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    Friday, February 12, 2021

    Company of Heroes The Panther with 9 lives

    Company of Heroes The Panther with 9 lives

    The Panther with 9 lives

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 07:54 AM PST

    Beautiful wipe on these Fallschirmjägers-the guy surrendered shortly after

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 11:31 AM PST

    Epic base wipe with HUGE explosions

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 09:26 PM PST

    Will Company of Heroes 1 run on Windows 10?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 01:54 PM PST

    Before I install it again I'd like to know will it run.

    submitted by /u/Pacho2020
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    Best game like CoH? ..

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 11:17 AM PST

    I played CoH 1 and 2 all the way through and loved them. Also did a couple of the expansion packs.

    Until we get a CoH3, what other games would you recommend similar to this? Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/impreza77
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    Countering Noah's Ark (double mg double atg) as Soviets

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 05:36 PM PST

    Recently I've come short trying to deal with double mg double at, mostly from OKW because it only comes out in the mid game when I have already chosen a build order and followed it through. My infantry can't make any ground because of the mgs and my armour can't touch the mgs because of the at. Also, a good player will separate the guns so as to not be as susceptible to a Katyusha. My standard build order is 4 cons and 2 flamer engineers, followed by t70 and zis gun. Any suggestions on how to deal with this?

    submitted by /u/MetricOnion
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    Friday night fun!!

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 08:34 PM PST

    Ahhhh...4v4...1 hour game with 25 And 14 VPs points left at 1 min before game is over!! Phew I love coh!!!

    Had 100 pop cap then 14 then back to 100 over 2 mins. Artillery was brutal!!

    submitted by /u/Sedawkgrepnewb
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    Lend-Lease Weapon Racks Upgrade for USF? What are your thoughts?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 05:17 PM PST

    Maybe someone has mentioned this before, but a friend and I were discussing how it's possible for Conscripts to become the ultimate uility infantry with repairs, mollies, and snares, while having both PPSh SMGs and SVT Rifles in a team game, then our discussion pivoted over to the possibility of teammates being allowed to utilise USF weapon racks.

    Of course, from a balance perspective, I thought it shouldn't be free. So what do you guys think of USF having some sort of Lend-Lease Equipment upgrade they could get once they've teched for the Major, which allows teammates to grab stuff from USF weapon racks?

    Also, for the more experienced modders out there, do you think it's possible to do this via the modding tools we have for CoH2?

    submitted by /u/theconservativeguyme
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    Ruins Cinematic Battle | Company of heroes 2 Wikinger mod

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 03:48 PM PST

    Commander for LMG Obers? (4x4)

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 06:23 AM PST

    Given upcoming Winter Patch changes, i decided to look into Obers and start to use them more often. But with almost every commander i use they feel awkward and out of place. So, what do i miss?

    • Overwatch/Scavenge: have JLI that fill exactly same role - hardy long-ranged inf, even have same booby trap ability.
    • Breakthrough/Grand Off: again, Panzerfuses fill roughly same role and appear earlier. I tried to do super expensive AT PF/AI Obers combo with Grand Off, but it's just too expensive for squishy small elite force.
    • Fallschirms: yet again - you already have elite AI infantry
    • Fortifications: most of commander abilities are already AI (minefields, bunkers, flaks, leigs to some decree), and they all need lots of manpower.
    • Feuersturm: in theory could serve as support for MG40 Volks, but in reality Feuer, just like Fortification, has just too much AI to really care about Obers. Also very ammo intensive, so 80 ammo on Obers gonna hit.
    • Elite Armor/Specops: these two looks like the best bet, but still... kinda awkward, okay? Specops have STGs, so if you go LMG, you kinda waste your commander ability (and Silence + Grenade salvo further imply that STGs are better for Specops Obers), while Elite Armor is already lategame-ish doctrine that rely on, well, armor, so in theory you can fit one squad to support Volkses? Dunno, it's still lacks oomph, even if they somewhat fit Elite Armor.

    While i'm pretty content with Obers as unit, i just don't see them being any viable with most commanders. Almost everyone has AI units that come earlier, are backbone of said doctrine or just work better. So, what do i miss?

    submitted by /u/Rufus_Forrest
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    Winter Balance Request No.3

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 12:47 PM PST

    This might not see the light of day because the balance patch might be in a final stage before shipping but a man can dream.



    Partison didn't have alot use right now because of the low squad population and you have to buy multiple unit to effectively use it,the goal is to decrease micro drain and add more utility use.

