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    Thursday, October 17, 2019

    Company of Heroes Massive Encirclement Doctrine meme potential?

    Company of Heroes Massive Encirclement Doctrine meme potential?

    Massive Encirclement Doctrine meme potential?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 12:09 AM PDT

    So I watched some pretty neat plays where Close The Pocket basically turns the tide of a match completely. This got me thinking, what if in a match all 2-4 players on one team picked Encirclement doctrine and saved up enough munitions to call in a Stuka strike and activate Close The Pocket. While preparing for the trap, you give a lot of ground and let the enemy gain ground while simultaneously building up a rather sizeable group of tanks and infantry. Then when the time is right, the Ostheer players use Stuka strikes and Stormtroopers to neutralize all points nearest to the enemy base, effectively cutting off the entire map. Then they all use close the pocket while the enemies are overextended and effectively wipe out the entire team before they can fall back to or capture the now neutral territories. Then the massed Ostheer forces basically push forward and wipe out anything not killed in the bombardment and revaik map control before the enemy can regroup.

    This plan obviously can go horribly wrong for obvious reasons but I do see some massive meme potential.

    submitted by /u/HereCreepers
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    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 08:13 AM PDT

    If I were to recreate the Battle of Berlin in CoH2, how would it play out, and what commanders would you reccomend for OKW v Soviets?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 02:55 PM PDT

    Route 76 Blues: The Case for Changing the Sherman 76

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 11:13 AM PDT

    I've been playing a lot of Mechanized lately and while I've been enjoying the experience, I have noticed that the 76 Sherman isn't quite performing up to snuff. This is one of the more obscure vehicles in the game, and only two doctrines (Mechanized and Lend Lease) which aren't super popular at the moment. In the case of Mechanized, it is even more marginalized by the fact that it shares a doctrine with another premium medium: the Dozer Blade upgraded M4A3.

    I'm going to focus on this doctrine in the USF context, comparing it to the Dozer Sherman which is directly competes with as well as the Easy8. I will also compare it to the T-34/85, so I think my argument can be applied to both versions.


    Lets start with cost, because it will help us establish a baseline for what performance a tank of around this cost has. The M4A3 costs 340 manpower and 110 fuel, plus 50 manpower and 20 fuel for the Dozer Upgrade, for a total of 390 manpower and 130 fuel. The Easy 8 costs 380 manpower and 140 fuel. The T-34/85 costs 380 manpower and 130 fuel. The 76 Sherman/M4C costs 380 manpower and 125 fuel. Overall, the 76 Sherman costs slightly less than these other premium mediums.

    Anti-Tank Performance Part 1: Panzer IV and Panzer IV J

    Since these mediums more or less share a timing with both versions of PIV, it is relevant to compare them. The Dozer Sherman has an average max range TtK* (time to kill) vs. a Panzer IV of 37.51 seconds, and a TtK of 50.58 seconds vs. the vet 2 PIV and the PIV J. Both PIVs have a max range TtK of 50.43. This means that at max range, the Dozer Sherman has a large advantage over the OST PIV, and a very close match-up vs. the OKW and vet 2 OST PIVs.

    All time to kill calculations for this post are done as follows: penetrating hits to kill/(penetration/armor) = hits to kill. (Hits to kill - 1) * average reload speed = average time to kill. This assumes all shots are equally likely to be hits, which is generally true of stationary medium tank duels. USF tanks do have an advantage in mobile fights.

    At close range, the Sherman Dozer has a TtK of 25.05 vs. the PIV and 34.42 vs. the PIV J. Both PIVs has a TtK of 43.7 seconds at point blank vs. the Dozer Sherman. This means the Dozer has a significant advantage over both models at close range. This is because PIVs gain only 15 penetration between range 40 and 0, whereas the M4A3 gains 40 penetration. In short, you want to force close range fights with your Dozer Sherman, and long range fights with your PIV.

