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    Thursday, May 14, 2020

    Company of Heroes There are 3 typo's in this image, when will this get fixed?

    Company of Heroes There are 3 typo's in this image, when will this get fixed?

    There are 3 typo's in this image, when will this get fixed?

    Posted: 14 May 2020 09:29 AM PDT

    Terrifying corpse model (story in comments)

    Posted: 14 May 2020 01:07 PM PDT

    Early Game Soviet Assault Grenadier Counter

    Posted: 14 May 2020 08:21 PM PDT

    My conscripts keep getting wrecked by early assault grenadiers. I usually go for the 4 conscript start with base upgrades interspersed between them. This tends to work great against standard grenadier + MG builds, and I get enough fuel control for my t70.

    However, when the other guy brings in assault grenadiers supported with mg's they burned right through my conscripts and I still lose map control enough so that the t70 I need to counter the assaults comes out way too late.

    An idea I had was to bring out an mg instead of a 4th conscript, or maybe a quad on a half track (which costs more munitions, but saves on the fuel for the counter).

    What's a good counter to these in early game as soviets?

    submitted by /u/Questions3000
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    Master League teaser. First tournament starting June 20th - Support now! patreon.com/MasterLeague

    Posted: 14 May 2020 02:24 PM PDT

    Best times for "pick up" online play?

    Posted: 14 May 2020 06:55 PM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    I'm in the eastern time zone looking to play online every once in a while. What are the best times to log on for a game that'd be unplanned?

    submitted by /u/pig_onaskateboard
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    CoH1 Starts, but Black Screen

    Posted: 14 May 2020 09:22 PM PDT

    Hey, y'all!

    I recently built a new rig, and, sadly, it will not properly run CoH1 (which is a STAPLE game in any/all of my computers - it has been installed in every rig I've owned/built since 2006); the game starts up just fine and runs, but it's all a black screen.

    I can hear the logo screens loading (THQ, nVidia, Intel, etc.), then I can hear the main menu screen music playing, but still - black screen.

    This is the first rig EVER that this has happened on. I've tried:

    - forcing windowed, fullscreen, borderless windowed via command-line prompts,

    - forcing resolution/frame rate via command-line prompts,

    - uninstalling the only new software I run on the new rig (NZXT CAM, Corsair iCue, Logitech G-Hub)

    ...but no joy.

    I've searched high and low (tech forums, Steam forums, THQ forums), no solutions I've tried have worked.

    Any ideas?



    - AORUS X570 MASTER, current BIOS,

    - Ryzen 9 3950X

    - 2 x 16GB Gskill PC3600 RAM

    - AORUS RTX2080Ti

    - onboard Realtek audio

    - Windows 10 Prox64, current build; all current official drivers (chipset, video, audio)

    Nothing overclocked/underclocked, nothing over-volted/under-volted.



    - CLEVO Z170

    - Intel i7-7700K

    - 2 x 8GB Corsair Vengeance PC3200 RAM

    - nVidia GTX1080

    - onboard Realtek audio

    - Windows 10 Prox64, (at the time) current build, current official drivers



    submitted by /u/FesterSilently
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    I can't believe I'm still posting about this.

    Posted: 14 May 2020 09:40 AM PDT

    I can't believe I'm still posting about this.

    The Pak Howitzer damage profile has been ridiculous OP for far too long and can be an excellent crutch for USF players in team games. It is by FAR the most effective "mortar-type" unit and has been nerfed before but not in the way that it needs to: the damage profiling, or, "the amount of damage per unit of distance from the projectile landing".

    I've seen people defend it by saying it's fragile and expensive, but besides its fragility, it has almost no drawbacks and does ridiculous damage even on glancing hits, INCLUDING to armor. I've provided some charts below for comparison. This shows the damage profile at each "unit" of distance from the center of the explosion:

    LEIG 18 Damage

    I want to draw particular attention to the damage at a radius "far" or "3 units" from the explosion. On the LEIG OKW Support gun, this does 4 damage. You will also notice that the "AOE Near, Mid and Far" ranges are "1, 2 and 3" respectively.

    75mm Pack Howitzer

    For the pack howitzer, it is only matched by the Soviet 120mm mortar, which has received significant accuracy nerfs over the years while maintaining its damage profile (understandably so because it's large caliber).

