• Breaking News

    Thursday, August 27, 2020

    Company of Heroes Get in comrade, we're going to Berlin!

    Company of Heroes Get in comrade, we're going to Berlin!

    Get in comrade, we're going to Berlin!

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 01:08 PM PDT

    Looking for a mate with encirclment doctrine who is willing to try "double close the pocket" tactic

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 12:07 AM PDT

    Steam/game ID: Logosoft

    submitted by /u/Logosoft
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    Best faction in the game?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 04:12 PM PDT

    im more of an OKW USF man myself

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Tank_comander_308
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    mortar changes patch notes

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 09:20 PM PDT

    hey all, would anyone be able to share a link to the mortar changes? I know it was a while ago but I forgot what happened to them and wanted to read the notes again. I remember ost mortar used to be a staple in their army and it is hardly used anymore.

    submitted by /u/meowmixplzdeliver1
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    Do flares reveal snipers?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 12:35 PM PDT

    Do flares reveal snipers?

    submitted by /u/BasicAlive1234
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    Error Code -3, can't connect to relic servers

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 04:24 PM PDT

    First time in like 300 hours I get this, started up the game and I can't connect. At some point it connected then I had no commanders or bulletins or anything.. Then it reconnected and my stuff was back but every time I search for a game I get disconnected again. Anyone know what error code -3 is? Google gives me almost no information.

    submitted by /u/Rujevit
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    Is this normal?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 03:07 PM PDT

    A simple change to fix the UKF

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 12:33 PM PDT

    Been playing USF/Axis more lately, and decided to come back to playing the UKF. This isn't an Axis OP or UKF needs a buff!! thread but just wanted to point out a glaring problem with my favorite faction, the UKF

    The first is that the UKF's only form of indirect fire is the mortar pitt. The mortar pitt itself is good, I don't think it needs any changes, it's fine how it is. However it's going to lose most slugging matches for the simple fact a leig or Wehr mortar can fall back, the Mortar Pitt cannot. If your position gets overrun, you're going to lose that Pitt. A volks squad with a flame grenade or a Panzergren squad with Shrecks is going to tear down your investment if they break through your likes and you can't respond quick enough. At 350 MP it's fairly expensive early game when you're trying to rush out as many units as possible. Add in the fact it can't escape when being pushed back and it can be pretty detrimental. If Ost has the flame track or OKW has the flame commander and it's effectively useless and you've lost your only form of indirect fire.

    For this I think the shitty USF 81mm mortar should be made available to the UKF. It's the most inferior mortar in the game so axis players wouldn't have to struggle a lot anyway. In the same way the 81mm is just a tool to offer indirect fire for the USF until the pack Howitzer can be made available it should be a stop gap until the mortar pitt is available or a back up when the Pitt is no longer a viable option.

    The lend lease is a shit doctrine, so the extra slot would allow it to shine a little. The only highlight in that commander are the Assault Tommies... Which you don't need when Sappers are already good at close range and you can just rock Commandos who are superior. The rest of the doctrine is mediocre. The shitty USF Mortar, the Achilles which the UKF doesn't need when it has one of the best AT guns and the best Tank destroyer, and the half track.. which is good but limited. Clown car tactics are risky with Panzerfuasts or Axis AT squads roaming around.

    Replace the shitty 81mm mortar with the USF mortar half track and the commander would actually be half decent when you have Assault Tommies and a good indirect fire option even when the rest of the doctrine is bantha wank. Would also fit the theme of lend lease is supposed to be "hit fast and hard with US equipment"

    Anyway just my thoughts :)

    submitted by /u/cool_anime_dad
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    How to counter Infantry Support guns as British? (3v3)

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 07:57 AM PDT

    Just feels like whenever OKW gets double infantry support guns, I'm screwed. In 1v1s sure you can flank elsewhere, but in team games with defined lanes it's hard. It hard counters emplacement and renders Advanced Emplacements Commander useless, not to mention it obviously bleeds the hell out of your MP.

    I have had games where due to my good use of UCs, we completely wipe the floor in the early game and gain massive fuel advantage, but there is no way to exploit that advantage as UKF since you can't rush a T-70 or flame halftrack or any such unit. As Soviet I would just T-70 rush the support guns, as UKF I have the AEC scout car mid-game but that thing has no teeth vs non-vehicles. Feels like UKF mid-game is just gimped/underpowered as you have no offensive teeth on anything. Soviets get T-70, Wehr gets flame half tracks, OKW have Panzer ii's/AA halftrack, USF gets Stuart/halftrack, UKF just gets the pathetic AEC... offensively you're stuck with early game tools until Centaur, but by then PZ IV's come out. I'm aware that AEC is good vs vehicles but it doesn't allow me to take any initiative and put the hurt on the enemy mid-game if I win early game fuel battle. Being good against vehicles just makes it another "defensive" unit, AKA enemy has the initiative. If he goes heavy on light vehicles I counter him, however if he continues with OKW deathblobs I just wasted my investment. Like, if I win early game, shouldn't I be rewarded with the initiative such that the enemy is forced to counter me (like with Soviets + T-70), instead of me continued to be forced to be defensive like with UKF? In an RTS where initiative is so important, just feels like UKF being a defensive faction makes it weak by default.

    Sure, I can go defensive and give up offensive initiative after winning early game and build emplacements, but again, infantry support guns hard counter that...

    Any tips? Also before someone calls me a UKF fanboy, I'm primarily a Soviet/USF player, with a lot of games as OKW so honestly just feel like UKF is the weakest of the bunch.

    submitted by /u/Slaveofbig4
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    Need Advice

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 08:00 AM PDT

    Hello all, I've been playing COH for a few years, stopped, then recently started back up again. Never been much of a PvP type just v expert ai. I keep losing my matches and I'm not exactly sure what I am doing wrong. I secure the majority of the map with Americans, and struggle from there because I find that once the Germans gain armor units, they hit me where I least expect it and then the rest of my defenses go down from there leading me to a (often) crushing defeat. Now that is mainly for the 1v1s. When I do 2v2-3, my connection starts to suck or my game plays on but I am unable to move any of my units. Any help I can get I will take. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/ZachAttack4449
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