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    Saturday, July 18, 2020

    Company of Heroes Replacing losses as Soviets

    Company of Heroes Replacing losses as Soviets

    Replacing losses as Soviets

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 11:21 AM PDT

    "Comrade Partisan, destroy this german wunderwaffe." "Niet comrade commander, I've got a better idea!"

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 08:33 PM PDT

    What is your opinion of Vielsalm? Suggestion with image.

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 03:01 AM PDT

    EFFORTPOST: An Analysis of the Soviet v Ostheer Matchup

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 12:57 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm a mediocre (~level 13) Soviet player. Recently, I made a post in the stickied balance discussion about what I thought was unhealthy about Soviets and the Ostheer matchup in particular. This was in light of recent league results which showed the Soviets rarely played near the end of the tournament, and when they were played, it was usually in a janky build which never went T4, instead opting to build several ZiS guns and T-70s. I don't think this is a healthy metagame, so I'm going to talk a little about what I think needs to change.

    So, a quick review: Sov vs Ost is a matchup which revolves heavily around vehicle timings. Ostheer spends the first few minutes setting up for either a 222 or a flame halftrack (or both, or multiple 222s) which Soviets have no vehicular answer to. Soviets answer back with a T-70, which destroys everything that ostheer has short of their tanks. Ostheer responds with their Tier 3, usually a Panzer 4, which Soviets struggle to deal with. This is a nice lead into the first problem with the matchup:

    How do Soviets handle a Panzer 4? Non-doctrinally, let's take a look at every Anti-Tank unit the Soviets have. PTRS penals are great against light vehicles, but penal PTRSes are borderline useless against medium tanks. While the sticky satchel does a ton of damage, it requires such close range that you're unlikely to get it against an aware, competent player. The SU-76 was once a popular option and Soviet players would often build multiples to counter Panzer 4s, but since the accuracy nerf and barrage nerfs, the SU-76 has gotten much worse at reliably countering enemy mediums and barraging soft targets. The SU-85 can absolutely handle Panzer 4s at range, but are expensive and come out much, much later than Panzer 4s, and without anti-tank support on the flank, they are liable to get flanked and killed by Panzer 4s. This leaves Soviets with two units: the T-34/76 and ZiS guns.

    ZiS guns do their job. They're durable, effective with veterancy, and have bonus barrage utility. But the T-34/76 is much harder to justify building. The comparison to Panzer 4s is pretty dire: The T-34 has worse penetration, firerate, accuracy, and armor than the Panzer 4, and all the Ostheer T3 units present a significant challenge to it, even the Ostwind. The only real advantage of the T-34 over the Panzer 4 is the cheaper cost, and even then the cost difference isn't huge. None of this would be a real issue if not for the second problem: due to the incredibly high cost of Soviet T4 (240 MP and 90 fuel), the first T-34 usually hits the field after the first Panzer 4. Due to this, it's very hard to counter Panzer 4s with T-34s, especially alone. When you put it like this, no wonder no one is bothering building them - they come out later than units which counter them, struggle to stay alive, and can't kill enemy armor for crap. Thus, ZiS guns, almost always multiples, are the only reliable counter that Soviets have to an enemy Panzer 4.

    "But Junkmail", I can hear comments already being typed, "comparing the T-34 and Panzer 4 is completely unfair! They're different units in different armies with different roles! I bet you're just overcommitting your T-34s. If you play passively with them and use them to dig out enemy infantry, like you would with a mortar, you'll find them much more useful!" To which I'd reply that I think the comparison is somewhat fair in that both units are the mainline medium tanks of their factions and thus do have somewhat similar roles, and also this fails to address my point on how necessary ZiS guns are for Soviet AT, but perhaps a more enlighting comparison is with a Soviet unit: The T-70.

    The T-70 is probably the unit in the game which most needs a nerf, and has been a centralizing problem unit for years. Let's compare the T-70 against the T-34: Building a T-34 instead of a T-70 gives you very few bonuses. You get access to the ram, a bigger main gun with more penetration, more armor, and 240 more health. The ram is insanely unreliable and usually means throwing away your T-34, the main gun is nice but still can't reliably penetrate Ostheer medium armor, the extra armor barely matters since every Ostheer anti-tank unit has insane penetration and can reliably pen both a T-70 and T-34, and the extra health is useful but rarely a dealbreaker.

