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    Wednesday, July 7, 2021

    Company of Heroes New Patch - Game Health Updated

    Company of Heroes New Patch - Game Health Updated

    New Patch - Game Health Updated

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 11:59 AM PDT

    Importance of green cover at all stages of the game

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 05:36 PM PDT


    I knew the numerical difference between yellow and green cover. However, I didn't really conceptualize how much of a difference it makes to be in green cover instead of yellow cover. What follows is a short explanation of why it's important and how to think about cover. I hope this helps new players who might have not realized this yet.

    In case you forgot, here are the cover values. What is interesting to note is that even though most cover is directional if a mortar shell lands behind cover, it still does less damage.

    Cover Accuracy Damage Suppression Flame
    Green 0.5 0.5 0.3 1.25
    Yellow 0.5 1 0.5 1
    Neutral 1 1 1 1
    Red 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25

    Explanation of the real importance of cover

    If you had a four-man Grenadier squad in yellow cover fight a five-man Rifleman squad in green cover, that fight is essentially two Grenadiers vs five Rifleman in DPS terms. That is a terrible fight. I know it might seem obvious to you, but I just wasn't thinking about it like that. Green cover gives 50% damage reduction. Not 10%, not 25%, but a massive 50% reduction to all damage (except flame).

    Due to the quirks of the matchmaking, I have been matched with some pretty high rank players. They would handily beat me in the early game and I would be left scratching my head why that was. I believed, because of my StarCraft2 background, that we were fighting over resources. That we were fighting over point control. But in reality I should have been fighting over green cover.

    For me at least the green cover positions were not something to fight over. They were something nice to have, but not something I gave much attention to. I feel like a lot of players think this way. In CoH2 you are fighting over resources, but more importantly you are fighting over positioning on those resource points.

    Thinking in this way will help you understand the maps better as well. Take a look at where the green cover is on maps. It's not that common as you will see. If there is green cover that you can use because on one side it's green and on the enemy side it's yellow, that is a position that is safe and easy to defend. If there is green cover that is usable by you and is in enemy territory that is a position that you can attack from.

    This is where constructible cover comes in. Here is a rule for you. Always be building cover. The community loves to sing praises to mines. Always be mining the say. And yes they do win games. But what gets overshadowed is that you should have an engineer basically building cover and wire wherever you go. It's free and fast. That engineer should also be blocking off cover as well.

    If there is a position that has no green cover in your territory that is where you build some. If you push your opponent out of a position, have your engineer make it much harder to take back with a single sandbag and wire. You can see pro players playing SimCity all the time with cover. Furthermore you can see them playing advanced SimCity like using wire to block off flanking routes and building cover in such a way that it's useless to the enemy even without building wire to cover it.

    Practical examples and conclusion

    Here are some practical examples. Look at the first picture. See that damn green cover there. I lost a game basically because it didn't wire it off. My opponent came in with two squads on that green cover. I underestimated the power of green cover and lost the engagement. Then he came in and built a forward green cover position. Now I don't have the fuel and the VP. One sandbag and two wires and the position goes from potentially game losing to an easy defence.

    Take a look at the other side. Same thing but now there is also a big wall that gives green cover. However it gives cover in both directions.

    Take a look at this position. See how much natural cover there is. If you just wire it off suddenly it's much more defensible.

    Here what you should be doing when you win an engagement. Just a bit of work and it goes from a flimsy defence to a venerable fortress in the early game.

    When I started to play and think like this suddenly I just started winning more games. More importantly when I do lose I wasn't confused how it happened. This is also related to how to be safe when playing this game and not overextend and lose when you have the map control.


    You should probably stop reading here because it is about to get rambly. This is my SC2 background speaking again, but I have lost a lot of games where I had a clear advantage because I overextend. My logic was that I have a bigger army so I should go and kill my opponent. If you have the map control then you should not make risky plays. Attacking is harder than defending. That is because in CoH2 your primary resource is something that is unaffected by map control. If I control the whole map I still get the same manpower as my opponent. In fact I get less probably because of upkeep costs. Sure I might have more ammo or fuel but my opponent is not without hope of victory.

    There are a few advantages you can have. More units, more resources or the better position. If you want to win games safely then you build cover on the front line. Then attack or defend and when you win an engagement you build some more cover in front of the last cover creating layers and layers of cover. So if you overextend and get pushed back you have a place to retreat.

