• Breaking News

    Saturday, July 24, 2021

    Company of Heroes Rangers after they help a rifleman squad destroy a panzer

    Company of Heroes Rangers after they help a rifleman squad destroy a panzer

    Rangers after they help a rifleman squad destroy a panzer

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 06:51 AM PDT

    [1v1] NEW 1v1 CoH2 tournament!

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 12:52 PM PDT

    HI folks! There's a new 1v1 tournament coming in the next couple weeks. Olvadi and 101st Airborne (amazing Korean streamer) are putting on a tournament with ~$1500 in prize pool. It's the first event in a while to not be crowdfunded or taking the money out of the organizer's pocket which is great.

    We're going to have matches in the Master League tourney mod with balanced maps (and rebalanced automatch maps, like the Faymonville Rework).

    For more details and how to sign up you can go here.

    submitted by /u/not_GBPirate
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    Ability Removed? (Heer)

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 06:43 PM PDT

    I haven't played in a while, but I seem to remember a wehrmacht commander having the ability to spawn smaller halftracks with MG armed grenadier teams. I can't seem to find it. Am I just missing the right commander or was the ability replaced?

    submitted by /u/Unkindlake
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    What do you guys think about the black prince?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 01:20 AM PDT

    As far as I know that tank never saw service, it was just a test.

    To be honest I always liked the way that tank looks I like it in the game, but I'm a bit nervous whether or not this means we fictional vehicles are a go. I don't think it would be good to the game if we saw Mauses, T95s etc.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/praespaser
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    Just wanted to spend my boring 12 hr shift playing against ai

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 09:02 AM PDT

    But COH2 doesn't support offline skirmishes. Please fix this. (Error says host has selected map too small to accomodate players when I click on create custom game)

    submitted by /u/ARKSH7R
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    How do I deal with german heavy armor and which Soviet tanks are the best ? (That includes commander tanks)

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 07:36 AM PDT

    Hey all back here again asking which tank is the best against heavy german armor and also has the most bang for your buck. I think that the 76mm gun and smoke barrage make the Lend lease Sherman the best as u have speed and fire power,but against king tigers and panthers I suffer as the tanks are always not able to flank the behemoths. So which tanks are the best and can kill panthers in particular the best? Ty everyone for helping answer my question to ensure a glorious victory.

    submitted by /u/delayedmaybe2
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    Japanese Imperial Forces VS. Japanese Imperial Army

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 12:10 PM PDT

    Which mod do you guys think is better? more balanced etc.


    To be specific these 2:




    submitted by /u/RatManAntics
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    Medium tanks 3v3 4v4

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 03:42 AM PDT

    when do you find use of medium tanks like p4, sherman or cromwell i find they are mostly outranged and i have better success skipping them. The only thing that comes to mind is if i have to snipe enemy mobile artilery as it is most of the time suicide mission.

    submitted by /u/lpniss
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    build orders for sov 4v4 and commander tier list?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 04:39 AM PDT

    Remember Comrades always bluff with your bulletins

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 03:29 AM PDT

    How do I unlock British and panzer elite in COH1?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 07:46 AM PDT

    I play this with my son so I'm not up to speed. When playing multiplayer why are both British and Panzer Elite both locked in options?

    submitted by /u/keltictrigger
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    CoH2: Finding players for 3v3/4v4 with voicechat?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 03:22 AM PDT

    Just wondering how I can join a group where English speaking players of average skill get together to play team games. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/SignificantGiraffe5
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    COH3 too infantry focused?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 07:50 AM PDT

    Unsure if the Dev's themselves stated this or the community formed this consensus, that: COH3 has an infantry-heavy focus, with little vehicular variety. It's a less dynamic, less interesting experience overall.

    Infantry play is the backbone & needs to be solid, of course. That said; variety of distinct vehicles should be increased not lowered and even though we are seeing a very tiny, incomplete portion of the final game it appears there will be less vehicles in COH3 than COH2, perhaps allot less.

    submitted by /u/S0_L337
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