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    Company of Heroes Every single game

    Company of Heroes Every single game

    Every single game

    Posted: 26 May 2020 07:24 PM PDT

    when your panz grens miss their panzerschreck on a 1 hp KV-2 and you see the light approaching

    Posted: 26 May 2020 03:40 AM PDT

    An interview with a balance team member [Part 3]

    Posted: 26 May 2020 05:37 PM PDT

    Hey all! This is the third and final of a series of chats I had with u/RepoRogue

    Me: What are I&R pathfinders good for? I've been using them sorta like g43 panzerfusillers.

    RR: What are I&R pathfinders good for? I've been using them sorta like g43 panzerfusillers." No, they're quite different. Panzerfusiliers are strong at range early but very weak at close range. I&R Pathfinders (which have a surprisingly different damage profile from Pathfinders) are strong at long range (similar in raw DPS to Fusiliers) but also have almost Riflemen level close range damage thanks to three Paratrooper M1 Carbines. In addition, I&R Pathfinders have one scoped Garand, which will insta-kill snipe models when, after they deal damage, the target model has 50% or less health. Which means they perform significantly better than their raw DPS would suggest. They're most similar to OKW Jaeger Light Infantry, which similarly have a nice generalist damage profile with even stronger snipes.Regular Pathfinders have a second scoped M1 Garand so they have more reliable snipes and better long range damage, but way less close range damage, making them a lot more vulnerable to being charged. I&R Pathfinders are pretty fragile though, so you want to fight from cover at long range (which should be easy to setup since you have a lot of bonus vision). Closing on them is generally suicide, and they win vs. basically everything at long range early game. They're just fantastic combat squads when they come out. They also get bonus combat range at vet 3 (along with Pathfinders and JLIs), so they can harass enemies from outside their effective range. They also have one of the best off-map barrages in the game. It comes in super fast and is really deadly. If you hit an MG as it begins to set-up, you're pretty much guaranteed to wipe the MG, and possibly destroy it outright. The only real disadvantages they have are weaker combat scaling than Riflemen, specifically regarding their durability, and their lack of a snare. But they have incredible vision range (50 at vet 0, 55 at vet 3), which makes them fantastic support units all game, give you a ton of vision control, and make them ideal for working with the super cheap Pack Howitzer(s) you can get in Recon.

    Me: So if I'm using them I should build maybe 2 I&Rs, 1 rifleman, 1 officer?

    RR: It really depends on how worried you are about light vehicles. Builds vary a lot. I used to do Rifle -> I&R -> I&R -> Officer every game, which worked great until I started to play against more light vehicles at higher levels. So that's perfectly acceptable and should work absolutely fine until you get to around level 16. Higher level players will use wildly varying amounts, from zero I&Rs to two.

    Me: Is it better to fight volks at close or far range? Both with and without the 44s.

    RR: This really depends on the squad you're using. Rifles can rush them semi-reliably early game. Usually will win 1v1 when charging Volks in yellow cover, its more of a coinflip if the Volks are in green cover. Volks have a similar damage profile to Grens but with very, very slightly lower damage overall and a lot more durability thanks to an extra model. Pathfinders and I&R Pathfinders will win at long range, Pathfinders lose at close range, I&R Pathfinders win at close range but don't have the durability to charge Volks. I&R Pathfinders should win handily if Volks try to charge them. STGs give them better damage at mid and close range, but its still not great: un-upgraded Riflemen have better close range damage than STG Volks. That being said, its close enough overall that rushing them without a BAR or two or without being 2v1 just doesn't really work. Single BAR Rifles have better damage than STG Volks, but STG Volks are closest to them at mid range. So either fight them from around max range in cover or try to push in. Riflemen also scale really well in terms of both durability and damage, so you have a lot of choices. Once you get double BARs, you absolutely stomp Volks at all ranges.

    Me: Whats with the Elite german paratroopers? They seem pretty bad for their cost.

    RR: They're in a weird place, to be honest. They deal good damage at all ranges, but aren't exceptional at any range. What they do have are 1) a strong ambush bonus to their DPS, and 2) two very strong grenades. They generally work best when hidden in cover, ideally on hold fire until an enemy squad gets into grenade range. They're ambush squads, kinda like Stormtroopers, but with worse wiping power, barring great grenade usage, but better all-round damage. Not really assault squads. .

