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    Monday, May 25, 2020

    Company of Heroes guess what I found from our local store

    Company of Heroes guess what I found from our local store

    guess what I found from our local store

    Posted: 25 May 2020 06:52 AM PDT

    Follow his tracks to victory. Commarades.

    Posted: 24 May 2020 11:38 PM PDT

    This has got to be one of my favorite things to do in game

    Posted: 25 May 2020 08:52 AM PDT

    Vet 5 kubel defending his country against soviet aggression

    Posted: 25 May 2020 10:45 PM PDT

    I have got to start using the centaur more :)

    Posted: 25 May 2020 08:46 AM PDT

    An Interview with a balance team member [Part 2]

    Posted: 25 May 2020 12:21 PM PDT

    Hey all! This is the next part of a series of chats I had with RepoRogue, the title has been changed because some people didn't know who he was.

    Me: What is the point of the King tiger / Koningstiger?

    RR: Mostly useless in 1v1s. Can be used as a resource sink the ultra late game if you just got a bunch of pop-cap wiped out and are floating. Its strong, but just so slow. Only use if you have the center of the map firmly locked down so that you can reduce your rotation distance.

    Me: What, in your opinion, are some of the best doctrines for 1v1s, for Soviets?

    Me: I have a lot of doctines for these guys so I use a bunch of different types. B4 doctrine I really like since the B4 is really good at just deleting tigers, panzer 4s and Panthers at the cost of about a light vehical. Airborne is nice for conscript stvs. Shock rifle is nice for kv8, shock troops and IS2. Soviet industry is nice for spamming t34s. Then theres that one that gives you t34-85s, radio, and an IS2, that's nice too.

    RR: Soviets: the B4 is good but unreliable, especially as you start playing against stronger players. Counterattack is by far the best 1v1 B4 doctrine since pretty much everything it has is useful. Conscript SVTs are indeed good, and Airborne Guards should now work a bit like Thompson Paras (albeit with lower DPS). Shock Rifle is a well rounded doctrine. Soviet Industry is pretty niche, especially because the fuel drop straight up doesn't work vs. OKW since their base guns will shoot down the plane. Armored Assault is a great doctrine with really only one downside: no elite infantry for the mid game. Radio Intercept makes up for that though. Guard Motor Coordination is one of the doctrines you didn't mentioned that I think is absolutely worth playing with. Partisans are viable at a high level, but do require you to know what you're doing.

    Me: What, in your opinion, are some of the best doctrines for 1v1s, for USF? I use heavy Cav. I love the smoke, I love ramgers, I love the perishing, I find it hard to play without rifleman field defenses, and I love combined arms

    RR: Heavy Cav is good, but I personally don't love the commander. I prefer Rifle for a field defenses doctrine with armor. Mechanized is top tier, but it also requires a high level of skill to use effectively. Airborne and Recon are both very good, albeit for surprisingly different reasons. Airborne has the best elite infantry unit in the game: Thompson Paras. While Recon has a fantastic light vehicle and lets you get extremely discounted Pack Howitzers without even teching Captain. That being said, basically every single USF commander is 1v1 viable. The weakest two are probably Armor and Tactical Support, but even they see play at a high level.

    Me: What, in your opinion, are some of the best doctrines for 1v1s, for Osteer?

    RR: Lot of options here. Strategic Reserves is good, but I think Mechanized is better. The PIVJ is good and all, but the timing is slower than the OST PIV for only a very small improvement in its anti-infantry firepower. So you give up some of the shock value of a PIV to get more armor early and better scaling overall. Mechanized Assault has Ass Grens, an earlier/cheaper Tiger, and the 250 combat group, which is a squad wiping machine. Both are strong commanders though. Ostruppen can be good, but you really need to know what you're doing to make those doctrines work. You want to use Ostruppen to rush a flame half-track or other light vehicle while still having snares. Honestly, would recommend against this until you're a little more experienced. Its tough to pull off and requires tight timings. Lightning War and Spearhead were both very much meta commanders at a high level last patch and they should still be good. I'm a big fan of both Jaeger Infantry and German Infantry, which lack Tigers but provide great early/mid game options, fantastic infantry, and some very powerful off-maps for the late game.

    Me: What, in your opinion, are some of the best doctrines for 1v1s, for OKW?

