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    Wednesday, June 17, 2020

    Company of Heroes what if they pulled the hard flank, could you stop the soviet submarine tank division?

    Company of Heroes what if they pulled the hard flank, could you stop the soviet submarine tank division?

    what if they pulled the hard flank, could you stop the soviet submarine tank division?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 09:08 PM PDT

    The sad tale of the red death

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 09:34 AM PDT

    Does anyone ever develop a story for their Snipers in their head during a match? I do, I think that because I'm putting so much effort into keeping two singular units alive I kind of just make up a story for the two models.

    The match I played last night involved two Soviet Snipers. In my head these two were childhood friends, and worked well together. Their names were Dimitri and Natalia. They were so effective that during the battle they had racked up 100 kills between the both of them. Unfortunately During a German counter attack. Fascist Artillery starting raining down from above. Conscripts were dying left and right. Mortar teams were struggling to return fire, and SU85 crews were doing their best to holdback the incoming German Armor. Meanwhile Our two Snipers were stuck Behind enemy lines, and we're doing their best to hold back the panzer grenadiers which had spotted them. Knowing the value of these two brave soldiers. Commander Iheath99 sent two of his best penal Battalions to try and rescue these brave Soviet soldiers. While attempting to escape. A German air strike was called in. Dimitri managed to survive unscathed , but his Darling Natalia along with the two brave penal battalions were caught in the blast. One second she Was Right behind him. then she was a gone, a red puff of mist replaced the body that once stood before him. Although Dimitri was devastated by this loss. He knew the battle must go on, he was issued a replacement sniper who looked similar to his Natalia, but it would never be the same. The girl he had spent the last two years killing fascists with was gone. Now he was alone, hoping that he too would make the ultimate sacrifice.

    submitted by /u/iheath99
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    Serzhánt Ivan Malashenko, and Junior Serzhánt Valehry Kenpinski waiting for their next assignment. Hill 300 1944 Colorized.

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 06:12 PM PDT

    Help ! I have installed it by CD and it doesn't let me play with any commanders. I play with only regular army.

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 11:35 AM PDT

    How would you Counter Me?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 02:29 AM PDT

    Playing 2v2
    My Mate playing Sovjets Tank Hunter ^^
    I am playing Briths Vanguard Operations
    My main Units are: Croc, Churchill, Firefly or Centaur (FF if more Tanks / Centa if more Infantry)
    When the midgame starts we start to play bit defensiv.
    And as the Croc and Churchill roll in, I will Cap the importend Points with the Tank Caputre ability of my Commander.
    Any Tank,ATG HMG which try to defend the point will notice the insane HP of the Churchills. The Firefly can Hit from a far. And the Infantry gets Burned by the Croc.
    I know this isn´t the perfect tactic, so I need to know where can I improve it?
    So the best why to improve is know what your enymy would do.
    How would you counter me?

    submitted by /u/MontyP15
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    Panzergrenadier Doctrine

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 01:34 PM PDT

    Hello guys. This is my suggestion for an Ostheer analogue to Rifle Company, a doctrine that's centered around a Panzergrenadier core that is meant to buff Panzergrenadiers for the most part, provide an anti-infantry/team weapon off map and a doctrinal tank. Enjoy!

    0 CP: 250 Halftrack

    Like the Infantry Doctrine variant, can be produced.

    2 CP: Tripwire Flares

    Panzergrenadiers can deploy Tripwire Flares.

    3 CP: Stg44 IR "Vampir"

    Panzergrenadiers can be upgraded with 2 Stg44 IR, the same as those on Obersoldaten, which means they lose both weapon slots but get the special Stg44IR that does better damage as well as perform better against cover.

    5 CP: Puma

    7 CP: Incendiary Nebelwerfer Barrage

    An off-map rocket strike with the same number of rockets as a Panzerwerfer spread out over a wider area is fired. These rockets have incendiary warheads.

    submitted by /u/ecmrush
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    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 02:20 PM PDT

    I'm back at it. I just lost a 4v4 game by 2 points becouse of goddamn bunkers.

    Who had the idea of making the bunker gunner inmune to bullets? I mean why is that balanced or makes any sense? At least give bunkers or emplacements to all factions, or make him die to snipers or someting, why do I need to coordinate my whole army, make AT or something (as a single molotov can't kill becouse obviosuly the guy is also inmune to fire even though moltovs were used for specific situations like this) to deal with a well placed emplacement?

    On the last points of a close match it's so strong when everybody barely has units and you have to get the point at all costs. It doesn't even take pop cap, is the guy a ghost? is that why he's inmune to everything?

    Before someone says it, mortars are not a good counter, first of all it would mean making a mortar and then wasting a lot of time having to barrage the thing multiple times while being an easy target. AT guns are a bit better but you have get there with the weak AT gun while the bunker creates a safe zone in front of him so you can easily get harrassed, bombarded or flanked.

    Also before someone says it, yes an IS-2, 3 katyuskas and 25 T-34 and 300 cons squadscan destroy it but why do I need to move all my army and a make a micro consuming attack putting myself in a worst position for a 150 manpower 60 ammo thing that already did it's job defending a point for more than a minute AT LEAST before I can prepare the attack. And he can be ready for it if he's a good player and take profit of the better positon as axis already has enough defensive stuff.

    Rant over.

    submitted by /u/Biebbs
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    I asked before about on time bug.

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 01:38 AM PDT

    and now even i play alone this time zone keep freezing. its on custom map. and i have getting repots on that map on freezing time after winter update. so i start to fear that update messed up on my map.

    submitted by /u/Soope_S
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    Chris Kyle

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 12:07 AM PDT

    RNG and direct fire damage

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 11:52 PM PDT

    I don't know if people talk about this, but this game needs to remove some of its RNG, its getting ridiculous, I had 5 upgraded panzerfusiliers with recon package AND 1 strumpioneer behind green cover, 1 fking shock troops walks up from max range down the road in negative cover, runs all the way in front of my strumpioneer and shreds it to 1 model within 2 seconds, then retreats with 70% health??? I watched the replay and I can see barrage of bullets from my troops literally ALL missing for a good 5 seconds, despite them standing still and being troops with supposedly good accuracy. This game's RNG makes it so inconsistent its quite triggering, sometimes you don't do any damage, but some times you do too much, why is this a thing, its literally ruining the game for me. I'm sure we've all been in fights we think we should win, but thanks to RNG you lose 2 models right off the bat as soon as he appears, and u are doing no damage to him. damage output should be determined by a player's positioning and mechanics, not a dice. I don't want a slot machine in a strategy game.

    Here is the requested clip

    I mis-recalled the volks for strumpioneers

    submitted by /u/0bliv0us
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    SU-85 gang

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 01:12 AM PDT

    T-34/85 gang

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 01:01 AM PDT

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