    Thanks to Stormless for reviewing my rant.


    submitted by /u/Urkedurke
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    Viability of the Jaeger Armor Commander

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 05:50 PM PDT


    Compelled by forces beyond my understanding I want to make this commander work. The TLDR is that I think it's lackluster compared to other commanders for 1vs1. In team games however it has potential.

    Mobile Observation Post

    What it is and does

    The first perk allows your half-tracks to become radar station detecting enemy units in the fog of war at 60 range. For reference, the half-track sight range is 40, but radar works through sight blockers. It becomes camouflaged but immobile with disabled weapons. It can still reinforce infantry and heal units inside it.

    It also allows the half-track to plant Reigal AT mines and to shoot out flares when in observation post mode. If you get the scope or flamethrower, you lose the observation post mode.

    The Reigal AT mines

    Reigal AT mines deal 360 damage and immobilize vehicles. For comparison the Teller mine does 400 damage but only damages the engine. You should know for reference that the Soviet TM-35 mines do 200 damage and damage the engine but can also hit infantry. Light vehicles have 360 health while light tanks have 400 health.

    The 251 can, by default, at veterancy 1, plant the Schu-Mine-42 which is the same as TM-35 mine minus the suppression. Something to keep in mind as it gets a bit more utility.

    The Reigal AT Mine is basically a Teller mine side-grade that is better against bigger tanks but worse against small tanks. You sacrifice 40 damage but get complete immobilization. It's a better late game which is on theme for the Wehrmacht.

    Quick note about the Flare

    The half-track can shoot out flares for 60 ammo when in observation post mode. It provides sight and makes stuff more accurate. Sixty ammo just to see your enemy, when you have so many tools to see with this commander, is not really worth it in 1vs1. It might be worth it sometimes as flares are indestructible by anti-air. It can be good in team games as the vision and accuracy can boost the teams off-maps and indirect fire tools.

    Use cases for the Mobile Observation Post

    It's good to keep in mind that 60 range isn't that far, especially for a doctrine that also has spotting scopes and another scouting skill in the form of Reconnaissance Overflight. It's more of a cherry on top. The real value is the camouflage.

    One use case is the half-track as a forward outpost to reinforce and heal infantry and to give you early warning to enemy movement as well as what units they are and how healthy they are. The problem is that the 251 cost the same as a 222 but does much less damage and has no AA. I can see the enemy earlier and reinforce my troops, but I can't kill the enemy as well.

    The 251 is a utility unit that has mobility on its side. You usually want to use it with pioneers to drive around reinforcing weak areas and building defenses with the pioneers which can also repair the half-track. This also synergizes well with the second commander perk discussed later.

    Considering the Reigal AT mine it's placed by the half-track which is more mobile than the pioneers and frees up your pioneers to do something else. It can probably catch a lot of people off guard as they won't spot the subtle animation of the guys in the half-track ducking down denoting that a mine is being placed.

    While it won't one shot light tanks, it will completely immobilize them and they need to be fully repaired to start moving again. This means you should have plenty of time to roll an AT gun over or anything else and finish it off. Might even make the enemy more erratic as they try to save their tank so there might be some potential there for cool flaking attacks.

    Conclusion about Mobile Observation Post

    In conclusion the SdKfz. 251 Half-track Mobile Observation Post should probably be used like the name implies, that is to say, being mobile. It is definitely much more micro intensive then a 222 but has a rewarding and interesting playstyle worth trying.

    When it's safe from AT guns it can add it's DPS to the fight while allowing units to reinforce and hide inside. When it's not safe it can camo up and provide added scouting information while still allowing the unit to reinforce and really hide inside.

    The mines are an upgrade late game, in my opinion, to the Teller mine and because they are placed by the half-track there are some interesting possibilities.

    Breakthrough Equipment

    What it does

    The second commander perk allows you to upgrade pioneers with a package for 30 ammo that gives them satchel charges, the destroy "cover" ability and a 30% repair speed increase. The destroy "cover" ability costs nothing and recharges quickly. It doesn't lock out the flamethrower or the hazard removal package.

    I have been putting "cover" in quotation marks because it doesn't only destroy cover. It can destroy a lot of things, most notably hedgerow walls. It doesn't destroy player-made covers like sandbags. You can see why it's called Breakthrough Equipment. What it can destroy is on a case-by-case basis and you will have to do your own testing as it is unsurprisingly not consistent.

