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    Friday, August 21, 2020

    Company of Heroes 1v1 with friend

    Company of Heroes 1v1 with friend

    1v1 with friend

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 01:55 PM PDT

    *girlish squeeing*

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 08:49 PM PDT

    German Fear/Terror doctrine ideas

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 06:42 PM PDT

    Since my last post yesterday about the german fear doctrines, I came up with a few ideas on how they could look like both for the Wehrmacht and OKW. I took some ideas from the comments, so thank you for the ideas, bois!

    Please keep in mind that I'm no balancing expert, nor a very good player so take this with a grain of salt. Also I kinda... had to give up some historical accuracy to make them work. You'll see why... I think

    Wehrmacht version:

    Disarray/Panic doctrine: This doctrine focuses on aggressive play, with units and abilities that allow you to storm and destroy enemy positions much easier, and making you much harder to read/ detect.

    0cp: Incendiary grenades can now be thrown by Grenadiers, Assault grenadiers, and Panzergrenadiers.

    0cp: Assault Grenadiers can be deployed to the battlefield. They come equipped with MP40s and Model 24 grenades.

    3cp: Enigma Disinformation: Using false information and cryptid codes you'll leave the enemy confused about your next move. For the next 60 seconds upon activation, your troops will be hidden on the minimap and the enemy will receive random, false "infantry/enemy detected" notifications on theirs.

    6cp: Nebelwerfer 42 multiple rocket launcher can now be deployed to the battlefield. This mobile medium-ranged multiple rocket launcher can rain down an intense barrage of HE rockets or smoke in an area. Once at vet 3, it can fire poison gas rounds. Costs the same as a land mattress.

    10cp: Railway artillery support: Off map artillery will fire 3 large-caliber shells to the designated target area.

    OKW version:

    Terror shock doctrine: This doctrine employs the uses of drastic measures by utilizing demoralizing and fear-inducing weapons and tactics on your foes, making enemies' lives much harder.

    0cp: Demolarizing assault package: Sturmpionners can be equipped with flammenwerfer 35/41 (41 preferably) and can lay down the Abwehrflammenwerfer 42 flame mine while Volksgrenadiers can be equipped with 2 FG 42 Light Machine Guns and can throw the Propaganda-Gewehrgranate from their FG 42's.

    ocp: The StuG III (Flamm) can now be built from the Schwerer panzer headquarters. A modified Stug III with a schwade flamethrower in place of the main gun. Sporting thicker armor than the Hetzer, and much more range, this unit can burn infantry alive from much longer ranges at the cost of speed. At vet 2, it can go into stealth mode. Can be upgraded with a panzer commander for better vision and call down toxic gas artillery.

    2cp: Propaganda munitions can now be fired by Le.IG 18 infantry support guns. Behaves like the fear propaganda from "terror tactic" with reduced effect and limited range but can be fired much quicker and frequently.

    4cp: Terror Obersoldaten can now be called into the battlefield. These squads already come equipped with 2 semi-automatic G43 rifles. At vet 1 they unlock their special ability "Execution", allowing them to brutally execute an enemy casualty to terrify surrounding enemy units.

    9cp: Vengeance weapons can now be called in to decimate targets in its massive explosion. Surviving infantry and tanks are pinned or crew shocked respectively.

    submitted by /u/Vlaknutter
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    Elite Armoured Fast 223 Strategy - Off Meta Report

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 07:56 PM PDT

    Does anyone know how to fix this?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 02:09 PM PDT

    When's the next Comet vs Churchill debate?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 03:49 AM PDT

    I want to see the fire start up again.

    submitted by /u/St0neyTec
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    Subtle Reshade Testing on CoH2

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 11:31 AM PDT

    Imgur Images link: https://imgur.com/gallery/fin1QxQ

    Comparison Sliders:

    001 - https://cdn.knightlab.com/libs/juxtapose/latest/embed/index.html?uid=f38a0218-e3d8-11ea-bf88-a15b6c7adf9a

