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    Wednesday, August 19, 2020

    Company of Heroes Killing three jagd's with 155 inspired this meme

    Company of Heroes Killing three jagd's with 155 inspired this meme

    Killing three jagd's with 155 inspired this meme

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 09:09 PM PDT

    New Balance/Gameplay Overhaul Mod Partially Released For Public Testing

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 05:44 PM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    Over the course of 13 days of working with the attribute editor, Relicaa and I are proud to reveal our first prototype of our very own gameplay overhaul and balance mod. With no experience using CoH2 attribute editor or modding tools, we are very happy with the progress that we have obtained here.

    You can find the mod here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2173616633

    You can join our Discord for feedback and to see the detailed changelists (or general chatting) here: https://discord.gg/2wZPbV4

    The launch of this mod and an alternative team for the development of a better CoH2 was in response to criticisms received from my writeup concerning the inability of the current, Relic-appointed balance team to fix basic issues within the game, found here: https://www.reddit.com/r/CompanyOfHeroes/comments/hrevoy/baoliangs_perspective_on_balance_part_one_of/. The argument (in my own paraphrasing) from individuals including AE, Jae4Jett, RepoRogue, and others, was that you cannot criticize the performance of the balance team without also doing the job (even though there was never an opportunity to apply for the job). Whether you agree with the changes or not, it should be clear that this skillset is not exclusive or difficult to acquire.

    Currently, we are going through the process of completing the Soviet vs. Ostheer matchup in order to follow our designed balance roadmap, which requires two stabilized factions to prevent power creep. Work will begin on introducing the Western Front Factions one at a time after the completion of these two factions. Public testing is accelerating our pace at correcting known issues and we do not foresee a significant amount of time being necessary to fix major issues.

    Below are some of the HIGHLIGHTS of our changes, but not all of them:

    Gameplay Changes:

    Changes to smoke: Smoke has change from being a shot and line-of-sight blocker to just a line of sight blocker. This means that infantry can engage each other inside and outside of smoke. (Note: Panzer Tactician still provides shot blocking due to the new interaction between AT units and their targets below via vehicle tracking). Smoke times reduced to 10 seconds from 20 seconds. While in smoke, units receive no suppression and have 80% reduced accuracy and received accuracy.

    Explanation: Smoke and its utilization within CoH2's true sight system has been a long-standing source of frustration. We have pursued an option here that will enable freedom of movement for units within smoke with (almost) equal combat advantage and disadvantage for units within the smoke shooting out and those shooting in. The ability to engage a unit within smoke should eliminate strange AI interactions and poor capability for the player to read their unit's ability to engage a target. Lastly, this change should still allow for smoking a key location, such as a VP, and having a unit within the smoke remain to prevent capping. However, there now exists the ability to harm that unit with small arms, albeit at only 20% efficiency. The utility of smoke should enable more effectively scaling for close-quarters infantry throughout the entirety of the game, provided the player skillfully apply smoke bonuses where necessary.

    Changes to sandbags/trench: Sandbags have been removed from mainline troops and moved to dedicated engineer squads and their counterparts. The target size of sandbags has been increased from 1 to 5 (500% increase).

    Explanation: This change is intended to increase the utility of having available engineer squads on the field. Now with their decreased combat scaling throughout the game, a player should be looking at a trade-off in their unit composition between combat support with such things as mines and sandbags versus direct combat troops. This reduces some of the self-sufficiency of mainline infantry squads as well, forcing the player to support them more deliberately or using the map as an alternative. The target size increase improves the ability for tanks or AT guns to target the sandbags directly, especially in situations where the elevation of the map would've prevented the "attack-ground" targeting of the sandbags.

    Complete Veterancy Overhaul: Veterancy requirements on all units increased. All veterancy is now useful (combat/survivability buffs exist in some form or another on all levels of vet). Vet levels increase in their power as they go up (i.e. vet 3 results in a greater combat bonus than vet 1).

    AT guns: Now spawn from building rather than having to walk in from off the map

    Explanation: Depending on the map, this could result in wildly different amounts of time necessary for the AT gun to get on the field. We believe it's overall less frustrating for everyone to have the unit arriving earlier on some maps than drastically slower on some maps.

    Tank engagements: Dedicated AT units have passive vehicle tracking for 3 seconds. Dedicated Soviet AT units have a 10 second duration as their vet 1 abilities (replacing what they had before).