    Me: If I go for LT over Captain, by the mid game I end up with around a thousand manpower banked and no way to kill a panzer 4, a major, but I'm usually really far away from a sherman/jackson/easy 8 by the time the panzer 4 runs up and forces me to turtle in my base. Should I backtech? Build a 4th rifle squad? Just go captain instead? Build a fuel cache or 2?

    RR: o if that happens, then it means you're A) floating way too much with LT, and B) not being aggressive enough. If you go LT, you're going to want to get some combination of a light vehicle and double .50Cals.

    Usually with a mortar at some point to back them up. If you're opponent is that far ahead of you, then its because you didn't play well in the mid game. I go LT only because I know can consistently come out ahead or at worst even in the mid game. If you're not able to do that with double .50Cals and getting BARs on your Riflemen, etc, then yeah, you can back-tech to Captain to get an AT gun. I wouldn't build a 4th Rifle squad, and would strongly recommend investing in units over fuel caches. Getting an MG and a mortar should win you more resources (and deny them from your opponent) then a couple of caches would.

    The alternative is to hold out against enemy armor with bazookas. Double bazookas on an RE and your LT will allow you to fairly reliably hold off enemy armor short of an OKW PIV/PIV J. But those are also significantly more expensive and slower. You can even hold out against an Ostwind with that loadout.

    If I get anything early on my LT, its a bazooka. A pre-emptive bazooka is usually a decent idea at higher levels because pretty much everyone builds light vehicles. But it is less effective when people are skipping LVs. An LT, with or without a bazooka, will still have enough close range damage (thanks to the Thompson) to be a threat. Double bazookas will seriously cut into their combat effectiveness, and I prefer to leave it at one if I can.

    Me: How does garrisoning a building work? I heard that it raises cover massively but lowers dps.

    RR: Garrisons provide similar damage reduction attributes to heavy cover (there are a few things that do bonus damage against garrisons but not heavy cover and vis versa, but you can treat them as basically the same). Garrisons can lower or even totally eliminate a squad's dps depending on the windows it has. Each model needs its own window to shoot out of, and each window can only cover a specific side of the building. If you have five models and five windows on the side of the building that your opponent is attacking you from, then the garrisoned squad will do full damage. But most situations aren't like that, and you can exploit garrisons by approaching a side with no window and doing damage for free. Even if the models can't find a window to shoot out from, they can be shot at from outside (I know this makes zero sense, but it is how it works in game).

    Me: What's the point of axis superheavy tank destroyers like the Elephant and Jadetiger? They seem redundant with the panther, which is faster and cheaper

    RR: Team games, not 1v1s. Pretty much never build these in 1v1s.

    Me: USF grenades, are they ever worth it?

    RR: No, not really. USF grenades are... fine? The problem is that they're relatively mediocre for frag grenades: they're tied with UKF grenades for smallest AoE but have a longer timer and cost more. USF has so many good and consistent ways to spend munitions that aren't grenades, so they're pretty much never worth it. But that only really applies to the grenade tech for Riflemen. Paras and Rangers get longer range, much shorter fuses on their grenades, and don't have their grenade throwing animation cancelled by suppression (at least Paras don't, I haven't tested Rangers). If you're playing Airborne, then you might be skipping weapon racks altogether in favor of trying to get wipes with frag grenades and tactical assault (which is a huge dps steroid). Rangers aren't nearly as good at getting wipes, so you'll probably want to get weapon racks and get some BARs still. Ranger grenades are still good, just the squad is overall less good at wipes.

    Me: Why can't the pershing crew exit it? Fears over deploying multiple or something else

    RR: As you said: if the crew could exit it, then there would be no sane way to apply the one heavy limit rule. If the crew itself was treated as a heavy tank, then you'd be actively punishing people for saving the crew. The consequence of this is that Heavy Cav tends to have pop-cap issues that other doctrines can just cheat themselves around, since you generally need two REs for consistent repairs.