    002 - https://cdn.knightlab.com/libs/juxtapose/latest/embed/index.html?uid=1b7fc35c-e3d9-11ea-bf88-a15b6c7adf9a

    003 - https://cdn.knightlab.com/libs/juxtapose/latest/embed/index.html?uid=44f9bfd0-e3d9-11ea-bf88-a15b6c7adf9a

    004 - https://cdn.knightlab.com/libs/juxtapose/latest/embed/index.html?uid=70d4c7a8-e3d9-11ea-bf88-a15b6c7adf9a

    005 - https://cdn.knightlab.com/libs/juxtapose/latest/embed/index.html?uid=836d6a32-e3d9-11ea-bf88-a15b6c7adf9a

    006 - https://cdn.knightlab.com/libs/juxtapose/latest/embed/index.html?uid=9fd4b162-e3d9-11ea-bf88-a15b6c7adf9a

    007 - https://cdn.knightlab.com/libs/juxtapose/latest/embed/index.html?uid=b4a8e0e0-e3d9-11ea-bf88-a15b6c7adf9a

    008 - https://cdn.knightlab.com/libs/juxtapose/latest/embed/index.html?uid=c1f918b4-e3d9-11ea-bf88-a15b6c7adf9a

    009 - https://cdn.knightlab.com/libs/juxtapose/latest/embed/index.html?uid=de32eb2c-e3d9-11ea-bf88-a15b6c7adf9a

    Not perfect, some may consider the tone maybe too warm, but I like it, some effects may look a bit strange such the AO... My goal was trying to give to the game a bit more "deph" and sighly upgrade how the texture looks, the sighly tinting was mostly to try to remove a bit that "older look" tell me what you think... If interested I could upload the files.

    *Note, the 1st image didnt had applied a masking 4 the UI, the next ones do have it. (only lower bar, not other icons or UI elements are masked, however those were not that required as the change are barely noticeable)

    submitted by /u/BioClone
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    Changing faction

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 10:51 PM PDT

    So, i'm main axis player, Ostherr to be exact, but i want to try the other armies, wich one should i go with? USF? UKF? Soviets? Wich one is funnier to play with?

    submitted by /u/caliman1111
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    OKW doctrine - Final assault

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 07:52 AM PDT

    I saw someone post this a bit ago as a joke. Thought the idea was cool and wanted to do my own. Kinda OP but meh

    Fight to the last man and use every last soldier, bullet, and resource to hold the enemy back no matter the cost. Volkssturm civilian soldiers will be called in to exchange blood for time, Pioneers will be equiped to fight back advancing forces when utilizing captured infrastructure. Use captured tanks when resources have been exhausted and when all hope seems lost, throw everything you have left into one final offensive with strengthened units

    Salvaging yields munitions resources

    0 CP - Volkssturm - two squads of Volkssturm. They'll have same stats as Protruppen but even worse. No LMG upgrade and they can't be vetted. They'll still have their Panzerfuast and cover bonus will now only work when garrisoned instead of behind cover. They can be deployed from any ambient building and build bunkers and trenches 180 MP cost.

    3 CP - Hold them back - Sturmpioneers will have democharges and an ability to call down off map artillery on any occupied building /within/ friendly territory for 180 muni.

    3 CP - STG Obers (Or Sturm officer idk yet)

    10 CP - Armor Desperation - two captured enemy tanks (RNG for either. 2 light tanks or 2 medium tanks) anything from 2 T70s to 2 Cromwell tanks will be dispatched for 200 fuel. 50/50 chance of either getting 2 light tanks or 2 medium tanks. Will either be a net gain or net lose depending on what you get. Used only for players in desperate need of armor.

