fighter plane will hunt you down to the end of the earth even when your units are already out of the circle.
    • 1 tree in the border of the landing zone will guarantee to rekt your paratrooper that are dropping in - Nekrocow.
    • When you switch from classic hotkey to grid hotkey there are high chance that you press F instead of R and dismount from your tank infront of 3 AT guns.
    • Other people can destroy abandon Team Weapon from across the map but you have to go to kissing distance to make sure all the shot hit.
    • You are have high chance to be deaf from all the ping if you don't do what your random teammate tell you to do.
    • No matter where you plant your beacon the enemy will have some 6th sense to find it.
    • The pattern of incendiary barrage from "Walking Stuka" is a picture of big dong and i refuse to believe that is a coincidence.
    • Enemy infantry will ignore the fact that they got hit by your Sniper's incendiary bullet and will continue to run toward you after getting shot.
    • Other people unit's slot weapon disappear into the netherrealm, but your unit drop every gun infront of them as a parting gift when they got wipe.
    • You know god don't want you to win when you got rear armor crit with hit from the front armor.
    • Is it a tridition to attack middle VP in late game that both side guard by MG and AT gun at this point, don't know why but it don't matter that you play this game since beta or just bought this game. You will fight for the mid VP until the round end.
    • The moment you want to reverse your tank is the moment they decide to go forward.
    • Matchmaking in this game take forever,but the moment you went out to make a sandwich or take a shower it instantly found the match for you.

    Hell, i think i can even write Pro Leauge Edition at this point.

    submitted by /u/myidgame01
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    Best Anti Air

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 07:09 PM PDT

    Take survivability , usefulness against a variety of targets and ease of use

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    submitted by /u/banglamadarchod
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    What's going on with leFH?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 04:13 PM PDT

    Where has all this salt come from all of a sudden?

    submitted by /u/IIDSIIHOODZ
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    Victory strike available as call in post victory?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 08:05 PM PDT

    I've noticed that if you equip the 240mm artillery victory strike, but choose to continue playing after the game ends (tickets bleed to 0, I mostly play automatch VS bots, haven't tested in other game modes or with other victory conditions), the 240 becomes a 6th commander slot and you can call in the barrage anywhere on the map for no cost with a very short recharge time.

    Haven't noticed this with any other victory strike, is this some legacy feature that got removed years ago? Working as intended? A bug? What's going on here?

    submitted by /u/S-Array03
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    Which is sexiest?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 01:40 PM PDT

    Golradaer's Unbeatable Strategy - Company of Heroes History Episode 15

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 11:10 AM PDT

    No point to using ostruppen now - change my mind

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 02:16 PM PDT

    You have to make a barracks for them which nullifys their usefulness compared to grens just based on that not to mention they made them 200 MP from what I think used to be 160 so now you just get subpar grenadiers for 40 MP less (no clue why you'd want that)

    used to be good to stop an early conscript/tommy push now they are just bad grens because you can't instantly call them in you have to train

    submitted by /u/ImTheEnigma
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    Best Brit 1v1 commander pt2

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 01:57 PM PDT

    In light of the LeFH debate: Why do you guys play teamgames (3v3, 4v4)?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 03:03 AM PDT

    This is a genuine question, not a troll. I occasionally play teamgames with friends just because I enjoy the communication on discord but playing random teamgames is completely beyond comprehension for me. A few more specific things I've wondered about:

    1. Have you tried 1v1?

    2. Do you consider the gameplay in teamgames itself superior to 1v1/2v2 or are other factors more important (e.g. less stressful)? If so can you elaborate on what makes the gameplay superior?

    3. Is it the cooperative teamgame aspect?

    4. Is it the chaotic nature?

    5. Is it the fact that they frequently reach late game stages?

    6. Is it something else entirely?

    submitted by /u/GiaA_CoH2
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    Best Brit 1v1 Commander pt1

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 01:55 PM PDT

    LeFH Counter Barrage is RNG controlled

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 01:10 PM PDT

    You can't choose the Target and even if you toggle micro, which btw requires skill.

    submitted by /u/The_Glacier
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    Yolo Mouse & CoH2 - Any other users? Anyone got a well set up config I can steal?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 08:37 AM PDT

    This may be a 4k issue that most don't have, but some may have a similar problem at lower resolutions.

