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    Thursday, July 15, 2021

    Company of Heroes Found this medic carrying a wounded soldier back to base, I loved that they included this little detail in the game

    Company of Heroes Found this medic carrying a wounded soldier back to base, I loved that they included this little detail in the game

    Found this medic carrying a wounded soldier back to base, I loved that they included this little detail in the game

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 10:03 AM PDT

    Polish Faction/DLC FOR CoH3?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 02:42 PM PDT

    Relic literally asked in this sub if we would want this Pre-Alpha and now we're dissapointed?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 11:01 PM PDT

    I remember a while back some interesting posts popping up asking what people would like to see in a COH3 if it were ever to happen. Then a while later we took a survey Relic posted here on what we wanted. Now they are visually testing/showing a lot of new concepts and asking for feedback and allowing us to participate in PRE-Alpha. They are calling it CoHDev for Sim City's sake. Think of it as a really poorly optimized COH playground to test ideas for COH3 not of it literally as COH3. The release is in late 2022 the want to make sure it's a big success and does not flop like DOW. They are focused on AOE presently but showing us that they care about CoH is massive!

    All I am saying is let's not get carried away with the hype and tire out the devs. I have over 1300 hrs on CoH2, I played the new alpha through the first mission at like 15 FPS with 4 crashes. I said to myself, nice! It reminds of Rome total war cuz Italy and combined with CoH RTS. Multiplayer alpha will be interesting! Let's keep supporting the effort to keep the CoH scene alive. In the meantime find me on the 4v4 battlefiled mastering the craft. USF main out.

    Edit: I just felt the need to add that back when the CoH2 beta came out and some of us got to try it fried my PC on a hot summers eve and ran like trash.

    submitted by /u/SubmergedCow
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    Buying it

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 02:20 PM PDT

    Playing the alpha, enjoying it, brings back memories of playing CoH1 with now departed friends, not 100% there but will be

    submitted by /u/MickBuk
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    A rarely-used mechanic: Manipulating cover with light vehicles

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 06:41 AM PDT

    Company Of Heroes 3 (PRE-ALPHA): All British vehicles up close (Medium settings)

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 01:50 PM PDT

    Discussion of the Ostheer standard build order

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 11:05 AM PDT


    Here I will talk about the commander I use, the bulletins I use, the build order, the game plan and finally how to control the army. I'm writing this to crystalize my own thoughts and to see what other people think. You will realize that it's important for me to stay on the Ostheer theme of the mid-late game power spike and how things look ascetically when thinking about the game.


    The vanilla Ostheer commander selection is not the best, unlike the Soviets who get almost all the meta commanders for free. That is great, don't get me wrong, but I feel like getting that extra commander for Ostheer makes your games noticeably more viable.

    While he is not the meta at the moment, the Spearhead commander seems to be all around very balanced and on theme. I won't talk too much in depth here.

    The Panzer Tactician and Recon Overflight are always useful to have. The former being a get out of jail free card 90% of time for your vehicles. The latter being a "wtf is going on button" that you can use when you are not sure what your opponent is doing. The off-map is quite nice. It comes in fast and is very good at wiping infantry. The mortar half-track can be situationally very useful.

    The final piece is the Tiger tank. In my eyes this is a late game Panzer IV. It's just good at everything with no obvious weaknesses. It is also, crucially, very cool and on theme of the Ostheer.


    Another perk of the Spearhead commander is that it doesn't cost 15000 gold. So, you can also get the three bulletins that I have found to be the most useful. The 5% attack speed for the Grenadiers, 7% range for the Panzerfaust and the 50% build speed for the AT guns. I'm interested here to see what people think are the most useful ones.

    The first one is just more DPS for your mainline infantry. It is always useful and makes your early game less bad. It also, importantly for me at least, has a Grenadier as an icon instead of a Conscript. If you don't what to buy this one you can use the default accuracy one that has a Conscript on it.

    The second one can make a big difference. The 7% range might be the difference in getting that clutch Panzerfaust and killing that light tank or not.

    The last one is crazy to me. In a game where all bulletins are usually not that game changing, 50% build speed can be massive. Getting that AT gun 16 seconds earlier can make a huge difference.

    Build Order

    The build order is as follows:

    • MG42 into three Grenadiers
    • Second MG42 and med. bunker into BP1
    • 222 Scout Car into Pak 40
    • Situational unit
    • BP2 into Panzer IV

    The situational unit can be a Pioneer, a Pak 40 or a mortar team. What I get here is game dependent. The standard pick is the mortar team. The Pak 40 is if you are slightly behind and your opponent is looking like he is getting a tank. If I'm ahead I get a Pioneer to get out my Panzer IV faster.

