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    Friday, March 6, 2020

    Company of Heroes How factions are meant to be

    Company of Heroes How factions are meant to be

    How factions are meant to be

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 05:30 PM PST

    When you Had Enough of Enemy Blobbing

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 05:28 AM PST

    werfers (vs) fireflies

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 04:19 PM PST

    CoH2 2v2 All star showdown: HelpingHans & Kimbo vs. VonAsten & Jove - thunderous battle.

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 04:42 PM PST

    KV2s' anti infantry < Anti tank gun's anti infantry

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 06:04 PM PST

    List of Special Weapon Crews

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 09:19 AM PST

    Okay, so I'm aware that most people use the cheapest infantry they can get to crew weapon teams, but for those that remember the immortal Knight's Cross Holders MG teams from CoH1, the other alternatives are better (especially for USF as their cheapest non-crew unit reinforces at 25 MP and is very vulnerable) thanks to the mechanic where models keep their vision/armor/health/received accuracy (except a slapped on x1.25 modifier by virtue of being a weapon team), so here is a small list of noteworthy re-crewers. Feel free to add to it:


    Easily the best re-crewers in the game. They don't have any special armor or other survivability benefits, but they keep the amazing sight range they had as infantry, meaning AT guns and HMGs crewed by them will be self-sighting. At 30 MP reinforce, Pathfinders are the most expensive you could do with USF, but it's worth it, even over airborne. Just try it with an HMG42, the thing spreads wider than your mom's legs and with Pathfinder sight range, you can close down huge areas with it. According to u/Obey_SpaceMonkey, Jaeger Light Infantry apparently has the same sight advantages, so the same benefit applies to them.


    Pretty good, allowing parachute reinforcement if a beacon is nearby. They are cheaper than Pathfinders at 28 MP, but neither benefit is better than the massive sight boost Pathfinders get. There are instances where they are better, but they are few and far between. That said, if you use multiple AT guns that are clustered together, multiple Pathfinder AT guns would be redundant, so consider manning the rest of your battery with Airborne.

    Shock Troops:

    Highest armor in the game, and they keep the massive short range firepower. If you take a mortar/hmg/AT gun with them, you can really surprise enemies trying to flank, especially if you are behind cover. Heck, you can even use the HMGs/ATs aggressively as 5 men shock squads that take a bit more damage due to increased received accuracy; they will still mulch most infantry in close combat while HMG sets up.


    Obers have good survivability, and Stormtroopers used to keep their stealth, other than that, they are not all that worth the cost. They do have high performance at longer ranges, so an HMG team behind cover will have the crew dealing non-negligible additional damage. Grenadiers are better for this though.


    So I'm honestly not sure if this works, but if it works like I think it should, then Penals are a straight upgrade over Conscripts. As far as I am aware you have no reason to ever reinforce penals if you have Conscripts around as they are defensively the same and Penals are offensively way better, and so you should just keep merging Conscripts to them. What I wonder if the Conscripts you merged keep their SVTs when you crew weapons with the "Penal" squad; if this is the case, then it's a good idea to crew weapons with them.

    Other than these, well, it's almost always a good idea to take a crew weapon, something you can do is to not reinforce losses afterwards and in that case, any squad capturing a crew weapon without being lost itself is a bargain. But I'm not aware of any other special cases where crewing a weapon gives special properties.

    submitted by /u/ecmrush
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    In 4v4, 3v3 as Soviets, Is there any reason to ever build T34/76's and T34/85's? In the chaos that is team games, they always seem like glass cannons, even post patch I think SU-85's will be optimal for the increase in Panzer 4's and Panthers.

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 01:01 PM PST

    Edit: comparison changes

    What is most ridiculous to me is that they're not even a good glass cannon. For instance, the T34/85 gets an armor buff, but nothing else despite having an 85mm gun instead of a 76mm., and not a significant damage buff with the 85mm gun compared to the ez 8. That would be like if the "easy eight" did no only a little additional damage, but somehow got much more armor despite being the same tank chassis. Germans on the Western front targeted M4A3E8 Shermans because they knew it did more damage. Additionally, the easy eight is a 76.3 mm gun and it does more damage than T34/85, despite the fact that theses gun were very similar.because Logic. They had essentially the same high velocity gun but Russian steel was much weaker, leading ricocheting shrapnel to more likely kill or injure the crew. The T34/76 and the Sherman M4A3 were very similar historically as well, both being labeled "death traps"

    Edit: He's an interesting and funny video about the tank: https://youtu.be/BllPcuhZP84

    Edit: Statistics using cheat commands and http://www.coh2-stats.com/ballistic_weapons

    Health: 640 T34/76; 640 M4A3 Sherman (identical)

    Health: 800 T34/85; 720 M4A3e8 Sherman "ez 8"

    Penetration: 120/100/80 T34/76; M4A3 Sherman 120/100/80 (identical)

    Penetration: 160/140/120 T34/85; 175/165/155 M4A3"e8" Sherman

    End of edits

    I know the ramming ability can be powerful, but it's very dependent on your opponent "being bad" by charging tanks without support. Even then, the tank becomes a sitting duck with no gun or movement ability. It strikes me as something "memeable", but otherwise risky to do in a serious game.

    submitted by /u/Paradox-ical_Major
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    Yellow player Sabotage our bases and we won Lmao

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 09:14 PM PST

    Long Ranged Units

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 08:17 PM PST

    *This is from a comment on a different post*

    *Not from statistics, but my own experiences*

    I think Fallschirmjägers are extremely gross (I play SOV, UKF, OKW, and I'm a noob so names may be wrong, and this is my own opinion).