    At max range, the E8 has a TtK of 23.91 seconds vs. the PIV and 33.012 vs. the PIV J. Since the E8 has the same frontal armor as the Dozer Sherman, both PIVs have a TtK against it of 50.43. At point blank, the E8 has a TtK of only 19.65 seconds vs. the PIV and 24.104 vs. the PIV J. Both PIVs has a TtK of 43.7 seconds at point blank. This means that the E8 has a very significant advantage at every range vs. both PIV models.

    The T-34/85 has a max range TtK of 32 seconds vs. the PIV and 43.52 vs. the PIV J. Both models of PIV has a TtK of 36.05 vs. the T-34/85. At point blank, the T-34/85 has a TtK of 22.4 vs. the PIV and 31.04 vs. the PIV J. Both PIVs have a TtK of 31.05. This means that the T-34/85 has an advantage at every range vs. the OST PIV, a disadvantage at max range vs. the PIV J, and a basically equal match-up vs. the PIV J at minimum range.

    Using HVAP, the Sherman 76 has a max range TtK of 20.496 vs. the PIV and 28.487 vs. the PIV J. Both models of PIV have a max range TtK vs. the Sherman 76 of 27.66. At minimum range, the Sherman 76 has a TtK of 18.3 seconds vs. the PIV and 19.83 seconds vs. the PIV J. Both PIVs have a minimum range TtK of 23.69. So the 76 firing HVAP has a significant advantage vs. the OST PIV at every range (although unlike every other tank here, it performs relatively worse at close range) while being close to at parity if slightly behind the PIV J at max range and having an advantage at minimum range.

    All three of these other premium mediums have either more health (the T-34/85) or both more health and more armor (Dozer Sherman/E8). On the other hand, the 76 has the best offensive performance against armor. This disparity is actually more pronounced in DPS vs. light vehicles because of the fast reload of the 76's AP rounds.

    However, in practice you are almost always better off going with a Dozer Sherman over a 76 if you are fighting medium armor. This is because they have very similar match-ups, with the Dozer Sherman actually having better time to kill disparities on average, including in both tank's worst match-up: long range vs. a PIV J. The 76 Sherman's extra penetration is actually wasted medium to close range vs. the OST PIV, so again the Dozer has a more comfortable advantage in that fight.

    Anti-Infantry Performance:

    All three of the Dozer Sherman, E8, and 76 have identical MG performance, which is overall pretty good after the mounted .50Cal upgrade. The T-34/85 has better MG performance until around range 8ish, where the combined power of the Sherman MGs begin to outperform it. But at most ranges, the T-34/85 hast he advantage.

    AoE is, as always, very complicated to discuss. The short version is that the M4A3 Dozer has by far the best AoE performance in every area except for one hit kill radius, where the T-34/85 has the edge by 0.03 units. Both the E8 and the 76 AP Rounds share the same AoE profile, which is worse than that of the T-34/85 in every way. However, the Sherman 76 (4.55) has a very significant reload advantage against both the E8 (6.55) and the 85 (6.4). So in practice, the 76 definitely has better overall anti-infantry capabilities than the E8, and arguably better than the 85, if you care about getting off the second shot more than the damage of the first shot.


    The E8 has a top speed of 6.1, an acceleration of 2.1, and a rotation speed of 32. The T-34/85 has a top speed of 6.3, an acceleration of 2.5, and a rotation speed of 34. The 76 has a top speed of 6.4, an acceleration of 2.3, and a rotation speed of 34. The Dozer Sherman has a top speed of 5.44, an acceleration of 2.2, a rotation of 28.9. All of them share a turret rotation speed of 35.

    Regardless, the 76 Sherman has better mobility than any of the competition save for the 85, which has an acceleration edge but a slight top speed disadvantage. But they are all pretty close.