    • increase Manpower to 240 (or 250)
    • increse the size from 4 to 5.
    • Arm with Mosin nagant but can be upgrade with Ppsh For 50 munition ( Almost in-line with supply crate).
    • Increase population from 4 to 6.

    -Partison AT Squad

    This is intend to use for people who want to use Penal but don't want to upgrade Ptrs.

    • Increase squad size to 5.
    • Decrease manpower from 300 to 270 (in-line with UKF tank hunter section,but with infiltration ability).
    • Equip with 2 Ptrs but can upgrade to Panzerschreck with 70 munition.
    • Decrease Population from 8 to 6 (Honestly who think is a good idea to have shitty 4man squad with 1 Schreck to have 8 population).


    -Royal Engineer

    • Increase the range of HEAT greande from 20 to 30 (in-line with Grenedier) due to lack of AT threat from mainline infantry

    -6 Pounder AT-Gun

    • Decrease Manpower from 320 to 290 due to the nerf from Light vehicle bonus have been remove (For those who are new 6 pounder use to have 50% accuracy bonus when targeting light vehicle).


    -Radio Silence

    • Reduce duration from 60 seconds to 30 ,because this ability cost only 40 munition to use and using the power of math it's like u pay 1muni for 1.3 second of sprinting.
    submitted by /u/myidgame01
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    Resource loss?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 12:03 PM PST

    Is it just me or do the resources get negatively affected whenever a squad dies or a vehicle gets destroyed?

    submitted by /u/jeturbo
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    Disruption Doctrine - How my custom OKW doctrin would look like [Discussion]

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 09:22 AM PST

    First of all, i am not a too experienced player so i can't really say if this would be a too strong doctrine, solid or bad one. This is just one i like to think about because it reflects pretty well my playstyle with OKW.

    Name: Disruption Doctrine

    Number 1: 1CP - Jaeger Light Infantry Recon Squad.
    I LOVE this unit. It might not be the best playstyle but i love pushing early to get some territory and then terrorize the enemy infantry with these guys. Yes, 3-4 squads of these are kinda too much. But it is insanely fun if you can afford to get them, equipt them with their G43 and sprint around the front lines, placing booby traps on the points and ambush what is left of the exploded Squad due to their stealth.

    Number 2: 2CP - Fallschirmjäger
    Well, time to continue with another stealth unit, this time one that has the potential to kinda hard massacre enemy infantry. I love their weapons, their utillty and the fact that it's another stealth unit. For the playstyle mentioned in the Jaeger section, i basically would run around with 1-2 jaegers and maybe 1-2 Fallschirmjäger. I imagine it pretty devastating if you can manage these guys with the jaegers smart behind the enemy lines and take out some infantry. ( And a little side note: FallschirmjÄger and JAEger light infantry. In the german language both would be "Jäger" )

    Number 3: 1 CP - Early Warning System
    For the records: The overwatch doctrine is my favorite doctrine. The Flares to place on spots is something i find pretty useful if you can combine it with some long range support fire. IG18 is not the best option but having artillery or mobile artillery it is pretty neat. I like the goliaths for ambushes too tho they are... Tricky to use. I find it a great addition to the Jaeger's and just think it would give you some additional impact behind the enemy lines if you steal their capture points or allows you to use them a bit more defensive on the front, this includes the goliath and the flares.

    Okay, now things get a little more tricky because i find it hard deciding on two more doctrinal abillities so i am gonna put some here now with a explaination why i think they would suit to the base of number 1-3

    Suggestions Number 1: 8CP - leFH 18 Artillery
    What would suit an ambushing and disrupting infantry scouting killer squad support more than a long range artillery? This arti has it's problems, strengths and weaknesses and i know that this one would be for sure some controversial. I personally like the idea. Jaegers behind the lines finishing off damaged inf. Fallschirmjäger taking them down to that borderline. Both scouting behind the enemy lines and you use all that info gathering to let the artillery shoot the best targets.

    Suggestion Number 2: 0 CP - Breakthrough Tactics
    I gotta admit here, that i can't quite judge about the strength of this part or even if i properly know how it works. But i imagine it as pretty useful for this flanking, ambushing and disrupting theme that you can claim capture points faster. BUT I kinda feel like it would be a bit overkill putting Breakthrough Tactics into one Doctrin with the Fallschirmjägers. I like the idea tho to sneak through, steal a point, plant bombs and either ambush there or flee off to the next one.

