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    Friday, July 30, 2021

    Company of Heroes what is the noob threshold for this game?

    Company of Heroes what is the noob threshold for this game?

    what is the noob threshold for this game?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 04:27 PM PDT

    So I have, 219 hours in this game.

    I was wondering, when is someone not a noob anymore?

    Every single game I go into, I have people pinging me and saying "NOOB! NOOB!!!!!!" with no context at all, these are even games where I thought I was doing pretty decent as well. Is it just that I am not using all my resources and MY army exactly how these other players want or what?

    Ill be dealing with something on the other side of the map, such as handling a german blob, and the dude is pinging on the other side of the map at like a squad that I havent moved and yelling "NOOB! NOOB!" as if im not in the middle of combat or something.

    Im thinking of just playing 1 v 1s.

    I even will take the fuel AND command point on one side of the map BY MYSELF, and will have them pinging me calling me a noob, I will simply be like "what? what did I do?" and they just go "NOOB! NOOB! NOOB!" and I look to see what their doing and its just they are doing terrible at handling their own business.

    I wish there was like different playlists like a casual playlist and a competitive playlist or something.

    submitted by /u/Depressedbadger97
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    Is it just me, or has the skill level across the board for Axis 3v3/4v4 players dropped dramatically since COH3 was announced. (COH2)

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 09:13 AM PDT

    Took a small hiatus since prior to the announcement for COH3 and hopped on the past two nights and been absolutely getting monkey stomped by the allies. Typically it's not been on my side of the map but as we all know once one side of the map collapses then there goes the game…

    Anyone else notice this?

    submitted by /u/thegracefulbanana
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    Company of heroes 3 wont start

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 09:09 PM PDT

    Device name MSI Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8300H CPU @ 2.30GHz 2.30 GHz Installed RAM 4.00 GB (3.85 GB usable) Device ID 97FF6F4B-FD4B-4573-BD02-8498F691934A Product ID 00327-30697-98178-AAOEM System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor Pen and touch No pen or touch input is available for this display Graphics card: GeForce GTX 16 series

    I downloaded the game on steam i press play it wont like switch to game screen i waited a few min nothing happened need help please?

    submitted by /u/Dextergence123245
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    [OKW] How do I execute a successful double Sturm opening?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 12:34 PM PDT

    Seeking competitive tips on how to play the first 10min. to set up a strong mid-game

    • What are the recommended build orders?
    • What territory should I prioritize?
    • Should I be looking for engagements, or keeping the Sturms on the field to fortify positions
    submitted by /u/Noble95___
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    Best thing about not being good at this game?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 03:40 AM PDT

    Watching AE masters tournament, I know it's 2 months old... Was some of the commentary about strategy! 2 PAk GUNS WTF IS GOING ON... Uh ya that been normal for long long time. At least to the ost players who shut me down.

    G43 old as fuck relic these new players have found...

    Conscripts... Wow why not peneals with svt...

    I absolutely missed the last patch but what the fuck is going on when con squads were not the backbone... Running and moving with grens that could snipe.. or 2 fucking AT become not the norm? 2 AT that mad man...

    Corona hasn't been that long. I've been abusing these since before skill planes were nerfed, then brought back a little, then nerfed again. God I miss my il2!

    Fun cast and a great show I just wondered if we low lvls are setting up plays that get passed along lol

    submitted by /u/overcookedpasta30
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    Chinese Faction - COH3

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 09:43 PM PDT

    Please add a Chinese faction for the new game Relic. Not only is it inclusive and a hardly touched on area in gaming, but it will get the game banned in the PRC and allow me to play a multiplayer match without having players drop

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/datponyboi
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    Looking for an allies team of four

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 08:07 AM PDT

    I play Soviets and fluctuate between rank 6-10. Love playing team games but its only so fun playing with randos. I'm in CST and am usually playing in the evenings.

    Let me know if you're interested or know where I should look!

    submitted by /u/Right-Operation-7070
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    Are assault guards affected by guards rifle intelligence bulletins?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 09:02 AM PDT

    They have the same picture so I was wondering if the assault guards get affected too?

    submitted by /u/p4nnus
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    Lost a game to someone who told me "rank" ?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 03:14 AM PDT

    Hey y'all

    Just lost a game to someone as OKW vs Soviets, we shared GG at the end, then he told me "Rank". Could someone explain me what it means ? Is it like "get good" ?

    Thanks in advande, and happy gaming !

    submitted by /u/Hatyranide
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    Absolutely wacky idea about UI/HUD

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 05:29 AM PDT

    Been trying to play COH2 again after many years of favouring the first game and once again find myself really frustrated by the horrendous HUD/UI, which seems to take up half the screen with superfluous padding. In comparison, it's not much bigger than the predecessor, but I can't stand it.

    My mate was singing the praises of the Nintendo DS and having the menus on a separate screen and it got me thinking.
    Question is, if this was available as an option for COH on a multi monitor set-up- having most or all of the HUD on one screen and the battlefield in all it's glory on another, would this work in any way shape or form? Obviously the game relies on quick selections, especially on PVP, but man it would look gorgeous to have full screen of gameplay (maybe with a few tactical essentials)- hotkeys could handle a lot of the rest.

    Yeah, wacky idea, but it would be interesting to try. Any thoughts? Is it too bonkers a concept?

    submitted by /u/JohnTaylorson
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    What’s the most popular version of CoH1 for multiplayer?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 03:19 AM PDT

    I recently started up coh1 again after playing the coh3 alpha and was surprised to see there were still multiplayer games being hosted.

    I think I'm on the vanilla coh1 version so was wondering if I'd find more players elsewhere via a mod or is the original the most popular version?

    Also anyone fancy playing some games/AI skirmishes?

    submitted by /u/somuchredditnotime
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    Servers Down?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 12:54 AM PDT

    Unable to connect to the relic servers at the present, are they down?

    submitted by /u/ReggaeMasta
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