    The 76 Sherman and E8 both have only one utility ability: smoke projectors. The Dozer Sherman has smoke projectors, can build and destroy dirt barriers that provide heavy cover. Notably, both of the Dozer Sherman commanders lack access to sandbags, having to rely on RE tank traps for cover production otherwise. The Urban Assault Dozer Sherman also has access to a very powerful White Phosphorous round that is devastating to infantry and team weapons and actually disables armored vehicle weapons for several seconds. The T-34/85 has access to ram and secure mode.

    Overall, the 76 Sherman still has a powerful utility ability, even if is, along with the E8, on the lower utility end of the spectrum for premium mediums.

    Anti-Tank Performance Part: Fighting Heavies

    Unlike with the PIV and PIV J comparisons, where we looked at relative time to kill to get an idea of match-ups, that isn't really appropriate here. Every one of these tanks will lose to a Panther or a Tiger, albeit some worse than others. While in the case of mediums, a 1v1 dual is something that is pretty likely to happen most games, that's simply not how heavies are typically confronted. The question instead should be how that vehicle performs as part of a late game team composition. What role does it fill and how well?

    The Dozer, E8, and T-34/85 all fill the role of "tank" (in the traditional RPG) sense when confronting heavies. Since Axis heavies will pen them at every range, the armor disparities don't really matter. What matters is that each can take an additional hit from a standard 160 damage shot from AT guns, mediums, and most heavies. When fighting super heavies, the extra 80 health of the Dozer and the E8 do not give them any better survivability. However, the T-34/85's extra 160 health will allow it to absorb an additional 240 damage shot before being destroyed.

    Against more common enemies like the Panther and Tiger, that extra health does matter. While the 76 is capable of dishing out considerably better DPS against these targets, it will not be able safely stay in the fight as long. If there is a supporting PIV, then the 76 will be pushed out very quickly, especially when compared to the Dozer and E8. Being unable to duke it out, especially against PIV supported heavies, puts the 76 at a significant disadvantage.

    For example, a Dozer Sherman + Jackson combo will perform significantly better than a 76 Sherman + Jackson or Dozer + 76 Sherman combo. The 76 will not be able to tank for as long for the Jackson, while the Dozer will not be able to tank at all for the 76, since they share a max range of 40. Against a PIV and a Panther, the 76 Sherman is very likely to take two penetrating hits in the first volley, and immediately have to retreat to safety in order to not risk being killed by the second volley. The Dozer, on the other hand, has much better odds of bouncing the PIV shot, and, even if it doesn't, it can survive four penetrating hits (or two volleys) before being forced off.

    This wouldn't necessarily be a big problem if the 76 wasn't in the same doctrine as the Dozer Sherman. The Soviet M4C isn't directly competing with another premium medium (although Lend Lease is widely considered a weak doctrine), so it has more reason to see play. It just has to be better at fighting mediums and heavies than the T-34/76, while the doctrine itself has to offer enough tools to justify picking it over one of the T-34/85 doctrines. The USF 76 doesn't have that luxury.


    I don't think that the 76 Sherman is in a terrible place right now. I've been using a lot on ladder to get a feel for it, and have had decent success. However, I do feel that it really lacks a meaningful role. In particular, it fails to compete with the Dozer Sherman. This is for several reasons that I have gone over already: 1) the Dozer Sherman can be built 15 fuel cheaper as the M4A3, improving your first medium tank timing, 2) the Dozer Sherman has significantly better anti-infantry performance, 3) the Dozer is at least as good if not arguably better in the 1v1 PIV match-ups, 4) the Dozer has significantly more utility in a doctrine lacking great defensive options, and 5) the Dozer functions better overall in a late game team composition for fighting other tanks than the 76 does.

    Interestingly, we have seen that the E8 performs overall better despite having worse anti-infantry and anti-armor performance. This is because it is a very tough medium that still performs acceptably against those targets. This suggests that durability is the primary issue with the 76 Sherman.

    However, just buffing its durability would make it more similar to both the Dozer and the E8, and would not add any synergy between the Dozer and 76. My suggestion is to add 5 range to the 76, making it safer and more survivable on its own, and giving it synergy with the Dozer as a "tank." Since the 76 already has pretty strong offensive performance for its cost, I would recommend adding 5 to 10 fuel to its cost to make up for this buff. Range should provide a form of safety that better distinguishes it from the competition.

