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    Monday, July 26, 2021

    Company of Heroes Internet so good I’m literally ahead of the game

    Company of Heroes Internet so good I’m literally ahead of the game

    Internet so good I’m literally ahead of the game

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 08:17 PM PDT

    When Grens are upgraded into an elite squad, what happens to the sixth man?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 05:40 PM PDT

    I think they C O N S U M E him in a dark nazi ritual to summon bundle grenades and mg42's from the depths of hell.

    submitted by /u/Atomic_Gandhi
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    Realistically, how do you play around a competent player with a Sturmtiger?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 10:27 AM PDT

    3 games now I've lost to a conservatively used Stormtiger after overall winning till that point. It just bides its time and casually wipes 1-2 squads from the Fog of War. Nearly impossible to dive cost-effectively, with Raks, Paks, Shreks, Fausts, panthers etc guarding it.

    This thing being deployed conservatively seems to just result in an inevitable death spiral, where it creeps up the map with support and picks and deletes some infantry at its lieasure

    This thing is firing from outside of LOS and even if I hit retreat immediately as I hear the sound, its a crapshoot whether my squads get wiped. Its only 165 fuel and 500 manpower, yet it seems to just auto-wipe whatever it fires at with little counterplay.

    I've tried double and triple tank destroyers, realistically the only thing I can fight it with, but even then its really an uphill battle, especially when its supported, and having that much popcap and fuel invested into TD's (and repairmen) really handicaps my options for influencing enemy infantry.

    This thing just seems to wipe squads, team weapons, whatever. It forces retreats just by aiming and cancelling the shot.

    Sidenote: I sincerely hope that cancerous insta-Wipe units like this and the AVRE aren't in COH3.

    submitted by /u/Atomic_Gandhi
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    Any differences between COH online and COH 1 with all dlc? (Pic unrelated)

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 08:54 AM PDT

    How to make the CoH3 campaign feel like WWII

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 11:07 AM PDT

    tl;dr — The sprawling Total War campaign map is designed for ancient and medieval wars and the Total War battle system. An operations/front focused system where the player manages a small number of units and deploys specialized companies for different types of objectives would complement the gameplay of Company of Heroes much better.

    Hi all, have some thoughts after having played through most of the Monte Cassino campaign. It's a decent CoH-themed Total War campaign, and even though it's early stages, I do like how they implemented much of the RTS component. CoH offers a great platform on which to build a strategy campaign.

    Sadly, that just makes this a big missed opportunity. Not only is Total War stale as turn-based strategy, worse, it's all wrong for the setting of CoH (although I'm not a WWII buff, so feel free to correct any of my descriptions). So, how could we re-imagine a sandbox campaign for CoH?

    I'm going to highlight two complementary directions Relic could go in designing their campaign:

    1. Limit the number of units

    Problem: In the Total War games, building new units makes sense for the setting and the gameplay. You're recruiting and training soldiers over at least a few months and this allows you to customize the armies available for the RTS battles. In CoH3, however, you're "requisitioning" either whole companies*, which are your main operation units, or individual detachments, which play a very limited supporting role. In practice, this just gives you more options for covering the map, and except for the variety of companies available, this doesn't affect the RTS component. Having extra companies only helps you to snowball maps that are too big anyways while reducing the tension of having to manage and protect individual companies.

    Solution: CoH2's Ardennes Assault should be the cue for how we many companies on the strategy map: a fixed number of companies, which can be increased by certain triggers. Unlike the Ardennes setting, there should be options to replenish these companies, but the focus on "healing" abilities and the fact that units are so fragile means you're really just trying to manage HP bars so that they don't get destroyed outright. In reality, the focus should be on operational capacity: Is a unit able to attack a front or hold a front, or are they so battered they can't do either? Why am I talking about fronts? Read on...

    *A "company" is probably the wrong unit size to talk about operating at these scales, but Monte Cassino wasn't won with just a handful of companies, so I'll stick with the language of the game.

    2. Operations, not battles

    Problem: In the Total War games, it makes sense to have either single encounters that take place between armies that have traveled large distances, or sieges of fortified locations. That is what most of military history looked like. But it's not typical of warfare in the 20th century. It's also detrimental for the gameplay, because it leaves us a choice between scripted encounters or skirmishes (where the player only decides the relative strength of the units and the supporting units available).

    Solution: The map needs to be smaller, and probably rethought entirely. Most of the time you're ordering units to walk elsewhere, and rarely are they actually in engagements (except when they're walking into ambushes—I like that attacking blind has its costs, but this mechanic feels very flat). In reality, many of your military units would be on an active front, and if they're moving it's for a rotation to get rest or to prepare for an offensive. A setup like this would lend itself a lot better to the strengths of CoH as a RTS game, too. If you want to stage an offensive, you might have a series of targets (these could go as far as to reflect actual battle locations), and placing different companies on a front will give you different options for attacking those targets. If you have a weak point in your line, you might find yourself in a defensive battle.