    Additionally, it gives panzergrenadiers smoke grenades. Note that the smoke grenade cooldown is shared with the bundle grenade so panzergrenadiers can't break positions by themselves.

    Use cases for the Breakthrough Equipment

    The perk allows you to create unexpected flanking routes early game and breakthrough entrenched positions more easily. It has some cool use cases: * Use panzergrenadiers to throw smoke then run in with the pioneers and throw a satchel charge at that MG team or bunker. * Use the pioneers to open up unexpected flanking routes with destroy "cover" ability as it can destroy large shrubs and things that might seem too big at first. * Drive your pioneers in your half-track and destroy green natural cover positions on your enemy's side of the map. * Use the satchel to destroy big sight blockers to allow for better vision late game for your scoped vehicles. * Use half-track and pioneers or panzergrenadiers for aggressive satchel charge or smoke maneuvers respectively.

    Conclusion about Breakthrough Equipment

    This is a high skill ceiling perk. It requires good map knowledge and unit control, but can be used to pull off some cool and unexpected maneuvers on the enemy. Even if you are not styling on your opponent, you still get the 30% increased repair speed and ability to yeet satchel charges and smoke grenades.

    Reconnaissance Overflight

    For 60 ammo you can summon a plane to fly over an area and give you vision. It circles around the area you command but while it's coming to the area also provides some vision. You push a button and you see stuff. Useful albeit not very interesting.

    It is important to note that recon planes, unlike flares, reveal stealth units. This could be very useful if your opponent is using stealth units. Thanks to Stormless for the tip.

    Spotting Scopes

    What it does

    This perk gives your vehicles the ability to upgrade Spotting Scopes. This gives a % increase to vision range when the vehicle is stationary. It provides different amounts to different vehicles. This means that a Panzer IV, a half-track and the scout car will have the same vision range. If you do get the scout car to veterancy 2 it will get extra base vision range. Combined with the scope it can see very far.

    Use cases for the Spotting Scopes

    Obviously to see things from far away and be prepared for them. Don't underestimate the power of vision. Works well with Breakthrough Equipment for easier planning of breakthroughs.

    It's main use however is to provide the vision range needed for the Elefant Tank Destroyer. Any vehicle with scopes next to the Elefant will provide enough vision range for it to nearly shoot at its max range. Put the spotting vehicle a bit in front for a max range Elefant.

    The Elefant Tank Destroyer

    The final solution to the enemy tank question. Huge range, massive penetration and thicc armor. It's super slow, very expensive, completely useless against infantry and comes in at a late 14 CP. All of that combined makes it a sketchy investment at best in a normal 1vs1. It's really cool though.

    For balance reasons the technology of spotting scopes is not available to the Elefant so combine it with a vehicle with spotting scopes to utilize its massive range and make your opponent rage quit faster than you can say "sight line".

    Conclusion for the Jaeger Armor Commander

    I think I wrote this to show myself that commanders that appear weak may be strong, but it's just not immediately obvious what they are good at.

    Over the course of this text, you might have gathered how I feel about this commander in 1vs1. Lots of ways to see your enemy, not as many to actually kill him. But you might see how strong it can be in team games. The half-track can be used to give valuable intel to your team and used to reinforce your infantry as well as your teammates. In fact, your toolkit allows you to provide unparalleled vision for your team. The Breakthrough Equipment allows you to create and support new attack routes. And if it gets to that point, you can call in the Elefant to snipe enemy armor from across the map.

    Lastly, here is a fun use case. Place a Reigal AT mine and wait for a tank to roll over the mine and become immobilized. Finish it off with the Elefant from across the map with no way for the enemy to save it. Fifty ammo mine for maybe an IS-2 or Pershing.


    submitted by /u/Urkedurke
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    Hi everyone so i was playing coh earlier today and logged off for a bit and came back to a small update idk i download it and whenever i try to start the game it gives me this error does this mean i have to reinstall the game? thanks for help anyways

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 06:08 PM PDT

    July 7 Hotfix - Regional server support and random fixes

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 12:32 PM PDT

    Can't find a match at all?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 10:28 AM PDT

    I've been searching for a 3v3/4v4 for like 15 minutes straight and no match despite 7k players online.

    submitted by /u/PenilePain2674
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    Anyone else having much lower FPS since the new update?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 07:59 PM PDT

    Mine are practically slashed in halve. Is it the patch? Anyone else have this?

    submitted by /u/CheekyBreekyYoloswag
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    Cant find a match bug?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 08:07 AM PDT

    after the servers went down last night iv been unable to find matches in mm.