    Explanation: Some elements with true sight, vision, and silly AI created frustrating and silly interactions. For example, engaging a tank that is slightly outside of vision and the AI going dumb when losing vision of it for a split second before it fires again. Units that are dedicated to the AT role will now reveal their target, regardless of its position, upon a damaging hit (penetrating hit, or a deflection IF the deflection causes damage). The 3 seconds duration is generally not enough for fresh AT guns , StuGs, etc., to grant themselves vision 100% (providing they penetrate every shot), meaning a unit that is not shooting back should still be able to escape if outside of vision. We are paying particular attention to see how this change affects gameplay.

    Vehicle mobility: Vehicle mobility in the late-game reduced.

    Explanation: A significant source of light vehicle ability to wreck entire armies came from their high mobility, allowing them to easily dodge the cones of fire of AT guns or escape them without significant danger even when used extremely aggressively. Light vehicles will retain their early mobility that is seen in the live version, but will not become extremely mobile with vet 2/3. All vehicles have reduced vet 3 mobility bonuses—Vehicles with no "speed boost" abilities are granted a maximum of 20% speed increase. Vehicles that have abilities granting some sort of speed boost are given up to 20% increased acceleration/deceleration instead.

    Moving accuracy: The majority of weapons have had their on-the-move accuracy reduced from 50% to 35%. This includes units that were previously given on-the-move advantages to their weapons, such as Guards Troops (Mosins).

    Explanation: Reduces effectiveness of deathblobbing, gives increased advantage to units in defensive positions, improves early game gren performance. Reduced effectiveness of bodyblocking—Bodyblocking is still viable but will cost a greater reduction in DPS as a unit must be devoted to moving into the path.

    Game Economy Changes:

    Upkeep changes Income upkeep manpower modifier set to 0.9. Upkeep will gradually go up as pop cap increases up to a maximum of 1.56 mp/pop.

    0-10 pop = 1.35 manpower/pop 11-25 pop = 1.42 manpower/pop 26-50 pop = 1.49 manpower/pop 51-75 pop = 1.53 manpower/pop 76-100 pop = 1.56 manpower/pop 

    Income upkeep for repairing a vehicle set to 0.6 per model repairing (for example, a 4-man pioneer squad repairing a vehicle will reduce mp income by 2.4 mp/min).

    Explanation: Emphasis in the current live version of CoH2 greatly encourages the use of vehicles in the late game due to the drastically reduced MP income and the efficiency of repairing a vehicle versus the cost of having to reinforce infantry. We aim here to make damage to both vehicles and infantry damaging to a player's MP stores. We hope that this will result in greater viability for infantry in the late game and some repercussion to taking vehicle damage. Due to the increase in MP upkeep coming in brackets, strategies that are devoted to lower-pop units will be rewarded with some extra mp income.

    Strategic point income: Strategic Point income adjusted from 3 Fuel and 5 Muni per minute to 2 Fuel and 5 Muni per minute.

    Explanation: This has shifting the time windows for every portion of the game to the right. In an average game, fuel income will be roughly 25% lower. This increases the value of fuel based units and increases the importance of keeping them alive while giving greater time and room for infantry-based combat.

    Quality of Life Changes:

    Snipers will now have a Prioritize Infantry toggle
    Explanation: Keep your sniper from going all Hollywood trying to snipe the gunner of a P4 at 400 yards without having to tell it to shoot a real target.

    Infantry with AT weapons will now have a Prioritize Vehicle toggle
    Explanation: When toggled on, infantry with AT weapons will NOT shoot at infantry targets unless given the order to engage them. This does NOT prevent other models of the squad from engaging infantry. This also works inside buildings and halftracks. For example, when toggled on, a Panzergrenadier squad with 2 shrecks will engage an enemy squad with its 2 STG44s. The two members with shrecks will remain idle until an enemy vehicle is targetable, they will then engage the vehicle. The STGs will still continue to target the infantry until told not to.

    Anti-air weapons: Now have a prioritize aircraft toggle.

    Explanation: Force your anti-air to shoot at aircraft. In the live version, AA units prioritize aircraft lower than other units on the field. This will allow the player to decide which should be shot at first, which was previously not possible (at least not easily).

    Demo charges: Ground deformation produced by demo charges reduced.

    Explanations: Strange, large craters providing omni-directional green cover and large enough holes to prevent attack grounding have been removed. 

    Hotkey changes to prevent any overlap (self-explanatory).

    7% increased Molotov throw range bulletin now works.

    Soviet Gameplay Changes:

    Tech restructure: Tier 1 and Tier 2 buildings have been swapped. The first Soviet building MUST be Tier 1 (current live version: Tier 2 [ZiS-3 building]). Tier 2 (current live version: tier 1, barracks [penals/sniper building]) is OPTIONAL, but requires tier 1. Tier 3 can be built after tier 1, the same as live version.