    Is any of this a realistic ask?

    I've taken a lot of freedom in re-imagining this campaign, because even though it does look fairly developed, it was put forward as a "pre-alpha". The ideal platform for this approach is probably a tile-based system, but that ask may be a bridge too far.

    Still, it would help to reduce emphasis on covering the map with units (and consequently just throwing whichever company is nearest as an objective) and allow units to recover by taking them from the front rather than gimmicky HP heals. Highlighting different objectives within zones that can "force" a retreat from a sector would also lend itself better to using different companies for their strengths.

    There are some things I did like about the campaign that would work in a revamped system too. It's nice that you can customize companies (although availability of skills could also depend on unit condition), and I like how the availability of certain abilities depends on strategic conditions like controlling an airfield.

    I didn't have a terrible experience with the campaign, but the novelty quickly wore off and a Total War reskin seems the wrong direction for Company of Heroes. It gets in the way of the core of the game, without giving much control to the player over how campaigns play out. I don't care about how many locations on the map get highlighted blue, or how many companies and detachments I can build, I care about being able to smartly manage the units I do have and preparing the operations well, and this is not a good platform for that experience.

    Edit: added tldr, then reddit deleted the bottom half of my post.

    submitted by /u/soggyfrog
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    My rear echelons got stuck in tank traps... i tried to save them

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 12:57 PM PDT

    How do players delete games from their player record?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 11:05 AM PDT

    I've seen this happen a bunch, I have played arranged games with various players and the match shows up under the arranged team section on the player card, but some players can delete this from their record. I thought maybe it's from the matches being old, but I have arranged teams that are far older than these deleted matches that still show on my player card.

    There are people that stream on places like twitch, and they literally play COH2 for 5-8 hours every day4-5 days a week, and have done so for years and years, but when you look at their player card, they have a bizarrely low amount of matches played.

    What's going on? Is this a way to boost Elo? I've only seen people do this when they have high Elo (top 100).

    submitted by /u/kosmonaut_hurlant_
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    I'm surprised to find the existence of COH3 is not really well known. Even among older fans and veteran players. There needs to be more noise about this. How did you guys find out?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 05:35 PM PDT

    I work with a lot of people who love strategy games, especially COH and Total War, and it baffles me that I'm the only one in my friend group who knows that COH3 even exists. It makes me super happy to see my friends faces light up when I tell them that COH3 is coming out and there's a free pre-alpha to play. At the same time though, I'm concerned that so many people who love the franchise are missing out on the conversation and the rebuilding of the community simply because they don't know it's out there or thought the COH franchise was dead because its been so long since COH2 came out. I'm telling everyone I know but I feel its still not enough and press on COH3 is pretty scarce. I only found out because I stumbled randomly across it on Reddit. How did you guys find out?

    submitted by /u/DreamToBeLazy
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    Has anyone else found success with the UKf royal engineer recovery squad call in as main troop.

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 05:57 PM PDT

    I find them very viable in 4v4 because they a fast 5 man squad and you skip all normal upgrades (weapon rack, grenade, bolster) with saves 65 fuel. Now you may wonder where we get power ups without the weapon rack well the first weapon is the flamethrower for 60 munis which come with the recovery sapper. The flamethrower is great for assaulting houses or green cover having a damage boost against them. Then later into the game you get anvil before any tank for heavy engineers upgrade. This gives them 2 armor a vikers machine gun and a faster repair with the small downside of slower speed In combat. All for 60 muni per unit. Now Combine this with amazing close range damage they burn your enemy's alive. Now enough about the unit itself what dose this playstile allow you to do.

    1 garrison will be avoided by your enemy when you have them at the front

    2 you get fast 5 man squads letting you win most early engagements

    3 salvage like ukw you can harvest fuel from dead vehicles

    4 unlike the infantry section you get a snare on your frontline troop

    5 they are repairing monsters they have increased repair speed from the normal engineer. +heavy engineer + vet 2 bonus of 30 percent faster repair and building.

    6 they are tankey boys with there 2 armor and their vet 3 -33% received accuracy.

    Now for number 5 and 6 they where both vet ability's well thing about that is because they are engineers they are some of the fastest vet gainers in the game.

    7 your main front line unit can repair/ your repair can kill the at gun.

    Now what can you do with all of this well.

    1 being tanky allows you to close the distance and take on more foes

    2 fast repairs allows for your tanks to fight more

    Ok let's talk commanders sadly there is only two commanders with recovery sappers. Royal engineer regiment and mobile assault regiment. And small note they both have vehicle crew repairs which is nice.

    Mobile assault Mortar 0cp this in my opinion is a nice option but is bad mortar so is not built often

    Infiltration commandos Because you are not building weapon racks they are not that good at being frontline but are a great muni sync if you need it. For demo and grenades. And then there always spawning next to saport guns.

