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    Wednesday, August 26, 2020

    Company of Heroes i did something

    Company of Heroes i did something

    i did something

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 09:35 AM PDT

    Rear Echelon Minions

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 04:45 AM PDT

    Looking for 2v2 teammate (Allies).

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 07:27 PM PDT

    I've been playing a lot recently, and I'm looking for someone to play 2v2s with. Teammates are quite inconsistent. I'm hovering around lv14-16.

    submitted by /u/AirborneCompany
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    Each of us had a role to play, mine was shock and awe

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 01:37 PM PDT

    Looking for Feedback and help with OKW vs British.

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 07:26 AM PDT

    If you came here thinking this is going to be one of those x faction is OP then sorry to disappoint you I understand I got out played and I want to fix it. So I just got done with a game in which I was the OKW. The map was Vilshanka 1v1. I was beaten in 14 mins because I could hold any ground. He came at me with two assault infantry sections backed up by a vickers. I tried to avoid. His forth unit was another vickers. This is the 2 min mark of the game. He put the vickers on the southern flank that secured his fuel to cover both approaches so I couldn't really harass it. At this time my units are: Volks, Volks, Strum and Kubel. I got my second truck out at 2:23 min mark and went for medic figure I'll get some indirect fire if needed and my guys where badly wounded and I wanted to use munitions in mid game for mines due to fuel and field advantage. Got an MG34 and started to take back some ground, secured fuel and went for an AT gun 13:26 Centaur comes out and starts destroying me. Take it out, but literally right after that another one.

    What could I have done different to counter this anti-infantry brit rush?

    Thank you and see you on the battlefield.

    submitted by /u/Kilobravo20
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    USF team game advice

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 02:30 AM PDT

    I mostly play a double USF team. What is a good build for us? With the current arty meta is infantry and assault your only options? If you're not able to pull your opponent before the turtle what are you supposed to do once they do turtle? Are we just in ELO hell wear everyone just turtles or are team games just trash?

    submitted by /u/HelmutIV
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    Are team games worth playing?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 05:50 AM PDT

    I've got 350 hours only playing 1v1s as I've heard that in 4v4s there are a lot of trolls and AFKs. I play a lot of League of Legends which is a team game and I don't need more toxicity in COH2 as well.

    Is the state of it okay? If it's mostly ok, I will make sure to give it a try, but if it's still trolly, I think I will skip.

    Is it worth?

    submitted by /u/joza100
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    Trench Warfare | Company of Heroes 2 Realism

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 08:54 AM PDT

    Smoke shells for Okw tanks?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 08:37 AM PDT

    Okw need more smoke abilities imo

    Since putting smoke nades to infantry would be OP

    Tanks would be a good place to put it

    submitted by /u/Iceicebabyy312
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    Arty experience be like

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 07:46 AM PDT

    IF the OKW needed a Buff, how about giving a weird buff to the HMG34?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 11:37 PM PDT

    Now this is purely an IF they need it. More or less just a zany idea I wanted to share, maybe it will inspire a better, more balanced idea fron someone else.

    I don't think they NEED it, I don't even play OKW often (Sov/wher main).

    I like the idea of giving OKW some more weapon team play so they don't have to blob/inf swarm all the time. Their counterpart, USF actually has a pretty good HMG and a doctrine that lets you airdrop one and give it a really good crew, so USF can get in on the team weapon play too.

    Presently, the HMG34 is basically 'The bad MG'. It doesn't really have an Identity other than 'second rate mg42.'

    As such, here's 2 crazy ideas:

    1) Mg34's Icon becomes the HMG symbol with a tiny Volks symbol on top.

    It comes in with a 4 man Volksgren crew with normal Bolt Dps and 1.00 RA instead of the terrible -90% dps and +25%RA of other default crews.

    Furthermore, it starts with IAP instead of having to unlock it at Vet 1, IAP costs 30 Munis.

    HOWEVER: Instead of having its old, good Veterancy, it only gains 5%RA with every vet star, and the cost and cooldown of IAP is reduced by 5 each star.

    So now, the Mg34 has a solid identity as the 'Tenacious' HMG That is difficult to dislodge and that can IAP frequently.


    IAP removed.

    The crew is a tough Volk Crew that can defend itself.

    The crew can throw grenades. (Not sure if flame or frag is more balanced. )

    Each vet star reduces grenade cost and cooldown, and gives -5% RA.

    Insane and stupid? Or potentially good idea for later? I'll let you guys decide.

    submitted by /u/Atomic_Gandhi
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