    120MM Mortar

    Here are some additional charts for comparison:

    PM41 82MM (Soviet Mortar)

    M1 81MM Mortar (USF)

    While most mortars maintain an average of about 28 damage 2 units from the projectile landing, the Pack Howitzer boasts just over *61* damage. That is a difference of about 1/4 of an infantry unit's health, to over 3/4's. This allows it to tear through front line defensive infantry units, emplacements, other mortars, and even VEHICLES because it maintains a *51* penetration value (why???) compared to most other mortars which have around 10-12. That doesn't even include the special HE round attack it has.

    It has more range than other mortars, and if it is defended can provide an easy advance on defensive positions with its strong barrage capabilities and high damage to infantry units that are not mirrored by any other faction or unit.

    The other thing to consider which is not frequently mentioned is the projectile time, or the time spent by the projectile in the air after firing. Because of the weapon's low arc, the projectiles land much quicker than a mortar making them more difficult to dodge. This in tandem with its high area damage create an experience where team weapons (and even frontline units) are punished severely any time it manages to get a shot off.

    TL;DR: The Pack Howitzer overperforms in every aspect compared to other mortar-type weapons, especially in the mid-game when counter barraging units such as a Panzerwefer or Stuka half-track are not yet available. I recommend that the damage profile be reduced to match that of other mortar units which will allow the Howitzer to maintain its strengths as a versatile, long-range barrage unit with plenty of utility.

    submitted by /u/wreakinghavoc
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    T-34/85 is bully in kindergarten and never cannot be silenced. and all the times manage run away.

    Posted: 14 May 2020 05:06 PM PDT

    Looking for CoH 2 Co op theatre of war partner

    Posted: 14 May 2020 04:04 PM PDT

    Hi guys,

    I just got back into this game. I've played a bit and I'm currently beating the computer on hard in skirmish. I'm looking for someone to play the Co op theater of war scenarios with. I am on pacific standard time and normally play in the afternoon and evening during the week or on weekends.

    Would anybody like to play co-op with me? My steam username is Augustus and my friend code is 22903840

    submitted by /u/AultimusPrime
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    What did I do wrong, help please so I can improve.

    Posted: 14 May 2020 02:45 AM PDT

    So, I was playing a 3v3 game and it was all going fine untill I captured a star point, it went well in the beginning but when I started to set up defenses for the star point a guy in my team started to just spam ping that star point and calling me a noob like 30 times and then I got like really confused of what I was doing wrong so I tried to ask him but he and my other teammate just left the game.
    This made me confused and kinda worried that I just can't play the game... :(

    Pls give tips/help

    submitted by /u/TimZ-
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    Couple of questions to the current Meta for OST/SOV/USF in 1v1 (2v2)?

    Posted: 14 May 2020 07:32 AM PDT

    The last time I played CoH2 intensively was around the time of the GCS2. The Meta obviously changed, so which strats/buildorders are viable today?

    I liked snipers with Ostheer (3 grens into sniper) and Soviets (T1 sometimes with Guards). I rewatched a bit of the CoHrona cup, but I haven't seen sniper play like it just to be in the past. Even from Luvnest who was (is?) a sniper heavy player.
    If snipers are viable how are they implemented today as OST and SOV?

    Penals got nerfed or conscripts got buffed? I have seen quite a lot of games where cons are the main infantry again. Are they cost effective again and how good is the 7 man upgrade? PPshs still bad?

    Is rifles into fast M20 still the "standard" strat for USF?

    Does a BO with 4 grens and 1 or 2 MGs work with the current patch?
    In the final of the CoHrona cup a BO with osttruppen and panzergrens was used? Is this BO common or considered unusual and only used at high ELO?

    So what are the current "meta" build orders and commanders for OST, SOV and USF for 1v1?

    Does the heavy tank meta still rule 2v2? Elefant commander still a must pick in 2v2?

    submitted by /u/AOCFunkwecker
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    Tank destroyer for Ostheer

    Posted: 14 May 2020 09:48 AM PDT

    For playing ost many times im still struggle to counter these SU-85 or Jackson spam who can snipe tanks in front lines easy how do you solve this?