    Suggestion Number 3: 3CP - Infiltration Tactics
    Also here i gotta admit i have not really a idea how this one works. But from how it sounds like, it would add some additional strength to the ambushes you do with the stealth units then which would ( in my imagination ) cause some pretty deadly ambushes and flanks on enemy infantry.

    Suggestion Number 4: 0CP - Thorough Salvage
    The reason behind this is rather simple. This playstyle woudl cost literally a shit ton of munition-ressources. Maybe that would be the weakness if it would ever come out... But this one would definitely help it out.


    Okay... Now, why i don't take certain things that could be considered into this one too:

    Number 1 and 2: 0CP - Panzerfüsiliers and 2CP Sturm Officier
    These units are good, sometimes even essential. No question. But it just wouldn't suit into this playstyle i think and probably bears the risk to make it too good with so much insane infantry in there? I also don't really feel like the füsiliers are really something special which for me is also a bit the point of this doctrine.

    Number 3 and 4: For The Fatherland, Valiant Assault ( 2CP / 6 CP )
    I guess they would be good... I just don't like those types of abillity. At least not in my current level of skill and experience. I like never use them but i am sure they are good. Maybe too good in this one?

    Number 5: 12CP - Airborne Assault
    I'm not too experienced with the Fallschirmjäger doctrin... But in the games i used this one it felt kinda... Meh... A little unrewarding to use it imo plus even if you get more Fallschirmjäger with it, i kinda feel like it doesn't match to far. Why would you send planes to attack when you infiltrate? On the other hand you send in planes to place Fallschirmjäger to your Jaegers...

    Number 6+: Basically all the artillery fire doctrins: Artillery Flares, Sector Assault, Zeroing Artillery, Sector Artillery, Rocket Barrage ( 4CP, 12CP, 12CP, 12CP, 9CP - I hope i didn't missed one. )
    Yes, they are strong... I think... Haven't used all of them. I don't think you need the flares since you have scout units. The others for sure might be something good but i just don't really like those abillities and since it's my doctrine, they would be left out. As mentioned earlier, overwatch doctrine is my favorite and i rarely use the Stuka assault there and get along pretty solid without it and use it in some infantry-cluster-emergency-situations.

    Anything else i didn't mention now just didn't really suited this doctrine imo.


    You survived unil this point? Congrats. What do you think? I would love to discuss about this one here, be it the power level, which one you would add or remove ( especially add since Number 1-3 are what I would obviously take for sure but feel free to share both. ). What can I say else...? I guess a mail from the devs about making this doctrine come true would be the best thing ever for me XD

    Anyway... Now i am curious what people think about this one ^_^

    submitted by /u/Raiju_Lorakatse
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    Can you still play multiplayer online?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 11:12 PM PST

    I Have not played PC games since 2012. I Didn't game much for a few year. I Started playing playing Xbox about 5 years ago. I got this shinny new Xbox series x and all the games suck right now. In desperation I started playing Halo wars 2. I remembered that I really love RTS games and company of hero's being my all time favorite. I then decided I would build a new PC. Took myself down to micro center and spent $2700 lol. I Have not built a PC since 2008, the new PC is amazing. I'll be able to play CoH at 400 FPS 🤦‍♂️.

    TDLR: can you still play CoH multiplayer online

    submitted by /u/Nevada-Explorer
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    Hey guys any tips on how to beat expert ai soviets?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 01:19 AM PST

    I have been playing Coh for 5 years now but I have more experience in the first game. I always play against expert ai but when I picked my enemy as the soviets for the first time, they easily spammed their tanks at 10 minutes(SU 85s and T-34s)even though I dominated in early game as the Oberkommando(I use the commander with the Jagdtiger). And when I make a last stand they just bomb me with katyusha rockets.

    submitted by /u/Gab_RR
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    Returning CoH2 player/Bugsplat Issues

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 12:35 AM PST

    Good day CoH

    I haven't played CoH2 since 2017 and I returned about 4 days ago.

    Just wondering if a veteran could the low down on all the crashing/bugsplat stuff.

    I used to play on a piece of shit laptop and never had the game crash but now I'm on a semi decent pc and the game crashes pretty regularly especially when I try to access my inventory.

    Bugsplat told me to verify my game files through steam which I did and it still crashes. Any solutions/tips/history of the Bugsplat would be appreciated.

    EDIT: Managed to stop the crashes from accessing inventory by unsubscribing to all of the workshop content.

    And it seems the constant crashes are a new problem brought about by the recent 64bit update? Or was this a problem before.

    submitted by /u/Best-Jellyfish6600
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