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    Friday, October 2, 2020

    Company of Heroes When your kubelwagen gets 5 star vet

    Company of Heroes When your kubelwagen gets 5 star vet

    When your kubelwagen gets 5 star vet

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 07:01 PM PDT

    Just Hear Me Out... The 761st

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 07:59 AM PDT

    Been hopping back into CoH 2 after a long time, and im Loving it, ONE OF the best RTS games of our era. Next to HomeWorld: Deserts of Kharak - Warhammer 2 and Starcraft etc. Although Starcrafts campaign soooo bad, the multiplayer has its moments. Anyways I digress, if anyone doesnt know about this battalion I would Highly recommend checking them out, especially if you like that kind of WW2 Americana. I think this is the PERFECT time to create and launch something like this, get some buzz for CoH 3 haha. The 761st Black Panthers Tank Battalion were absolute units. Some of the medals too, worth a read.

    - The original Black Panthers were the 761st Tank Battalion, the first all-Black armored battalion of World War II.

    - In six months of fighting, captured 30 major towns in Europe and received 300 Purple Hearts.

    - The Black Panthers fought major battles in six European countries, and were part of four major Allied campaigns

    - The unit bored a hole in the Siegfried Line, through which Patton's 4th Armored Division advanced into Germany.

    - Liberated the FIRST established Jewish concentration camp Dachau... think of the beautiful message in that.

    - Battalion served for over 183 consecutive days at the head of Patton's Third Army. Most units served for one or two weeks only at the front line, but there they fought, suffering a 50 percent casualty rate, in the Battle of the Bulge in Tillet, France, the Battle of the Rhine, and many other major conflicts.

    I would LOVE to see these guys in ANY game Ever, didnt even know they existed until I started looking up some American WW2 stories and got real deep into certain accomplishments and battles. These men deserve to be eternalised in the CoH world! AND, I mean it sounds like it would be an EPIC campaign, that the COH people could pull off beautifully. Also! The implecations just knowing about the contributions of every american are HUGE when it comes to overall unity. This group would be comprised of even people like me who are lighters skinned but still considered black all the way to the UV resistant deep side of the color spectrum. I think it would be such an interesting story, and a way to even garner some sales from a whole new demographic. Anyways, back to my COH 2 now haha. Much love everyone! Have a great day.

    submitted by /u/Canadian_Obama
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    Have there ever been any official stats about performance of different armies in multiplayer?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 02:38 PM PDT

    Allied mains say Axis OP

    Axis mains say Allies OP

    We all know the complaints, and probably have an opinion of our own on it as well. But I'd be interested to know if Relic have ever released any match stats showing how often factions win in multiplayer? Or any other kind of objective indication, you know?

    submitted by /u/profheg_II
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    When you are the only one who worked in a group project

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 10:30 PM PDT

    Keep Getting Disconnected.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 07:26 PM PDT

    The title pretty much says it I keep getting disconnected from games and it has nothing to do with my internet. Anyone else have this issue?

    submitted by /u/jimbo26875
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    Was there a recent Ally buff?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 11:58 AM PDT

    I logged on today and have lost all four matches I've played and it hasn't even been close. I play Ostheer. Super Early troop carriers and assault submachine guns are just wiping all my units within 5 seconds of engagement, it's pretty absurd

    submitted by /u/DevilTuna
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    Anyone know how to counter british emplacement and artillery spam?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 04:28 AM PDT

    Vire River Valley. Was wehrmacht using defensive doctrine. Teammate was Panzer Elite with luftwaffe doctrine. Basically the brit player made many defenses (bofor, pounder AT, a few mortars) and then started mass producing sextons. His teammate was American.

    The artillery in coh1 does huge damage to vehicles and infantry compared to coh2 where it would need a direct hit to wipe infantry and only scratches the paint of the roof of the tank. They attacked less often as the game wore on and he would use his sextons to smash anything I had on the other side of the bridge without even aiming. I tried tank rushing once with a couple P4's and some grenadiers but then as I started shooting at the sextons the american rolled up with 5 M10 tank destroyers and I lost all the tanks. My teammate was making hotchkiss light tanks with the rocket launcher upgrade and had like 6 luftwaffe squads but they were mostly sitting in his base for some reason, probably trying to protect his hotchkisses? He never tried barraging the emplacements so I can only assume he was trying to kill the sextons with the wurfrahmens but I'm not sure how well that worked. I've tried making some nebels and walking stukas but they would be blown to smithereens by the 5 sextons as soon as they started firing. I've called in some 280mm rockets on the sextons and it would usually only kill 1 or 2 as they were in a traffic jam, but he would instantly replace them.

    At that point I just gave up as he was destroying my hq buildings with the sextons along with the pioneers repairing them.

    submitted by /u/CalzoneMan46774
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    COH1 barely working over the past few days

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 01:04 PM PDT


    Has anybody had any issues trying to play COH1 online recently? There seems to be a massive decline in people playing, it's difficult to find a game more than ever.

    However my main issue is, the past 3 games I've tried to play (2v2), about 2 minutes in all of my soldiers just refuse to take commands. They're still completely animating (although freezing every now and again) but just won't move at all. The voice plays to confirm I've clicked a command but they won't move at all. I've had to quit all 3 games because of this.

    Any idea what's going on? Played this game on and off for years and never experienced this. It's definitely not lag, my internet is fine and it's very different to the way the soldiers often 'catch up' when I do experience lag.

    submitted by /u/yesiamrich
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    Input lags make this game unplayable sometines

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 02:39 AM PDT

    Just played a match, units react at least one second after i gave the input, why did they never try to fix this?

    (I know VPN can solves this issiue, but i am not gonna pay monthly just to play coh2)

    submitted by /u/HeinrichHoffnung
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    How do I select all units on Mac (and other hotkeys)?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2020 02:50 AM PDT

    I can't seem to figure out how to select all

    I assumed command + a or Ctrl a but clearly not

    submitted by /u/limache
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