    The Panzer IV is the beginning of the mid game for me and your mayor power spike. From here I get whatever units I have not gotten in the situational unit step. Meaning if I got the Pioneer, I get the Pak 40 and the mortar team. After this it's BP3 into the Tiger. This seems to be the most balanced composition, at least that I used.

    Late Game Options

    Finally, the last 6 population. Your options here are that mortar team if you didn't get it early game. A Pioneer to repair even faster than two and to play SimCity with cover all day long, or a third MG42 against player that really like to make massive blobs.

    Another option is, surprisingly, a 251 Halftrack or 222 Scout Car. This is an interesting thing to talk about. First and foremost, did you know that the 222 Scout Car is 4 population? The 251 is 5 population. I didn't. I taught it was like 7 or 8.

    If we are talking about a real end game army, where the pop cap is the real bottleneck, I got an interesting idea. Skip the mortar team and after your Tiger get a 251 Halftrack and upgrade it with the expensive 90 ammo flamethrower upgrade. It's the strongest 5 population unit you can get in the last slot. I haven't really tried it yet thought.

    Hotkeys and Control

    Here is the full army composition. You can also see my hotkey usage. I rebound the tactical map and last event to the mouse 4 and 5 respectively. I use the space bar rebound to middle mouse to pan the camera. The 8,9 and 0 CGs are rebound to also use the Y, H and N keys.

    F10 is to suspend the hotkeys so I can properly BM my opponent. Just kidding. Always say 'gg' guys. It's important for your skill development and mental health. Here is the AHK script if you want to use hotkeys like this.

    I have been going back and forth on using the 1,2 and 3 CGs for infantry or tanks. Tanks are more important overall but are less prone to dying instantly. Infantry fall of in direct combat importance but are susceptible to instant deaths and are obviously very important in the early game. I'm feel like the 1,2 and 3 should be used for infantry in the end and Y, H and N for tanks.

    The Pioneer are kept together as their job will usually be to repair late game. I want to be able to retreat my tanks then press one button so they get repaired and forget about it.

    The MG42 on the 4 CG is for the early game and the other MG42 doesn't even have a CG because I don't have that many CGs and it will be used in a more defensive manner anyway.

    I keep the AT guns together as it seems to be more powerful, safer and easier to use them together albeit less flexible then splitting them up. It is possible to use the 6 CG to control two AT guns if I don't CG that "last" unit.

    Speaking of the 6 CG. It's a placeholder CG. It can hold whatever the situation demands. It can be the mortar, the second or third MG42 or that late game experimental flamethrower 251 halftrack.

    Edit: after playing a few late game situations I have realized that I don't know how to control this army very well lol.

    Playstyle and Gameplan

    You have a weak early game and I feel it is generally hard to play Ostheer early game. Don't worry thought it's on theme. How well you do is massively dependent on your map knowledge. Knowing where the "offensive" green cover is and blocking it off with wire early game can be the game ending difference. Your goal early game is to just keep all your territory. I won't talk about early game much here. You will have a short early power spike when you get a 222 since it will arrive before the Allies light tanks. You are still weaker overall in the last part of the early game thought. Holdout until you get your Panzer IV.

    If you managed to not fall behind up to this point the fun is over for your opponent. The time when you get your Panzer IV is around the time when you will also get MGs on all your Grenadiers. The Panzer IV is the definitive medium tank. This is your power spike and make sure to beat your opponent back at this point. Round of your army with the second Pak 40 and Pioneer and finally bring out the big Tiger to finish off your opponent.

    This is just talk though. If you win early game the Panzer IV power spike might be enough to kill your opponent. If you overextend and lose you Panzer IV you are not going to have a good time. It all comes down to control in CoH2 unlike most RTS games I have played even if your army is stronger. This is just the general game plan I have since I have found that having one makes playing the game much easier. It is especially important for Ostheer since they are so mid to late game focused. Of course this is just what I perceive to be the standard build. There are a lot more way to play Ostheer depending on the commander.


    submitted by /u/Urkedurke
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    Can I still sign up for the alpha. And if so, How?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 04:22 PM PDT

    Starting...COH3 Pre Alpha with WhiteFlash & Twitch stream on the 17th

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 08:09 PM PDT

    Starting...COH3 Pre Alpha with WhiteFlash & Twitch stream on the 17th

    There will be a Twitch live stream on Saturday the 17th [https://www.twitch.tv/whiteflashreborn] after the "New Battlegrounds Semi Finals" tournament on AEs stream [https://www.twitch.tv/AECoH], where I will be going through the past two COH3 articles which were published in 2018/19 and drew over 77,000 views to do some comparisons on stream to see how the COH3 Pre Alpha matches up to what was written!




