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    Friday, July 23, 2021

    Company of Heroes One thing I really hope they bring back for COH3 is the voice linrd

    Company of Heroes One thing I really hope they bring back for COH3 is the voice linrd

    One thing I really hope they bring back for COH3 is the voice linrd

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 10:37 AM PDT

    Edit: Obvious typo in the title lol oops

    The voice lines, call-outs and banter of the squads is really amazing.

    When you're repositioning your PAK Gun and a squad member yells out "We ate the horse, remember!? Now start pulling!"

    Or a Penal Battalion starts taking fire and shouts, "it's better to die by enemy fire than to be executed!"

    There are so many great little voice lines like this that add so much character and personality and life into what could otherwise be a fairly stale experience (e.g. games like AOE or StarCraft, which feel like they're supposed to be purely competitive with no fun or originality allowed)

    Overall COH is able to lean into some of the historical aspects while keeping the game competitive and that's what is so great about it. I really hope they keep the unique attention to detail like in the dialogue/voice lines and squad banter.

    submitted by /u/DiscoDingoDoggo
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    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 04:26 PM PDT

    Company of Heroes 3 Gameplay Overview

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 01:45 PM PDT

    Name the 3 Improvements you want to see the most in COH3

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 12:39 PM PDT

    As title says, I intend to invite the community here to provide information about things that are most badly wanted. To keep the thread simple and manageable, Please suggest no more than 3 things with one or two sentences each. I will start with mine:

    1. Fully editable hotkeys - the hotkeys in coh2 are awkward and unintuitive to use.
    2. Reconnect feature - most badly wanted feature for competitive plays.
    3. Ability to blacklist players to avoid toxic behaviors.

    Hopefully by gathering enough responses we will be able to show relics what the community really want!

    submitted by /u/LieutenantDan-1
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    How different are ranked ladders ( factions ) ?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 07:50 PM PDT

    I'm at 12 rank with soviets, 10 with brits and 4 with wermaht ( 6 loss streak currently ).

    I only have 300 hours so I'm still not that good but it's frustrating to get your ass kicked at rank 4 with axis in 4v4 which heavily favors axis.

    submitted by /u/koro1452
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    Coh2: What's the best way to throw frags at buildings?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 10:27 PM PDT

    My assumption was that you try to get the Centre of the grenade inside the building, and this results in (half bc green cover) of the max damage being spread between all models?

    Someone also told me that if you can hit a model with the grenade, even better because they take the direct grenade damage+the spreaded damage, ensuring a model kill usually.

    submitted by /u/Atomic_Gandhi
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    Question : Does the Infrared STGs of Obersoldaten have movement penalties?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 09:04 PM PDT

    There was a post here I found 6 months ago that stated the IR STGs do not have movement penalties. Their accuracy and burst multipliers apparently don't affect performance.

    Can anyone confirm this because this is new information to me. The post didn't have anyone deny it and Tightrope even made a comment about no changes made to the IRs in recent memory but didn't address the movement modifiers so I don't know.

    submitted by /u/LieutenantHanniquet
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    When should I start trying to face real people? As soon as I want to? I'm still pretty nooby.

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 08:59 AM PDT

    Are there any Soviet/Allied Coh2 Discord Groups? Like 101st xyz

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 01:47 PM PDT

    Hey so I have gotten into playing a lot of Soviet 1v1s and would like to join a coh dscord group that plays frequently and possibly has ranks and all that. I think it would be fun and maybe I could learn a thing or two!

    submitted by /u/delayedmaybe2
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    There is an exclamation mark next to "Start Searching" - "The host was selected from theater of war operation that one or more players do not own"

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 07:43 PM PDT

    I am not sure why that's coming up for me it just started appearing. I had no issue before in matching in pvp games

    submitted by /u/paradisemorlam
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    Difference between M5 and modified M6 mines?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 07:43 PM PDT

    So I was playing british with advanced emplacement regiment and noticed that Infantry builds different mines to the sappers, Infantry builds the M5 Mine (same one as the american infantry) and the sappers build the Modified M6 Mine. They look exactly the same and both can be triggered by infantry, which one is better against vehicles/infantry?

    submitted by /u/bennyktm
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    Now that COH3 has been announced...

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 05:21 PM PDT

    Relic, can you please fix the IS2?

    submitted by /u/Spartan706
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    [CoH2] Resource for Commander Off-Map Ability Activation stats?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 12:28 PM PDT

    Specifically, what is the activation time for Stuka Fragmentation Bombing run from time red smoke is dropped to plane flying over and dropping bombs?

    My observation has been that this ability activates significantly faster than other off-map abilities and combined with it's extremely high, squad wiping/vehicle killing alpha damage, it's very punishing for 180 munitions. I have anecdotally had several experiences of hitting retreat the moment the smoke appeared and have still lost squads due to how quickly the ability activates.

    Is there a resource out there that has activation times for all commander off-map abilities? I would love to see the numbers. As a Soviet player, I recognize the possibility for bias, but it honestly feels like Soviet off-map bombing run abilities can cost more in munitions, take longer to activate, and are not as effective when they hit.

    submitted by /u/PenitentAnomaly
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    Will there be region-locking in COH3?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 03:48 PM PDT

    For both technical and teamplay reasons, will there be region locking? Playing with players on the opposite side of the planet, especially with COH2's stability problems, has been problematic for many. If you are in NA, you often end up with players in Asia who have unstable connections, leading to frequent dropping if they even load in at all. At best, you are rolling the dice on whether you can even communicate with each other.

    I even had a Chinese player once preach the CCP manifesto out of nowhere.

    submitted by /u/USSZim
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    I wonder if Relic is going to step into sniper asymmetry in COH3 again.

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 04:23 AM PDT

    Cause we know how OKW and US loved being on the receiving end of this unit while being cursed to run around and hope to break through screenings infantry squads before they are left with half their models killed.

    submitted by /u/morelrix
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    Minsk Pocket needs to be removed or changed

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 02:49 PM PDT

    I hate that I have to ban this map because it offers such a different environment from the others, but it is simply not a good map. These are the two things that make it aweful:

    1. Fuel is so far back you can't cut it off or reasonably deny a good opponent for like more then a minute. Having a guaranteed fuel means players can be more greedy and less proactive, which i think will always lead to more boring games.

    2. The location of the vps is so wack. The two corner vps are so far away from the opposing side that it becomes a herculean effort to actually hold them for any significant amount of time. The result of this is that everything is focused onto the center of the map, making the whole battle just over the mid vp. This allows games to become over an hour long if its between two good teams, and tanks like elephant, jagtiger, isu-152, or kv2 become nearly uncounterable (but especially elephant and jagtiger). Ive played so many absolute slugfest games where both teams just get attritioned for an hour or more.

    My solution is to switch the munitions with the vps or even just outright remove the map.

    submitted by /u/Ryebott
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    Help, i recently downloaded and want to start the campaign, but i get a message saying "Error loading scenario. The scenario file may be invalid." How do i fix this?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 03:23 AM PDT

    I tried uninstalling and reinstalling and verifying files

    submitted by /u/jotono11
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    Sturmpioneers vs Penals

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 03:11 AM PDT

    Could somone explain the dynamics of this matchup to me, I always loose it with both factions.

    submitted by /u/Scipiojr
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    Relic account log in issue

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 12:33 AM PDT

    I can't log in to my relic account - it just keeps taking me round in circles, i need to "re-verify" on their old forum, but it just keeps taking me to the login screen. Anyone know what the heck is this all about?

    submitted by /u/VideoDeadGamlng
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