    Tier 1 will have: Maxim machine gun, M3 Scout Car, and ZiS-3 AT gun
    Tier 2 will have: Sniper, Mortar, Penal Battalion

    Explanation: The ability to go Tier 2 and utilize penals as a pseudo-mainline still exists but will carry a heavier pricetag (in the form of requiring both the T1 and T2 building). This heavier pricetag justified the penal changes and the development of their unique identity, described below. Rushing for the M3 light vehicle remains viable by being placed in tier 1, and the mortar is placed into the sidetech to prevent overpowering early-game play with the smoke changes and 4-5 con build (especially if combined with SVTs).

    Support weapon changes: Soviet weapon team size reduced to 4 models from 6.

    Explanation: This seemed to be the most suitable decision for bringing suppression capabilities to the Soviets without busting the faction. This reduces the safety of crew weapons for the Soviets, and should make risky use of AT guns more punishing if the situation goes bad.

    Soviet Commander Changes:

    For Mother Russia: All combat bonuses removed. Ability clears suppression from all units and makes them sprint. Does NOT provide suppression resistance (once the charge begins, a unit can be re-suppressed).

    Explanation: Global buffs of any form have been a long-term problem in the Company of Heroes franchise. Without destroying the nature of these abilities, since many players seem to like the global effects, we are testing the waters with changes these abilities into utility buffs that do not directly contribute to combat stats. For Mother Russia, given the fast-paced historical deep penetration attacks into German lines by Soviet troops as well as the Hollywood history infantry charges seen in Enemy at the Gates, hopefully everyone agrees that a charge of Soviet hordes at the German lines is a worthy ability. Not only that, but it's in a commander called "Counter-attack…"

    It's worth noting that sprinting units cannot shoot on the move, meaning that this ability is theoretically assumed to involve the quick movement of Soviet troops to capture key locations of cover/retreat paths, engage at close range, flank an MG, etc. If it is used as an attack-move aid… It's benefits are intended to be minimal.

    Mark Target: Damage bonuses removed. Recon plane removed. Target's armor is reduced by 25%. Duration reduced from 60 to 45 seconds.

    Explanation: Market target as a god's ability in the live version of CoH. In the same light as the FMR change, mark target is losing its straight combat damage buff and instead is being given a armor reduction which increases the theoretical DPS a target will take while not impacting the true max DPS the unit could take. Duration decreased to reduce the capability of using mark target to keep high-value armor permanently off the field by applying mark target repeatedly.

    Ambush Tactics: ZiS-3 can no longer move while in camouflage. ZiS-3 still gets ambush pen/accuracy buffs, but will lose its reload bonus.

    Explanation: Standardization with other camo'd units. Reduced vision capabilities throughout the game have been reduced, indirectly buffing the capability of the ZiS-3. Removing the reload bonus reduces the chances of multiple AT guns being camo'd together and delivering quick death to a vehicle that would be highly impractical for a player to counter.

    Soviet Infantry Changes:

    Conscripts: Oorah now requires vet 1. Seven man upgrade cover bonuses removed and diluted into veterancy buffs. Seven man upgrade reinforce bonus removed. Base target size from 1.087 to 1.0. 6 pop. Tripwire flare removed.

    Combat Engineers: 4 pop. Combat vet bonuses removed. Minesweepers now grant 10% faster construction time. CEs can no longer pick up SVTs from airborne weapon drop. Tripwire flare removed.

    Penal battalion: 6 pop. To The Last Man, removed some stats distributed throughout vet. Penals now have the "execution" quality—They now have drastically increased effectiveness against units that are suppressed/pinned. Use them in conjunction with machine guns.

    Explanation: We went through many different ideas of what we could do to create a new identity for penals without making a total fantasy unit, both historically and gameplay-wise. The new identity we developed is that of an "executioner." These units are capable of being employed by themselves with decent capability, but excel when combined with professional, heavy weapons teams to lay down suppressing fire. When the enemy units are unable to return fire, there's nothing from stopping the aggressive and highly-capable Penal troops from lining up killing blows. The counterplay here is obvious: A unit that retreats will shed their suppression instantly, thereby negating the bonus penal combat stats.

    Sniper: Parachute flare removed, tripwire flare added.

    M-42: Cannot move while camo'd.

    Soviet Vehicle Changes:

    T-70: Recon mode vision bonuses removed, capture territory vet 1 ability.

    Su-85: Focused sight removed, 10 sec vehicle tracking on penetrating hit at vet 1 added.

