• Breaking News

    Thursday, August 12, 2021

    Company of Heroes Starting tomorrow sponsored CoH2 1v1 tournament: The International Classic - could lead to bigger things in the future!

    Company of Heroes Starting tomorrow sponsored CoH2 1v1 tournament: The International Classic - could lead to bigger things in the future!

    Starting tomorrow sponsored CoH2 1v1 tournament: The International Classic - could lead to bigger things in the future!

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 05:49 AM PDT

    Come on lads and ladies let's help The101stAirborne and Olvadi get the word out that their big sponsored tourney the International Classic is starting This Saturday from 2pm BST, could lead to bigger things in the future - so let's make sure it's as successful as it can be.

    What we know so far:

    • It's for a 3k prize pool.
    • Huge double elimination event
    • Three new maps played: Champ Elysee, Canal Park, Novogrod rework
    • Over 40 sign ups featuring most of the best players around today
    • 101st + Korea as Korean stream
    • A_E + guests for upper bracket stream
    • Olvadi for lower bracket stream
    • It's an ML Major classified tourney.
    • Sturmtiger and ostruppen both banned!

    Full info here: https://www.coh2.org/news/109030/olvadi-101st-airborne-s-international-classic-series

    (Brackets released tomorrow)

    submitted by /u/Account_Eliminator
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    CoH2 Summer 2021 Balance Patch - BETA

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 02:22 PM PDT

    The CoH2 Summer 2021 Balance Patch is currently available for testing as a Beta. Full patch notes at the link above.


    To access the Beta:

    • In Steam right-click Company of Heroes 2
    • Click Properties
    • Navigate to Betas
    • Select "Community3"
    • Wait for your game to patch to the test build

    We will update this Beta branch with any new changes if need be during the testing period. As always, community testing and feedback is essential to help ensure this update is as good as it can possibly be. Please take the time to test these changes and provide your thoughts in the designated feedback thread, or right here on this post.

    submitted by /u/JohnT_RE
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    When you forget to move your ace tiger away from the jackson because you're focused on the sherman

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 10:29 AM PDT

    Panzer 4 Heat Rounds > Panther

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 02:58 PM PDT


    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 10:49 AM PDT

    This Workshop Map I found (Sittard Summer) has a church with fully rendered insides.

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 05:54 PM PDT

    can we get damage on friendlies increased because running through own artillery with minimal damage is stupid

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 07:14 PM PDT

    Fixed an issue where certain artillery weapons - leFH, British Base Howitzers, M21 Delayed HE, Shock Troop Grenades - did more damage to friendlies compared to other artillery weapons.

    please dont implement, should increase damage to friendlies instead

    submitted by /u/gerrykomalaysia22
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    How can our eyes see it if the Sturmtiger is not real?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 12:19 AM PDT

    USF Tips

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 11:34 AM PDT

    I wanted to try my hand at using USF but am clueless about at their effectiveness and the uses of the commanders. Any tips or explanations would be great.

    submitted by /u/AroBear2471
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    Is everyone aware that the Sturmtiger is a mortar?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 10:26 AM PDT

    EDIT: so two people have posted war thunder videos as evidence.

    I prefer to base my knowledge of world war 2 on historical documents, not a video game..

    Here is a still image of a Sturmtiger firing.


    Look at this trajectory, it's literally firing at a 45 degree angle with a rocket propelled shell. With a range of 6,000 meters, I'd like you to plot a trajectory of 6,000 meters at a 45* degree angle, see how high you get.

    Spoiler alert: you get a mortar

    Secondly, there's an account of an American division coming under fire from a Sturmtiger, they were barraged and didn't see or hear anything until it landed. Sure sounds like a mortar by their accounts, If it fired like the one in war thunder they would have seen it coming.

    Original post:

    So the top post today has a twitch caster complaining that the SturmTiger can shoot over terrain, and can shoot without direct LOS.

    I saw some comments which really confused me on that thread.

    Are people genuinely not aware that the SturmTiger is a mortar?

    It's a tiger I hull with a 380mm rocket mortar attached.

    I think people are a little confused since they see it as a tank and think it should function like a tank.