    Also, given the past interest in those articles which and the release of the COH3 alpha, I'm starting work on a new article which will encompas all of the past articles comparisons, design elements and everything weve seen from Relic to date....it will be a monster. Debating releasing it in peices...

    I'll be using this thread as a place for back and forth if there is anything specific that people want me to address. COH3 IS HERE!!! Good days ahead! Cheers all

    submitted by /u/whiteflash444
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    Company Of Heroes THREE?! & Steam Keys GIVEAWAY!

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 03:58 PM PDT

    COH2 in-game store bugsplat

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 07:34 PM PDT

    Is anyone else having instant bugsplats while trying to access the in-game store to purchase bulletins etc? If so, has anyone found a solution? Two buddies and I are having this problem.

    submitted by /u/SeraphicKnight
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    CoH 3 is nice and all, but have you tried COHO?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 07:33 PM PDT

    Let me preface by saying I am pleasantly surprised and absolutely grateful that we are getting a CoH 3. Being an AoE2 player, stoked for AoE4 too!

    Know what I really miss though? CoHo. I'd give them 100$ to be able to play that unbalanced gem of a game. I loved the progression and personalization of your forces and abilities.

    Do you think it'll ever see the light of day again? Maybe for an anniversary date or something? Just dreaming I'm sure.

    submitted by /u/xxpired_milk
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    What Do You Feel About the Campaign/Strategy Map Mode?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 08:10 AM PDT

    For people getting bad performance in COH3 alpha on Nvidia Optimus laptops

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 07:12 PM PDT

    I have a beast laptop, 48GB RAM, Ryzen 5900HX, and RTX 3070. However when I first booted up the game the game complained about lack of VRAM, and the performance in-game was awful (like a slideshow).

    Considering my specs it was obvious my laptop was not switching from the integrated GPU to my RTX 3070 via Nvidia Optimus.

    To fix this, open up the Nvidia control panel, and set the individual setting for the COH 3 app (it should be near the top of the list if it has recently been launched) to "High Performance". Doing so will make sure the driver runs on your dedicated GPU, not the integrated GPU if your laptop uses Optimus.

    I saw a couple of threads of people complaining about performance on laptops that should be able to run the game on the COH 3 forums already, but thought I'd post here since the COH 3 forums gets drowned out by whiners creating a new thread like every 5 minutes.

    submitted by /u/johnk419
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    COH3 Alpha above 30 fps fix

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 11:04 AM PDT

    Playing on a Ryzen 3600x and an RTX 2080 Super on 4k at medium settings.

    I unlocked the graphics settings in the alpha using the file that was shared in another post. After setting my frame rate at unlimited I was still at a 30 fps lock.

    I saw a post that a fix might be to change from unlimited frame rate setting to 60fps frame rate cap.

    This worked for me. Now playing at 60 frames, however it does drop randomly to 30 frames in cases.

    Thought I'd post for anyone that might find this information useful.

    Really enjoying the Alpha to, can be improved in some places (no suprise) but overall I'm loving it so far.

    Thanks relic 👍

    submitted by /u/BigBoomerBinks
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    Team killing cause this guy is awesome

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 07:28 AM PDT

    Team killing cause this guy is awesome



    So i was capturing a point and this guy decided i should do what he wanted. I just ignored him and he came to destroy my base. apparently i m insulted as a kid and whatnot for not doing this guy wishes.

    You have to be really petty to do this in a game....

    submitted by /u/Claudio_Coruus
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    Company of Heroes 3 Main Theme (best quality)

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 02:08 PM PDT

    CoH2 Singleplayer DLCs?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 01:36 PM PDT

    I have CoH 1 and CoH 2 for some time now and I liked 1 more because it had more singleplayer content (and I've played the Eastern Front mod and other I don't remember the name).

    Now the franchise is on sale and I'd like to know if there are singleplayer DLCs for CoH2 and how are they called, since the list is long and I'm not sure I understand the specifications of each one.

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/Gexgekko
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    Store crash

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 04:41 AM PDT

    When I click the store button my game instantly crashes and this started to happen today, do you guys have a similar issue like this ?

    submitted by /u/KlaijmeG
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    COH 2 mobile assault regiment isn’t on steam?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 04:56 PM PDT

    I've only recently started playing COH2 and have enjoyed the British forces a lot so far and lot of people recommended the mobile assault commander. However I can't find it on the steam page whereas I can find a ton of German, Soviet, and American commanders. Has this regiment been removed, do I have to find it in a lootbox, or have I just gone mad and begun looking for something that dosent exist?

    submitted by /u/Canadabestclay
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