    ISU-152: Infantry Tracking removed from unit. Rotation speed decreased from 16 degrees/s to 14 degrees/s. Rear armor reduced from 155 to 100. HE Shell range decreased from 70 meters to 60 meters.

    M4C Sherman Radio Network has not been changed, as it's considered a USF change

    Soviet Weapon Changes:

    Penal SVT-40s:
    Changes that also impact con SVTs: Aim time multiplier
    - Far from 1 to 1.25
    - Near from 1 to 0.75

    Changes that are not on con SVTs:
    - target pinned multipliers
    - accuracy multiplier from 0.25 to 1
    - damage multiplier from 1 to 1.6 (10 to 16, 5 shots to kill)
    - target suppressed multipliers
    - accuracy multiplier from 0.5 to 1
    - damage multiplier from 1 1.4 (10 to 14, 6 shots to kill)

    Explanation: New penal identity, detailed above. SVT cons are being forced to close to medium range to have their current live patch DPS. In exchange, they will have buffed cooldown at close range.

    82mm/120mm mortars: Damage against garrisons increased to 100% from 50% (4 hits/1barrage to take out a garrison).

    Explanation: Mortars will now provided a strong, dedicated counter to garrisons. Well-micro'd units do not appear to be able to be killed by the mortar alone, even in the worst conditions. However, unit death is almost guaranteed if a unit is kept in a garrison without being micro'd throughout the entirety of a mortar barrage.

    Maxim: Stat changes to make the weapon perform similarly to MG-42

    Accuracy changed from:
    Far: 0.400
    Mid: 0.600
    Near: 0.800
    Far: 0.375
    Mid: 0.450
    Near: 0.800
    Burst length changed to 2.000 seconds from 4.500 seconds.
    Burst Duration multiplier changed from:
    Far: 1.000
    Mid: 0.700
    Near: 0.400
    Far: 1.000
    Mid: 1.125
    Near: 1.250

    Damage changed to 4 damage per bullet from 3 damage.
    Suppression value changed from 6.5E-5 to 0.00012.

    Explanation: Maxim has been nerfed in a number of ways, most notably its crew reduction. Therefore, Soviets can probably get away with having a real MG.

    Wehrmacht Gameplay Changes:

    Moved Grenadiers to HQ (You can get Grenadiers, but they will not have panzerfaust unless you get T1 or T2). Moved Panzergrenadiers to T2. Moved HMG42 to T1.

    Explanation: Restructure of some unit positions to reflect better timings and prevent the early game gamble of guessing where the MG-42 is positioned.

    Changed BP2 cost to 200mp 50f
    Changed T3 cost to 140mp 55f
    Changed BP3 cost to 100mp 50f
    Changed T4 cost to 100mp 40f

    Explanation: Skipping tiers is now harder/riskier, but will be more rewarding if pulled off for a shock unit. The cost of going both T3 and T4 is now higher, but the cost of going straight to T4 is lower. Easier access to rocket artillery/dedicated vehicles in T4.
    Note: We are aware this makes going both T3/T4 more expensive, but going straight to T4 the same cost. We are actively watching to see if this is an issue.

    S-mines: Warning posts are now hidden until discovered – need to be within 5 meters to detect the border. Once revealed, border will remain revealed for 5 minutes.

    Explanation: It was silly that German S-mine fields could be spotted anywhere on the map through the FoW before. Now, S-mine signs can still be seen prior to stepping into the mines, but will require careful watch. Once the signs are detected, they will linger for a considerable length of time to remain the detecting player of their location.

    Wehrmacht Commander Changes:

    Defensive Doctrine: Concrete Bunkers are now buildable from 0CP. Now cost 200mp down from 300mp. Now need to upgrade MG or Repair (60 munitions).

    Explanation: We want to emphasize the commander identity of quickly seizing a point during the infantry section of the game and fighting attacks through the use of defensive fortification to make every territory point a pain for the enemy to seize. We felt that the CP requirement on bunkers was a bit extreme and made this identity difficult to utilize. We are aware that repair bunkers will need to be monitored closely.

    Wehrmacht Infantry Changes:

    Pioneers: Medkits now available at vet 0. 4 pop.

    MG-42: Changed suppression debuffs to be in-line with other weapons. The MG-42 will now perform equally as bad as other MGs when suppressed, not worse.

    Grenadiers: Medkits removed.

    Osttruppen: Cover bonus removed. 50% reduced accuracy debuff removed. Manpower cost from 200 to 220. Target size from 1.25 to 1.0. Squad is suppressed easier than other squads (50% increase). Base weapon stats have been changed. Medkits removed. Osttruppen now have increased capability against pinned/suppressed squads, similar to the Penal Battalion.