    RR: Grand Offensive should still be good post-nerfs. I would advise against crutching on Panzerfusiliers too much, as they will drop off in effectiveness as you climb. Its really important that you get comfortable with the core combat loop of OKW: Volks build sandbags, OKW infantry trades well from behind sandbags (you can do the same thing even better with Riflemen Field Defenses, actually). I'd recommend going 2-4 Volks with 2-0 Fusiliers, building them later. This is because Fusiliers are weaker early and cost more, so getting them out quickly will slow you down. Beyond GOD, OKW has a lot of good doctrines. I see a lot of Elite Armor, mostly for the 221/223, HEAT Rounds, and Panzer Commander. I like Feuersturm a lot because it lets you go Mechanized, still get healing, and just dump all of your early/mid game munitions into upgrades and grenades. Very fun aggressive doctrine. Luftwaffe should still be viable, but personally I think the JLI doctrines are better overall. Like with USF, you can play pretty much anything and get away with it. I would stay away from Fortifications, although even that can be viable.

    Me: I usually go for 2 volks, 1 panzerfusiller, and 2 obers

    RR: This is not enough infantry early. Or at least, it won't be as you climb. It can work with a Kubel, but that requires good micro.

    Me: Oh? I thought the general rule of thumb was 3 infantry squads?

    RR: 4 is typical for almost all builds. Four Conscripts, three Riflemen + Officer, four Volks/Fusiliers. Three core infantry is the norm when your early build involves either an early MG or light vehicle or both so you get three Grens and an MG, three Penals and an M3, three Sections and a Vickers/UC. Stuff like that. Three infantry builds can also work with a second engineer. Three Grens and a Pioneer, three Penals pretty much always has a second Combat Engineer. Four Volks (with one or two Fusilier substitutions) is the preferred OKW build at most levels. Usually the Kubel + three infantry build is only when you're going for early elite infantry like JLIs or Falls.

    Me: How good is the t34-85? It seems to me like it's about as strong as a panzer 4, maybe weaker. Seems too expensive mostly unless the germans are building Brumbars or something else that has a lot of armor and isn't a tank destroyer

    RR: The T-34/85 is a good all rounder medium. It has the top notch MGs of the T-34/76 and better AoE damage, making it better against infantry albeit less cost effective. More armor than the T-34/76, but only as much as a Sherman/Cromwell (160), which is still less than the OST PIV. However, it has 800 health instead of the 640 that all non-doc mediums have (not counting the Panther or Comet as mediums here). It also has better armor penetration than the non-doc mediums, albeit not by as much as the Sherman 76 or EZ8. Here are some time to kill calculations I did for it vs. the PIVs a while back: "The T-34/85 has a max range TtK of 32 seconds vs. the PIV and 43.52 vs. the PIV J. Both models of PIV has a TtK of 36.05 vs. the T-34/85. At point blank, the T-34/85 has a TtK of 22.4 vs. the PIV and 31.04 vs. the PIV J. Both PIVs have a TtK of 31.05. This means that the T-34/85 has an advantage at every range vs. the OST PIV, a disadvantage at max range vs. the PIV J, and a basically equal match-up vs. the PIV J at minimum range." So it has an advantage over the PIV that it is more expensive than and a disadvantage vs the one it is cheaper than. Keep in mind that the OST PIV gets an armor bonus at vet 2 that makes it just as durable as the OKW PIV. The T-34/85 is just an all round solid medium tank with the advantage of being able to cap territory and having some great support abilities like the Soviet version of Mark Target. Almost every version of this ability does different things, the Soviet version is the best because it increases the target unit's received damage by +35%, meaning that mediums die in three penetrating hits instead of four. Its also effective against heavier armor. This ability, combined with Guards and the T-34/85 are a big part of why Guard Motor Coordination is one of the best Soviet commanders. Overall, I like the T-34/85 a lot. Because it has more health and better armor penetration, it scales better vs. heavy armor than a PIV.

    Me: The panther seems to be a giant ass tank destroyer, which confuses me. Why would OST and OKW need a tank destroyer when their mediums are great at killing allied mediums anyways? Same goes for the Jadgpanzer I guess