    On the other hand, the T-70 is cheaper, has better anti-infantry damage, much better mobility, extra utility with it's vision special, a smaller target size, and perhaps most crucially, doesn't require building the expensive T4 building. In other words, the T-70 is better at the role the T-34 is usually recommended for. In addition, the T-70 is by far the best counter to the Ostheer light vehicles mentioned previously: without it, Soviets have a really hard time effectively controlling the map against a flame halftrack or 222. With all these factors in mind, playing ZiS + T-70 becomes an obvious core of your army.

    Since the T-70 rework in 2017, the unit has only seen small buffs since that time. Meanwhile, almost every other Soviet unit, including the SU-76, SU-85, T-34, Conscripts and Penals, have seen major changes and nerfs, even while the T-70 has been built in almost every Soviet game. I think with all this in mind, the path forward is clear: nerf the T-70, buff the T-34, and give more anti-tank options. I think a firerate nerf on the T-70, along with a potential movespeed nerf would bring it more in-line with other units. Meanwhile, an armor buff on the T-34 would make it actually able to brawl with Ostheer T3. The SU-76 and PTRS penals also need some love. I'd at least partially revert the SU-76 accuracy nerf, especially in light of the medium tank target size buff, and give PTRS penals penetration that can actually do anything against a medium tank - this way, players don't feel like they're 100% forced to build AT guns.

    Anyways, thanks for listening to my shit player rant. I hope that we can finally end the T-70s stranglehold on the Soviet metagame and finally have an interesting, diverse faction for once.

    submitted by /u/junkmail22
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    My random teammate is racist, so here he is

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    Just wanted to play some 4vs4 chill games and this guy just started sending furious hate upon me for being Vietnamese. Too bad replays don't save TeamChat so we missed out on most of the super awful stuff, but he did use AllChat too.

    I get that games will have trolling and bad sportsmanship and toxicity, but at some point some stuff isn't gonna be okay to say to another human being.

    The other players however were fine people with no issues.

    (Note, poster is Vietnamese and images include comments directed towards Vietnamese, including racial slurs)

    The pics for all your viewing.

    submitted by /u/ThieuTuongNam
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    CoH2 : RNGesus giveth, and RNGesus taketh away.

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 12:59 AM PDT

    Resistance Tactics (SOV)

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 07:12 PM PDT

    This doctrine heavily enforces not letting down and being able to quickly react to enemy breakthroughs and Punish the enemy for all out assaults. Distract your enemy by mingling with there lines and disrupting them as well as ambushing there units moving to the front with Disruption Partisans and Quickly Repair vehicles with conscript repair packages and Launch Counter offensives with the Resistance support Strike ability. And finally push through your enemies weakened front lines with the Heavy Hitting IS-2 Ace and use ML-20 Howitzers to dig out enemy positions for your IS-2 to continue its march . Before you read it i know its an ass commander and i know they aren't getting any new models but it would still be cool to see a new infantry unit added as well with a IS-2 commander.

    3cps Disruption Partisans

    A 5 man squad of partisans with Mosin nagants as their main armament.

    They are meant to disrupt enemy supply lines to distract units who react with the ability to camouflage and lay mines and barb wire as well as radio stations (like USF Pathfinder stations) that give line of sight and may give information on what the enemy is up to.

    They are very weak and are not good in combat unless in green cover or garrisoned. In numbers they get a slight accuracy boost. (what i mean by in numbers is if 2 of the Disruption Partisans are in close proximity to one another they get said accuracy boost. Can be upgraded with 3 SVT rifles for 40 munitions or 2 PTRS rifles and an Anti tank grenade for 60 that will Replace there AT mines with a heavier AT mine that stuns the tank for a longer period of time while dealing a little less damage.

    5cps Conscript Repairs

    7cps Resistance support Strike

    When your enemy launches a large scale assault you will be ready.