    It is a tank, but with a ridiculously big mortar on top... That's why it shoots over terrain, that's why it shoots without direct LOS.

    It is a mobile armoured mortar.

    The Sturmtiger may need some tweaks, I personally believe the reload time is the issue - however to complain that a mortar can shoot over terrain and without direct LOS seems a little dumb to me....

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the exact function of a mortar was to fire over terrain and without direct LOS?

    submitted by /u/ButtGardener
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    All-faction automatch

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 03:14 PM PDT

    Why is automatch restricted to Axis v. Allies? Is it just because the game balance is kind of built around it?

    submitted by /u/EndlessWario
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    What Bulletins Do You Prefer?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 02:03 AM PDT

    Curious to see what everyone picks, do you prefer making early game units stronger or holding out for late game power houses? Or do you prefer utility like cheaper mines etc.

    Personally I like to have increased accuracy on main line infantry. Increased armor pen or protection on favourite tank of the faction. For the third depending on any interesting strat I want to try.

    submitted by /u/Zaagger
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    Brit OP especially Machine Gun Tommies (dont know what they are called) + UC

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 06:55 PM PDT

    somebody nerf this especially the Thompson Tommies, really difficult in the early game with them around, especially if supporting a UC

    submitted by /u/gerrykomalaysia22
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    Company of heroes 1, steam relaunch keep crashing. Any advice?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 05:02 AM PDT

    Playing from Asia and frequently getting dropped from the game.

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 10:31 PM PDT

    Is it just me?

    Everytime I queue for a game in the US east, west or even Europe servers, I'm getting dropped a few mins into the game. It always says reconnecting and there are even instances that while I'm still loading, I get dropped and the match doesn't even start.

    This issue is just recent and even though I'm playing on 200+ ping, I normally wouldn't have significant problems with lag or getting dropped from my games.

    Any suggestions to remedy/solve this problem?

    submitted by /u/Hakai55
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    Rometh vs Hireling - Custom map: Champs-Élysées

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 09:32 AM PDT

    Sturmtiger firing trajectory

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 12:44 PM PDT

    This seems to be a hot debate on this sub.

    While there def needs to be a discussion on balance regarding the Sturmtiger, I didn't understand why people were claiming it shouldn't fire like a mortar.

    So I have been doing some digging on the Sturmtiger for any footage of it firing the 380mm mortar.

    Some people posted a war thunder video as evidence of how the Sturmtiger operated, but I think we should base our knowledge of world war weapons on historical documents, not a video game so I started doing some research.

    Point 1, photographic evidence:

    There's only one video of it firing but it's not clear, there is however a still image of a Sturmtiger firing that clearly shows it's firing trajectory.

    [Picture linked in comments below]

    Look at the trajectory of the shell, it's firing at a 45 degree angle with a rocket propelled shell which has a range of 6,000 meters.

    I don't claim to be a genius at math or geometry but when I calculate 45 degree angle with a 6,000 meter ranged shell - I get quite a considerable arc that looks like a mortar.

    Here is the trajectory of a Sturmtiger shell at 45 degrees, with a max velocity of 250 m/s:

    [Picture linked in comments below]

    Point 2: written evidence

    Following on from the picture evidence, there's a written account (Kleine, E. and Kühn, V. "Tiger: the History of a Legendary Weapon", 1942-45. p.245) of an American division at Remagen coming under fire from Sturmmörserkompanie 1001, they were barraged, and didn't see or hear anything until it landed.

    By the American account it was used as a mortar, If it fired like the one in war thunder they would have seen it coming.

    submitted by /u/ButtGardener
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    Player psychology

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 10:42 PM PDT

    It's the early game in your 4v4 match. The enemy Wher player in your lane just beat you to the fuel and is currently laying down sandbags. You get your squad to cover and engage while your lane partner just took his troops to the other side of the map. Meanwhile, the brit teammate is waiting to build his vast array of Bofors and mortar emplacements.

    It could be that you get flanked by the second enemy player. Your lane partner is still retreating from his failed long flank. Or it's just as probable that you're a smurf. Welcome to level 6-9 ranked and random auto-match. Share your stories but first...

    Choose who you are.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/IllustriousService3
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