    RR: Okay, so there is a lot to unpack here. The first important thing is that the Panther is not that good in 1v1s. The only time I really see them is to support a Tiger vs. a bunch of TDs/a heavy and a bunch of TDs. Its otherwise far too expensive and clunky. USF and UKF both significantly out scale OKW and OST infantry, while Conscripts just trade obscenely well late game. As a result, both Axis factions are almost always pushed into opening with a tank that can seriously threaten infantry. Panthers come out later, if at all. The Panther brings three things PIVs do not: 1) about double their armor penetration, 2) much more health and armor (good for dives), and 3) extra range (50 to medium tank's 40 or full TD's 60). The armor penetration is important vs. Allied heavies, which have a lot of armor. Notably, the Stug and Jagdpanzer have the worst armor penetration of any of the dedicated AT units, so they struggle against heavy tanks compared to Allied TDs. The Panther is the only non-heavy tank that Axis have which can consistently penetrate Allied heavy tanks. The extra health and armor make them a lot better for diving for kills on enemy armor than the PIV is, and the range means that they have a better shot against Allied TDs (which still outrange them). Some Allied premium mediums (Comet, EZ8, Dozer Sherman [Sherman upgraded with dozer blades], and howitzer Sherman [The Sherman from Armor company) all have a significant amount of armor as well, which can be a problem for Axis mediums (which have similar armor penetration to Allied non-doc mediums and worse penetration than most Allied doctrinal mediums).

    The Jagdpanzer fills a different role. It's not great vs. heavies like the Panther is, but it is the only unit available to OKW with 60 range to match Allied TDs. OST have the Pak40 at 60 range, but the Raketen is only 55. The Jagdpanzer is really meant to fight Allied TDs, while also being able to bully Allied mediums, up to the Comet.

    Me: So it's more of a situational unit then

    RR: Yeah, it is pretty situational in 1v1s. Generally speaking, Allied TDs are superior. Allied TDs are cheaper, tend to have more generally useful attributes (self spotting for the SU-85, rockets and spotting for the Firefly, and just insane mobility for the Jackson), and most importantly all have 60 range.

    submitted by /u/OldSchooler22
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    Haha, Flammen Go Werf

    Posted: 25 May 2020 01:36 PM PDT

    I wish I could make my troops out of de-crewed at guns

    Posted: 25 May 2020 08:48 AM PDT

    Why is German Infantry Doctrine so prevalent nowadays?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 04:53 PM PDT

    So I decided to rank up in UKF up to lv 12, and over the past few games I've encountered across ostheer players each playing as the german infantry doctrine in pretty much 3-4 times in a row. I don't necessarily have a problem with this, but it seems that the only reason of why they use that doctrine is only to get the 5 man grens, and the occasional fragmentation bombing.

    submitted by /u/YandereTeemo
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    UKF Reconnaissance Regiment

    Posted: 25 May 2020 08:35 PM PDT

    Here's a UKF doctrine idea that's all about mobility, reconnaisance, and precision.

    0 CP: Valentine Scout Tank

    Scout Valentines can be built at the Company Command Post. They lack the artillery spotting ability of the Valentine Command Tank, but get the Flank Speed vet 1 ability instead.

    2 CP: Anti-Tank Gun Camouflage

    AT Guns can be camouflaged.

    2 CP: Designated Marksman

    Infantry Sections can be upgraded with a Designated Marksman, equipped with a scoped rifle that will automatically kill enemy infantry with less than 70% health, if the shot connects. Sight range is also increased. The rifle is otherwise weak, much like those found on Jaeger Light Infantry or Pathfinders. Unlike those, this rifle takes one weapon slot and disables the other two upgrades, but gives the Assasinate ability, which allows the squad's marksman to take an aimed shot against a target that will never miss at a munitions cost.

    3 CP: Triangulation Beacons

    Allows Sappers to plant free Triangulation Beacons. Up to 3 can be placed, and once all 3 are placed, all enemy units that are within the formed triangle are revealed through the fog of war (like the old eagle owl and not true vision) as well as on the minimap. Triangulation Beacons are stealthed and won't be revealed to the enemy. They also give large vision on their own.

    10 CP: Forward Observation Post

    The endgame and a use for all the reconnaisance you are doing.

    submitted by /u/ecmrush
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    Needed clarification for removal of bonuses for Heavy Cover at a range of less than 10

    Posted: 25 May 2020 08:06 AM PDT

    I'm aware there it a removal in the Heavy Cover damage reduction bonus at close range (10 units). the I always thought that was the only thing until someone brought up that it removing all cover bonuses?

    Does anyone know what the true effects are from moving within 10 units? Source for the info would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Gabriel11999
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    wanted to showoff my 4-Star Kübelwagem. It aint much, but it's honest work.

    Posted: 24 May 2020 10:27 PM PDT

    Suggestion: UKF medic change.

