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    Sunday, November 29, 2020

    Company of Heroes After 800 hours and many many years... I've done it.

    Company of Heroes After 800 hours and many many years... I've done it.

    After 800 hours and many many years... I've done it.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 05:17 PM PST

    How tell a blober

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 08:43 AM PST

    Was a tough game but we won eventually, my SU-85 absolutely obliterated them

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 03:57 PM PST

    3 Master League tournament announcements! Streamer Cup, Patron Cup, and ML4: Scorched Earth!

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 12:24 PM PST

    USF idea...would this be OP, inconsequential, irrelevent, etc? IDK

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 01:56 AM PST

    One thing that gets me when I play USF (all the time) is that I actually really don't want that extra infantry unit when I activate a command post. The LT and CPT units are definitely useful, like they are basically a Cav Rifle unit... 5 man rifle squad with one tommy gun. But I wish I didn't always have to tie up like 8 population and a bunch of micro-attention just to be able to also build a machine gun or AT.

    So I was thinking instead of building an entirely new unit in order to activate a command post, what if you could just add/promote an officer into one of your existing rifle squads. Sorta like the "Veteran Squad Leader" upgrade for grens, except you're also teching when you first do it. Since Rifles are already a 5-man squad, maybe instead of adding a model you would just "promote" one of the squads, replacing one model with a tommy-gun officer and adding the appropriate squad abilities. Or... I dunno, maybe just add a guy. Other factions have non-doctrinal 6-man squads, why shouldn't USF? I know riflemen are already strong but theoretically you'd only bother to have like two of these upgraded squads in a whole game anyway. Make it so you can't have more than one of either officer at any time, so no OP shenanigans with overloaded rifle spam.

    /* * *
    Or hey make it so you can only attach officers to rear-echelon troops. Now RE's are actually relevant and useful for more than just mine detection and zooks misses. You're still only gonna have a couple of them, they're not gonna be your front-line troops, but they are now a serviceable alternative to riflemen, and the tommy gun could counteract the loss of firepower from the minesweeper package. If they stay alive until vet 3, you've got yourself a decent 6-man infantry squad that has a pretty good catalog of support abilities. With certain doctrines you could end up with 6-man officer-RE squads that also have flamethrowers or grenade launchers. Somebody somewhere might actually use the "volley-fire" ability if their RE's could have an early tommy gun added. I kinda like this idea better than the riflemen upgrade option honestly.
    * * */

    Anyways IDK I just find that my USF early game is sorta hampered by the anxiety of this decision... which officer will I choose early; why; which of many possibilities will I do with this extra infantry unit, and how will it tie in with my doctrine choice, and the enemy's choices? It's a powerful and useful squad in the early game, but it's also a weird liability. You have to really think about how you want to employ it, and how it will effect your future decisions; it also is a heavy target for enemy focus-fire. It's like this early-game semi-elite niche infantry that you have to sorta babysit. I kinda just don't even want it a lot of times. Other factions tech up by building a basically passive structure that will likely never even take damage, whereas USF has to dedicate population (and therefore early-game manpower income), and micro-time to a field unit that could end up being a liability as much as an asset.

    So my "promote riflemen" idea could theoretically reduce the MP-income loss, population loss, opportunity cost, and micro-liability that the USF acquires by simply teching up. It would also give the USF more non-doctrinal infantry options beyond "2xBAR riflemen" which is frankly pretty boring. Like if you suffer some wipes late-game, and you have no doctrinal elite infantry, you can always slap a fresh officer onto one of your rifle squads in a pinch.

    submitted by /u/spatialflow
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    Luvnest's fall from grace!?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 04:22 PM PST

    Expected to see the Champ taking the world champs again but he was beaten by the guy that ended up third!

    Connection issues!? Stroke? What happened. Congrats to the new champ Isildur!

    submitted by /u/jackel_witch
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    Is it just me or is it easier to play UKF in 3v3 4v4.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 01:35 PM PST

    I believe the UKF is the most suited for team games. Of course, having USF or soviets in the mixte is great to have for a better team balance.

    But i found that if you play USF in teams, it seems that if my teammates arent so good, that i cant keep up for long and make difference to win it.

    And If i play UKF with not so great teammates, then i can managed to keep it up and make a difference to win.

    While with the soviet its 50 50.

    What you guys think.

    submitted by /u/Screwball_
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    How Is posible?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 09:30 AM PST

    Consensus on Flamethrower upgrade for Engineers

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 04:47 PM PST

    Do you generally consider it worth it? My line of thought has always been that if your engineers are in front line combat things are bad enough that the munis spent on the upgrade are much better used on something like an airstrike or stuka bomb, for example.

    submitted by /u/Kornax82
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    Questions regarding OKW

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 03:57 AM PST

    Recently I've been trying OKW. These are my feeling or questions about it. If you have any advice, will you let me know? Thank you in advance.

    1. Allied "cars" are too powerful in early game.

    I mean the Soviet M3, the USF WC51, and the UKF UC. Volksgranadiers don't have AT snares at the start, so I use Panzerfüsiliers instead. Any counters other than Raketenwerfers?

    1. When to build the Battlegroup HQ

    I always go for the Mechanized Regiment HQ to get a Luchs. When should I build the Battlegroup HQ instead in 1v1 games?

    1. What's the point of the Puma?

    I know it has the best AT capability among light vehicles. However, I never build them. My concern is that they would be completely useless after they did their job, that is, destroying light tanks. Can they do something against medium tanks in later game, or will they become jobless?

    1. Are Obersoldaten weak?

    I hear they are the strongest infantry in the game. But really? I tried them in several matches with StG44 upgrades, but I felt like vetted Volksgranadiers or Panzerfüsiliers did far better than them in anti-infantry tasks. They were very expensive and fragile, only causing me manpower bleeds.

    submitted by /u/sheepshooter13
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    British Assault Over the Rhine | Company of Heroes 2 Realism

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 08:16 AM PST

    Bloody Hard game a few days ago on Essen. (Lamri22uk)

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 07:02 AM PST

    A totally overpowered suggestion .

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 11:00 PM PST

    Give the OST arty officer the ability to call in barrages from all friendly arty units . Having stukas , wefers , ISG's , LEFh's and mortars all coming down on a single point is the biggest middle finger to Brit Simcity one can have in the game. Oh and remove the red flares too .

    submitted by /u/banglamadarchod
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