    Me: It seems like OST infantry is really bad late game since grens can't fire the lmg 42 on the move, and Panzer grens seem to scale poorly compared to riflemen. Is that intentional?

    RR: LMG Gren blobs are very strong mid to late game. Try getting three of them together and just A-moving around the map. They will be a huge headache for your opponent to deal with. This tactic works well for even low top 100 players. PGrens do and should be out-scaled by Riflemen. G43 PGrens do significantly better in the mid to late game than their STG counterparts, especially against USF.

    Me: As rifle company, should I get a Sherman before an EZ8 or just go for the EZ8.

    RR: It depends. Are you consistently able to win the game with your M4A3? If you are, then get it. But the EZ8 is the safer purchase between them, and it generally builds better into other things while being easier to micro. Like going M4A3 Jackson is solid, but lacks the kill pressure of EZ8 + Jackson. Your M4A3's main advantage is HE shells. This is a huge, potentially game winning tool. But, and its a big but, it becomes a big micro tax as your Sherman has to fight more armor. An M4A3 cannot fight a PIV with HE shells. It will just lose. The advantage of the EZ8, or the 76 Sherman with AP, is that it can transition easily between fighting infantry and tanks. Personally, I'd say get the M4A3 if you know for a fact that you're really ahead. It can be hard for people to tell, but you'll get a better sense for it as you play more. If your M4A3 is going to have a couple of minutes of being completely uncontested by armor, and you're prepared to use it aggressively, then go for it. If you're at parity or behind, get the EZ8.

    Me: OKW tech seems to be really, really expensive, and then even the panzer 4 is more expensive than the OST one. Is this due to the Power of a Puma & Luchs combo? If so, is there a possibility of a buff to OKW Tier 2 (the healing base) to allow for more diverse builds, or would that break the game

    RR: The power of Mechanized is part of it, but so is the individual strength of the PIV. The OKW PIV has more armor, a more accurate gun (especially vs. infantry), and better vet than the OST variety. Expensive tech is there not only to counterbalance Mechanized but also to counterbalance the raw strength of OKW's early game, which allows them to get ahead consistently and accumulate more resources. Battlegroup is already viable in high level play, and frankly, I would argue is better for most players on ladder. Mechanized is great, but its fairly micro taxing and requires you to really push your lead to stay ahead. For most players, going Battlegroup and playing around elite infantry/team weapons in the mid game is probably the more consistent strategy, since it allows for less micro-intensive healing, faster Obers, and faster medium/heavy armor. At even a moderately high level (like top 100), the Flak Half-track is great. It definitely requires a bit more care and thought than the Luchs, but it can be downright oppressive in the hands of a good player. Asiamint used it a fair bit in the finals of the Cohrona cup. I can send you some links to those games if you want to check it out.

    Me: Seems almost every brit I see goes for the comet over the Churchill after the brit buffs. Any idea why? I always thought the Churchill was like a suped up KV 1

    RR: Churchill is good, but its not necessarily what you most want at that stage of the game. The Churchill is the toughest tank in the game in terms of health pool, but it has pretty poor offensive capabilities for its cost. The smoke is helpful, but beyond smoke and being a bullet sponge, the Churchill just isn't that great of a weapon platform. The Comet is just a much easier to use, general purpose semi-heavy tank. It will perform acceptably against all targets, is somewhat cost efficient, and has a boatload of utility. There's really nothing wrong with the Churchill: it was downright overpowered before it got nerfed. What really killed the Churchill's play rate was the heavy meta. The Churchill is awful against a Tiger, while a Comet is just okay. Now that the meta is maybe moving away from heavies, I expect we'll see more Churchill use. It's incredibly efficient against medium tanks, and is a very competent bullet sponge.

    Me This is just a trend that I've sorta been noticing in most games and replays I've seen, but it seems like usually if axis wins, the game is a stomp from start to finish, but if allies win, they usually get pushed back over and over, losing map control but maintaining vet, and then just swamp the axis with better infantry and abilities to counter the axis armor. Have you noticed that as well or is it just confirmation bias on my end.

