• Breaking News

    Friday, December 18, 2020

    Company of Heroes Can anyone tell me, what’s this new weapon? 😂

    Company of Heroes Can anyone tell me, what’s this new weapon? ��

    Can anyone tell me, what’s this new weapon? ��

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 04:44 AM PST

    In your own opinion, how many mortars is mortar spam?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 09:20 PM PST

    Can someone please tell me on how the M36 is "underperforming?"

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 10:58 AM PST

    After getting out of the comments of the new patch notes (and boi was it the definition of overreaction) I've seen comments that say the Jackson was somehow "underperforming" which is mind boggling because it reliably pierces the front armor of heavies in practically every game I play. Can someone explain how the Jackson is underperforming? I get the -10% nerf on the vet 2 which I think it's manageable, but I've rarely seen it bounce off of heavies especially at vet 0. Also can someone link some up-to-date stats for all units because I genuinely believe there's a definite overreaction going on regarding about the stats of unit performance.

    submitted by /u/TheMob-TommyVercetti
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    V3 Patch Preview Winter 2020/21 - All Factions notes and demos

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 11:49 PM PST

    What's your least favourite current 1v1 map and why?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 05:37 AM PST

    Personally, I dislike Crossroads Winter because the fuel cutoff is in the middle of the map, which makes fighting for it super important, but also very campy with multiple MGs usually sitting on each side and infantry just flaking around the same routes. Also Rechnaya Pereprava is a map I don't particularly like, mostly because of the red cover in the river and on the central bridge. Crossing in the Woods is up there as well although i can't really explain why i dislike it as much as i do.

    submitted by /u/Umbranox21
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    Minor Bugs

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 02:25 AM PST

    Hello there! I have noticed a number of minor bugs that really annoy me every time I see them so here is a small list so that these may be fixed with the patch. I don't know if this subreddit is the right place to post, so if anyone has a better place to post this, feel free.

    - Most grenade abilities bug out the thrower's animation so they no longer actually fire their gun and remain in an idle animation until retreated or until the ability is off cooldown. This is fixed by changing the 'retrigger' flag in the animation state of these abilities to false.
    - Ai should be able to build KV-1s.
    - Ai should be able to use all abilities; such as OST Bombing Strike, OST Stormtrooper grenades, OST Panzer Tactician, OKW Volks Fire Grenade, UFK AT Grenade and a lot more (remember to make ai_ability entries for new abilities guys!).

    Theatre of War
    I know few players care for this, but a bug is a bug.

    - Fix an issue where call-in ability requirements cannot be met. This is because tier 4 / battle phase 3 is not always available - making them available for the sole purpose of call-ins seems the obvious way to fix this.
    - Fix an issue where panzergrenadiers cannot correctly pick up team weapons. I think this is related to the player upgrade that changes their weapon (which works better as an entity action, similar to squad-wide weapon upgrades).
    - Fix an issue where panzergrenadiers' MP40 damage profile is worse than that of Pioneers. Instead use the StG44's.
    - Fix issues with the PzB-39; change stats to match PTRS-41 (albeit single-shot), fix dropped slot item (now drops PTRS-41 instead of PzB-39), and fix the issue where panzergrenadiers cannot receive commander upgrades (G43) since there is not enough inventory space (instead remove stock PzB and add 2x PzB upgrade).

    - Fix front firing effect of MG gunner.

    - Fix UI position in commander card.
    - Fix requirement string (empty).

    - Change hotkey of Rudimentary Repair from R to X (conflicts with Reinforce).

    Jaeger Command Squad
    - Change unit icon from Assault Officer to the correct one.

    - Remove phantom co-axial machine gun; it spews bullets from main cannon?! No way that this is intentional, otherwise an effect fix.

    Guards Airborne Troops
    - Fix vet 3 description from "increased cool downs..." to 'decreased cooldowns...'.
    - Change squad name from "Guards Airbourne" to 'Guards Airborne Troops' or something similar.

    - Remove the period at the end of the name of the call-in ability.