    I tried to counter it with panthers but they always need to get move closer to fire which means miss chance is a lot higher and getting easily exposed to AT guns.. also panthers are too expensive for its job i mean for a medium tank unit it can only counter tanks.

    i tried also with stug but the range is really the problem.. those su-85 or jackson gun range makes them stationary which means they hit tanks most of the time.

    Ferdi needs doctrine so pass on this

    Is there a reason why ost have no TD?

    submitted by /u/Iceicebabyy312
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    Can I get some troubleshooting help making a faceplate?

    Posted: 14 May 2020 09:16 AM PDT

    So! I followed both the official CoH2 Tools guide on how to make a faceplate, and then a video on youtube when the former wasn't detailed enough on some steps. I think I've got everything set up right, except that building the mod always fails if I have a faceplate and icon file in the data/ui folder. Even trying to build the example files it leaves in there fails. I've got java and Flex installed correctly, so I'm not sure what's going wrong. Here's the log output using the premade ui files:

    Building test1.mod...

    E:\Games\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Company of Heroes 2 Tools\AttributeEditorXML.exe --operation ModBinaryBurn --root "E:\Games\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Company of Heroes 2 Tools\assets\data\attributes\attributes.xml" --mod "C:\Users\j----\OneDrive\Documents\testfaceplate\test1.xml" --burn_path "C:\Users\j----\OneDrive\Documents\testfaceplate\test1 Intermediate Cache\Intermediate Files\attrib\attrib"

    Copying C:\Users\j----\OneDrive\Documents\testfaceplate\locale\english\english.ucs...

    Writing C:\Users\j----\OneDrive\Documents\testfaceplate\test1 Intermediate Cache\Intermediate Files\info\6412929228874ee2a98df53e2bf9aa81.info...

    Embedding 2 assets in C:\Users\j----\OneDrive\Documents\testfaceplate\test1 Intermediate Cache\ModIcons_6412929228874ee2a98df53e2bf9aa81.mxml...

    Embedding 1 symbols in C:\Users\j----\OneDrive\Documents\testfaceplate\test1 Intermediate Cache\6412929228874ee2a98df53e2bf9aa81-Config.xml...

    Generating C:\Users\j----\OneDrive\Documents\testfaceplate\test1 Intermediate Cache\6412929228874ee2a98df53e2bf9aa81-FlexConfig.xml...

    C:\Program Files\AdoptOpenJDK\jre-\bin\java.exe -Xmx1024m -Dsun.io.useCanonCaches=false -jar "lib\mxmlc.jar" +flexlib=frameworks "-load-config+=C:\Users\j----\OneDrive\Documents\testfaceplate\test1 Intermediate Cache\6412929228874ee2a98df53e2bf9aa81-Config.xml" "-load-config+=C:\Users\j----\OneDrive\Documents\testfaceplate\test1 Intermediate Cache\6412929228874ee2a98df53e2bf9aa81-FlexConfig.xml" -o "C:\Users\j----\OneDrive\Documents\testfaceplate\test1 Intermediate Cache\Intermediate Files\data\ui\Bin\6412929228874ee2a98df53e2bf9aa81.swf" -link-report "C:\Users\j----\OneDrive\Documents\testfaceplate\test1 Intermediate Cache\6412929228874ee2a98df53e2bf9aa81-LinkReport.xml"

    Error building test1.mod: C:\Program Files\AdoptOpenJDK\jre-\bin\java.exe failed with exit code 1.

    Built test1.mod.

    I'm lost at this point. Deleting the PNGs from the mod will cause it to build successfully, albeit with no actual faceplate. Anyone have any ideas?

    submitted by /u/nd4spd1919
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    How to stop Stormpioneers from rushing IS's?

    Posted: 14 May 2020 12:05 AM PDT

    So like how are you supposed to fight Stormpioneers as the UKF? They just rush my IS's and force a retreat 9/10 times because they wipe the squad so fast. I try to get a Vickers out but they enemy usually has two stormpio's squads out and wrecking house by the time I can get it out.

    submitted by /u/TabiasE1920
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    No clue how this game has such bad matchmaking

    Posted: 14 May 2020 01:30 AM PDT

    Literally get matched with Russians and Chinese when I'm from central US like what the fuck is this lol

    submitted by /u/ImTheEnigma
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