• Breaking News

    Wednesday, February 10, 2021

    Company of Heroes It's a deep pain, a pain that never truly heals...

    Company of Heroes It's a deep pain, a pain that never truly heals...

    It's a deep pain, a pain that never truly heals...

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 06:37 AM PST

    Why is (insert faction) so OP?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 07:06 AM PST

    I just got out of a game and this guy was playing (insert OP faction). I controlled early and mid game double fuels but he somehow got out a (insert tank) at the 10 minute mark. Then he built 4 HMGs and I could not regain any of my territory and lost.

    I have over 2000 hours (against ai) I feel like I know how to play this game.

    submitted by /u/M4ve12ick0
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    MFW 2x paks pwning armor is literal doctrine (in addition to being bullshit ;) )

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 01:14 PM PST

    spotted this in helbe encirclement .. new nutzi secret weapon. STUG 222 with autocannon and stug body

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 11:32 PM PST

    What if Company of Heroes 2 was an arcade game?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 03:55 PM PST

    Coh2 game tonight!

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 09:14 AM PST

    Join us 20r for our second Coh2 night tonight. Game will be hosted at 9:20 pm EST. No experience required, and depending how many people we get, we will do a private game, or just a public lobby. Mic isn't required, but we would highly recommend. 20r also has many other games you can join as well like Rust, Sea of thieves, and eu4. Message me or comment with questions. Discord link- https://discord.gg/20r

    submitted by /u/chocolate_doenitz
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    Heard you liked Setxons

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 08:57 PM PST

    Coh2 Game in half an hour.

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 05:49 PM PST

    We have a game starting in just over 30 minutes. Message me if you wanna join, its fine if you are a bit late.

    submitted by /u/chocolate_doenitz
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    How to beat germans?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 12:56 PM PST

    I'm fairly new at the game, and somehow always lose to germans, no matter if I play british, soviet or us forces, they always have more units, more firepower, more mobility and more range. Is there a tutorial or something out there?

    submitted by /u/RumplyThrower09
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    Cant find any games on gamepass

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 06:48 AM PST

    It was working for a while but now even searching for a 1v1 it says searching axis 100% and allies 0%

    submitted by /u/Ghostmatch73
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    What is ostheer?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 03:51 AM PST


    submitted by /u/ModiniMaster
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    OKW In A Very Bad Place [4v4]

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 01:27 PM PST

    OKW are in a bad place generally but especially 4v4. What's the win rate for 4v4, do we know? Here are some issues, most OKW specific but not all.

    Firstly, OKW has no blob control & gets pushed around/bullied by Soviet swarms or any blob of anything right from the very first moments of the game. Throw in even a modicum of combined arms & the sheer versatility of allied units create intractable problems for Axis. They get bullied & stuck in a constant retreat-loop of doom (see last point).


    • Getting an MG out takes too much time & resources, it's such an investment by that point (at the cost of not getting a lieg, for example) it must be played PERFECTLY with zero margin for error or it's game over. Allied player can make mistakes all game long and recover, Axis cannot;
    • Axis MG's, unlike allied MG's, are at a general disadvantage due to their exceptionally long set-up/retreat times. Tangentially related: slower suppression of Axis MG's means enemy blobs simply face-rush Axis MG's frontally and nuke it, not needing to bother flanking half the time;
    • Allied MG's are not at risk of squad wipes from indirect. Lots of time to react, or not -- they usually don't have to react. IF you're using a leig to clear an MG position, it takes like three entire salvos or more (two if you're lucky);


    Unit preservation is shit for Axis.

    • Small squad size translates into staying in fights for shorter duration's while risking loss of entire squads more often which then snowballs into downstream problems (lack of vet for squads as force multiplier/resource drain). Using doctrinal 6-man fusiliers is such a game changer for this reason, durable, preservable, able gain vet;

    Anyone know the statistics for squad wipes? Bet anything that Axis receive squad wipes at a rate of 2x or more than Allies -- probably several standard deviations higher.