    13 CP - The Last Offensive - 100 fuel and 250 munitions cost. For a set time duration all infantry will move quicker, have increased accuracy, damage output and fight harder for every downed model in that squad. All vehicles will reload faster have better accuracy when firing on the move and be able to capture points as well. Infantry loses will be replaced with Volkssturm and if no vehicles are in the field and both fuel and muni is below 15, a panther will be dispatched. 2 percent chance of a Jeager Recon squad being dispatched instead of Volkssturm. * RESOURCE PRODUCTION INCLUDING MP WILL BE HALTED WHEN ACTIVE. *

    submitted by /u/cool_anime_dad
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    Why do the Soviets suck so much right now?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 02:58 PM PDT

    Like seriously they are just Trash right now IS-2 can't beat a panther Cons lose to freaking Osttruppen and Penals aren't even an option looking at how they become a horrible decision late game Maxims are the only way to go. They rely on the T-70 which isn't exactly a good thing seeing as how bad relying on a Light tank is. Did i mention how bad Conscripts are? Katy's are not reliable anymore. They don't get elite infantry without the Infantry Kompanya and the Penals are just bad right now Sniper is always good but is still not amazing and the Scout car is only good for MG spam which is insta countered by literally any gun of Faust. There over all super weak right now And there Base tanks are kind of Garbage seeing as the SU-85 is there only way to scratch the paint on a tiger it doesn't seem very b a l a n c e d Much less there Anti blob capabilities are kinda bad without Demos and Katy's as i said aren't good right now. I know they aren't adding new models but seriously SOV getting the SU-122 would be dope. it's a Brummbar in a SU-85s body btw

    There only chance is to play team games and there they are still a mediocre support faction. and i tried to Play a 1v1 with them well actually 3 or so those went to shit so quick. I also run into the fact OKW beats SOV to 4 squads most times out of not which is just dumb. They rely on a commander for Elite infantry as well which isn't a good idea seeing as how not all of them have Elites. Over all SOV is very Weak right now and please try to convince me otherwise or show me the way because i do an average SOV build.

    and yet i still have a shitty win loss ratio and don't give me any of that oh you just suck I am a decent rank in 2v2 and 1v1 for each faction and Soviets are my One faction with a bad rank which is usually between 4 and 7 in 2v2 and 1v1 is always 1 because of how many times i've been rekt over and over again

    submitted by /u/Tank_comander_308
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    1v1 usf tips?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 01:55 AM PDT

    I've been playing 2v2 a lot more but I've decided to try 1v1 as usf, I know how my build order goes for this faction, what do I need is some micro tips, since this faction is really micro intensive and playing alone against 1 enemy means a lot more microing is gonna be involved. Any tips are welcome

    submitted by /u/SolomonFix
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    COH 3 should be designed specifically for 4v4 play.

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 04:46 AM PDT

    Controversial Opinion, I know.

    I like playing big games with multiple friends along a long and evolving front, I think this is when the game is at its most cinematic and emergent. As it stands the balance is prioritised for 1v1 and this doesn't scale terribly well. I'm not saying 1v1 coh is bad, I'm just saying the game has more room to grow in bigger matches with more players. I dont think this will be easy, It will be a challenge to balance commanders and units so that they still retain individual effectiveness whilst also not creating a toxic blobby mass.

    I think when Coh and Coh2 were made coop pvp wasn't as much of a thing (it was more lans and playing with randoms). But the landscape has changed with Mobas and team shooters. I think designing coh 3 primarily for 1v1 would be a big missed opportunity.

    submitted by /u/Figwheels
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    More incentives to play PVP

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 03:29 AM PDT

    Do you think lelic should add more incentives to play PVP?

    I personally think there is pretty much no reason to play PVP over PVE at the moment since the rewards are the same and comp-stomp can be much funnier and enjoyable compared to automatch, I actually get very frustrated when I play vs other players and when I win I don't feel like I accomplished something, it feels the same way as winning against the AI... Actually many times when I win against the AI (I only play expert) I feel like I actually defeated a strong opponent, unlike beating rage quitters lol. I hope this post makes sense for you, cheers!

    submitted by /u/OhScheiss
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