    Land mattress The land mattress is great in 4v4 as most rocket arty is and being the only form of rocket arty the brits get in can be amazing.

    Royal engineer regiment

    Command vehicle Command vehicle is very good when it supports firefly because it boosts reload speed

    Anti building flam mortar This call in is great against blobs saport guns and the ukw base it also dose decent damage to tanks if a shell lands on the tank

    Avre The avre is amazing fun and good too with amazing veteran bonus.

    So when choosing commander it boils down to do you want a avre or land mattress.

    Now to how I play them My build order is generally mg sapper sapper sapper tech up medic. Then react To what I need weather it's mortar or at or forward point.

    Then late game I like to get two church hills and I yous the repair speed to keep them coming back fast.

    TLDR royal engineer recovery squad good

    submitted by /u/Aromatic-Purchase-41
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    New British heavy tank in COH3

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 06:41 AM PDT

    In a recent interview the devs mention UK will have a new oddball tank introduced in COH3. Any guesses what that might be? Wiki has some prototypes listed but nothing looked super odd to me.

    submitted by /u/speirs13
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    CoH 2 multiplayer against AI?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 11:10 AM PDT

    Is the game worth playing against the AI if you enjoyed doing that in CoH 1?

    My friends and I played against the computer a lot but never ranked.

    Was wondering if the AI is any better or on par at least with COH 1?

    submitted by /u/BunsinHoneyDew
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    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 08:15 PM PDT

    guys do u have a copy of archive.exe in company of heroes 1 can u guys give me a link to download it or send it to my gmail


    sorry for my grammar i always sleep in english class

    submitted by /u/Mental-Butterscotch5
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    I've played coh1 for 1500 hours in my life and I still not very good. I never have a plan in action and always just react. I feel like most of the players that beat me have plans or know something I don't know.

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 11:17 AM PDT

    I play mainly USA and sometimes wehr and very rarely PE (don't like playing commonwealth at all).

    When I play, I never have a solid plan in action and if I do, it's a pretty shallow gameplan that doesn't follow beyond the intial cat and mouse opening minutes of the game. Take the 1v1 map, Langres, for example. There's a point on each side that cuts off resources easily, but it's at an easily defensible spot. There's also high fuel beyond those, but it's out of the way on each side and they're both susceptible to flanking.

    My problem is, I wouldn't know which points out of these I should focus on and at the right time. I end up spreading my territory and then losing ground because I am indecisive. I've been working on queing up building stuff with my engies more and it's helped, but I still suffer from this indecisiveness. I have a hard time predicting what the other player is going to do despite that I know very well what their options are.

    If anyone wants to play and give me some critique some time that would be great. I'm not a noob and my micro is definitely at least adequate.

    submitted by /u/noogiey
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    I love the flame hetzer so much

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 03:51 PM PDT

    Relic and Drophacking issue

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 12:50 AM PDT

    let's talk about this Drop hack issue and ask the question :
    Why relic didn't fix it ?

    this not only for Coh, but also coh2 and Maybe Coh3

    a guy by the name Skybuck posted a statements telling relics that he was making a algorithm to solve the issue but as he said Relic wanted to claim it for it's own , so he Made a tutorial on how to drop hack from Coh .

    now there's lot of hackers and trollers drophacking which pissing many people off (that tutorial was for Company of heroes 1 idk if it work with coh2)

    note: he posted that in 2012 ,before coh2 released .

    i ain't siding with the guy on his tutorial but i have this question For Relic itself

    1-if you knew about this Issue why you haven't fixed it or asked the Community to help you ?

    2-what more bugs and issues that WE the players don't know about ?

    not to forget it's been 8 years and the game still suffer from drophackers

    i'm not promoting people to drophack , i'm just asking on WHY this issue haven't been fixed ?

    here's the website source of Skybuck statement :https://groups.google.com/g/comp.games.development.design/c/THMolS8Z6Do

    submitted by /u/RommelHamieh
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    What kind of team game player are you?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 09:38 AM PDT

    For example, I love to assault VPs and have the most captures. Unfortunately my k/d isn't the best. I never build arty or emplacements.

    submitted by /u/Puguasu1
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    CoH2: Which commanders do you recommend for Axis players in teamgames?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 05:11 AM PDT

    prefer 2v2, 3v3, 4v4 - enjoy both axis factions but haven't played in years.


    submitted by /u/SignificantGiraffe5
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    How to edit the .sga of a game mode/win condition?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 04:01 AM PDT

    Spearhead I mod.

    Would like to change the resource income rate values and population cap

    I understand its possible to append a scar file to make these changes, but I dont what code to put into it, I've found the code to make changes to an individual map, but not a game mode itself

    submitted by /u/SpectralVoodoo
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