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    Tuesday, March 3, 2020

    Company of Heroes When the soviets are blobbing : Eins zwei Polizei Drei vier Grenadier Fünf Sechs Alte Hex Sieben Acht Gute Nacht Ja ja ja was ist los? Was ist das? It's a Sd.Kfz. 182 Panzer VI Ausf. B Tiger II !

    Company of Heroes When the soviets are blobbing : Eins zwei Polizei Drei vier Grenadier Fünf Sechs Alte Hex Sieben Acht Gute Nacht Ja ja ja was ist los? Was ist das? It's a Sd.Kfz. 182 Panzer VI Ausf. B Tiger II !

    When the soviets are blobbing : Eins zwei Polizei Drei vier Grenadier Fünf Sechs Alte Hex Sieben Acht Gute Nacht Ja ja ja was ist los? Was ist das? It's a Sd.Kfz. 182 Panzer VI Ausf. B Tiger II !

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 03:37 PM PST

    The King of the Noobs 4v4 tournament is some of the most fun I've had watching COH2 lately

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 10:28 AM PST

    Now, having said that, I guess I should confess that I don't watch a lot of matches these days. :P

    But seriously, seeing "normal" players (still much better than me, but not the pros) slugging it out through epic tank brawls, massive infantry battles, and thunderous artillery barrages is SO MUCH FUN. I happened to catch just one live match on Sunday - purely by coincidence I'd fired up CoH2 to play a few AI skirmishes and saw it streaming in the game client, so I switched over to Twitch. That match was pretty epic, and even the 'normal player' mistakes added to the fun.

    After that one match - again, unexpectedly tuning in and watching the whole thing, since I never even use Twitch or watch streamers to begin with - I got hooked and started at the beginning. I've only watched the first two matchups, but these 4v4 slugfests are amazing. I'm actively looking forward to watching more tonight (for the first time ever) and I hope to see more tourneys of this sort in the future.

    Kudos to SkippyFX and the other casters, and everyone at Relic and on the competing teams who made this happen!

    submitted by /u/Super_Jay
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    My best 2v2 game, 5 star tiger and teammate with 3 star kt

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 05:59 AM PST

    Power pose

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 06:27 AM PST

    That feeling of helplessness

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 02:11 PM PST

    OKW - When to get the med truck? (1v1)

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 04:22 PM PST

    Hello all,

    When I was a newbie, I used to go med truck -> heals -> AA half track. Then I saw the pros skipping it for the luchs and using sturmpio to drop medkits.

    This is what I do now. But eventually it gets... unreasonable? It is like 45 muni (?) for 3 heals and it has to be put down by the sturmpio squad.

    It is effective when my squads all retreat at roughly the same time -- the problem is when the trickle starts coming. A half-health MG crew, then half health volks a minute later, etc... they start to eat through the heals quicker then you place them (unless you spam them).

    Then the issue arises: you either have to take your sturmpio squad off the field early solely to drop the heals, build a 2nd sturmpio squad, or send your squads back out unhealed.

    What do you guys do in this siutaion? The healing half-track SUCKS, but the heals are NEEDED.

    I really wish they'd make the healing half-track better or cheaper in some way -- or give a more cost efficient way to heal. Healing is the most problematic part of playing OKW (imho).

    submitted by /u/chr0n1c_1337
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    Tank Hunter for Red Army

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 01:09 PM PST

    Do you think Tank Hunter Tactics is very useful in team games, especially against OKW and their converted HalfTracks? For example, It only takes 2 IL-2 PTAB Anti-Tank Bombing Run to wipe out an OKW building.

    submitted by /u/nifapfan94
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    Can the NKVD rifle disruption tatics win the early game? It seems like a dud of a commander in team games, has anyone used it?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 05:23 AM PST

    The Commissar is the main attraction of the doctrine with either increasing DPS (at expense of health) or defense for a specific unit (at the expense of movement) for a small period of time. As well as the ability to call in fear propaganda artillery and to heal nearby units. Effectively allowing you to not need a medics. Although you pay 260 mp for the Commissar in the first place.

    What is this doctrine compatible with? Using defense on support weapons and healing them? Preventing infantry charges with fear propaganda? I like the idea, but scorched early can't work on VPs limiting its potency. Radio intercept is average, a KV8 is nice, but you need shock troops to hold the line. And obviously Anti tank overwatch is good for denial area. Can the commissar be used to do rushing like assault grenadiers or panzerfusiliers?

    submitted by /u/Paradox-ical_Major
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    5* Obers vs. Any Other Squad?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 03:41 PM PST

    Hello all,

    Curious, a vet5 Obersoldaten upgraded with the MG34 --- can any squad beat this in a 1v1 trade at fair distance? No grenades or anything allowed, just pure DPS.