    Ideally, this buff would only apply to HVAP rounds. I'm not sure that this is technically possible though, so an overall range buff would work. If this proves overpowered at sniping infantry, either a rate of fire or AoE nerf to the AP rounds could be implemented. I would suggest testing it at 130 fuel and 45 range with no other changes, and then going from there.

    Edit: Removed an outdated reference to 76 veterancy and added mobility data for the Dozer Sherman after /u/jaeforjett pointed out the mistakes.

    submitted by /u/RepoRogue
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    Where do units come from?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 08:39 AM PDT

    I know a bit about british accents but are there any people who can tell where german,soviet or american units are from, or their background by listening to their voices?

    submitted by /u/pietjepuk03
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    Wehrmacht intel bulletin advise

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 02:35 PM PDT

    I almost exclusively use the encirclement doctrine considering I only play 2v2s with my friend and we coordinate very well and I close the pocket normally once a game, sometimes twice. I am trying to figure out which intel bulletins will benefit me the most. So far I'm thinking; 10% increased vet for panzer grens, 7% increased range for the panzerwerfer for early AT and I'm kind of stuck on the 3rd. I was thinking something for the panzer 4s because those are usually the work horse of my army. Maybe 10% increase vet or 5% increased fire rate. Other than the panzer 4 upgrade, I was thinking that instead an increased production time for conscripts would also be smart considering the importance of capturing points early game. Any and all advise is welcome.

    submitted by /u/fullmetal-vice
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    About Jackson

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 07:59 PM PDT

    What's your opinion about Before HP Change(Before 2017 patch) Old Jackson? I heard the Old Jackson has Higher Damage(200) but Less HP, Reload Slower, Less Penetration than Current Jackson.

    submitted by /u/Sd2571
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    Ping spam doesnt kill your enemies.

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 08:02 AM PDT

    Doesnt matter how many times you ping, its not going to make you a better person/player. This is simply a rant, that the lvl 300 guy, who was late to the fight, didnt help push his side, suuuuper toxic, couldnt break 10k damage in 25 minutes, you know who you are bud.

    I could go on, but I wont. Just chill, pinging is okay, helpful too, but spamming it. Stop it, get help.

    submitted by /u/mercsamgil
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    Decrewed heavies

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 05:38 AM PDT

    In game, without any modding is it possible to decrew a heavy tank ie command panther and pershing? If so, what conditions need to be met?

    submitted by /u/Yajust-luch_noises-
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    I wanna learn how to play the brits and I need some tips from people who are good on them.

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 10:26 AM PDT

    So i just played them. I started: section, section, hmg. (it was a 2v2 game and the mg was mid). I used the sections to cap all the points that for some reason weren't protected. Then we got cheesed. 2 mg 42s, 2 pzfusiliers and a sturmpioneer squad came on mid and completely wiped the floor with my mg and inf section.

    After that they rushed the stuka and had it in the 7th min. We pretty much lost at that point. I had no idea what to do and how to counter it. The Daimler was just chucked by panzershrecks and I couldn't find the stuka cause for some reason it didn't appear on the minimap (at one point all that was seperating the AEC from the firing stuka was a batch of trees and I had no idea it was there).

    So anyways how do I play the brits early on? Infantry section is great 1v1 but when a blob appears idk what to do. And I also have no idea how to counter arty. I took the avre commander.

    submitted by /u/Niksonrex
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    What is your most common mistake?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 12:19 AM PDT

    I keep having fresh units selected, but when I go to click on a badly damaged unit I accidentally miss-click them and retreat the wrong unit.

    submitted by /u/TheGookMaster
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    Can someone explain how this is balanced?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2019 12:53 AM PDT


    sorry for it being so dark, something to do with the recording.

    submitted by /u/Spitcat
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