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    Sunday, June 14, 2020

    Company of Heroes Am I the only one who feels the Brumbar is too strong?

    Company of Heroes Am I the only one who feels the Brumbar is too strong?

    Am I the only one who feels the Brumbar is too strong?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 05:38 PM PDT

    Last time I played the game, I was pretty annoyed when a brumbar was able to tank shots from my Jackson and Easy 8, move in get a killer shot on my retreating rifleman and retreat scot-free.

    Another time I was in a narrow area and had two 6 pounders firing, but the brumbar again tanked the shots and decrewed the AT guns. So now when playing UKF I usually just go special weapons regiment because piat infantry is great.

    It's a little frustrating, to say the least.

    submitted by /u/cool_anime_dad
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    Company of Heroes : Europe in Ruins is officialy on Steam

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 05:37 AM PDT


    The fan-made mod Company of Heroes : Europe in Ruins is finally on Steam, over 10 years in development, boasting persistency and a strong community.

    Check it out, as while I'm not a dev, I've had boatloads of fun playing the mod over the years! :)


    submitted by /u/Olazaika
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    I've created High Fens, a new 2v2 map, and would love your help testing it

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 09:55 AM PDT

    Can we mute pings or chat from specific players in game?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 08:31 PM PDT

    I'm thinking probably not, because the only fucking moderation in this game is a condescending profanity filter, but I figured I'd ask anyway. If the option to surrender is hid behind an arbitrary UI element that's incredibly easy to miss, who's to say some actual control might not be tucked away somewhere.

    I'm just. So tired. So unbelievably tired of players who have enough micro to not just control their own units, but ping and question and comment on every single move their teammates make.

    So tired of starting a match with a friendly "GL HF" and having someone SHRIEK OBSCENITIES at me until somebody drops and the game falls apart.

    And, most of all, I'm so GOD. DAMN. TIRED. of getting matchmade with players like "Death 2 Nigs" and knowing that I'm about to spend the next 40-60 minutes validating this piece of shit's existence by sharing an instance with them.

    Please. I'm begging you. Tell me there's a mute button.

    submitted by /u/Tsiniloiv
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    Ploiesti Outskirts Update for Master League / FHQ Fix Discussion on all WhiteFlash maps

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 01:38 PM PDT

    What happened to this guy and Shadowwada?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 05:40 PM PDT

    How come Germany, and not the soviets get a bajillion scoped rifle upgrades?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 05:07 PM PDT

    Russia historically had scopes and marksmen coming out of the woodwork, while Germany comparitively had fuckall sniper/marksmen gear due to selling it all prior to ww2.

    Meanwhile in game every 2nd german soldier seems to have a scoped g43, complete with sniper trails.

    This really puts an enemy at my gates :/ .

    submitted by /u/Atomic_Gandhi
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    finished the campaign.

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 05:46 AM PDT


    It was awesome. The game really kicks off after the Leningrad mission. Taking Berlin was a blast. The Cut-scenes are great. I really think it was a good story. Great game.

    submitted by /u/thom92Pf3105
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    UKF Encampments

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 06:15 PM PDT

    Have recently purchased COH2 and absolutely love this game despite being pretty average at it for the moment!

    One thing I am struggling with is the UKF encampments. Maybe someone can help:

    They seem extremely fragile given they are effectively fortified positions or is it just me? Engineers struggle to maintain repairs and the engineer unit is extremely exposed when doing repairs and even sitting inside the encampment.

    The risk versus reward isn't worth it? Given they are in fixed location and cost a large % of your pop it's a real gamble as it is. What I mean by that is, not only do you have to secure a good position often under heavy fire you then have to build the encampment (takes time) and when the enemies know exactly where you are. It's not long before you are under constant mortar and Arty pressure that is nearly impossible to endure. On top of that they can just move their resources to a new location....

    Is there a way to sell encampments or pack them up and move to a new location or something?

    Both the AI and Mortar encampment seem pretty pointless to me as a new player. The AI gun is a frontline encampment that is extremely fragile. Yes, it's gun is nice but it a couple of AT shots away from being a pile of rubble and it can't survive arty barrages to allow repairs. Mobile mortars from other factions are just far superior and can quickly reposition to avoid destruction and continue to rain down hell.

    The big AT gun can take a bit more punishment and the range at least allows you to have in well defended behind your lines. Again though, it's an expensive unit that is fixed on position and begs the question why not just get an AT Tank instead?

    Overall, I feel like there are too many downsides to the encampments to make them enjoyable. For what they are they are poorly fortified against mortars and artillery. Engineers repair slow and are very vulnerable even when inside and most of all your are stuck in position for little upside. Basically, it's the definition of a sitting duck.

    I can understand that they have to be countered but fixed encampments need to be defendable otherwise why bother having these units in the game?


    • Make engineers repair encampments faster even if it has to cost more.

    • Units inside encampments should be well protected.

    • Add an expensive T4 upgrade that further improves the defensive of encampments (armour/HP). By late game you are dealing with multiple tanks, and constant artillery.

    • Not sure how you deal with mobile enemy mortar teams but maybe that is a L2p issue for me??

    submitted by /u/Gibsx
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    Recommended starting faction for someone who is new to vCoH2 multiplayer.

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 02:14 AM PDT

    So I'm kind of wanting to seriously get into playing automatch games and I'm looking for some advice for a """new""" player. The thing that makes it weird is that I have played CoH2 for about 750 hours; about 90%+ of those have been spent doing modded PvE/PvP games. I'd say I have a good grasp on a lot of the core game mechanics and overall game balance just from following this sub for some time but I'm not at all good at actual vCoH multiplayer.

    That being said, I'd like to find a faction that is pretty easy to learn the ropes of how the game works. I'm primarily looking to play 1v1 and 2v2 games if that is a factor at all (which I'm sure it is).

    submitted by /u/HereCreepers
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    Relic pls give Axis a mobile arty

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 06:53 AM PDT

    Like Hummel or Wespe

    submitted by /u/MedicsGoToHeaven
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    Toggle UI (HUD) mod (Cannot find it this time around)

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 03:51 AM PDT

    Company of heroes 2 SP

    I recall less than a year ago, I searched and searched and finally found a mod that was very simple and allowed one to toggle the UI on/off while playing. This combined with the WASD .ahk scirpt are essential to me, however I cannot find the toggle UI mod anymore...?

    I have found the cheatmode, but that's far more complex than what I used and I don't need anything other than toggling the UI with keys to quickly enable/disable.

    Also a mod that allows the middle mouse button to rotate the camera horizontally on it's X axis would be nice too.

    submitted by /u/belis1453
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    when nobody except u builds fuel caches

    Posted: 14 Jun 2020 12:32 AM PDT

    its getting on my nerfes lately, since its always me who has to build all caches. Even if I make 90% of all caches and ask my tteam to make at least 1 cache - no response.At that point I am fed up and want to destroy their tank buildings, because why should they be allowed to make all those tanks when they havent even contributed to the fuel.I make all fuels, they stay selfish, but swim in fuel late game?! FUK that shit,. Im not puttinfg up with this anymore.
    furthermore, in rare cases I see someone else making lots of fuel caches, and to ease their work, I always make at least one cache if I see that. just letting someone else make all caches and u only profit from it is very selfish and unacceptable

    submitted by /u/PikaBoy321
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