    I frequently lose track of my mouse when playing CoH. Lil grey fucker disappears during chaotic combat. I have found yolo mouse, which seems great, buuuuut, it has some issues in agreeing with CoH's mouse.

    Namely, because CoH has an animated mouse under many conditions, yolo mouse needs to be configured for every frame of the animation. This is... problematic.

    I'm quite happy with at least it replacing the default mouse, but would like to improve it to cover all the mice icons. Assistance?

    Example clip where you can see yolo mouse in use, and how it toggles to various other icons as it passes over cover & shit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nl-nPE6xIN0

    submitted by /u/thefonztm
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    Fun meme/troll strategies (any faction)? [2v2, 3v3, 4v4]

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 07:04 AM PDT

    Basically what the title says. I feel like I'll stroke out if I take this game seriously any longer. What are some fun meme or troll strategies you guys know of? Please don't say something well known like osttruppen spam, simcity, etc.

    submitted by /u/pizzatimeinberlin
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    USF Force Recon Company

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 08:43 AM PDT

    Hey guys! So my last OKW doctrine was a bit of a joke spawned from a funny quip from a friend on how Kübelwagens should have an anti-tank upgrade, and the doctrine was obviously not very well balanced. I'm now back to inventing more balance-sensitive doctrines, and this one is a USF doctrine centered around moving rapidly, and scouting the map with great efficiency. Your options for pitched combat will be limited, so best make sure to make good use of lightweight options.

    0 CP: M10 Tank Destroyer

    Cheap and effective tank destroyer, the M10 is very nimble and quick to get around the map, thus making good use of your extensive recon abilities.

    1 CP: Rifleman Recon Package

    This rather dramatic upgrade takes away both weapon slots, and gives the same elite carbine found on Paratroopers to every Riflemen in the squad. It also gives a large passive sight bonus.

    Unlocks the "Fire and Maneuver" ability, which temporarily increases on the move accuracy and fire rate. Think of it as a milder version of Tactical Assault without a downside but a relatively hefty cost.

    Overall, the resulting squad is an excellent scouting squad that does not have the long term combat potential of multiple BAR riflemen, while also not requiring weapon racks.

    1 CP: White Phosphorus Grenades

    Riflemen and Recon Rangers can now throw WP grenades, which is quite similar to those found on assault sections.

    3 CP: Reconnaissance Rangers

    Recon Rangers are a special type of Ranger squad that each carry 5 elite Garands with performance similar to the Kar98k found on Obersoldaten. They can be upgraded with a pair of M1C Garand scoped rifles that offer better performance than those found Pathfinders while increasing sight range, but this takes away both of their weapon slots as they don't have a 3rd weapon slot unlike regular Rangers.

    14 CP: P-47 Victor Target

    A very expensive (250-300 munitions depending on performance) anti-tank airstrike ability that is essentially the P-47 Rocket Strike from airborne, but instead, it is a targeted ability. For the short duration of the ability, P-47s will make periodic rocket attacks at the targeted enemy vehicle, that will stop as soon as the enemy vehicle disappears from sight. If you can maintain vision, P-47 Victor Target will be able to kill any vehicle in the game at a large munitions cost, but can otherwise be countered by smoke or simply by moving out of sight.

    submitted by /u/ecmrush
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    SPEARHEAD Soviet Doctrines

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 08:00 AM PDT

    Which doctrine do you like or use the most when playing the Red Army in the Spearhead mod, and why?

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    submitted by /u/Luke7O7
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    SPEARHEAD Wehrmacht Doctrines

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 11:51 PM PDT

    What doctrine do you enjoy playing the most as Wehrmacht in the Spearhead Realism Mod and why?

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    submitted by /u/Luke7O7
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