    RR: I think that's just confirmation bias for the most part. OST tends to struggle early, but has some great timing attacks it can do if it does manage to get ahead. Stuff like a fast Ostwind can be savagely game ending. OKW can transition from strong early game to Mechanized to strong late game, but only if they stay crazy ahead. USF can be just as oppressive as OKW and OST. Same for UKF, which has the fastest medium tank rush in the game. Soviets tend to trade the raw damage of other factions for more utility and durability, so its relatively rare to see them just smack someone around all game. But SVT Cons -> T-70 -> medium tanks can do it as well as anyone else can. Even M3 -> Penals -> T-70 -> mediums can be pretty oppressive. SVT Cons have a better early game though, disregarding great M3 play.

    Me: One last question for the night, if you got to make a new doctrine for any faction, what would it be like and why?

    RR: I'd have to think about that one. I have some ideas, but they may be a little too cancerous. I'd love to see a USF doctrine with the WC-51 and Raid Tactics from Recon Support, but that would probably be just totally broken. Raid Tactics gives light vehicles +200% decapture rate, meaning you can almost instantly get a cut-off. Combine that with the WC-51, and you have the potential for incredibly quick games.

    Me: Brits are so weird compared to all the other factions lol. Also thank you again for answering my random coh2 shower thoughts, it's honestly made the game a lot more enjoyable now that I know the ideas behind things.

    RR: Glad to hear it! I'm currently taking a bit of a break from the game, but I'm still happy to chat about it. I'll probably be back in a few weeks to a few months. Currently getting back into League and the new Riot card game, Legends of Runeterra. But I love CoH2 and I'll always come back.

    submitted by /u/OldSchooler22
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    Unpredictable play

    Posted: 26 May 2020 12:12 PM PDT

    Does anyone ever see a hoard of US light vehicles, and think. Huh my panther can handle that, only for all the vehicle crews to hop out with zooks, and obliterate the armor. I've been messing around with that tactic a bit and no one really expects it.

    submitted by /u/iheath99
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    Looking for a way to further reduce my graphics in order to run the game better.

    Posted: 26 May 2020 09:46 PM PDT

    Hi all, basically the title, is there a way apart from the in game settings to further lower graphics? I can handle early game but later on the game becomes laggier and laggier and I lose more frames as time goes on.

    submitted by /u/samir500l
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    F for all them axis players having to counter this

    Posted: 26 May 2020 06:45 PM PDT

    Are Panzerfausts OP or am I just bad?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 08:57 PM PDT

    I've played this game a lot and even after all these years I still don't think it's balanced that germans start with panzerfausts. I don't think they're a problem themselves, but just locking them behind a tech upgrade like every allied faction would be much more balanced. This is mostly because germans generally have the best machine guns (as they should), and a good way to deal with an mg is with light armor to transport a squad behind the arc or just attack the position itself, but these options tend to fail if they just use some grenadiers to snare cars. I get that they have short range but you don't always have the option of staying away. I can't really see why panzerfausts aren't tech locked.

    All that being said, I'm not the best player so maybe there's something I'm missing in how to use light armor as allies. Anyone care to explain?

    submitted by /u/cobra1537
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    They fast

    Posted: 26 May 2020 08:45 PM PDT

    Hey look the description is a lie

    Posted: 26 May 2020 10:18 PM PDT

    What’s with a lot of UKF players skipping weapons racks nowadays?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 10:09 PM PDT

    Just been noticing since the winter patch, whether playing with or against UKF, most players are completely skipping over Brens for tommies and just rolling with 5 man squads. Is there a current meta reason for this?

    submitted by /u/chwalistair
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    What units would you like to see in CoH3?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 11:33 AM PDT

    Hello all!

    I was just curious about what units you guys would like to see. I feel like this has been asked before but I figured since it's subjective and people's opinions change over time, I would ask again. Personally I would like to see some of the smaller tanks from early war like the Matilda. Some other nations would be cool too like Australia, France and Japan.