    Commissar Squad
    - Fix grenade ability range when suppressed (currently it will not be reduced).

    Jaeger Light Infantry
    - Fix the unit icon to the right one with leaves and cross (currently uses the one meant for Jaeger Command Squad which ironically uses the wrong icon).

    Sturm Offizier
    - Fix the smoke grenade ability name; it is missing (empty field).

    HEAT Shells
    - Add (PASSIVE) indicator to command bar UI ability.
    - Add something like 'Timed ability available for P4, Panther, KT' as "extra text" (green italic below description).

    SdKfz 221
    - Change unit and command bar UI name from Sd.Kfz. 221 to SdKfz 221 (withouth periods); this is a consistancy issue since no other SdKfz unit has the periods.
    - Change (Passive) indicator to ALL CAPS.

    Tiny Changes
    I don't want this post to be a "my changes are so much better than the balance mod"-post, but I think there are some small inconsistancies that I noticed, although these are subjective.

    Shock Troops (SOV) & Stormtroopers (OST)
    - Add the unit type tag that allows them to fire lmgs on the move. All other similar units of other factions have this; after all they are, usually, close range / flanking / moving units and picking up an lmg is punishment most of the time, but not for similar units of UFK, USF and OKW!

    OKW Panzer Command
    - Add a slot item decorator to clearify the upgrade. After all such decorators exist to communicate functionality mainly to the opposing player. There already is one that can be used here (Icons_weapons_tank_vision).

    OKW Feuersturm Rocket Barrage
    - I don't know if this is intended or not, but the ability's weapon is worse than that of the Stuka Zu Fuss unit, namely damage (-40). Could be intended but the ability is very weak.
    - Change icon of ability to Stuka Zu Fuss barrage ability. Somehow this ability's icon is completely different from all other artillery barrages, which is really strange! Also because the icon depicts an artillery barrage very poorly.

    There are possibly a lot more small things like these, probably UKF and USF, but these are the ones that I noticed.

    submitted by /u/Kaptinspooky
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    OKW Obers build.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 05:30 AM PST

    Hi everyone. Is there any valid OKW build that include making Obers in the mid game, without playing risky or having too much infantry, or they just used to replace lost tier 1 units?

    submitted by /u/AliIYousef
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    Cannot play skirmish or multiplayer - maybe I am not connecting with the Relic servers?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 01:46 PM PST

    This has been going on for a while now, even with other games developed by Relic like Dawn of War.

    For some reason, Company of Heroes (both 1 and 2) are not allowing me to play skirmish or mulitplayer. They keep telling me that there was an error while loading the match.

    I verified my game files and checked if I needed any updates. I also checked my connection (it is a wired connection so there is not much that I can do) and still the same issue.

    I am at a loss here really

    Update - I believe Steam is a part of the issue because there are times that Steam does not connect and stays that it cannot connect to the Steam network or it stays stuck to the "connecting" box.

    I checked my network connection and everything seems to be fine

    Update - I think I solved the issue. I needed to turn off my firewall. But is there any to counter this without needing to turn off my firewall every time

    submitted by /u/sammyjamez
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    Question about console commands

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 08:50 AM PST

    Heya so I'm a noob when it comes to console command stuff (never played on pc and all I have is the mobile port for the 1st game) I was wondering if there were any commands I could run other than infinite resources and increasing pop cap (game strangely runs fine with 7 ais and me having 300 pop cap and a horde of screaming mi-mi's) are there ways I could give my self the reinforcement things? (The doctrine exclusive prompts that allow me to use air strikes) as one of the other doctrines? It would be cool to do a game as Germany where I only have the defensive doctrine, and no armor support but I have the terror doctrine, blitzkreig and the bonus where as a squad loses men they become stronger...

    The only moment where I see this is in the final level of the main campaign(closing the falaise pocket, where the game gives you the 2 air strikes from the airborne doctrine but allows you to pick a doctrine like infantry)

    If you could tell me how that works or give me the console command that would be good

    submitted by /u/Commrade-DOGE
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