    Number one for Axis-

    1. Panzerfußiliers, cheap, effective, and scale well with veterancy.

    2. Jaeger squads, while they can be costly, they can camouflage and can also be treated like decent snipers when upgraded with G43s.

    3. Grenadiers, just regular Whermact grenadiers are very effective, while lacking in base firepower, the rifle grenade wipes squads easily. Commanders can also buff them with upgrades and veterancy is good, but not as helpful as OKW veterancy.

    4. Sniper squads.... yeah I know this is infantry stuff, but boy do I enjoy using snipers (very situational)

    Allied infantry -

    1. American Rifle squads, when upgraded with BAR's or Brownings will kill most infantry quickly.

    2. Infantry Sections, when in green cover they receive better defence and rate of fire. Not necessarily a long range unit, but works well.

    3. Conscripts... SVT's from the airborne doctrine are very good long ranged weapons. Conscripts aren't made as very great long ranged units but are easily the most flexible infantry in the game (to my 200+ hour knowledge)

    4. Pathfinders, I would not recommend using Pathfinders as combat units as their sole purpose is recon and planting beacons, but when in combat (especially IR Pathfinders) at long range, they can hold their own until you can get them out of there.

    5. Soviet snipers (and UKF)... I am aware, not infantry, but effective against Ostheer (smaller squad sizes are best to use snipers on). Plus, UKF snipers are very good for countering early-game light vehicles.

    6. Guard Rifles, a good anti-armor unit that excels at long range and gets better with veterancy and DPs

    Do feel free to leave your comments below and share anything I may have missed, I normally skip over thing. And of course if you disagree.....

    submitted by /u/False_Caesar
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    Question Regarding ISU vs KV-2

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 01:07 AM PST

    Hi all,

    After many patches later, both of these vehicles have become quite different to the ones that were mentioned in similar posts from several years prior. As such, I would like to hear all of your opinions regarding the ISU and the KV-2 in their current states, and how they compare against each other.

    To start, I do own an ISU commander, and I've come to understand that the unit functions as a sort of "long-range infantry blob wiping machine", with a relatively subpar AT shell that is best used in conjunction with SU-85s and Zis guns.

    My question is, if you're going to use the ISU as a dedicated infantry wiping machine, then why not get a KV-2 instead?

    TO MY UNDERSTANDING, the KV-2 has the exact same HE round, but has apparently better reload, and gets a "siege mode" which grants it equal if not superior range to the ISU (at vet 2), and is unhampered by a straight trajectory which tends to hit the ground in front of its intended target. Yes, its immobile while on siege, but the setting up and tearing down time has been reduced to I believe 7.5 seconds, meaning it can relocate relatively quickly. Even if siege mode cannot be used, it can direct fire at targets much like the ISU, with similar range. Armour protection is similar; mobility is similar if not superior on the KV-2 due to the flexibility of a turret, making it somewhat less susceptible to flanks from enemy armour. Both are equally unreliable against heavy armour. Vet 1 is clearly better on the KV-2 than the ISU (an inspire infantry ability compared to an unreliable concrete piercing round). Both have similar costs, with the KV-2 being cheaper in terms of fuel.

    So I ask again: why get an ISU and use it as a dedicated long range infantry killer, when you can get a KV-2 that seemingly does the job better? Am I overselling the KV-2's capabilities? Or does the ISU need a change?

    NOTE: I am well aware that in terms of commander choice, the ISU commanders are far and away superior to the KV-2 commanders. I am comparing these units in a standalone context.

    Your responses would be most appreciated. Thank you for your time!

    submitted by /u/Waverider311
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    The best long range infantry?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 12:44 PM PST

    I found vet 5 falls are really great with long range 5 tier bonus and lethality. Vet 5 Obersoldaten are more durable, but vet 5 falls do better in camouflage as a glass canon. What's your favorite long range infantry?

    submitted by /u/karachad
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    How do I edit control groups in CoH1?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 12:47 PM PST

    I'm a few missions into Market Garden and started this mission already having control groups.

    How do I edit them? Add/remove units, hotkeyes, select multiple units that aren't in the same group without dragging etc?

    submitted by /u/banzaizach
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    Breakthrough Mod

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 12:46 PM PST

    I can't seem to play a Breakthrough game against even AI. My game either crashes immediately after I load in, or a few minutes of playtime afterwards. Any suggested fixes?

    submitted by /u/False_Caesar
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    Dennis67000 maphacker/streamsniper

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 02:29 PM PST

    Have a nice replay that ill upload soon, with him blatantly doing 2 hacks:

    spotting snipers twice

    Doing recon EXACTLY over 3 snipers hiding

    Reported him to steam, hopefully something comes out of it

    submitted by /u/twitchsopamanxx
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    Question about UKF Faction

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 01:09 AM PST

    Is there a Damage Bonus difference between green and yellow cover? who is stronger in close range combat? Infiltrations commandos with and without bren upgrade.

    submitted by /u/phantidu27
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