    Posted: 25 May 2020 07:52 AM PDT

    As of now, you have two options with the UKF medic. You can leave them to autoheal and have them run around the battlefield following squads like numnuts, or you can have them disable heal and only use their active ability (in which they are basically makes them upgraded tommies that can't fight).

    Would it be possible to make them hold their position so they only heal units within a specific radius of the hold location and not follow units out of that area? I feel that would make them a lot more useful, as right now I'm pretty sure they were intended to be so annoying to use.

    submitted by /u/chwalistair
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    Is the online still active?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 03:55 PM PDT


    Referencing CoH1

    Just wondering if the online multiplayer is still active in terms of servers? Me and my friends would like to set up private multiplayer and just want to check before we buy it!

    submitted by /u/Welham_
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    Big boi mortars

    Posted: 25 May 2020 02:43 AM PDT

    New commander Ideas

    Posted: 25 May 2020 07:06 AM PDT

    I wanted to make a post to share ideas of new commanders.

    USF: Infantry support company

    0cp: m1917 HMG. Deployed from the headquarters. Very similar to the vickers gun. Would have AP belts that reload faster but have a shorter duration.

    0cp: Riflemen field defenses.

    3cp: Man the defenses, All infantry in cover receive defensive bonuses and all vehicles in your territory receive line of sight bonuses.

    10cp: P47 anti infantry over watch, P47s circle overhead strafing infantry with .50 cals.

    12cp: Off map Armor support, Calls in two m10s, cost 500 mp/120 fuel

    The company is a defense focused company allowing you to set up defenses quickly and buff your troops in them. Getting the HMG out faster would allow you to hold areas of the map from early infantry without having to wait to unlock the platoon command post. Riflemen field defenses would work hand in hand with man the defenses to give your units an edge. The p47 over watch can be used to force the enemy team to keep infantry out of your sector. The off map armor would provide quick response to enemy tank rushes without having to buy the major but would require you to save up significant manpower and fuel.

    Feel free to critique my idea and post your own.

    submitted by /u/CatwithanM16
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    Eyy b0ss. Soviet tips ples?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 01:56 AM PDT

    Hey brothers. I hope you are safe in your houses So i only play soviets in 3v3 4v4 (I played other factions once in AI just to understand how their teching works and i forgot by now XD)

    Latley i am winning more and more (especially in tactical scales) and i am no longer loosing to axis late game tanks rush a lot (all hail B4s and mines and SU-85s) but i am encountering a problem more often.

    At the verry first early rush i allways find my self against that T0 axis HMG closing fuel points followed by okw eng. Then ost mortar that my cons cant deal with it And here is the catsh. In 3v3 and 4v4 you cant separate okw from ost weakness beacuse they complement each others (ostweers holding points and okws rushing)

    The problem is not that i cant soluve thoos tactically problems. The problem is that they are allways ahead of you in steps. If you go mortar you lack hmg. And cons are not tursted with rushing. If you go penals you wont have Zis-3 and mortar (the doc 120mm mortar is 2 CP wish is kinda late) So they allready capped well and started rushing light tanks then Pz 4s. Then you pretty much lost the game here I know my post is confused in ideas, so to simplefied it. What is the meta for soviet in 3v3 4v4 early game now? Does it get affected by your team having UK or USF? And considering soviet faction relys heavely on the commander. Isnt choosing the commander early (maybe for thoos sweet shocks or the 120 ) suicidal if the the enemy chose a counter doctrine? Sorry for the big post

    submitted by /u/Hussen-Faour
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    How can I convince my friends to play with me?

    Posted: 25 May 2020 06:44 AM PDT

    My friends (2 guys) used to play CoH2 with me, We started together but they stopped at around 20hr but I kept playing it till 200+ hours they also Red Alert veterans but they stopped playing for some reason, when i asked them they just says "CoH2 is trash" I tried to convince them so many time but it's not working. Any suggestions? Or no hope?

    submitted by /u/Ice258852
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    Magpie842 Lockdown Casts!

    Posted: 25 May 2020 06:13 AM PDT

    Magpie842 Lockdown Casts!

    Greetings all!

    Having trouble staying sane during lockdown? I sure am, so I've been casting CoH2 almost every day!

    You can find the videos over at youtube.com/magpie842

    This week I'm streaming at 1100 GMT (1200 BST) at twitch.tv/magpie842

    Come join in, hang out and help me figure out this streaming malarky. We'd love to have you there!

    I cast live games from the top of the ladder, so there's a bit of everything.

    Thanks and gl hf out there!

    submitted by /u/Magpie842
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