    32 bit on steam and iv tried re installing/verifying game files. Nothing has changed..

    iv been in que for about 2 1/2 hrs and there is also no players in the in game chat, any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Spitcat
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    Is there any gameplay difference between green cover from house's or emplacements vs other green cover sources sandbags for example

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 09:07 PM PDT

    I ask this because sometimes I feel like my infantry are doing worse when I put them in a building. and another question to add to this to dose fire damage which I recently learned does more damage to troops in green cover thanks to a post by u/Urkedurke. do more damage when a troop is in a house vs green cover.

    submitted by /u/Aromatic-Purchase-41
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    What is this "Nis_playambient" command? Is it useful?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 02:11 PM PDT

    coming back after a while... State of Ukf?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 08:15 AM PDT

    Hey all. Coming back after a year... Ukf main player. Any new major changes I should keep in mind about?

    Before I was super reliant on Uac for dealing with mgs. Also went pretty inf heavy, focus on basic tommies. Commander I went a lot of Mobile Assault, and sometimes Tactical Support. Any change with those? Any particular build orders that work better then others? I hope the IS infantrymen is still their core unit.


    submitted by /u/roadkill0000
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    I don't even know if this is a bug or a feature at this point.

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 02:49 PM PDT

    What is the chance of a pak 40 penning an IS2?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 11:40 AM PDT

    Just had a game where the opponent had 2 pak 40s firing on the frontal armor of the IS2, and all 7 shots penned, killing it just as I was pulling it out of range. I still won the game, mostly because the opponent couldn't micro their infantry very well, but I just want to know how unlucky I got there to tell the story.

    submitted by /u/OldSchooler22
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    Theater of War co-op campaign questions

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 01:12 PM PDT

    Can someone purchase Adrennes Assault as a standalone and play with a buddy in the coop campaign?

    And if so, how long is this campaign? How many hours of gameplay do you think? How many maps etc?

    Thanks all.

    submitted by /u/888Kraken888
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    Should Rangers get some kind of BAR passive? How about a "Base of Fire" role?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 12:35 AM PDT

    Just a thought I had. Some LMG units have "Elite LMG training" (Paras, Obers, Commandos), which lets the unit fire while moving and deal more damage with the LMG compared to if another unit picked it up.

    Recently the devs gave Rangers a longer range DPS profile until they get Thompsons, which prompted me to think about their role.

    Right now Rangers are typically just used for Thompsons or Zooks. What if they got some kind of unique role if given a BAR, flavoured around Base of Fire tactics?

    Granted this isn't really necessary, and would be a straight buff to an already strong unit by making it even more versatile. But, eh just for discussion, in case the devs want to shift some power around within USF doctrines:

    Elite BAR passive Possibilities:

    -Just a damage increase (boooo boring!) (and not really necessary)

    -Volley Fire from the Rear Echelons. Rangers could use this to suppress an individual enemy squad, then force them to retreat with DPS or grenades (at a high muni cost). There needs to be a reaction time to it though, aka time to react by throwing a grenade at them, or something.

    -The ability to passively, slowly suppress squads, the way Veteran Obers can. (I would say it would need to scale with the number of BARS and be weak with just 1 BAR, not just put 1 BAR on 2 squads and get insane suppression.) Maybe only allow it at 3 BARS, as it can actually be hard to get and keep 3 Bars on a squad of rangers.

    -Cover Bonus or stationary damage bonus, turning rangers into Defensive Infantry like Grenadiers EDIT: more like Falls or G43 Elites, where they are good at all ranges.

    -Firing Positions, the Guards riflemen ability.

    -Buttoning vehicle ability, with a stronger effect and higher cost based on the number of BARS. EG 3 Bars=Guards riflemen tier Button.

    -The ability to Deploy Bipods and setup an MG arc with the same MG style dig-in-timer, with suppression scaling with the number of BARS. (EG 3 Bars=MG42 level suppression).

    -A unique mini-suppression Passive. EG Any squad hit by the rangers BAR loses 3% movement speed and 3% Accuracy per BAR in the squad for 5 seconds (up to 10%).



    submitted by /u/Atomic_Gandhi
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    What did the Ostruppen said when we clicked them?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 12:38 AM PDT

    Wes - li - ni - gan. ??

    submitted by /u/Aggravating-Bowl-505
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