    All enemy units moving through your territory will be bombarded by ML-20 Howitzers from off map and any existing ones on map and will then be followed up by a recon overflight of your enemies territory and said recon plane will strafe your enemy for 20 seconds before leaving the area. 175 Munitions and 280 Manpower

    8cps ML-20 152mm Howitzers

    13cps IS-2 Ace

    An IS-2 Ace may be called onto the field.

    This IS-2 Ace is a powerful foe on the battlefield with a slight edge starting off at 1 Veterancy.

    Has a few abilities.

    1. Combined Barrage.

    All friendly artillery pieces on the map will launch a barrage on the selected area.

    Includes Katys and the ML-20s along with any super close SU-76s. Costs 80 Munitions

    1. Mark target

    A weaker version of the Doctrinal one but it still applies that the vehicle will be easier to pierce and take more damage from said pierced rounds. Costs 80 Munitions

    1. Assault Mode

    Makes all nearby infantry more accurate and harder to hit. As Well as making them run faster and any nearby vehicles will be harder to hit for the duration. While making the IS-2 shoot slower and have a lower turret turning speed. Cost 50 Munitions

    Don't be to hard on me by the way i just smashed this together in a few hours but at the same time i want to hear your feedback so tell me if its horrible decent or good commander idea.

    submitted by /u/Tank_comander_308
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    Who would win

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 05:40 PM PDT

    Last time I had like 2 Puma against a KV 1 but I lost. Maybe I'm just an Average Joe.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/AdorableKiwi16
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    unusual game

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 02:59 AM PDT

    Are trenches omni-directional?

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    Hello all,

    I typically don't play doctrines that dig trenches but I have started with a few of them. Every trench has a cone of fire / LoS type indicator when you dig it, but the troops in it seem to shoot any direction.
    Is the indicator for an MG gun and infantry can shoot any direction? Or whats the purpose of the directional indicator?

    Any insight appreciated. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/chr0n1c_1337
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    Misleading doctrine description

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 12:30 AM PDT

    The current description for the Royal Engineers Regiment mentions that "...Vehicles and emplacements can repair themselves." I can't find any way for emplacements to do so. Is this just an unupdated description from a previous patch or is there something I am missing?

    Honestly I am kind of confused as to what this doctrine is for, the engineer flamethrowers can't deal much damage, and the engineers are too fragile to get in a good position to use them. If you want to go engineer heavy with powerful emplacements, you can't get Bofors if you want to use the command vehicle before Tier 3 tech, because you can't put it on UCs. Aside from the AVRE, what's supposed to be the ideal early game for this regiment?

    submitted by /u/darkleinad
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    Is there any way to get all CoH 2's sound files in wav or mp3?

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 08:01 AM PDT

    I did already extract the .sga file with CoH2 tool on steam but now i have .smf files. Is there other way to extract the files to get is .wav or .mp3? Or convert .smf file? All the links im find are 7-5 years old and relic new relicnews is down.

    submitted by /u/GergoHUN19
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    Nazi Conspiracy at the Heart of Relic

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 02:42 PM PDT

    I have been playing this game since launch in 2013 and can now safely say the balance issue can be explained by one single reason: the Nazi bias of the game developer. This game was designed by disappointed Nazi who wanted to bring to life their fantasy of enslavement of free people. I fought many hard battle with the Allies (US, UK, Soviet) and the amount of unfair advantage the Nazi faction has is beyond belief. The Allies inability to wipe units on retreat path, a Comet unable to win a one on one fight with a PIV, a brumbar scoring more bull's eye hit than a KV2 in stationary position. I've witnessed too much not to come to that conclusion. It is time the people of the free world rise and make this truth be known far and wide. The Nazis have infiltrated Relic and brought about a golden era of the wehraboo. What is to be done about this?

    submitted by /u/KalosPolemos
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    Who would win

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 01:30 AM PDT

    It's an OPEN MAP and no cover.

    u/gtacleveland no reply in my post ok?

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    submitted by /u/AdorableKiwi16
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