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    Thursday, February 13, 2020

    Company of Heroes Is It Worth It Episode three: PPSH / PTRS for Conscripts

    Company of Heroes Is It Worth It Episode three: PPSH / PTRS for Conscripts

    Is It Worth It Episode three: PPSH / PTRS for Conscripts

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 03:26 PM PST

    I'm struggling to deal with Axis rushes of Strumpioneers, Volks, assault grens, and panzerfusiliers as the Soviets. With a tier 0 mg available to them. I have no idea how to counter this? Conscripts are weak against them. Should you go exclusively for tier 1 if they start spamming this?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 05:50 PM PST

    I'm hesitant to use tier 1 since it lack support weapons that have a good 'general purpose'. Snipers HAVE to be micromanaged and are expensive to maintain. The scout car is average and is quickly outpaced. The only saving grace are penals which are meh, and don't get a reserves upgrade late game. Is there a better way to use tier 1?

    submitted by /u/Paradox-ical_Major
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    In a 4v4 game as Soviets you can choose to go for tier 1 with penals and a scout car. Is the scout car actually worth it? Or is it better to just kite enemies with a sniper?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 07:25 PM PST

    I know a popular build order for tier 1 is: Penals > Scout car > Penals > Sniper etc but is that actually worth it?

    Why not go: Penals > Penals > Sniper > Penals and just take out MGs with the sniper? The scout car is: 190 MP, 15 fuel, 3 pop while the sniper cost 360 MP, 8 pop, but it has long term staying power and use. When the Game extends into an Artillery brawl it can pick off units.

    submitted by /u/Paradox-ical_Major
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    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 08:47 AM PST

    While I know that fire is a pretty damn good weapon in this game, I've been a bit curious.

    Recently played a game with some m5- flamethrower'd up assault engineers, and noticed that I couldn't really discern a noticeable difference in damage over time when attacking with 1 flamethrower or 2. Note that this is both attacks against units in cover and attacks against units on open ground; it was a clear boost to damage over their smg but having 2 squads engage the same enemy with flames didn't seem to actually double flame damage over time for enemies left standing in the fire.

    I don't have access to the game to run tests rn, nor do I know where to access the stats, so I've got a few questions to ask, now that I'm thinking of them;

    1) does fire damage over time from multiple fire sources stack? I.e. 2 flamethrowers, or a flamethrower and fire grenades?

    2) is there a notable benefit to burst damage when using multiple flamethrowers, not just d.o.t.?

    3) do the different variations of flamethrower (flammenwerfer, roks-3, m5) have different damage stats or is fire faction-wide?

    Smart people of this subreddit, lend me your strength. I need to know before I attempt the ultimate meme build of the ass.bbq.

    submitted by /u/Bawss5
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    Company of Heroes is now out on iPad!

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 05:24 AM PST

    How good are m4c Sherman’s for the Soviet commander ? What are they equivalent too? Strengths / Weaknesses?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 05:28 PM PST

    Despite about 415 hours of CoH2 multiplayer experience and cpu grind with pretty much 100% Soviet playrate I still don't have neither all commanders nor bulletins

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 08:00 AM PST

    This is literally the first time I'm considering spending money on an already purchased game.

    This loot system is inhumane.

    But hey, at least I got lots of winter skins, faceplates and almost none of them are full sets, right?

    submitted by /u/Vanadiss
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    [2vs2] Resources for improving

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 10:46 AM PST

    I've been looking online for resources on how to improve at CoH2, and it's been frustratingly inconsistent. I often look up a guide that tells me something is a good strategy, then I find out it got nerfed since then, then I find out it actually got buffed inbetween and is good again but somewhere else someone is saying it's actually still not quite as good, even though it used to be. The same goes for questions on good commanders, or good units, or how to play AGAINST certain strategies. Like, I read doctrine X is good because it has ability Y, but then I look him up in steam and it doesn't seem to have the ability at all anymore?! Overall, this led me to distrust basically anything since the patches seem to have been so extreme that even something that was very good just a year ago isn't anymore.