    • Volks grenade ability is pathetic compared to what allies have (Russians get a satchel-nuke). It will force a soviet MG to move a few feet but that's not at all helpful when the soviet MG can displace & set-up again with lightning speed... and it's feckless against general infantry. Put simply Allied players are given decisive grenades/bombs early, having outsized impact for their cost wheras Axis don't have anything decisive in their kit ...it has big consequences.

    Lack of options for taking out emplacements / indirect & LeIG is garbage

    In the case of allied MG spam (garrisoned especially but this applies generally, too) ...creates intractable problems. Without the leig there is no way to remove them and even when you DO have the leig.... it's SLOW. A single LeIG is not exactly panic inducing. It's not accurate and it's slow. Allot of the time the MG doesn't even move because it doesn't need to. Whereas if my MG is being mortared (by any allied mortar or indirect) it must be moved immediately.

    So, at minimum two leigs are required... meanwhile you sacrificed an MG to do that so what are you covering your leigs with because the Allied player isn't just going to allow you to mindlessly salvo their MG's or mortar pit.

    • Furherstorm doctrine ability aside (that's very good but expensive), Leigs aren't very good. But you shouldn't be forced into a doctrine just to have a good leig -- Leigs also don't seem to cause as much bleed or kill as much as anything Allies use. And the leig is also precariously slow to retreat (see last point for more on that).
    • Emplacement & MG's aside... LeIG as general-use indirect as a support for frontline is underwhelming -- it's slow and just doesn't seem to kill allot. It's also at greater risk of being de-crewed. If your front line units are retreated it will be a goner (see last point about superior allied retreat mechanics).
    • Walking stuka is great, I agree. But it's allot of precious fuel, comes late and delays lots of other things. You're on the back foot when building this thing and God help you if you lose it. And by the way, a single LeIG or Stuka will NOT take out brit emplacements. Between brace and repair a single leIG is utterly feckless. Two LeIG's can do it but it takes 2-3x uninterrupted salvos (and that's a very long period of time). Meanwhile, said emplacements can go right back up pretty easily... there is no timer or large cost in either resources or manpower or build time as far as I'm aware.

    And before anyone says "Smoke the MG then flank!" ...yeah I agree that is better. However, going back to the earlier problem: Allied MG's reposition FAST often negating this entire tactic. It is most often re-positioned outside the smoke. Smoking an Axis MG however: is a retreated MG or dead MG, something not true for the Allied MG.

    Allied Armor & AT is very VERY good

    Sheer quality & versatility of Allied AT is beyond compare. Thick-armored Brit/Soviet tanks have staying power and can't be cracked if they have the right mix of unit blobs around them. Or the fast-swarming high dps soviet tank blob. All allied tanks, even the tank destroyers, have solid AI abilities. Or the infantry that are excellent AT as well as AI? Or how about the plethora of indirect fire choices. Allies have it all -- spoiled for choice.

    Allies NEVER have to make hard choices. The sheer versatility of their units, combined with their versatility... Allied player is never making hard choices, even when he's losing... Almost any deficit or set-back for the Allied player can be overcome. Again, every choice Axis makes is high stakes and margin for error is near zero.

    One major advantage of Allies NEVER discussed: their "rapid cycle" time.

    Time from retreat/reinforce/heal-to-back-into-battle.

    Allied Medic Trucks/retreat points are very mobile and can be set up pretty close to the action, significantly reducing turn-around time of a retreat. This is one of the single most overlooked advantages of Allies. They can retreat and get back to the fighting at 2x the rate of the Axis player on some maps. If the truck is caught out, it can be moved simply enough, if it's nuked, it can be easily replaced. No sweat.

    Conversely, each time the Axis retreats it must make the long distance back to base or the forwardly placed medic truck -- which the axis player must be very cautious in placing given all the allied indirect -- and if/when the Axis Med Truck is lost it's a far bigger deal than the allied player losing their truck/point.

    I'd like to see win rate of axis/allies 4v4 on only the largest maps -- that would be illuminating.

    submitted by /u/S0_L337
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