    Wondering if they are the most 'elite' squad in the game in terms of DPS.

    Thanks all.

    p.s. not talking about shocks turning a corner on them, talking about fair distance engagements or medium range (riflemen). I assume Obers can beat both FG42 fallschim & panzergrens; is that right?

    submitted by /u/chr0n1c_1337
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    Bazooka DLC

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 06:40 AM PST

    Tips for wehr (im a new player) also what commanders to chooss would be nice.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 10:34 AM PST

    USF 4v4

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 10:12 AM PST

    Hi there,i am still fairley new player(lvl59),what are you recommendations for commanders I am using airborne,urban assault and rifle,and i would like to change rifle cause i am not using it,i am asking for 4v4. Also,which inel bulletins do you recommend?

    submitted by /u/veljkointer
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    CoH Legacy Edition keeps crashing during loading screen (Windows 10)

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 11:57 AM PST

    It worked before but now it will not work anymore. Are there any fixes? Or do I need to download the base game and the other two dlcs individually?

    submitted by /u/AdmiralMcClout
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    As Soviets, when should you choose tier 1 or tier 2? Is the conscript rush really that viable?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 10:42 PM PST

    I definitely see the merits of both, but I still can't decide what's "best". I still rely on build orders that favors one or the other and use Intel bulletins based on this.

    My thinking goes support weapons if I need to hold a point and playing defensively relying on allies vs special rifle command for offensive pushes with penals and flamethrower clown car. Axis seems designed around defending until superior tanks. Whereas allies is based on infantry and early game advantage.

    With support weapons, I can't imagine winning often since I need to breakthrough their defenses, or rush the points with an unsupported maxim that can easily get rushed by infantry and needs to be retreated. From there, If I can't get the point first it's extremely hard to take the fuel point back since they will always make bunkers and add more MG's and mortars. Because of this, building mortars is fairly useless since axis mortars can fire back more accurately killing them quickly as static tatics.

    Finally AT guns are quickly circled by light vehicles and can't retreat. I see their utility vs tanks and p4's but since 4v4 is so artillery spammy you have to pay attention to it constantly.

    Alternatively, The problem with Special Rifle Command is that the strength is only early game advantage. Penals lose utility as the game continues. Snipers are fairly worthless 3v3 4v4 unless you micro them constantly and even then they are vulnerable and waste time moving units if your micro is off. The scout car is really good at harassing enemies and distracting them I haven't used them to cart penal troops around since I don't know how effective it is. (No seriously, do they all get a chance to fire out or is it like buildings where you can only fire out of one side?) Instead I've used CE's with a flame thrower and drive up to damage weak units. Eventually the scout car becomes obsolete because sturmpioneers get panzershreks and panzerfaust take it down.

    Finally this leads me to conscripts, some people spam/ rush 3x conscripts and then build a support weapons building, does this actually make sense? Conscripts seem too flexible and weak to actually fight back. I haven't tried this too much so I don't know if I'm missing some "pro" strat.

    TL;DR: I really struggle deciding one or the other since they're both decent. Should I go support weapons for open maps or vice versa? Additionally, for maps with heavy buildings should I go for special rifle command or vice versa?

    submitted by /u/Paradox-ical_Major
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    How to destroy Soviet demolition charges as Ostheer?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 04:08 AM PST

    Basically the title. Soviet demo charges wiped 3 full squads (Gren, Pgren, Pio) in my last game. How do I counter that, short of only capping with minesweeper pioneers, which would be bull pudding?

    Edit: 3 squads with 3 different charges. I was getting really pissed.

    submitted by /u/Normaliali
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    Does asymmetry in some maps lead one side to have a significant advantage compared to the other?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 01:17 AM PST

    In my experience, City 17 Winter feels unbalanced towards the bottom or left side than the right. This is something I've noticed in expert CPU auto matches. The map Vielsalm (when playing pvp) also feels this way with the bottom seeming to have an advantage over the top.

    Edit: I think that asymmetry can give a slight or major advantage to certain factions depending on where they start, maps like Oka river winter or lorch assault seem to be the worst offenders IMO.

    submitted by /u/Paradox-ical_Major
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