    So, in short, is there any consistently up-to-date source on what are generally agreed upon good strategies/commanders/units as well as how to play against them? coh2.org for example seems terribly out-of-date for the most part.

    I know that you can make almost everything work if you're good enough, but I simply want a reasonable overview of the "meta" of this game and what commanders/units to avoid since they're terrible currently. I don't mind playing tier2 strategies if it suits my playstyle, but I don't want to buy a commander that looks cool but is actually unplayable trash, nor do I want to waste a lot of time trying to make something work that is simply unworkable.

    If there is no general source but you want to help me directly, I'm mostly an Axis player, both OKW and Ostheer. I don't own the brits yet but might get them since their playstyle seems cool. I generally like somewhat defensive strategies, but struggle a lot both against as well as effectively playing my own artillery. I also struggle somewhat against shock troops, though having multiple lines of defenses against them helps a lot. Is there any axis infantry unit that is actually good enough at short range as well to beat them, or that can slow them down? If I don't happen to have multiple lines of defenses somewhere, they always seem to get very close without any losses before I can react properly, and if I try backing off they run just as fast if not faster, so I can't bring any distance between us.

    submitted by /u/Renaultsauce
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    kachang team killer

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 11:23 AM PST

    to be honest I don't know where else to send these but was having a great game in automatch only to find 30 minutes in the reason we started crushing them was that kachang was teamkilling all their okw half track bases.

    avoid of him if you can have a good day

    submitted by /u/barbarianb0b
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    The ISU-152 seems too weak

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 04:01 PM PST

    From my understanding the ISU-152 should have more armor and health, as well as be able to kill Tigers and Panthers with one direct hits and de-track them with near hits.

    submitted by /u/ToastPuppy15
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    Rant: Tired of Soviet Team Players who ONLY get Support Weapons and Elite Infantry

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 09:21 AM PST

    I know Conscripts are perceived as one of the weakest infantry units. They don't get a weapon upgrade by default, their molotov is pathetic compared to the objectively superior OKW flame grenade, the AT grenade you need to upgrade even though Grens get Panzerfausts from the start, and the list goes on.

    But what I utterly loathe is seeing no one use conscripts at all. Maybe someone gets at least one from the first build order. But otherwise what I am so sick of seeing is players spamming those awful and unreliable Maxims and either getting Penals or Guards/Shocks.

    Main problem is that Axis, especially OKW, bafflingly have numerical superiority in the first 5-10 minutes. Maxims are notoriously unreliable and have been nerfed for years. And the Soviet players can't capture points when they only invest in Support weapons and/or Expensive limited Elite units.

    I alone with my 3 Riflemen + Captain for example can't fight 8+ upgraded and Vetted Up Axis infantry units.

    Again, I know Conscripts are frustratingly portrayed as the worst infantry in the game. Obviously people want to have better trained and better equipped units. But whenever I play Soviets, I find myself able to cover the map, push, hold, and have presence on the map, wrestling for control.

    With these overly common Soviet players, they gave up too much ground because of a lack of Infantry units. Support weapons are stuck defending (what little) territories we own. And Elite infantry are too few in numbers to do anything except holding a desperate line or assaulting and losing men and having to retreat.

    Yes, I blame a lot of these Soviet players, but I also blame Relic for making Cons look like crap-tier infantry. And they only sorta shine late game. But they should at least be able to upgrade to SVTs. That probably would help convince more Soviet players to use them.

    Right now no one gets them or only gets one at the very beginning of the game.

    submitted by /u/ToonCrazy44
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    CoH 1 on Ipad

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 10:55 PM PST

    I am having a trouble trying to download the DLC for my app as in app purchases. The error would pop up as "Download Failed : Unknown Error Occured". Anyone having this issues? I could only fiddle around with tutorial and mission 1 for now, no skirmish or high quality models.

    submitted by /u/Toiletguy115
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    which doc is better for 2v2

    Posted: 13 Feb 2020 07:10 AM PST

    Between Mech assault, Spearhead, lightning war what is the better doctrine for 2v2???

    The other player you can assume is going for JT.

    submitted by /u/thetruerhy
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