    Sidenote: MGs shooting OUT of smoke right now are still, with a bit of RNG, capable of suppressing. This is being fixed shortly. Resource drops are being looked into due to their relatively higher value provided and will likely change shortly. Osttruppen appear to be performing slightly below their intended level and will likely be modified. T3+T4 costs for Wehrmacht and T2 optional tech for Soviets are going under analysis. Shortly is referring to probably within the next 24 hours.

    submitted by /u/islaminmyintel
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    When you play 4v4 with 2 mates

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 01:04 AM PDT

    Man I love the m20

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 08:41 PM PDT

    When your minefield turns against you

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 10:07 AM PDT

    UKF opener

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 02:43 PM PDT

    How do you open with UKF? Tommies are completely worthless in the early game and cost so much to reinforce. Always get owned by sturmpios or when Wehr mg42. No smoke available unless you build a mortar emplacement but that's impossible when you don't win the opener and don't have a good spot for mortar emplacement. Just seems to me lile UKF is trash? Someone help me improve. I win most of my games as Soviet/USF but just can't do UKF.

    Primarily playing 3v3s and 4v4s but I always lose my side and screw my team over. Been using Vanguard Operations/Advanced Emplacement

    submitted by /u/Slaveofbig4
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    M4 748 (a) reporting for duty. Don't shoot use we're friendly

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 08:16 AM PDT

    How to improve my 1v1 Ostheer?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 03:22 AM PDT

    Asking because there is not much casts of Ostheer plays lately in 1v1. For some time I'm on a -10 losing streak with OH. I'm not a top player, just a average one, my last worst matchups (usually vs. soviets) can be condensed to:

    Soviets play mass cons and overwhelm my 3-4 grens, MG gets easily flanked and I lose VP, fuel, muni - whatever is my focus, then depending on their style I either:

    • get raped by rushed T70 (destroys my T2 vehicle and is way too mobile for my AT gun play) and then lack fuel to get a early T3

    • get raped by shock troops into indirect fire weapons cheese (last time I got katyusha'd all the way to my base), usually they also have AT covering them, my Pgrens die

    • get raped by their heavy tanks with no real response - no T4, no fuel due to lack of control

    Brits do an infantry-blob, wipe my squads, get fuel then proceed to push out their tanks or defenses. My only successful attack on the blob was using a recon on their base and dropping frag bombs while they heal - this isn't viable for most games). I'm never able to get an Ostwind early enough to defend myself against them. I also tried to get PGrens but they die quickly as well.

    US usually is very manageable for me and usually I get 5 man squads to beat riflemen and lose only to mistakes I can improve.

    My start is usually: MG -> T1 > 3x Gren (or 2x Gren + MG) -> T2 (vehicle + pak around 9/10m) -> Med bunker This doesn't give me any control over the map. By the time T3 should happen I'm always too late due to manpower drain, no points and resources (and usually VP's down to a half).

    I usually pick german infantry or spearhead doctrine. I might get mech assault but this isn't really a playstyle I like, unless it's necessary to counter something. I'm usually trying to be pro-active, pushing and trying to decap, looking for cut-offs

    I'll be very grateful if you could give me some guidance, as well as explain:

    • What should be my focus before T3 gets out (should I ignore VP, focus only on one side with fuel etc. - do I need double fuel?)

    • At what point to start playing wide and try to gain whole map

    • How to engage against mass cons and brit-blob with grens (before, and also after upgrades)

    submitted by /u/cobaltum_
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    I wonder what this means for hopes of a COH3?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 01:59 PM PDT

    New Player Need Help as OKW against British Flamethrower truck.

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 11:20 AM PDT

    Highly mobile they wreck me before I can build anything

    submitted by /u/WhoOn1B
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    Good steam workshop maps

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 11:20 AM PDT

    So I have been downloading a lot of maps from the steam workshop because a lot of the ones that come with the game get boring after a while. I found this guy monolithicbacon who makes some really good ones, but I'm looking for more great map creators as I have now played all of his maps.

    I think the terrain and maps in the game are very important to bring in new tactical situations and want to see some more ways to do this.

    submitted by /u/scuz69
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    Double USF 2v2 Builds

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 01:46 AM PDT

    What maps should you ban?

    What commanders are the go tos?

    And what are the starting builds?

    So far seems like LT is worthless unless you lose a squad and AA HT. x3 Rifle>Med Truck(ally builds another rifle squad instead of med)>Go CAP> AT/Pak>AA HT> Then sherman?

    submitted by /u/HelmutIV
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    One of my better games lately, 95 kill King Tiger! (CoH 1 mod)

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 01:43 AM PDT

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