    I feel like they avoid Japan because their tanks are so weak but I think they could just make their infantry especially good at AT and give them the German tanks for late game. Since they did actually buy like 8 tigers and some plans off the Germans.

    submitted by /u/Lord-Inquisitor-Vex
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    Posted: 26 May 2020 04:01 AM PDT

    Hosting balance, or the meaningless win/loss factor

    Posted: 26 May 2020 05:26 PM PDT

    Its sad to say, but nowadays, CoH1 has become a wasteland in hosted, non-auto games (and from what i see in chat/streams, barcounters). At any time you get your usual suspects: scheldt games full of noobs, some skirmish games at the bottom and then the real stinkers like "NOOB ONLY >200 WINS GG NO KICK ALL WELCOME" which ends up creating a 'false economy' in game stats and results. There is nothing worse than seeing a player with 3k wins, 1500 losses only to then observe that his genius tactic is SPAM PANTHERS vs airborne blob, or genius moves like players rushing up the ammo hill in Montargis losing all their forces instead of taking the middle position and cutting it.

    Stats have become a meaningless commodity nowadays and player recognition is the real deal breaker for me. I know players who have less than subpar stats who can beat statwhores easily, and ive seen newbie players play amazingly well vs super players. What do you think, do stats really matter?

    submitted by /u/twitchsopamanxx
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    What's your COH stress relief?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 01:34 PM PDT

    How do you prefer to lighten the mood when you play COH? Or do you just play something else?

    A few basic ones I like:

    1. 4v4 with goliaths
    2. 4v4 with demo charges
    3. 4v4 with heavy tanks
    4. 4v5 with Call-in arty
    5. 4v4 with close-range arty barrages that wipe lots of squads :D

    I sense I'm learning something about myself here..

    Playing competitive COH (1's and 2's) makes me feel -- tense. I really want to win. Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't, and I find the experience to be fun but wholly different than fun fun. It's like competitive fun, and more of an achievement.

    Are there units in CoH that can still be fun to use when you are behind in a game? Getting your asskicked in a game makes "making good plays" much harder to do.

    How do you keep the game fun when you're behind? I'm not talking about catch-up mechanics per-se, moreso "plays you can make or units to that can be fun to use when the game is out of hand.. I find the flame halftrack pretty fun, though it gets shredded when I"m behind..

    submitted by /u/nathanfreeze
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    Where is the Panzer II J in the Spearhead Mod?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 09:16 AM PDT

    So I've seen the Panzer II J "Baby Tiger" multiple times but I can't find it. I see the Panzer II L though. Which division has it?

    submitted by /u/Bibo_the_Bibo
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    Do pioneers and Assgrenadiers have the same weapons?

    Posted: 26 May 2020 11:13 AM PDT

    i've read and looked at their weapons they look like both hold MP-40s.

    submitted by /u/Pyrouge1
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    Looking for Advice on How to Play UKF

    Posted: 26 May 2020 09:56 AM PDT

    I've been trying to play UKF against CPU-Expert before moving into automatch, but for some reason the faction just isn't clicking for me. From what I see, UKF is basically the love-child of USF and Ostheer. From USF, it gets the T0 front-line infantry, and from Ostheer is gets T0 HMGs. UKF can build defensive structures (like Ostheer and USF), and Royal Engineers are slightly better than Pioneers/REs.

    My questions:

    1. What is the "standard" build order for 1v1? The one I tend to go for is:
    • Vickers HMG
    • Infantry Section
    • Company Command Post
    • Infantry Section
    • Royal Engies
    • Royal Engies
    • Bofors Requisition
    • Weapon Racks
    • 5-man Upgrade
    • Platoon Command Post
    • Cromwell
    • Cromwell
    1. When should I try to have Bofors + mortar emplacements down by? What is good timing for an AEC Mk. III?

    2. In terms of playstyle, is UKF closer to Ostheer or OKW? Should I keep my Tommies behind cover and have the enemy come to me, or should I be constantly pushing with more offensive units like the Assault Officer?

    My playercard for reference. Thanks in advance for the help!

    submitted by /u/Thedude5able
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    Infantry Section in a M3 Halftrack

    Posted: 26 May 2020 01:07 AM PDT

    Never realised how effective having Tommies with Brens in Halftrack is so damn effective in the Mid-game. Only downside is how flimsy the M3 is and tommies taking indirect fire when the M3 is taking damage from tanks.

    submitted by /u/TigerKhanThanh
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