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    Friday, October 25, 2019

    Company of Heroes The irony...

    Company of Heroes The irony...

    The irony...

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 08:43 AM PDT

    OKW overperforming in 2v2 ?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 10:12 AM PDT

    I have been playing this game since beta and sunk a couple thousand hours into it and have reached at least rank 18 with every faction so I guess I should have somewhat of a feel for the state of 2v2 balance.

    I feel like since the last update OKW has just become an almost unstoppable steamroller in 2v2 games, they literally have everything that Ost has but better (except for maybe the 42), while double OKW would happen occasionally before this patch, it's as common in high ranking matches now as Ost-OKW and every match as Allies versus such a matchup feels like an uphill battle from beginning til end.

    Every match it's the same thing, Pfus blobs into 9CP Tiger or Falls replacing Volks completely as line infantry starting at 2CP, double Leigs firing oddly quick barrages and taking out indirect fire units as well as mgs or emplacements (no one plays Brits anymore so can cross that one off the list) this often can not even be countered until actual arty arrives and adds to the massive MP bleed vs OKW.

    Soviets usually had a powerspike with the T70 (they still do vs Wehr, it's a terrifying little tank) but vs OKW it has lost a lot of its efficiency due to so many units having AT snares ,add to that the new range of the Rak which is almost AT gun level and you have a real problem as a Soviet even though you should be making a comeback since you are most likely already at a disadvantage due to the early game which OKW will probably win in most cases (unless the map allows it to play the Maxim or abuse the oddly designed penals which only work in the early game (and overperform at that time) and then never again.

    I still believe the Flak HQ is pretty stupid in design since it allows OKW just like the Brits with the questionable Bofors (finally a good nerf) to lock down areas too early in the game essentially shutting down infantry play until again, ATs or indirect fire units can actually tear it down.

    While the US was probably the strongest 2v2 faction pre-patch, I think with the additional buffs to OKW (that were supposed to nerf them a little but somehow didn't) they are also outclassed and OKW meta blobbing is now even worse than US blobbing.

    I think the core problems right now are :

    -Falls still being 2CP

    -Tiger coming in too early at 9CP

    -OKW early game performance that was supposed to be reduced literally remains unchanged

    -OKW mid game performance is now a lot stronger

    -strong early and mid game performance creates a snowball effect

    I am very interested in hearing your opinion on the actual state of 2v2 balance and how the situation could be improved.

    No fanboying and hating on other players please!

    submitted by /u/rhoadsalive
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    COH 1 modding error

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 06:18 PM PDT

    Hi, first time posting and I need some help from my fellow modders. You see I'm trying to make a mod and when I try to edit the UCS or make my own I get this error: Error raised at .\src\Tools\cpp line 133: .\src\CUcsFile.cpp line 68: Cannot open file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Company of Heroes Relaunch\Engine\Locale\England\my Mod Name' in mode 'wb'

    I have tried uninstalling the modding tools, uninstalling completely Company of heroes, I'm out of ideas has anyone ever gotten this and how do I fix this? Thank you all in advance!

    P.S. I dunno if this was the right place for this question it just seemed right sorry in advance if I'm wrong.

    submitted by /u/Coleblade
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    How to beat ranger spam in Coh1

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 08:21 AM PDT

    I'm trying to beat my friend who just spams rangers as the Americans. Does anyone have any advice to beat this as the Panzer Elite?

    submitted by /u/Engooeer
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    Humble Request: Soviet T34’s can carry a squad of infantry. Please?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 11:44 AM PDT

    I'd love to see Soviets load an infantry squad on a T34. Ride on top, charge in, then unload for the assault. BOOM!!!

    Pros & Cons to this idea?

    Maybe treat it like the 251HT so they can't fire or they receive gray cover. The animation could look sick. I also think the T34 could use a new feature, it's always felt too soft compared to the reality of its legend. It was a beast tank, the T34 forced the development of the Panther, but in COH2 it feels like a glorified T70.

    What do you all think?

    submitted by /u/PixelPsyche
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    New player here

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 07:08 AM PDT

    Played alot of warcraft 3 and some starcraft 2. Then got stuck in the MOBA craze for a few years.

    As a new COH2 player. Whats one of the first few things i should practice or know ?

    submitted by /u/MoistMakingMan
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    Game made by Wherboos?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 04:07 PM PDT

    Got back into a few months bac CoH2 and I have over 500hrs played in this game.

    I have noticed that the Allied late/endgame is really poor. Every night we have all the Wherboos queuing up to where it's 77% vs 23% and you wonder why. I can't tell you how many matches I've had where we are winning in tickets and have 60% of map and once the endgame rolls around no Pershing + Jackson Combo can stand-up to the ridiculous Heavy Tanks that the Axis get. Now this being said I am not opposed to the vehicles in the game but lets be honest a Pershing is marginally better then a Panther in performance and is easily matched by a Tiger. What do the OKW get? a KT + Panthers. The Other day in a 3v3 my team was able to destroy 1 Ferdi 1 Burmbar 3 SturmTigers and 2 KTs loosing Su85s and 2 Pershings and 2 Jacksons. Still we lost.... this is recurring nightly. So what do I do? I just play OKW because I can't tell you how many times we have taken down the Schwere Headquarters only to get Tiger blitz. this game just like CoH1 was made by and for Wherboos. It's always an uphill battle. It's a good game but I would really like tanks like the Jumbo (non commander) and Kv1s to be non Commander or KT's being made Commander only and Panthers costing more pop cap. I like that the Jackson and Fireflies are micro intensive but the juice isn't worth the squeeze it seems.

    submitted by /u/Ralfayel
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    [Rant CoH2] Massive lag spikes and bad ping

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 12:00 PM PDT

    For the past two or three days the EU servers have been a total dumpster fire. Massive lag spikes with up to 15s freezes, high ping that causes 2s at minimum and up to 5s delays for inputs. This makes the game utterly unplayable online. I can't dodge grenades, I can't dodge Russian satchel charges and I can't micromanage my troops causing me to lose entire squads through no fault of my own.

    This is also not my connection as some will probably suggest this as my friends have the same problem.

    Fix your servers FFS! I love this game and I want to play it but I can't as my heart can't handle the rage and high blood pressure inducing lag.

    submitted by /u/ZeroKey92
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    Propaganda Rant : Wehrmacht Tier 4 is bad and it needs to be fixed

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 06:03 AM PDT

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