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    Wednesday, August 11, 2021

    Company of Heroes When you try every faction but it isnt enough to win.

    Company of Heroes When you try every faction but it isnt enough to win.

    When you try every faction but it isnt enough to win.

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 01:12 PM PDT

    10/10 gameplay immersion

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 11:31 PM PDT

    Avoiding Asian Players?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 08:33 PM PDT

    How do I avoid matching with Asian players? They accidentally drop a lot. Suffer connection issues all day. Ruining games. Changing my Steam language or something? I'm a native Chinese and currently playing in USA.

    submitted by /u/Proud-Satisfaction38
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    Asian server for coh2??

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 02:05 PM PDT

    Any asian server will be added in the future? My game keeps disconnecting from games at 250+ ping, majority of people that drop mid game are Asians just trying to play a match

    submitted by /u/sarcastickyt2
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    (Opinion) Soviet early game in team games needs a small rework

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 05:02 PM PDT

    I don't want this to be seen as a rant, but as someone who is struggling with Soviet early game in team games (3v3 is what I play). I recently put up a post regarding struggling as Soviets to beat Axis blobs early game in team games and you lovely people were kind enough to spend the time giving advice. I have tried the suggestions given and unfortunately still cannot make it work...

    I know right now the meta is blobbing and pushing back Axis early blobs, especially when it's both OKW and OST, playing as Soviets is, I find, much harder than playing Brits or USA.

    My issue is the starting inf for Soviets. Conscripts are cannon fodder/meat shields, only really useful late game replacing inf to hold points (in team games), cannot go up against OST or OKW inf, having more conscripts just doesn't cut it. Penals is my go to starting unit but they are too expensive to field enough numbers early game and not good as anti-inf, especially when they are suppose to be anti-inf but don't have any anti-inf upgradable weapons (they used to have flamers but instead have weak anti-tank upgrade). Grens and volks with their anti-inf upgradable weapons are cheaper than penals and win against penals. I might aswell use Guards that have better anti-tank and better anti-inf but are too expensive and come out too late to be used effectively for early game. I've tried all other options; clown car with flamers to deal with MG is a one trick pony, gets homing missile to death. Motars can't be protected properly by conscripts and limits your advance. Snipers don't make enough of a dent, especially if OST is teamed up with OKW. Maxim is rubbish at pinning and can easily be flanked, also no point bringing it out to fight much better MG42. Guards and Shocks come out too late, too expensive to field in numbers and guards dont do enough damage, both with anti-inf or anti-tank (short range, Axis can just kite them using early armoured cars/tanks) and shocks can only work on city maps for so long before tanks roll in. When playing Soviets I'm just constantly pushed back till 15 mins in, by then we are surrendering to Panzer 4 and Ostwind rush and I'm still waiting to bring out SU-76 to counter. No point bringing out anti-gun when I need the MP to counter and flank their blobs and MG's. I don't have enough muni to put down mines as I need it to counter tanks and upgrade inf.

    My suggestion is to either lower the cost of penals to USA rifleman squad price or give penals an anti-inf weapon, like flamers or what the guards have. I don't want to have to rely on one or two commanders, that gives penals/conscripts sub machine guns/svt rifles to make a difference, the other factions don't have to rely on their commanders so much to make a difference early game, grens with MG and volks with Sturm with their anti-inf and anti-tank upgrades are enough to get through early game to tank rush.

    submitted by /u/Legionarypillow
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    4v4s and early game Axis

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 09:01 AM PDT

    It was my understanding that the community believed that the strong Axis late game was balanced by a weaker early game. If that was ever the case, it isnt now. Early game OKW is absolutely absurd at the moment. Am I the only one noticing this, or is this latest patch just really, really bad for allies?

    submitted by /u/AlmightyVectron
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    Stug vs panzer 4?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 06:08 PM PDT

    Which one is better? Stug or panzer4? I have heard that stug is better for anti tank but how? I know stug is cheaper.

    submitted by /u/Proud-Satisfaction38
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    Allied spam vs Allied SPAM®

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 11:10 AM PDT

    OK, I get it, you zerg your allied ego to oblivion and sturmtiger kills your squad. U mad. So you cry about it on the forum. But what about that allied spam of artillery, superior infantry, TD spam, indirect fire spam etc.? Thats supposed to be ok? When axis have what? MG 42 and fkn doctrinal sturmtiger thats only viable through good macro? Some food for thought.

    submitted by /u/Stormjager
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    3v4 Glitch/Bug

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 11:42 PM PDT

    UKF 1v1 Tips (2021)

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 12:36 AM PDT

    I've come back to the game after a long hiatus, and tried to play UKF. I thought they would suit me since they seem like they can focus on less units, but stronger units?

    I would like to ask for some general tips and advice for 1v1 scenarios, because lately I find myself really struggling to know what I should be doing, and what to build.

    At the moment games go something like this;

    (Starting default) Infantry Section

    Infantry Section

    Vickers HMG

    Infantry Section

    Tech Up


    Weapon Rack

    Armoured Car

    I find that my infantry against Wehrmacht in particular just melts way too easily, I can't seem to ever push them back, so I just lose map control to HMG/Mortars and their own Grens/PGrens. Even with cover and brens my IS seem to struggle, and my Engineers are worthless in a fight. By the time I get the armoured car it only lasts a short while before I run into an AT gun or Fausts and I'm back to being cornered.

    Should I try using Commandos a little more to counter their infantry? More HMGs? I tried mortar pits in the past, but they rarely net any good kills before they get blown up. I might try using Engineers to build them somewhere relatively safe instead of using engineers to cap?

    If I do manage to survive the early/mid game, I usually try to go for a Cromwell, then go for a Churchill to support/soak up hits. I'm hearing now I'm better off focusing on multiple Cromwells, or maybe tech up into a Comet instead (but it's so expensive!)?

    submitted by /u/MadeManG74
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    British Mid-game

    Posted: 10 Aug 2021 11:26 PM PDT

    First of all thank you everyone who contributes in my last post, it was very useful and now I have early game locked down. Now the next part I am having an issue with is mid-game.after I get buried in with sandbags,MG and what not I basically get stuck. I will sometimes build a mortar pit but usually it gets nuked by flame half tracks. Every time I get a Cromwell and try to push it usually gets destroyed by ATs. Flanks are a challenge as well because I typically play 3v3 and 4v4. Any breakthrough tactics would be appreciated. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/fishingguy190
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    Allied spam vs. Allies complains

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 06:15 AM PDT

    OK, I get it, you zerg your allied ego to oblivion and sturmtiger kills your squad. U mad. So you cry about it on the forum. But what about that allied spam of artillery, superior infantry, TD spam, indirect fire spam etc.? Thats supposed to be ok? When axis have what? MG 42 and fkn doctrinal sturmtiger thats only viable through good macro? Some food for thought.

    submitted by /u/OndraVonBohmen
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    When can I expect a commander sale?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2021 02:02 AM PDT

    Hello, I recently started playing CoH2 (having a blast so far albeit I matchmake against bots) and saw that in the store there are loads of different commanders to buy. The full price for the Ultimate Bundle is too expensive for me, but I heard that they can be purchased on a discount during a sale.

    Are these sales regular? When can I expect the next commander sale to happen?

    submitted by /u/RuseFox
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